#Value! error with =(A1+A2) - sum

I'm trying to add multiple cells with the formula =(A1+A2+A3...etc)
Which works, but if all the cells are empty then I get a #Value!
Yes I am aware the proper way to add cell values is with =SUM(A1:A3)
However the cells I'm adding together each have their own functions to get their numbers, and the =SUM function won't add them together.
So! Is there a way I can make =(A1+A2+A3...etc) not give me a #Value! error in the cell that's supposed to total them if ALL the cells (A1,A2,etc) are empty? (as in, the cell with the total will just be blank)
Yes I know this is overly complicated. I'm working with that I've got.
I might have figured out my problem. My 'false' statement in the function of the cells that were being added is "" in order to make the cell not have a 0 in it when empty. When it tries to add those cells together, if they all read "" and none are a number that's when I get the #Value! error. Not sure yet what I'm going to do about that...
Yup. Problem was caused by having a non-numerical value as my false statement. Didn't want a bunch of zeros everywhere, but oh well I guess.

I tried both Excel 2007 and Calc 3.4.1, and neither one of these generated the #Value! that you mention. I am thinking that perhaps your source cells' equations are producing a value that is causing this to error out.
For example, if one of the cells has a String value, then this will be the result. This can be detected with the TYPE() function. for example:
=( IF(TYPE(A1)=1;A1;0) + IF(TYPE(A1)=1;B1;0) + ...)
this will make sure that you are actually adding numbers before the addition takes place.
See: http://www.techonthenet.com/excel/formulas/type.php
for details on TYPE()


Removing leading zeros from alphanumeric cells in VBA

I'm trying to remove leading zeros from ID numbers that are alphanumeric and very random. I've tried other methods found here but they will work for 90% of the IDs but totally delete others. I have a working formula for basic Excel that removes the zeros and I'm trying to work it into VBA code. I keep receiving error 1004 - application defined or object defined error on the line with the formula in it.
My understanding of activecell.formula is that it inserts this formula exactly inside the cell so since the formula works (with ' replaced with " inside the substitute function) I can't figure out why I am getting this error. Any help at all is greatly appreciated!

SUMIFS returns 0 using dynamic criteria, with criteria range and sum range on another sheet

I've chatted with and called excel customer service with no luck. I used the formula builder (please see attached screenshot) to make sure each element of the formula is correct and returns the value for the criteria I'm trying to reference.
Everything is accurate, but it returns a value of 0. When I do the same thing in the actual sheet the data is stored in (and click a criteria cell within the criteria range) it returns the accurate value?! I'm not sure why it won't work on the other sheet. The values I am using to select are dynamic and change with a drop down. I have another, advanced, workbook (I did not create) that does the same thing and completes an even more complicated formula, but actually works so I'm not sure why this is returning a 0 value.
Photos and code/syntax: Dynamic Selection, Example 2 of it working, Example 1 of it working, Formula Builder, CountIFs, Advanced Spreadsheet working, VLOOKUP
=SUMIFS('GFEBS Pull'!Q:Q,'GFEBS Pull'!G:G,'FMCOP'!$C$20,'GFEBS Pull'!H:H,'FMCOP'!B23)
When I type ' around FMCOP sheet name, they disappear? I've also tried to lock the columns on the 'GFEBS Pull' sheet with no luck. Cell B23 is not locked because I'm going to copy the formula down to reference other cells. Any help is appreciated!
In this screenshot you can clearly see that both FMCOP!C20 ansd FMCOP!B23 have prefacing spaces; e.g. " HHC".
Since " HHC" will never match "HHC", fix the data returned from 'the lower table in the same screenshot'.
A Text-to-Columns, Fixed Width, Finish should do this. You could adjust the original formula like,
I would caution against the latter 'bandaid' fix. Fix the original data; do not apply bandaids on-the-fly.

