I have a javascript which when a user enters a number to textbox,the script generates that much number of textboxes dynamically.But what i need is to create is select's instead of textboxes with options retrieved from mysql database.
the javascript for creating textbox is given below,
<script type="text/javascript" >
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#stops").change(function () {
var count = $("#holder input").size();
var requested = parseInt($("#stops").val(), 10);
if(requested == 0 && count > 0){
$("#title").html("Stop Codes");
if (requested > count) {
for (i = count; i < requested; i++) {
var $ctrl = $('<input/>').attr({
type: 'text',
name: 'text' + i,
placeholder: "Enter stop " +(i+1) +" airport code"
} else if (requested < count) {
var x = requested - 1;
$("#holder input:gt(" + x + ")").remove();
HTML generated textboxes here
<td id="holder"></td>
verifyActiveInterfacesViaConnectionStatus() {
var sum = 0
var i;
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
cy.xpath(`(//*[name()='g' and #class ='highcharts-label highcharts-data-label highcharts-data-label-color-undefined']//*[name()='text']//*[#class='highcharts-text-outline'])[${i}]`).invoke("text").then(($text1) => {
var textValue1 = $text1 + "\n"
var total = parseInt(textValue1)
sum += total
cy.log("Total of all connected OS= " + sum)
In the cypress automation, when I'm running this block of code it is returning the sum=0 but I don't know why it is displaying 0. Please help me out.
Cypress commands are asynchronous.
cy.log captures the sum value before the first xpath command gets really executed.
To synchronize access to the sum you can use a then callback:
verifyActiveInterfacesViaConnectionStatus() {
var sum = 0
var i;
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
cy.xpath(`(//*[name()='g' and #class ='highcharts-label highcharts-data-label highcharts-data-label-color-undefined']//*[name()='text']//*[#class='highcharts-text-outline'])[${i}]`).invoke("text").then(($text1) => {
var textValue1 = $text1 + "\n"
var total = parseInt(textValue1)
sum += total
cy.then(() => {
cy.log("Total of all connected OS= " + sum)
Look at this article for details on how to handle variables at Cypress.
We have successfully added the following script to all/most pages, but it will not fire on the following page and I'm stumped. Our ultimate goal is to transfer all UTM parameters to any vehicle selected on the page.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(function() {
var domainsToDecorate = [
'cardoor.ca' //add or remove domains (without https or trailing slash)
queryParams = [
'utm_medium', //add or remove query parameters you want to transfer
// do not edit anything below this line
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a');
// check if links contain domain from the domainsToDecorate array and then decorates
for (var linkIndex = 0; linkIndex < links.length; linkIndex++) {
for (var domainIndex = 0; domainIndex < domainsToDecorate.length; domainIndex++) { if (links[linkIndex].href.indexOf(domainsToDecorate[domainIndex]) > -1 && links[linkIndex].href.indexOf("#") === -1) {
links[linkIndex].href = decorateUrl(links[linkIndex].href);
// decorates the URL with query params
function decorateUrl(urlToDecorate) {
urlToDecorate = (urlToDecorate.indexOf('?') === -1) ? urlToDecorate + '?' : urlToDecorate + '&';
var collectedQueryParams = [];
for (var queryIndex = 0; queryIndex < queryParams.length; queryIndex++) {
if (getQueryParam(queryParams[queryIndex])) {
collectedQueryParams.push(queryParams[queryIndex] + '=' + getQueryParam(queryParams[queryIndex]))
return urlToDecorate + collectedQueryParams.join('&');
// borrowed from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/831030/
// a function that retrieves the value of a query parameter
function getQueryParam(name) {
if (name = (new RegExp('[?&]' + encodeURIComponent(name) + '=([^&]*)')).exec(window.location.search))
return decodeURIComponent(name[1]);
We are on WordPress, so I am a bit limited in the containers I can add this to but I have tried in the 2 available to me. I have tried to move it as high on the page as possible but to no avail.
I'm trying to print qz tray from javascript.
I have barcode with number in ascending order 1,2,3,4, 5 and so on.
I looping the seq correctly . but when printed out, it was not in order.
function sleep(milliseconds) {
var start = new Date().getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){
function directPrint2(){
var data;
var xhttp;
var v_carton = "' || x_str_carton ||'";
var carton_arr = v_carton.split('','');
var v1 = "' ||
replace(x_zebra_printer_id, '\', '|') ||
if(v1 == ""){
alert("Please setup ZPL Printer");
xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
data = [ toNative(this.responseText) ];
printZPL(data, v1);
for (var j = 0; j < carton_arr.length; j++){
var url = "' || x_wms_url ||
xhttp.open("GET", url, false);
What's missing from your example:
I do not see any looping logic in the example calling the printZPL function,
printZPL isn't a QZ Tray function and you're missing the code snippet which it calls. Usually this would be qz.print(config, data);.
Regardless of the missing information, the qz.print(...) API is ES6/Promise/A+ based meaning if you want to call qz.print multiple times in a row you need to use a Promise-compatible technique. (e.g. .then(...) syntax) between your print calls as explained in the Chaining Requests guide.
To avoid this, you can concatenate all ZPL data into one large data array. Be careful not to spool too much data at once.
