Inserting to table in VB.NET, LINQ to SQL -

This is the beginnings of a timetabling algorithm. The problem is with inserting a member into a group, but I have included the whole subroutine here for context. The table "membergroup" has 2 headings, MemberID and GroupID. No error code is thrown, but the table does not receive the new record.
I have gone through it line by line, and the values for iMember_Choice.MemberID and groupID_to_insert are correct.
Dim numberofrooms As Byte = rm.Count
Dim possiblerooms(numberofrooms + 1), possibleroomcounter As Int32
For TimeTableNumber = 1 To Val(NumberOfTimetablesToCreate.Text)
Dim memchoic = (dc.ExecuteQuery(Of memberChoice)("SELECT * FROM MemberChoices ORDER BY NEWID()")).ToList 'Orders list randomly
'sort into array for each rank, so highest ranks are allocated first
Dim Member_choices_Table_ordered_by_rank = From q In memchoic Order By q.Rank
For Each Member_Choice In Member_choices_Table_ordered_by_rank
ProgressBar.Value = ProgressBar.Value + 1
Dim iMember_Choice As memberChoice = Member_Choice
'Dim memactpossibleinstance(maxmemchoicernk, n) As memactvpossibleinstance
For Each room In rm
Dim rmid As Int32 = room.RoomID ' finds rooms activities can be in
If Not (From rom In roomact Where rom.ActivityID = iMember_Choice.ActivityID And rom.RoomID = rmid).FirstOrDefault Is Nothing Then 'finds suitable rooms
possiblerooms(possibleroomcounter) = rmid
possibleroomcounter = possibleroomcounter + 1
End If
'find possible times
Dim roomid_to_insert, current_maximum_rank As Integer
Dim period_to_insert As String = "MonAM"
Dim staffact_that_can_do_this_activity = _
(From q In staffact Where q.ActivityID = iMember_Choice.ActivityID)
For roomcount = 0 To possibleroomcounter - 1 'for each room in roomcount, find rank for room
Dim rmid As Int32 = possiblerooms(roomcount)
For Each time In periods
Dim itime As String = time.Period
Dim Rank As Int16 = member_Error_check_period_count(iMember_Choice.MemberID, itime)
If Not (From rav In rmav Where rav.RoomID = rmid And rav.Period = itime) Is Nothing Then 'room is free
Rank = Rank + 12
Else ' room has an activity
Dim GroupID_now = (From q In instnce Where q.Period = itime And q.RoomID = rmid Select q.GroupID).SingleOrDefault
If GroupID_now <> 0 Then
Dim groupActID_now = (From q In grp Where q.GroupID = GroupID_now Select q.ActivityID).SingleOrDefault
'Dim activity_now = (From q In actv Where q.ActivityID = groupActID_now).SingleOrDefault
If groupActID_now = iMember_Choice.ActivityID Then 'Good, this activity is already on in this room
Rank = Rank + 50
If (From q In memgrp Where q.GroupID = GroupID_now).Count > 4 Then
Rank = Rank - 50
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Rank > current_maximum_rank Then
current_maximum_rank = Rank
roomid_to_insert = rmid
period_to_insert = itime
End If
Rank = 0
possibleroomcounter = 0
Next 'for each room possible
Dim groupID_to_insert As Integer
If (From q In instnce Where q.Period = period_to_insert And q.RoomID = roomid_to_insert).FirstOrDefault Is Nothing Then
groupID_to_insert = insert_ins_group(period_to_insert, roomid_to_insert, iMember_Choice.ActivityID)
groupID_to_insert = (From q In instnce Where q.Period = period_to_insert And q.RoomID = roomid_to_insert Select q.GroupID).SingleOrDefault
End If
'PROBLEM PROBPBLY HERE/////////////////////////////////////
memgrp.InsertOnSubmit(New membergroup With {.MemberID = iMember_Choice.MemberID, .GroupID = groupID_to_insert}) 'PROBLEM PROBABLY HERE
current_maximum_rank = 0
Next 'for each memberchoice
Next 'timetabl no
memgrp is initiated as
Dim memgrp As Table(Of membergroup) = dc.GetTable(Of membergroup)()