Error 1004 when using =AND(ISERROR) formula in macro

I'm recording a macro to automate some Excel reports and have encountered the following bug whenever I try and run an iserror(search) formula:
Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error
I have two lists. The formula iterates through the first list and compares the values with those of the second list, hiding any matching values.
The formula in Excel is like this only with a wider criteria range:
It works perfectly when I insert the formula directly into the spreadsheet cell however I get an error when I record and later run the macro using the same formula.
I got the formula insertion to work through the macro but now I cannot filter the data as before, even when I do it manually without the macro.
Below is a link to a picture giving an example of the type of lookup I'm trying to achieve, previously it worked perfectly and removed all the rows which contained a string from the 'to remove list' now I cannot get it to filter at all. I've tried removing the macro after saving in notepad in case the file had become corrupted but it still does not filter as before. What could be causing this?
This is how the lookup works
Cell [A13] would contain the aforementioned ISERROR formula in this example.
This formula doesn't translate well to VBA in its current form. You should use the VBA Instr function instead of the worksheet function Search.
Function FindSubstring() As Boolean
Dim rngFindText As Range
Dim rngWithinText As Range
Set rngFindText = Sheet1.Range("B3212")
Set rngWithinText = Sheet1.Range("B2")
FindSubstring = InStr(rngWithinText, rngFindText)
End Function
Sub foobar()
Debug.Print FindSubstring
End Sub
You are asking Excel a question to tell you to find the contents of $B$3212 in B2 and to find if again.
Usually the SEARCH is used to find the contents of one thing in another, by using it again the AND statement you are asking it again ... and for what?
Hence the question does not make sense.
What I think you might be asking if just once and if there is an error meaning it did not find it there in this instance for it to return 0.
I figured this one out, the original 1004 error was caused by vba only partially recording the formula, the solution involved simply going into the debugger to find which line hadn't been translated correctly and editing that line. I then had to edit the formula so as to be able to filter out values acording to my criteria and ended up with a formula closer to this:

VBA Alternative for sumproduct function

I tried to use SUMIFS, but it failed since the formula doesn't allow me to use two different criterias from the same criteria range (which makes sense of course), so I looked around the Internet and found '=SUMPRODUCT' instead I used it but it doesn't return any value. Here my formula
=SUMPRODUCT((('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!E:E="DB")+('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!E:E="DZ"))*('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!G:G))
Maybe Looping through the range with an if clause and using the sum function after "then"?
In row number 26 & 27 are two different string values ("DB,DZ") and in the same row is a value in the column (Betrag) which means amount and I need a formula to sum all values that are in the same rows as "DB" and "DZ"
I agree with Jeeped that you should "Cut your full column references down to the actual extents of your data"
There is a slight typo in your formula. Replace the * with a , and it will work just fine :)
Your original formula should be
=SUMPRODUCT((('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!E1:E6="DB")+('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!E1:E6="DZ")), 'BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!G1:G6)
Replace 6 with the relevant row.
This is the best I can improve your existing formula without more information.
=SUMPRODUCT(('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!E1:INDEX('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!E:E, MATCH("zzz", 'BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!E:E))={"DB","DZ"})*('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!G1:INDEX('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!G:G, MATCH("zzz", 'BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!E:E))))
It may look more complicated but it actually performs much less work.
Actually, this may be even better.
=SUM(SUMIFS('BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!G:G, 'BB_Juni 2016_Crew'!E:E, {"DB","DZ"}))
Both are standard formulas (no need for CSE).
There is a spreadsheet function AND that accepts several conditions and returns TRUE of all conditions are TRUE, FALSE otherwise.
You may try re-phrasing your formula or make your question clearer so it may be possible to give you an actual working formula.

Range("CustomTable").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Delete now fails. Run-time error '1004'

was wondering if anyone noticed a change in behaviour of the following or similar code:
I use it to delete filtered range on a ListObjects table in excel 2013 and until about last week it was working fine; and now, if there are at least two non-sequential lines needed to be deleted, it is throwing an error: "Run-time error '1004': Delete method of Range class failed. I am sure it is not just the case that nothing is visible in filtered data-set, I ran it in debug and it definitely has multiple lines to delete, and it does give a normal entire row address with multiple lines to delete, but it fails to.
I have solved it by stripping out EntireRow and suppressing excel alerts on confirmation menu if I want to delete entire row. I am just quizzed why it suddenly stopped working?
I've come across this problem as well. What I've found to work is to save the range, remove the filter and then iterate through the areas of the range in reverse order (required as ranges change as you delete).
I've added in the "Application.Union" to take care of hidden columns. I just found a case of hidden columns creating multiple areas for the same row. So the solution to that is to get the SpecialCells range with the EntireRow, which still gives you duplicate areas for full rows. Then using the Application.Union you can compress these into a unique set of areas in a range.
Set delete_range = Application.Union(.Range("CustomTable").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow, .Range("CustomTable").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow)
Set delete_range =
For i = delete_range.Areas.Count To 1 Step -1
Hope that works for you. The disabling alerts didn't solve my problems. Everything else I tried had corner cases that didn't work. I assume you've already catered for removing the header (if you have one) from the range of interest.
NOTE: I also had another strange case which was resulting in the range = nothing. Can't remember the reasons for this happening, but I also included a check for nothing of the range before processing. I didn't include that in this answer.
Just to clarify: I have found a work around it, therefore not looking for one, I am just trying to understand why this line worked OK previously and doesn't work now.
In case anyone stumbles into this post whilst searching for the solution the line can be replaced by the following 3 lines, giving same result:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
P.S. I am personally not a big fan of suppressing alerts, but feel like this is the most optimal fix...