Worklight 6.1 - App Center Mobile Client error - ibm-mobilefirst

I'm currently trying to build the mobile client for IOS. There are 2 issue currently lingering:
The mobile client will be used for user to download the app from our test server. When i build, i run the Build Setting and Deploy Target script and tick the checkbox to deploy for another server. However i'm not sure the context path need to be put as what, the current default is /IBMAppCenter
When i try run the app center in the XCode simulator, the app center keep running with a loading icon. I check the log and found that it says:
ERROR: Plugin '' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin.
Check your plugin mapping in config.xml
I check my native folder (ipad\native\CordovaLib) and true enough, the CDVPlugin was not in the plugin folder, but when i look into the Classes folder, the header (.h) and implementation (.m) files are there. How should i configure to make it work?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

About question 1:
The deploy target is irrelevant. It is only relevant for "normal" Worklight applications that are managed by a Worklight Console (so you must specify on which server your Worklight Console runs). But the Application Center client is not managed by any Worklight Console. All what you do is to build the environment, create the IPA and upload it to the Application Center server. Therefore, please only use the "Build all environments" menu item and ignore anything with deploy target!
See here:
About question 2:
The Application Center mobile client for iOS should be in the iphone environment, not in the ipad environment. The code in the iphone environment folder should work for ipad as well but you cannot generate an ipad environment for the Application Center client, as well as you cannot delete the iphone environment and regenerated it via File > New > Environment, because when you do that, the libAppCenterInstallerLib.a gets deleted. You must take the project as it was in your original installation.
Please check IBMAppCenter/apps/AppCenter/iphone/native/appCenterLib. This should contain subdirectories (for Release, Debug ...) which contain libAppCenterInstallerLib.a. The error message that you see means that it cannot find this library; probably because you deleted the iphone environment or because you attempted to create an ipad environment.


Deploy app onto a real device and get rid of local-dev-server dependence

Appreciate your lecture.
Currently, I can successfully deploy the app onto my iPhone device.
However, the app is rely on local-dev-server.
How could I get rid of the local-dev-server?
I used this command to deploy the app react-native run-ios --device 'iPhone' onto my cellphone
Here's my repo
Here is a section from RN docs:
Building an app for distribution in the App Store requires using the Release scheme in Xcode. Apps built for Release will automatically disable the in-app Developer menu, which will prevent your users from inadvertently accessing the menu in production. It will also bundle the JavaScript locally, so you can put the app on a device and test whilst not connected to the computer.
To configure your app to be built using the Release scheme, go to Product → Scheme → Edit Scheme. Select the Run tab in the sidebar, then set the Build Configuration dropdown to Release.
you just need to select the Release scheme on the run configuration in xCode and hit the run button.

'WLAuthorizationManagerPlugin' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin

I have a hybrid app I am building for iOS. It uses Adapter authentication which has been working fine.
I recently updated from MobileFirst Studio 6.3 to 7.0. At the same time, I updated Xcode to version 6.3. My app continues to work fine and authenticates with the backend fine when run through the Browser Simulator, but running on a simulator or real device from Xcode, I get a connection timeout error. The console contains this: ERROR: Plugin 'WLAuthorizationManagerPlugin' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin. Check your plugin mapping in config.xml.
I see lots of questions on SO for "plugin not found or is not a CDVPlugin", but since this is a MobileFirst plugin, I wouldn't expect it to suddenly go missing. Could this be fallout from the update?
Is this a sample project from the MFP Developer Center, or an application of your own.
Either way, you can create a new project and add the iPhone environment and compare your project's native\config.xml with the new project's native\config.xml and correct yours accordingly.

How to automatically reload changes HTML/CSS after "Run on Worklight Dev Server"?

