Mule Multiple flows loading shared properties file - mule

I have a mule application comprising of 10 mule XML files. Some of these XML files need to use same property from commong prperties ( file.
(1) Should ALL the flows that need use a given property load the properties file containing that property using --
<context:property-placeholder location="" />
(2) OR should only one of the XML file add property-placeholder?
(3) If option (2) is right, then does the order of mentioning the xml files as config.resources in play any role?
Please shed some light on this.

You only need it once, and it does not matter where you put it.

You only need one property file and you can setup this for 3 environments liks DEV,QA and PROD and setop property to pick right file.

There is a lot of documentation that shows users different ways to read a properties file in Mule flows.
Here are three approaches on how you can do this:
Reading a properties file using ${Key} expression
Reading a properties file using ![p[‘Key’]] expression
Reading a properties file using p() function from DataWeave
If you deploy multiple applications through a Shared Resources structure, don’t set anything in the properties files, as there might potentially be conflicts between the various apps that share a domain. Instead, set environment variables over the scope of the deployed app, its domain, and other apps under that domain.
As explained in Shared Resources, in Studio you can create these variables through the Environment tab of the Run Configurations menu, reachable via the drop-down menu next to the Play button.


How to switch between different properties files based on request at runtime?

Currently I read properties file by defining a global element like;
> <configuration-properties doc:name="Local Configuration Properties"
> doc:id="899a4f41-f036-4262-8cf2-3b0062dbd740"
> file="config\" />
But this is not enough for me
when try to deal different clients dynamically.
I need to pick right configuration file when request comes in. That is, for different clients I have different properties file.( their credentials and all different). When request is received from listener, i'll check with clientid header and based on that value, i'll pick right configuration file. My properties files are added to different location.(Doing deployment through openshift.) Not within mule app. So, we don't need to redeploy the application each time, when our application supports new client.
So, in this case, how to define ? and how to pick right properties file?
clientid =google, i have properties file defined for
clientid=yahoo, i have properties file defined for
clientid=? I'll add properties file ? later
Properties files are read deployment time. That means that if you change the values, you to redeploy the application to read the new ones. System properties need a restart of the Mule Runtime instance to be set. And Runtime Manager properties need a restart of the application. In any case the application will restart. Properties can not be used as you want.
There is no way to use configuration properties dynamically like that. What you could do is to create a module using Mule SDK that read properties files and returns the resulting set of properties, so you can assign the result to a variable, and use the values as variables. You will need to find a way to update the values. Maybe set a flow with a scheduler to read the values with a fixed frequency.

Xquery extracting property values from .properties file

I am currently trying to extract property values from my properties file, but am running into some problems. I can't test this in ML query console, because the properties file doesn't exist there. I am currently trying to grab the values of the file like this
let $port := #{#properties[""]}
I've also looked at
$uri as xs:string,
$property as xs:QName
however that is limited to .xml files I believe. Does anyone have a way/work-around of accessing these values? I can't seem to find one I've looked at some documentation on Marklogic's website, but can't seem to get anything to work. The way I was accessing before was in ruby, through monkey-patching allowing me to access those private fields.The problem with that is the ruby script I call is only called once, while my .xqy file is ran every minute that sends args to another function. I need to access those args from the properties file, right now I just have them hard-coded in. Any thoughts?
You cannot access deployment properties like that, but you can pass them along with deployment. If you create a new REST app with latest Roxy, you should get a copy of this config.xqy added to src/config/:
That file is treated specially when deployed to the modules database. Properties references are replaced inside there. In your case, add another variable, and give it a string value following the pattern:
declare variable $c:port := "";
You can then import the config lib, and use it in your code.
These so-called Deployer Substitutions are described in more detail on the Roxy wiki:

How to register a Property Handler on folders?

