SQL bcp The semaphore timeout period has expired - sql

I'm making a bulk copy onto a file of a select in my database.
DECLARE #cmd varchar(1000)
DECLARE #sql varchar(8000)
SET #cmd='"select * from [MyDB].[dbo].MyTable"'
SELECT #sql = 'bcp '+#cmd+' queryout C:\myfile.txt -c -t -T -S MyServer -U user -P password';
exec xp_cmdshell #sql;
If I change the parameters and I execute the same command on the database test on my machine it works, but on the database server I get this error:
Msg 121, Level 20, State 0, Line 0
A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The semaphore timeout period has expired.)
I check server name, user, password, table name and they are correct, so I cannot understand what I'm doing wrong.
Can someone help me with this issue?

Increase timeout seconds in connection string.
private static void OpenSqlConnection() {
string connectionString = GetConnectionString();
using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
Console.WriteLine("State: {0}", connection.State);
Console.WriteLine("ConnectionTimeout: {0}",
static private string GetConnectionString() {
// To avoid storing the connection string in your code,
// you can retrieve it from a configuration file, using the
// System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings property
return "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;" + "Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=30";

I had the same error. A third-party tool was connecting to the database to extract data for import into a business intelligence system. Each extract/import would run for about 1 hour and there would be something like 10 to 15 separate queries in the process. Fortunately we had logging in place - so we knew at what time each of those queries was starting and ending. The extract/import process was saying that it was completing successfully after 30 minutes - rather than taking about 1 hour. I was able to isolate the query during which the process was failing. When I ran that query in SSMS I got the same error you've given in the question.
However, when I ran that query in another environment, I got an error that a subquery cannot return more than one row.
Sure enough, when I commented out my subqueries in the prod environment, the query ran without any error.
So ultimately, the root cause for me was a subquery returning more than one row - and the issue only appeared because for some reason, "bad data" got into the database - ie. that particular subquery should never have found a scenario where there is more than one row, and hence too, the error just began to appear one day. (For other people who are experiencing this error intermittently - it could be because it is only some of your queries - or one of your queries - that is failing).


SQL Server job step retry attempts for specific error

I have a SQL job (4 steps job consist of SSIS packages) which runs on daily basis and extract data from various sources (source1, source2, source3) then it loads data to warehouse. Now my job fails due to 'Communication Link failure' with source1 at step 1.
Is there any way I can set up retry attempt SQL job based on this above error only.
For example, if I get error 'primary key violation' or some other data related issue then we should directly get notification that job failed but if we have error 'Communication Link failure' then step1 should do retry attempt.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Short answer: No, not with the SQL agent.
Longer answer: Maybe you can build up som logic where the package checks if the previous error was that specific error you're looking for, if then, execute again. Cumbersome but possible.
You can create an Event Handler for the OnError event with a Script Task which will check for this specific error and execute msdb.dbo.sp_start_job if this error occurred. Since I'm not sure the exact error code you're getting, this only checks the #[System::ErrorDescription] system variable for the specific text using the StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase option to make this match case insensitive. However I would strongly recommend finding the exact error code and using the #[System::ErrorCode] variable to verify this instead. I'd also suggest only retrying the job a certain number of times or within a given time-frame to avoid excessive failures if this issue persists as well.
string errorMsg = Dts.Variables["System::ErrorDescription"].Value.ToString();
if (errorMsg.IndexOf("Communication Link failure", 0, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
string connString = #"YourConnectionString;";
string startJobCmd = #"EXEC MSDB.DBO.SP_START_JOB N'NameOfJobToRetry;";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand(startJobCmd, conn);

Unable to access DBCONN after migration to EHP7

I want to access Unix Database from my SAP system.
I was using cl_sql_connection class to open the connection.
This class was working fine before the upgrade to EHP7.
But, now, I am unable to Access table DBCONN in any Stabdard SAP transaction (SE16, SE11...)
Following is my code, returning exception since EPH7 upgrade.
* Fetch data from the ACMM application, using db-links.
CALL METHOD cl_sql_connection=>get_connection
con_name = lw_dbcon_name
con_ref = lo_sql_connection.
CATCH cx_sql_exception .
=>An exception occurred while opening SQL Connection
Is their any other way through which i can connect to other Server?
Yes, there is. You can use the (older) variant of EXEC SQL.
But before you do, check the connection using ADBC_TEST_CONNECTION in SE38.
You could also get some more details by exploring the exception object you have. Here is how I usually do it:
OPEN dbcur FOR
SELECT id FROM table
CATCH cx_sy_native_sql_error INTO lr_cx_native_sql_error.
Now you have info like:
lr_cx_native_sql_error->get_text( )
lr_cx_native_sql_error->get_longtext( )

time out error using entity framework?

We have the following code:
var db = new CoreEntityDB();
var abc = new abcDB();
var connection = new DataStore(db.ConnectionStrings.First(p => p.Name == "Abc").Value, DataStore.Server.SqlServer);
var projects = new List<abc_Employees>();
The project is failing on the following line:
And the error says: "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding"
Everything was working fine a few days ago, and now, nothing. Nothing's changed either as far as code, or sql stored proc.
Anyone else experienced this before?
Did you try to run SP independently to see if that's the bottle neck?
Is it the command that is timing out?
You can increase the command timeout using:
((IObjectContextAdapter)abc).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 180;
You should take a look at your stored procedure. The default timeout is 30 seconds so it looks like it is taking longer for the stored procedure to return results. Increasing the timeout is just treating the symptoms.

