SSIS import all Paradox tables into SQL Server 2012 - sql

Writing my first SSIS package in VS 2012 and have managed to get it to connect to he Paradox tables without any problems.
What I need to do is go though each table and import the data into a corresponding table on a SQL Server database. There is no transformation of the data, as the table structures are the same. All that needs to be done is the data in the SQL Server database must first be deleted and then the data from the Paradox tables inserted.
I can connect one table in Paradox to one table in SQL Server but I want to do them all, please tell me I don't need a separate data task for each

Try using a ForEach Loop Container to enumerate all the tables in your database.


What is the best way to copy a set of records from Oracle to SQL Server using code where table and columns are identical?

Basic idea is we have our Silverlight application, and need to provide data to third party application when user want to send (export) a record of T_MainList
We maintain our data in Oracle and third party's SQL Server, third party people are providing us access to write a stored procedure, and a web service if needed.
Same table schema is maintained on both databases (Oracle and SQL Server), need to copy a record of T_MAINLIST on user request and it has other dependent data sublist can have multiple records and each sublist record can have multiple subsublist records
Is serializing data of whole dataset as xml and send them in stored procedure. De-serialized data in stored procedure (on SQL server) and insert data into the appropriate tables good idea?
Oracle has the possibility to directly connect to another database, see the example for MS SQL server here. That should be faster then using xml ex- and import...

SQL Server: Create a duplicate of a database without the data

I have a database called AQOA_Core with huge amount of data.
I have a newly created database called AQOA_Core1 which is basically empty. I want to write a query to duplicate AQOA_Core to AQOA_Core1 without the data. I guess to be precise I want to create a skeleton of the primary database into the secondary database.
PS: I use Toad for my database operations.
You can use SQL Server Script Wizard for scripting database objects. You can exclude data, and select the database object types you want to include in your script
Please check the SQL Server guide I referenced above,
I hope it helps you

Periodically store data from a PostgreSQL table to SQL Server 2005 table (with the same schema)

I have a PostgreSQL database that stores real-time data from sensors in a specific table (every 30sec).
What I want to do, is to get periodically the data from the remote PostgreSQL database (for instance every 30sec) and store them in SQL Server 2005 to manipulate them locally. I don't care about having the two databases with duplicate tables. Actually this is what I want to achieve!
So far, I have as Linked Server the PostgreSQL to SQL Server and I can query and retrieve the sensor data. However, I prefer to store them in my SQL Server for performance reasons.
Solution so far:
Make select openquery statements with the linked PostgreSQL and insert the results to my table in SQL Server. Repeat this periodically and store fresh data only (e.g. with a larger timestamp).
I assume that my proposed solution is not ideal. I want to know what are the best practices to achieve this synchronization between the two databases.
Thank you in advance!
If you don't want to write your own code(implementations) to do that you can use SymmetricDS to synch the table from postgreSQL to MSSQL .

How do you transfer all tables between databases using SQL Management Studio?

When I right click on the database I want to export data from, I only get to select a single table or view, rather than being able to export all of the data. Is there a way to export all of the data?
If this is not possible, could you advise on how I could do the following:
I have two databases, with the same table names, but one has more data than the other
They both have different database names (Table names are identical)
They are both on different servers
I need to get all of the additional data from the larger database, into the smaller database.
Both are MS SQL databases
Being that both are MS SQL Servers, on different hosts... why bother with CSV when you can setup a Linked Server instance so you can access one instance from the other via a SQL statement?
Make sure you have a valid user on the instance you want to retrieve data from - it must have access to the table(s)
Create the Linked Server instance
Reference the name in queries using four name syntax:
INSERT INTO db1.dbo.SmallerTable
FROM linked_server.db.dbo.LargerTable lt
FROM db1.dbo.SmallerTable st
WHERE st.col = lt.col)
Replace WHERE st.col = lt.col with whatever criteria you consider to be duplicate values between the two tables.
There is also a very good tool by Redgate software that syncs data between two databases.
I've also used SQL scripter before to generate a SQL file with insert statements that you can run on the other database to insert the data.
If you right-click on the database, under the Tasks menu, you can use the Generate Scripts option to produce SQL scripts for all the tables and data. See this blog post for details. If you want to sync the second database with the first, then you're better off using something like Redgate as suggested in mpenrow's answer.

Linking / Synchronising SQL DB with MySQL DB

I have a need to access data in a MS SQL database from within in MySQL and would like to know my options. The data is held across various joined tables
Ideally I would like to mirror the database schema and data in MySQL so that it can be queried from within Wordpress.
The data is hotel information as seen here
The plan is to represent each hotel as a wordpress post.
Would it make sense to create a flat table in SQL and link this somehow in MySQL?
Any help gratefully received.
If you want to move data from MS SQL Server to MySQL you could use SSIS routines to move the data. You could schedule the data import to happen as often has you need.
The simplest form would be a direct copy in schema structure from MS SQL Server.