I have a hybrid Worklight app and every time I change the HTML code I have to delete the app from Admin Console, Clean from Eclipse, clear Chrome browsing data and redeploy.
How can I automatically make WL reload the HTML changes every time I redeploy a WL environment (no more remove from Console or Clean from Eclipse)?
My first response is: huh?
You are totally not supposed to do this...
Starting Worklight 6.1, after a change in any of an application's web resources (HTML, JS, CSS, images, ...), after the initial deployment of the app (Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server) you no longer even need to re-build the app.
When you preview the app via Worklight Console, all you need to do is to refresh the browser window. That's it.
You most definitely should not delete the app from Worklight Console or "Clean from Eclipse".
That said, if you are talking about previewing the "Common web resources" option in Worklight Console, what you may want to do (hopefully as a one-time action) is to:
Close Eclipse
Locate your temp folder (Windows, OS X)
Delete the wlBuildResources folder (optionally wlPreview folder as well)
Open Eclipse
Should work.
Now that that's fixed you can click the Go/Refresh Button of the simulator to utilize the "instant preview" feature during development.

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Unable to pull app to device using MTWW

First off let me be clear. I have several iOS devices. On the devices that have 7.0.6 I have no issues. When I updated one of the devices to 7.1 I'm having an issue. Let me explain.
On the iOS device that has 7.1 I navigate to the workbench URL and then I go to Manage applications and select install. I then get this message "Cannot install applications because the certificate for >ip address< is not vald. This process works on devices that have 7.0.6. I'm assuming there are issues with the new iOS update.
Now I did some searching and I found something that said there's an issue when trying to download an app from a HTTP site, so I changed a Web Reports setting (found in Eclipse Preferences -> Test -> Performance Test Reports -> Web Reports) to "Security is required to access reports". Thus it changed the port number to "8443". I then navigate back to the workbench URL using the https : // ip:port and try to install the app again. This time it just says Cannot open.
Any ideas on this?
Here is a workaround to be able to test with iOS 7.1
1) Get the zip of instrumented Application from developer or other who can run on a Mac and who has the source code for Application. [ file]
2) Use RTWec "Add Application to list..." button and brows to the zip to "import" it into RTWec.
3) UnZip the zip and use iTunes (for Windows) "Add File to Library..." menu to navigate in zip folder to the instrumented iOS Device application [XXXXXXXX.ipa in “instrumented/iOS Device” folder]
4) Plug in iDevice to Windows using USB, select the App, click associated "Install" button, then "Sync" iTunes.
5) Now test as usual...
MTWW in Worklight and (to be released, soon) does not support iOS 7.1.
Work is under way to provide support in a future release of Worklight.

Xcode 4.3 - error: no identities were available

Please, help me.
I would like to put an App in the IOS App Store but always receive this error message (Xcode4.3)
"No identities are available for signing"
Connect to IOS Center, Xcode can obtain identities from the IOS Dev Center...
What do I make wrong??
When you have your project open in Xcode there's a section called Code Signing. Click the first drop-down menu and you should see a list of identities, you should see at least one iPhone Developer and iPhone Distribution identity. If you don't an iPhone Distribution identity, or it is under the "identities without Provisioning profiles" subheading, you can resolve this in iOS Dev Center.
Go to iOS Dev Center > iOS Provisioning Portal > Provisioning > Distribution. You could have an expired profile, if so just modify and re-save it. If there is no profile then click New Profile. Then you should see the new iPhone Distribution identity in Xcode which you can now choose.
For me, it was the bundle identifiers that conflicted. Make sure the bundle identifier specified in Xcode > Targets > Info > Bundle Identifier matches the one you registers as App Id in IOS Dev Center > Provisioning Portal > App Ids. Hint can be found in Xcode > Targets > Build Settings > Code Signing, you just need to make the bundle identifiers match.
I was running into a problem where everything appeared to be fine (none of the certificates were expired), but Xcode was giving me that error message. However, once I downloaded and installed the .mobileprovision file it worked correctly. For some reason the Xcode automatic download wasn't working correctly.
i got the same error, when the scheme for archiving was set to "release" instead to "distribution".
Click "Manage Schemes" in XCode then "Edit..." to verify your settings.
I just renewed my iOS Developer membership. And this problem drove me crazy as I wanted to submit my app.
to Developer portal
iOS provisioning profiles
Select (your) Distribution Profile
Edit --> select the correct App ID
Generate and download it