If you know exactly how many jobs you'll be appending, you can hard-code the promise chain:
.then(function() {
return qz.printers.find("zebra"); // Pass the printer name into the next Promise
.then(function(printer) {
var config = qz.configs.create(printer); // Create a default config for the found printer
var data = ['^XA^FO50,50^ADN,36,20^FDRAW ZPL EXAMPLE^FS^XZ']; // Raw ZPL
return qz.print(config, data);
.catch(function(e) { console.error(e); });
Finally, if you do NOT know in advanced how many calls to qz.print(...) you can use a Promise loop as explained in the Promise Loop guide.
function promiseLoop() {
var data = [
"^XA\n^FO50,50^ADN,36,20^FDPRINT 1 ^FS\n^XZ\n",
"^XA\n^FO50,50^ADN,36,20^FDPRINT 2 ^FS\n^XZ\n",
"^XA\n^FO50,50^ADN,36,20^FDPRINT 3 ^FS\n^XZ\n",
"^XA\n^FO50,50^ADN,36,20^FDPRINT 4 ^FS\n^XZ\n"
var configs = [
{ "printer": "ZDesigner LP2844-Z" },
{ "printer": "ZDesigner LP2844-Z" },
{ "printer": "ZDesigner LP2844-Z" },
{ "printer": "ZDesigner LP2844-Z" }
var chain = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
(function(i_) {
//setup this chain link
var link = function() {
return qz.printers.find(configs[i_].printer).then(function(found) {
return qz.print(qz.configs.create(found), [data[i_]]);
//closure ensures this promise's concept of `i` doesn't change
//can be .connect or `Promise.resolve()`, etc
var firstLink = new RSVP.Promise(function(r, e) { r(); });
var lastLink = null;
chain.reduce(function(sequence, link) {
lastLink = sequence.then(link);
return lastLink;
}, firstLink);
//this will be the very last link in the chain
lastLink.catch(function(err) {
Note: The Promise Loop is no longer needed in QZ Tray 2.1. Instead, since 2.1, an array of config objects and data arrays can be provided instead.
I have a question about the pie chart in c3.js.
How can I add the total count of a pie chart in the title??
var title = new Array('data1.sql','data2.sql')
var dtitle = new Array('title1','title2')
var chart = new Array('chart0', 'chart1')
for(var i = 0; i < title.length; i++){
chart[i] = c3.generate({
bindto : '#chart' + i,
size: {
height: 550,
width: 800
data : {
url : '/json/sql/data/test/' + title[i],
mimeType : 'json',
type : 'donut'
donut: {
title: dtitle[i] + ' - Total:' ,
label: {
format: function(value, ratio, id) {
return value;
The annoying thing here is that the title option can take a function, but the chart variable is not initialised within it so using the c3 api methods can't be done at this point.
So the best (maybe only) way is to add an onrendered callback that adds up the data as you'd need to anyways and then replace the text in the chart's title text using a spot of d3:
onrendered: function () {
var data = this.api.data();
var total = data.reduce (function (subtotal, t) {
return subtotal + t.values.reduce (function (subsubtotal,b) { return subsubtotal + b.value; }, 0);
}, 0);
d3.select(this.config.bindto + " .c3-chart-arcs-title").text("Total: "+total);
Edit: If you want it to keep track of a total as you hide/show series use this
var data = this.api.data.shown.call (this.api);
instead of
var data = this.api.data();
Using SlickGrid to display some pretty elaborate grids. The Example I am showing here isn't my code but basically an example given by the SlickGrid people duplicating my issue. My Grids need to have columns added dynamically with the column names being fed through an AJAX feed. Creating the column object in JS is not a problem and even adding them using the .push is seems to work fine as I can see them in the firebug console. The new columns never seem to rendner. I get a a bunch of tiny empty cells at the end of the grid but they never populate.
The script below can be replaced with the script in the "example1-simple.html" viewed here.
<script src="../lib/jquery.jsonp-1.1.0.min.js"></script>
var grid;
var data = [];
var columns = [
{id:"title", name:"Title", field:"title"},
{id:"duration", name:"Duration", field:"duration"},
{id:"%", name:"% Complete", field:"percentComplete"},
{id:"start", name:"Start", field:"start"},
{id:"finish", name:"Finish", field:"finish"},
{id:"effort-driven", name:"Effort Driven", field:"effortDriven"}
var dynamicColumns = [];
var options = {
enableCellNavigation: true,
enableColumnReorder: false
$(function() {
data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
data[i] = {
title: "Task " + i,
duration: "5 days",
percentComplete: Math.round(Math.random() * 100),
start: "01/01/2009",
finish: "01/05/2009",
effortDriven: (i % 5 == 0)
for (var x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
var columnName = "dynamicColumn" + x;
data[i][columnName] = x;
//alert("Go Pack Go");
grid = new Slick.Grid("#myGrid", data, dynamicColumns, options);
function BuildExtraColumnsAJAX(){
//dynamicColumns = [];
for (var x = 0; x < columns.length; x++){
var url = "http://services.digg.com/search/stories? query=apple&callback=C&offset=0&count=20&appkey=http://slickgrid.googlecode.com&type=javascript";
url: url,
callbackParameter: "callback",
cache: true, // Digg doesn't accept the autogenerated cachebuster param
success: onSuccess,
error: function(){
alert("BOOM Goes my world");
function onSuccess(resp) {
for (var i = 0; i < resp.stories.length; i++) {
dynamicColumns.push( {
id: "dynamicColumn" + i,
name: "Dynamic Column" + i,
field: "dynamicColumn" + i
function BuildExtraColumns(){
dynamicColumns = [];
for (var x = 0; x < columns.length; x++){
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
dynamicColumns.push( {
id: "dynamicColumn" + i,
name: "Dynamic Column" + i,
field: "dynamicColumn" + i
If I put the line grid = new Slick.Grid("#myGrid", data, dynamicColumns, options); in the firebug console and run it the grid than renders fine. It is almost like the script is still executing lines of code even though its not done creating the dynamicColumns.
The Digg AJAX call is just to similute an AJAX call, I of course would be using my own.
The grid is getting initialized before the AJAX call to get the additional columns completes.
Either wait until the columns have loaded to initialize the grid, or update the grid after the additional columns have loaded: