Lync Client API exception - Specified method is not supported - silverlight-4.0

I am developing simple chat application using CWE which sends messages by using contextual data. I'm having "Specified method is not supported" exception message. This exception occurs when I try to start chat with group. one-to-one chat works fine with no exception. since I'm having same code on both sender & receiver side, I'm confused that how to make this work. Please help.
My code snippet as as follows.
void method1()
//here I have code to send an IM saying "lets chat in extension window"
Dictionary<ContextType, object> context = new Dictionary<ContextType, object>();
context.Add(ContextType.ApplicationId, "{1226271D-64C9-4F24-B416-E6A583F45A1C}");
context.Add(ContextType.ApplicationData, "initial_data_request");
try { IAsyncResult res = conversation.BeginSendInitialContext(context, null, null); }
catch (Exception e1)
catch (Exception ee)
MessageBox.Show("Client Platform Exception: " + ee.Message);
This is the method I call when my application starts. It is supposed to send initial context so that receiver clients when receive this should open my extension application.

I found the answer. It is showing that exception because contextual data will not work in a group conversation.
Found the related thread here..


How to show firebase auth error messages different in UI

I am using the firebase auth now I want to show a different message in UI for every error message
You have to check for specific error messages in your catch block and add custom handling.
You don't mention the language you're working in (and I'm not familiar with all of the different libraries), but C# will throw a FirebaseAuthException containing the property AuthErrorCode which is an enum representing the error. You could check that in, say, a switch statement to get the required message.
try {
userRecord = await _FirebaseAuth.GetUserByEmailAsync(email, token)
catch (FirebaseAuthException ex) {
if (ex.AuthErrorCode == AuthErrorCode.UserNotFound) {
DisplayError($"Error retrieving user record for {email}");

How To Test for Android File Chooser Availability

I'm trying to test for file chooser availability. I assumed an error would be returned if none was available, however, this is not the case.
Here's my code:
public void doImport() {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
try {
startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select a File to Import"), IMPORT_RACES_CODE);
} catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
// Potentially direct the user to the Market with a Dialog
Utils.Error(this, "THERE WAS NO NAVIGATOR FOUND, Install a navigator!");
} catch (Exception e) {
Utils.Error(this, "Some other error occurred!");
No Exception is being sent back to my routine, though. The OS seems to be handling the error and generating a dialog box stating "No apps can perform this action."
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
Actually, found the answer in this thread:
Android : Can I use this intent from a 3rd party application?
See the "isIntentAvailable" routine posted by the responder.
Thanks, all!

Axis2 web service stub failing

We have a website written in Java that makes a web service call. Recently, we have noticed that we are recieving a null response from the web service (The endpoint is a 3rd party not maintained by us).
I've tracked down the point at which our code is failing and it's in our stub. See the code below, the code is failing between the two System.out.println lines. My problem is that no exception is thrown, so I don't know why the _operationClient.execute(true); fails. Would anyone have any idea how I can go about solving this?
public SuggestXResponseE suggestX(SuggestXE suggestX0)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext _messageContext = null;
try {
org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient _operationClient = _serviceClient.createClient(_operations[0].getName());
addPropertyToOperationClient(_operationClient, org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_QUERY_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR, "&");
// create a message context
_messageContext = new org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext();
// create SOAP envelope with that payload
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope env = null;
env = toEnvelope(getFactory(_operationClient.getOptions().getSoapVersionURI()),
optimizeContent(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("",
//adding SOAP soap_headers
// set the message context with that soap envelope
// add the message contxt to the operation client
System.out.println("Log message 1");
//execute the operation client
System.out.println("Log message 2");
org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext _returnMessageContext = _operationClient.getMessageContext(
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope _returnEnv = _returnMessageContext.getEnvelope();
java.lang.Object object = fromOM(
return (SuggestXResponseE) object;
} catch (org.apache.axis2.AxisFault f) {
// Handle exception.
finally {
System.out.println("Log message 1");
//execute the operation client
System.out.println("Log message 2");
If you're getting the first log message but not the second one, then one of two things is happening:
System.exit() is being called somewhere within _operationClient.execute(). You'd recognize this by the fact the process exits.
More likely, _operationClient.execute() is throwing something.
You say it's not throwing an exception, but it could be throwing an Error or some other kind of Throwable. It's not normally advised to catch non-Exception throwables, but you could add some code to do it temporarily:
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
You might find that you're getting an OutOfMemoryError or a NoClassDefFoundError because some jar is missing from your deployment, for example.

WP7: Unable to catch FaultException in asynchronous calls to WCF service

I am currently developing a Windows Phone 7 App that calls a WCF web service which I also control. The service offers an operation that returns the current user's account information when given a user's login name and password:
public interface IWindowsPhoneService
WsAccountInfo GetAccountInfo(string iamLogin, string password);
Of course, there is always the possibility of an authentication failure and I want to convey that information to the WP7 app. I could simply return null in that case, but I would like to convey the reason why the authentication failed (i.e. login unknown, wrong password, account blocked, ...).
This is my implementation of the above operation (for testing purposes, all it does is throwing an exception):
public WsAccountInfo GetAccountInfo(string iamLogin, string password)
AuthenticationFault fault = new AuthenticationFault();
throw new FaultException<AuthenticationFault>(fault);
Now, if I call this operation in my WP7 app, like this:
Global.Proxy.GetAccountInfoCompleted += new EventHandler<RemoteService.GetAccountInfoCompletedEventArgs>(Proxy_GetAccountInfoCompleted);
Global.Proxy.GetAccountInfoAsync(txbLogin.Text, txbPassword.Password);
void Proxy_GetAccountInfoCompleted(object sender, RemoteService.GetAccountInfoCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
The debugger breaks in Reference.cs, saying that FaultException'1 was unhandled, here:
public PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo EndGetAccountInfo(System.IAsyncResult result) {
object[] _args = new object[0];
PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo _result = ((PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo)(base.EndInvoke("GetAccountInfo", _args, result)));
return _result;
When pressing F5, the exception bubbles to:
public PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo Result {
get {
base.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary(); // <-- here
return ((PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo)(this.results[0]));
and then to:
private void Application_UnhandledException(object sender, ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
// An unhandled exception has occurred; break into the debugger
After that, the app terminates (with or without the debugger).
Now, I would love to catch the exception in my code, but I am never given the chance, since my Completed handler is never reached.
Based on similar questions on this site, I have already tried the following:
Re-add the service reference --> no change
Re-create a really simple WCF service from scratch --> same problem
Start the app without the debugger to keep the app from breaking into the debugger --> well, it doesn't break, but the exception is not caught either, the app simply exits
Tell VS 2010 not to break on FaultExceptions (Debug > Options) --> does not have any effect
wrap every line in my app in try { ... } catch (FaultException) {} or even catch (Exception) --> never called.
What I actually would like to achieve is one of the following:
ideally, reach GetAccountInfoCompleted(...) and be able to retrieve the exception via the GetAccountInfoCompletedEventArgs.Error property, or
be able to catch the exception via a try/catch clause
I would be grateful for any advice that would help me resolve this issue.
The framework seems to read your WsAccountInfo.Result property.
This rethrows the exception on client side.
But you should be the first to read this property.
I don't know your AuthenticationFault class, does it have a DataContractAttribute and is it a known type like the example in ?
I believe I had the same problem. I resolved it by extending the proxy class and calling the private Begin.../End... methods within the Client object rather than using the public auto-generated methods on the Client object.
For more details, please see:

How can I send a notification message from server to all clients in WCF (broadcast you can say)?

I want to send notification message every second from net tcp WCF service to all clients,
Broadcast you can say?
After the helpful answers
I wrote the following method that will send notifications (heartbeat) to all connected users
foreach (IHeartBeatCallback callback in subscribers)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state)
ICommunicationObject communicationCallback = (ICommunicationObject)callback;
if (communicationCallback.State == CommunicationState.Opened)
callback.OnSendHeartBeat(_heartbeatInfo.message, _heartbeatInfo.marketstart,_heartbeatInfo.marketend, _heartbeatInfo.isrunning, DateTime.Now);
catch (CommunicationObjectAbortedException)
Logger.Log(LogType.Info, "BroadCast", "User aborted");
catch (TimeoutException)
Logger.Log(LogType.Info, "BroadCast", "User timeout");
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "BroadCast", "Exception " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
I am worried about calling the callback method as the client may close his application, but I handled it using the try catch, decrease the timeout, and send the broad cast in parallel, so is that sufficient?
You'll need to setup a callback service; I wrote a simple beginners guide a while back
In order to do that, you need to create and mantain a list of all connected clients (the general practice to fo this is creating LogIn and LogOut methods to create and manage a list of object representing your clients incuding their CallbackContext).
Then, with a System.Time.Timers, you can loop through the connected client list and send the notification.
Tip. this method could also act as a Keep-Alive or Hear-Beat method (if this isn't it's purpose by design) by adding the possiblity to remove clients from your list if the service cannot send the callback to them.