Can't POST data to Shopify using Proxy - shopify

I'm attempting to POST data to a shopify store via a proxy page. I have been able to GET data via the URL on a proxy page but I have been getting the same error over and over again when attempting to POST data.
The error is:
"errors": {
"fulfillment": "Required parameter missing or invalid"
However the API states that I can POST data to a URL like the one below (I've masked the URL a bit to protect security Info)
The data that I am attempting to post is:
Has anyone experienced this? If so how have you overcome this?

I was getting this same error. Here: shopify support recommended that you specify the header Content-type as application/json in your http request. I did this and it fixed the problem.


Can't access Chorus Pro API in Postman

I'm working on a custom module for Odoo 15, but I'm currently facing an issue with the Chorus Pro API.
Everything about authentication and API key generation looks ok on their website.
But when I try some requests in Postman it always returns me "400 Bad Request" and I don't understand why.
Can someone help me ?
Update 1
Ok so after several tests it return me "Unable to find token in the message".
But I specified it in the Authorization menu with type API Key.
Here the official documentation:
(Sorry it's in french)
Update 2
I finally get an API Key and change the Authorization Type to Bearer Token so the previous error is solved.
But now I've got "403 Forbidden" because of an "[invalid field]".
I use this POST URL :
With this body :
{ "idFacture": 0, "idStructure": 0, "typeIdentifiantStructure":
"SIRET", "identifiantStructure": "string" }
Update 3
The "[invalid field]" seems to be the host one, but it's the same as in the POST URL :

Fetching bearer token for OroCommerce returning error 405 Method Not Allowed

I'm attempting to fetch the bearer token for OroCommerce, via POSTMAN and am encountering a 405 error, for the following request:
URL: http://<OroCommerce DNS>/oauth2-token
Header: Content-Type: application/json
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": "XXXX",
"client_secret": "XXXX"
I have generated the public and private keys and added them to the /var directory of the application. Per this issue, I have tried "Enabled Guest Access" checked and unchecked. Both result in the same 405 error w/ HTML in the response (see image below). The back-end is up, when attempting these requests. Any suggestions on where to look (configurations, etc), in order to successfully fetch the bearer token, via the REST API?
Response HTML
First of all, make sure an API is enabled:
Then, make sure you are using the POST HTTP method to submit the request.
If it wouldn't help, make sure the maintenance mode is fully disabled. It's step 13 in the upgrade guide:
Check the application log at var/logs/prod.log for errors. Usually, the error message explains what is wrong, or at least, you can use it to google the issue.
If nothing works, you can try to access the same endpoint using the dev environment. There should be a more explicit error message with the stack trace. Or enable an xdebug extension and check it step by step.

github API unsupported media type 415

I was using github API in Meteor but could not solved this issue:
This code tries to get the total number of traffic for a certain repo. 'GET', '',
"User-Agent": "whales"
function( error, response ) {
if ( error ) {
console.log('---------------------------error occurred-----------------------------------')
console.log('---------------------------error occurred-----------------------------------')
console.log( error );
} else {
console.log('--------------------------data got it!!-------------------------------------')
console.log('--------------------------data got it!!-------------------------------------')
"message": "If you would like to help us test the Repo Traffic API during its preview period, you must specify a custom media type in the 'Accept' header. Please see the docs for full details.",
"documentation_url": ""
I searched for similar issues and added "Content-Type" and "Accept" but it's still not working.
I then tried doing this in Postman and also in terminal with the same headers but this error kept happening.
Thanks a lot.
You will need to add an Accept: application/vnd.github.spiderman-preview header to your request in order to access the Repo Traffic API whilst it is in preview form. From the API docs:
APIs for repository traffic are currently available for developers to preview. During the preview period, the APIs may change without advance notice. Please see the blog post for full details.
To access the API you must provide a custom media type in the Accept header:
The Commit Search API is currently available for developers to preview. During the preview period, the APIs may change without advance notice.
To access the API you must provide a custom media type in the Accept header:
Accept: application/vnd.github.cloak-preview
☝️This header is required.
check docs
To anyone who ends up on this page after googling why GitLab API has started throwing 415 when sending POST requests:
Make sure you pass the Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header if you're sending stuff via post-data fields. Their docs never mention this b/c apparently many clients (like curl) do this automatically.

Amazon Cloud Drive REST api endpoint

I am building a program that will list albums/folders and images from my Amazon Cloud Drive. I am able to authenticate and get a token by following the instructions here at amazon public apis.
I am having trouble with the next call to get my endpoints described here under Account API.
Using get
GET : {{metadataUrl}}/account/endpoint Gets the customer end-point against
which REST queries will be executed.
So my request looks just like this in fiddler and on my site just like it is described on the Amazon site here under Get Endpoint. The only differences is the token for obvious reasons.
Sample Request:
GET /drive/v1/account/endpoint HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer
My response is:
"message":"Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter.
Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter.
Authorization header requires 'SignedHeaders' parameter.
Authorization header requires existence of either a 'X-Amz-Date'
or a 'Date' header. Authorization=Bearer"
What I am expecting:
"customerExists": true,
"contentUrl": "",
"metadataUrl": ""
I did find some information about building the objects in my response from amazon, however, it's not listed in the documentation on the amazon developer site. Is this something new that has not been updated in the docs or am I doing something wrong?
I had a new line between Authorization: Bearer and my token Atza|IQEBLjAsAhQ5zx7pKp9PCgCy6T1JkQjHHOEzpwIUQM. After removing the new line my issue was fixed..

Signing into Backand Using BackAnd SDK

Attempting to sign in (and enter a session) using user credentials in an Angular app using the Backand SDK. From the Backand docs I am attempting to sign in using the Backand.signin() method (from my local) which looks to be initially sending an OPTIONS http request to the API which unfortunately is causing this cross origin error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:xxxx' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 400.
The exact response from the endpoint is: {"error":"unsupported_grant_type"}
I've combed through the documentation extensively but can't find anyone else having these errors.
This is exact code I am using:
function Login(username, password, callback) {
Backand.signin(username, password).then(function(response){
}, function(error){
The error is logged to the console as a null object.
It looks like the error was in fact on my end.
While attempting to set up my own Authorization service in my Angular app I inadvertently was adding an encoded Authorization token header somehow. When the requests were being made to Backand from the Backand SDK, the headers were not correctly set and thus causing issues.