I built a virtual filesystem (not a namespace extension) for Windows which acts as a frontend of our document management server consisting of files and folders. In order to be able to display some metadata of the DMS objects in Windows Explorer as additional selectable columns, I successfully provided properties to the Windows Property System by implementing a COM Property Handler. Wheras normal property handlers focus on specific file types for which they feel responsible, my Property Handler adds properties to all files regardless of their type. Because Property Handlers can only be registered on the file type level, I registered my handler for about 30 types under
However, I did not manage to register the Property Handler for folder objects. Since all objects in our file system are virtual I build the property store (IPropertyStore) by implementing IInitializeWithFile instead of IInitializeWithStream. The properties are requested from our DMS with the path of IInitializeWithFile acting as key and were not read from an objects content. This concept would work for folders as well.
For getting called on folders I tried to associate the handler by registering under different well known identifiers like Folder, Directory, AllFileSystemObjects and * instead of the file extension without success.
I also didn’t find anything in the MSDN documentation regarding this aspect.
Is there a way to register a Windows Property Handler on folders? Or is there some other way to add custom columns to folders in Windows Explorer?
I'm not sure if it is possible to do this.
Property handlers are clearly not the right approach, they are system wide and there can only be one per file extension. They should only be implemented by the software that "owns" the file extension and can parse the file to extract properties.
The old column handlers would have been your best bet (IMHO) but they are officially dead and you already said you can't use them.
Have you considered creating a namespace extension? Either as a root item somewhere (Desktop or My Computer) the way My Documents used to work in 2000/XP or maybe something more along the lines of how OneDrive works?
I'm not sure if desktop.ini files work in the root of a drive but it might be worth looking into. You would then find yourself in the poorly documented land of [.ShellClassInfo] and its CLSID, CLSID2 and UICLSID members. The general idea would be to act as a IShellFolder proxy on top of the "real" IShellFolder so you could create a multiplex property store. I think there are some (undocumented?) property keys you can override to change the folders default columns and tooltips as well.
There is also something called a delegated folder that allows you to play with nested PIDLs but the documentation is once again pretty useless so I'm not sure if this is something worth looking into.
A 3rd option is to pretend to be a cloud storage provider. I don't know if this gets you any closer to your goal and you would still have to implement some NSE bits to get to the point where you can layer yourself on top of the underlying IShellFolder. This feature is rather new and only documented to work on Windows 10.
The inner workings of how Explorer/IShellBrowser is connected to the IShellFolder/IShellView is one of the least documented parts of Windows. There are hundreds of undocumented interfaces. Explorer gives DefView special treatment leaving other 3rd-party implementations out in the cold.
My feeling is that there is no clean solution to implement this on top of a drive letter but you might get lucky, if Raymond Chen drops by he might have some tips for you...

Syntax of Local.Properties In Hybris

I know that local.Properties overrides project.Properties.
I also know that that these files define… database connections, ports, build environment, frontend HTTPS, etc.
I further know that project.Properties contains more properties.
Will appreciate if Hybris experts tell me syntax of local.Properties, illustrating with some example.
Please provide correct info.
If we talk about the syntaxes of entries in the file, then it is key=value
The property files in the hybris are of two types:
The extension level - The property file is the configuration file that carries properties in the key-value pair for the configurations involved on the extension level For instance, Consider a property in the of the yacceleratorstorefront (storefront template) extension storefront.storelocator.pageSize.Desktop=10 which clearly indicates the 'StoreLocator' results page size configuration per store. Since the store locator functionality is specific to the storefront and has no relevance for the other modules (like core, facades etc), the property is kept at the extension level.
Please note, reside in the extension folder
The global level - This is the property file which is the global configuration file, and deals with the properties are extension agnostic and carry a global impact. For instance the property commerceservices.default.desktop.ui.experience=responsive sets the ui experience to responsive mode that specifies the deployment to be for the responsive format.
The file supersedes all of the properties with the same key that is defined in any of the project.proprties.
Please note, the file reside in the hybris/config folder
The hybris registry creates a property configuration map which constitutes all of the properties mentioned in the deployment configuration. The same could be managed in the HAC under platform/configuration.
The clear intent of the local.proprties file is to have information which either requires to be overriden on a global level. The override may be of different types, e.g. cart expiry time could be made different on different environments by the use of the files.
For further reading, please refer to the link:
property call hierarchy (from primary to secondary):
java -Dproperty.key=something
and within java code:
configService.getString("property.key", "last fallback value, if no propertyfile provide this key");
You could review all current variables using the hac interface for properties: http://localhost:9001/platform/config

Resource Files in CF - Not Embedded

I have a PPC2003 project in VS2005. I have added a resource file (SomeResources.resx) to the project. I can access the test string I have in the file by using My.Resources.SomeResources.MyTestString (I am using the default Custom Tool Name that VS provides).
When the Build Action property of the is set to Embedded Resource, the application references the MyTestString successfully.
But I do not want to embed the file, so that it's string values can be modified after it has been deployed/installed.
I, therefore, changed the Build Action to Content, so that the file gets copied out to the device for potential future manipulation. When I call MyTestString I get the following error:
MissingManifestResourceException Stack Trace: at System.Resources.ResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet() at System.Resources.ResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet() at System.Resources.ResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet() at System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetString() at MyApp.My.Resources.SomeResources.get_MyTestString() at MyApp.fMain.fMain_Load() at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad() at System.Windows.Forms.Form._SetVisibleNotify() at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible() at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run() at MyApp.fMain.Main()
As the file is not embedded, do I maybe need to manually load it first? If so, how? Any other ideas? Is it not possible to do what I'm after achieving and should I just create my own XML file/reader?
Resources (resx files) are specifically designed to be compiled into the application. If you want it to be an editable content file on the target, then you have to approach it differently and use something like an XML file and wrap that with accessors (akin to the Configuration namespace stuff in the full framework).