I have problem that says System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: 'Bad Data. ' in when trying to import RSA parameters

Here's the code I am not sure if there's any hidden error but on runtime when trying to import the rsa parameters it pops up that error
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Public Class RSA_Test_Form
Public FactorList As New List(Of Integer)
Public FindFactor As Long
Public PString, QString, ModulusString, ExponentString, DString, DPString,
DQString, InverseQString As String
Function ModInverse(ByVal a As Long, ByVal b As Long) As Long
Dim b0 As Long = b
Dim t As Long
Dim q As Long
Dim x0 As Long = 0
Dim x1 As Long = 1
If b = 1 Then Return 1
While a > 1
q = a \ b
t = b
b = a Mod b
a = t
t = x0
x0 = x1 - q * x0
x1 = t
End While
If x1 < 0 Then x1 += b0
Return x1
End Function
Function gcd(ByVal n1 As Long, ByVal n2 As Long) As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim minimum As Integer
If n1 < n2 Then
minimum = n1
minimum = n2
End If
For i = minimum To 1 Step -1
If n1 Mod i = 0 And n2 Mod i = 0 Then
Return i
End If
Return gcd
End Function
Sub FindFactorFunction()
Dim x As Long
For x = 2 To FindFactor - 1
If FindFactor Mod x = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateBTN_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles GenerateBTN.Click
Dim Result As Long = 0
Dim Result2 As Long = 0
Dim Result3 As Long = 0
Dim Random1, Random2 As New Random()
Dim P, Q, Modulus As Long
Dim Exponent, D, DP, DQ As New Nullable(Of Long)
Dim InverseQ As New Nullable(Of ULong)
Dim Modulus1 As Long = 0
Dim LoopCount As Integer = 0
Dim ls, ls2 As New List(Of Long)
Dim PrimeString As String
PrimeString = ""
Using MyNewStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader("AllPrimes.txt")
PrimeString = MyNewStreamReader.ReadLine().ToString
While PrimeString <> "" And LoopCount <= 1249
LoopCount += 1
PrimeString = ""
PrimeString = MyNewStreamReader.ReadLine
End While
End Using
Using MyNewStreamReader2 As StreamReader = New StreamReader("AllPrimes.txt")
PrimeString = ""
PrimeString = MyNewStreamReader2.ReadLine().ToString
LoopCount = 0
While PrimeString <> ""
If LoopCount >= 1250 And LoopCount <= 2499 Then
End If
LoopCount += 1
PrimeString = ""
PrimeString = MyNewStreamReader2.ReadLine
End While
End Using
Dim rand = Random1.Next(0, ls.Count)
Dim rand2 = Random2.Next(0, ls2.Count)
P = ls(rand)
Q = ls2(rand2)
Result3 = gcd(P, Q)
While Result3 <> 1
rand = Random1.Next(0, ls.Count)
rand2 = Random2.Next(0, ls2.Count)
P = ls(rand)
Q = ls2(rand2)
Result3 = gcd(P, Q)
End While
MessageBox.Show("P= " & P & "Q= " & Q)
Modulus = (P - 1) * (Q - 1)
Modulus1 = Modulus + 1
FindFactor = Modulus1
Dim Count As Integer = 0
Dim Count2 As Integer = 0
For A As Integer = 0 To FactorList.Count - 1
Result = gcd(FactorList.ElementAt(A), Modulus)
If Result = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Dim PositionArray(Count) As Integer
Count = 0
For A As Integer = 0 To FactorList.Count - 1
Result = gcd(FactorList.ElementAt(A), Modulus)
If Result = 1 Then
PositionArray(Count) = FactorList.ElementAt(A)
Count += 1
End If
Dim Number1, Number2 As Long
Dim GetResult As Boolean = False
Count = 0
If PositionArray.Count = 2 Then
Exponent = PositionArray(0)
D = PositionArray(1)
While GetResult = False And Count <> PositionArray.Count
For Count = 0 To PositionArray.Count - 1
For Count2 = Count + 1 To PositionArray.Count - 1
Number1 = PositionArray(Count)
Number2 = PositionArray(Count2)
Result2 = Number1 * Number2 Mod Modulus
If Result2 = 1 Then
GetResult = True
End If
If GetResult = True Then
Exit While
End If
End While
End If
Dim Selection As Integer = MessageBox.Show(Number1 & "=E And D= " & Number2, "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
If Selection = DialogResult.OK Then
Exponent = Number1
D = Number2
DP = D * P
DQ = D * Q
InverseQ = ModInverse(Q, P)
MessageBox.Show("DP= " & DP)
MessageBox.Show("DQ= " & DQ)
MessageBox.Show("InverseQ= " & InverseQ)
In here when generating RSA numbers, I can not always get the correct numbers so i am using this website to check that i have get the correct RSA numbers and the D and Exponent was not = 0