Data is not properly stored to hsqldb when using pooled data source by dbcp

I'm using hsqldb to create cached tables and indexed tables.
The data being stored has pretty high frequency so I need to use a connection pool.
Also because there is a lot of data I do not call checkpoint on every commit, but rather expect the data to be flushed after 50,000 rows are inserted.
So the thing is that I can see the .data file is growing but when I connect with hsqldb client I don't see the tables and the data.
So I had 2 simple tests, one inserted single row and one inserted 60,000 rows to new table. In both cases I couldn't see the result in any hsqldb client.
(Note that I use shutdown=true)
So when I add checkpoint after each commit, it solve the problem.
Also if specify in the connection string to use log, it solves the problem (I don't want the log in production though). Also not using pooled connection solved the problem and last is using pooled data source and explicitly close it before shutdown.
So I guess that some connections in the connection pool are not being closed, preventing from the db to somehow commit the changes and make them available for the client. But then, why couldn't I see the result even with 60,000 rows?
I also would expect the pool to be closed automatically...
What am I doing wrong? What is happening behind the scene?
The code to get the data source looks like this:
String url = "jdbc:hsqldb:" + m_dbRoot + dbName + "/db" + ";hsqldb.log_data=false;shutdown=true;hsqldb.nio_data_file=false";
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new DriverManagerConnectionFactory(url, user, password);
GenericObjectPool connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool();
KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPool = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory(null);
new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory, connectionPool, stmtPool, null, false, true);
DataSource ds = new PoolingDataSource(connectionPool);
And I'm using this Pooled data source to create table:
Connection c = m_dataSource.getConnection();
Statement st = c.createStatement();
String script = String.format("CREATE CACHED TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (id %s NOT NULL, entity %s NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));", m_tableName, m_idGenerator.getIdType(), TABLE_ENTITY_TYPE);
And insert rows:
Connection c = m_dataSource.getConnection();
Statement stmt = c.prepareStatement(m_sqlInsert);
stmt.setObject(1, id);
stmt.setBinaryStream(2, Serializer.Helper.serialize(m_serializer, entity));
stmt = null;
so the above seems to add data but it cannot be seen.
When I explicitly called
Then and only then I could see the result.
I also tried to use JDBCDataSource and it worked as well.
So what is going on? And what is the right way to do this?
Your method of accessing the database from outside your application process is simply wrong.
Only one java process is supposed to connect to the file: database.
In order to achieve your aim, launch an HSQLDB server within your application, using exactly the same JDBC URL. Then connect to this server from the external client.
See the Guide:
Update: The OP commented that the external client was used after the application had stopped. Because you have turned the log off with hsqldb.log_data=false, nothing is persisted permanently. You need to perform an explicit CHECKPOINT or SHUTDOWN when your application completes its work. You cannot rely on shutdown=true at all, even without connection pooling.
See the Guide:

SQL Server Agent 2005 job runs but no output

Essentially I have a job which runs in BIDS and as as a stand lone package and while it runs under the SQL Server Agent it doesn't complete properly (no error messages though).
The job steps are:
1) Delete all rows from table;
2) Use For each loop to fill up table from Excel spreasheets;
3) Clean up table.
I've tried this MS page (steps 1 & 2), didn't see any need to start changing from Server side security.
Also SQLServerCentral.com for this page, no resolution.
How can I get error logging or a fix?
Note I've reposted this from Server Fault as it's one of those questions that's not pure admin or programming.
I have logged in as the proxy account I'm running this under, and the job runs stand alone but complains that the Excel tables are empty?
Here's how I managed tracking "returned state" from an SSIS package called via a SQL Agent job. If we're lucky, some of this may apply to your system.
Job calls a stored procedure
Procedure builds a DTEXEC call (with a dozen or more parameters)
Procedure calls xp_cmdshell, with the call as a parameter (#Command)
SSIS package runs
"local" SSIS variable is initialized to 1
If an error is raised, SSIS "flow" passes to a step that sets that local variable to 0
In a final step, use Expressions to set SSIS property "ForceExecutionResult" to that local variable (1 = Success, 0 = Failure)
Full form of the SSIS call stores the returned value like so:
EXECUTE #ReturnValue = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell #Command
...and then it gets messy, as you can get a host of values returned from SSIS . I logged actions and activity in a DB table while going through the SSIS steps and consult that to try to work things out (which is where #Description below comes from). Here's the relevant code and comments:
-- Evaluate the DTEXEC return code
SET #Message = case
when #ReturnValue = 1 and #Description <> 'SSIS Package' then 'SSIS Package execution was stopped or interrupted before it completed'
when #ReturnValue in (0,1) then '' -- Package success or failure is logged within the package
when #ReturnValue = 3 then 'DTEXEC exit code 3, package interrupted'
when #ReturnValue in (4,5,6) then 'DTEXEC exit code ' + cast(#Returnvalue as varchar(10)) + ', package could not be run'
else 'DTEXEC exit code ' + isnull(cast(#Returnvalue as varchar(10)), '<NULL>') + ' is an unknown and unanticipated value'
-- Oddball case: if cmd.exe process is killed, return value is 1, but process will continue anyway
-- and could finish 100% succesfully... and #ReturnValue will equal 1. If you can figure out how,
-- write a check for this in here.
That last references the "what if, while SSIS is running, some admin joker kills the CMD session (from, say, taskmanager) because the process is running too long" situation. We've never had it happen--that I know of--but they were uber-paranoid when I was writing this so I had to look into it...
Why not use logging built into SSIS? We send our logs toa database table and then parse them out to another table in amore user friendly format and can see every step of everypackage that was run. And every error.
I did fix this eventually, thanks for the suggestions.
Basically I logged into Windows with the proxy user account I was running and started to see errors like:
"The For each file enumerator is empty"
I copied the project files across and started testing, it turned out that I'd still left a file path (N:/) in the properties of the For Each loop box, although I'd changed the connection properties. Easier once you've got error conditions to work with. I also had to recreate the variable mapping.
No wonder people just recreate the whole package.
Now fixed and working!