Everytime I get Exponent and D, I will always use this website to check P,Q,Exponent and D to make sure it's correct
End If
If Exponent.HasValue And D.HasValue Then
PString = P.ToString
QString = Q.ToString
ModulusString = Modulus.ToString
ExponentString = Exponent.ToString
DString = D.ToString
DPString = DP.ToString
DQString = DQ.ToString
InverseQString = InverseQ.ToString
In here all D,P,Q,DP,DQ,Exponent,Modulus,InverseQ value has been calculated and checked
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Number2ByteConverterBTN_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Number2ByteConverterBTN.Click
If it's possible try check the coding here, perhaps this place was the place that i do it wrongly
I initially thought of using BitCoverter.GetBytes() to convert the long and Ulong datatype value
But in the end, the bitconverter.getbytes() doesn't work for me so i have to first convert all those long and ulong data type values into string then use BYTE.PARSE() to convert the string into byte value
That's how i do it
If let's any experts here confirmed that the coding above worked and all the values are correct then try to check is there any potential error here
Dim PByte, QByte, ModulusByte, ExponentByte, DByte, DPByte, DQByte, InverseQByte As Byte()
ReDim PByte(PString.Count)
ReDim QByte(QString.Count)
ReDim ModulusByte(ModulusString.Count)
ReDim ExponentByte(ExponentString.Count)
ReDim DByte(DString.Count)
ReDim DPByte(DPString.Count)
ReDim DQByte(DQString.Count)
ReDim InverseQByte(InverseQString.Count)
Dim TempPByte, TempQByte, TempModulusByte, TempExponentByte, TempDByte As New Byte
Dim StringBuilder As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder2 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder3 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder4 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder5 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder6 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder7 As New StringBuilder
Dim StringBuilder8 As New StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To PString.Length - 1
PByte(i) = Byte.Parse(PString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To QString.Length - 1
QByte(i) = Byte.Parse(QString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To ModulusString.Length - 1
ModulusByte(i) = Byte.Parse(ModulusString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To ExponentString.Length - 1
ExponentByte(i) = Byte.Parse(ExponentString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To DString.Length - 1
DByte(i) = Byte.Parse(DString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To DPString.Length - 1
DPByte(i) = Byte.Parse(DPString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To DQString.Length - 1
DQByte(i) = Byte.Parse(DQString.ElementAt(i))
For i As Integer = 0 To InverseQString.Length - 1
InverseQByte(i) = Byte.Parse(InverseQString.ElementAt(i))
Dim MyRSAParams As New RSAParameters
MyRSAParams.P = PByte
MyRSAParams.Q = QByte
MyRSAParams.Exponent = ExponentByte
MyRSAParams.Modulus = ModulusByte
MyRSAParams.D = DByte
MyRSAParams.DP = DPByte
MyRSAParams.DQ = DQByte
MyRSAParams.InverseQ = InverseQByte
MyRSA = RSA.Create()
End Sub
Private Sub RSA_Test_Form_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim temp, temp2 As Integer
temp = gcd(1, 2)
temp2 = gcd(2, 3)
FindFactor = 0
End Sub
End Class
What I am trying to do in the generate button was to create the suitable parameters for RSA.
The parameters I was actually able to generate them but in either ULong or Long data type.
When i first convert them into array of Bytes I have considered to use BitConverter but it doesn't work at least in my case.
The only way i am only able to make them into array of Bytes was by making the ULong or Long data type variable into string.
Then convert those string into Byte then put them into ByteArray
I hope it was correct but it is out of my reach for now.
Any ideas on how can i make the parameter data to be accepted as rsa parameter?

Count lines not 0 found Textboxes

I want to calculate the amount in a multiline Textbox where the value 0 is not found.
If TxtListScanValue.Text = ("2") Then
TxtDrawR2.Text &= Environment.NewLine & lastDraw2
Dim ListScan = TxtNumberListScan.Lines.ToList.Select(Function(o, i) New With {.scan = o, .Index = i})
Dim DrawR2 = TxtDrawR2.Lines.ToList.Select(Function(o, i) New With {.draw = o, .Index = i})
Dim list2 = From a In ListScan From b In DrawR2 Where a.Index = b.Index Select LstScan = a.scan, DrwR2 = ("00" & b.draw).Substring(("00" & b.draw).Length - 2) Order By DrwR2 Descending
TxtListScanTxt.Text = String.Join(vbCrLf, list2)
End If
If TxtdrawR5 =
In output I want to display: 5 because:
I want to calculate the count lines where the value 0 is not found. Count lines no have 0 value :D (2+4+1+3+5 = 5) (5 lines no have 0 value).
You create function like this:
'For Counting
Private Function CountNonZero(ByVal TheCtrl As TextBox) As Integer
Dim myCnt As Integer = 0
For Each Content In TheCtrl.Lines
Dim ContentVal As Integer = 0
Integer.TryParse(Content, ContentVal)
If ContentVal <> 0 Then myCnt += 1
Return myCnt
End Function
'For Counting
Private Function SummingNonZero(ByVal TheCtrl As TextBox) As Integer
Dim mySum As Integer = 0
For Each Content In TheCtrl.Lines
Dim ContentVal As Integer = 0
Integer.TryParse(Content, ContentVal)
If ContentVal <> 0 Then mySum += ContentVal
Return mySum
End Function
And you can count or sum now:
dim TxtdrawR5Count as integer = CountNonZero(TxtdrawR5)
dim TxtdrawR5Sum as integer = SummingNonZero(TxtdrawR5)

Connect Four Horizontal winner

I'm creating a connect four game and I'm having some trouble with the horizontal loop. The loop below works and it's for a vertical win. I have a two labels for each row and two labels for each column one for the color blue and one for the color red. When I add in my other labels I cant seem to find where I take the step-1 in order to change labels and go upwards with the next label. I have also tried adding a whole new loop below that just dedicated to the horizontal winnings.
For i = 5 To 0 Step -1`
If board(i, 0) = 0 Then
board(i, 0) = pturn
If pturn = 1 Then
Labelboard(i, 0).BackColor = Color.Red
CounterB = 0
lblcounterBlue.Text = "Matches = " & CounterB
CounterR = CounterR + 1
lblCounterRed.Text = "Matches = " & CounterR
ElseIf pturn = 2 Then
Labelboard(i, 0).BackColor = Color.Blue
CounterR = 0
lblCounterRed.Text = "Matches = " & CounterR
CounterB = CounterB + 1
lblcounterBlue.Text = "Matches = " & CounterB
End If
pturn = pturn + 1
If pturn = 3 Then pturn = 1
If CounterR = 4 Then
MsgBox("Game Over")
End If
If CounterB = 4 Then
MsgBox("Game Over")
End If
Exit Sub
End If
I don't quite understand your setup, but hopefully this will get you close enough for you to get things working. I'm having to make a few assumptions, but I've tried to declare a constant each time I have to make the code more readable and easier for you to adapt to what you've already written.
What I've written is a function that lets you know if a specific space is part of winning streak. It assumes board() is public. If pturn is also public, you could make this even more efficient as long as you call it every turn, as noted in the comments. If you know which space was the last one played, you can maximize efficiency by only calling the function for that space (assuming you call it at the end of every player turn). If you don't know which space was played last, you can loop through every space in board() and test each one.
Function winner(rowNum As Integer, colNum As Integer) As Integer
'Returns 0 if space does not create a win, or the winning player number if it does
'Change to winner(...) As Boolean <--To only test current player
Dim minRow As Integer = LBound(board, 0)
Dim maxRow As Integer = UBound(board, 0)
Dim minColumn As Integer = LBound(board, 1)
Dim maxColumn As Integer = UBound(board, 1)
'These are the values I assume are in board()
'(I don't actually use them in the code)
Const emptySpace As Integer = 0
Const red As Integer = 1
Const blue As Integer = 2
Dim player As Integer
Dim streak As Integer
Dim r As Integer, c As Integer 'loop placeholders
Dim v As Integer, h As Integer 'control search direction
For v = 0 To 1
For h = -1 To 1
If v = 1 Or h = 1 Then
'These loops and test check each direction (vertical, horizontal and
'both diagonals) for a win exactly once.
player = board(rowNum, colNum)
If player > 0 Then 'If player = pturn <-- to only check current player
streak = 1
'check positive direction
r = rowNum + h
c = colNum + v
Do While r >= minRow And r <= maxRow And c >= minColumn And c <= maxColumn
If board(r, c) = player Then
streak = streak + 1
If streak = 4 Then
Return player 'True <--If testing only current player
r = r + h
c = c + v
End If
Exit Do
End If
'check negative direction
r = rowNum - h
c = colNum - v
Do While r >= minRow And r <= maxRow And c >= minColumn And c <= maxColumn
If board(r, c) = player Then
streak = streak + 1
If streak = 4 Then
Return player 'True <--If testing only current player
r = r - h
c = c - v
End If
Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
Next h
Next v
Return 0 'Function has completed and no winner was found
'Return False <-- If only testing current player
End Function

Run function for multiple data sets and output results to different cells

I have been trying forever to try and figure this out. I have a set of data in a certain sheet in my Excel file. I have written code so that it outputs some of that information to another sheet. I don't know how to get the function to loop through all the different data sets and output them into the "Output" sheet in my excel file on different rows.
This is what I have so far. Can someone please help?
How do I get the function to run through about 6 data sets that include 5 cells in the column until there are 2 blank cells?
How do I output those different results to another sheet? I already have them outputting the first data set and it works fine. I just need to know how to do the other ones.
Thank you!
Sub EstBatch()
Dim N As String
Dim D As Date
Dim P As Integer
Dim H As Single
Dim NS As Integer
Dim NL As Integer
Dim BP As Currency
Dim OH As Single
Dim OC As Currency
Dim TP As Currency
Dim PPBR As Currency
Dim EHP As Single
Dim batches As Range
N = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("A1").Value
D = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("B1").Value
P = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("A2").Value
H = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("A3").Value
PPBR = Sheets("User Form").Range("C22").Value
EHP = Sheets("User Form").Range("C23").Value
OH = H - 5
If P > 120 Or P < 20 Then
MsgBox ("Cannot Accommodate Group")
ElseIf P >= 20 And P <= 25 Then
NS = 1
NL = 0
ElseIf P >= 26 And P <= 50 Then
NS = 2
NL = 0
ElseIf P >= 51 And P <= 60 Then
NS = 0
NL = 1
ElseIf P >= 61 And P <= 85 Then
NS = 1
NL = 1
ElseIf P >= 86 And P <= 120 Then
NS = 0
NL = 2
End If
If OH > 4 Then
OH = 4
OC = BP * OH * EHP
ElseIf 0 < OH <= 4 Then
OC = BP * OH * EHP
ElseIf OH <= 0 Then
OC = 0
End If
TP = BP + OC
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("A2").Value = N
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("B2").Value = D
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("C2").Value = P
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("D2").Value = H
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("E2").Value = PPBR
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("F2").Value = EHP
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("G2").Value = NS
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("H2").Value = NL
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("I2").Value = BP
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("J2").Value = OH
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("K2").Value = OC
Sheets("Batch Output").Range("L2").Value = TP
End Sub
Welcome to StackOverflow. Great first question.
I think what you're reaching for is how to use loops in solving a problem like this.
One easy way to do loops is with a counter, as in the examples I've given below. If appropriate, you can also use a range of cells to loop through data, as described in this answer:
Starting with your second question: if you want a separate sheet for each output you can use Sheets.Add and paste into that new sheet. To do this you will want to use a variable naming convention like Sheets("Batch Output" & X).Range. In this way you can Dim X as Integer and loop through the process incrementing the X integer with each loop. Here's some sample code you can adapt for your purpose:
Sub ExampleAddSheets()
Dim intX As Integer
intX = 1
Dim wsBatchOutput As Worksheet
For intX = 1 To 6
Set wsBatchOutput = Worksheets.Add 'adds a worksheet and tags it to a variable
wsBatchOutput.Name = "BatchOutput" & intX 'names the worksheet
wsBatchOutput.Range("A1").Value = "Data here. Example " & intX
Next intX
Set wsBatchOutput = Nothing
End Sub
I don't know what your data source looks like, but hopefully it is set up in a way that you can turn the inputs aquisition into a loop. For example, if the data came into the system in rows (which your example does not seem to do) you could just increment the row number, something like this:
Sub ExampleSetInputs()
Dim N As String
Dim D As Date
Dim P As Integer
Dim H As Single
Dim PPBR As Currency
Dim EHP As Single
Dim intRow As Integer
intRow = 2
For intRow = 2 To 7
N = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("A" & intRow).Value
D = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("B" & intRow).Value
P = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("C" & intRow).Value
H = Sheets("Batch Input").Range("D" & intRow).Value
Next intRow
End Sub
I hope this helps with your challenge.

InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'

Dim group11_0_count = 0
Dim group11_1_count = 0
Dim group11_2_count = 0
Dim m As Integer = 0
Dim n As Integer = 0
Dim increment2 As Integer
For m = 0 To machings2.Items.Count - 1
For n = 0 To 3
If machings2.Items(m).ToString.Chars(n) = "1" Then
increment2 = increment2 + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 0) Then
group11_0_count = group11_0_count + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 1) Then
group11_1_count = group1_1_count + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 2) Then
group11_2_count = group1_2_count + 1
End If
increment2 = 0
If (group11_0_count > 0 AndAlso group11_1_count > 0) Then
Dim result = ""
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim gg As Integer = 0
Dim hh As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
For hh = 0 To group11_1_count - 1
For gg = 0 To group11_0_count - 1
result = ""
index = 0
For i = 0 To 3
If group11_1_0.Items(gg).ToString.Chars(i) <> group11_1_1.Items(hh).ToString.Chars(i) Then
result &= "-"
index = index + 1
result &= group11_1_0.Items(gg).ToString.Chars(i)
End If
If (index = 1) Then
End If
End If
I am comparing the items of two combobox items like that
combobox1 items
combobox items
the result will be like that in machings3 combobox
Here the differnce between two items indicated by - sign
But i am getting InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'.
I Can't make sense out of your source and where the IndexOutOfRangeException occurs. But you know that you need 3 Items in a Combobox to access Item with Index 2?! Every collection starts with 0.