Lucene Paging with search - lucene

Hello I am currently using Lucene 4.6.1
In my design I need to be able to search and page possibly many results, so i have some general questions for optimization.
First in the "search(query q, int n)" What is the goal of the variable "n" , Is "n" different from ".totalHits()" ? How should this number be chosen and with what specifications?
Second, it seems that there are two general algorithms for paging. I can either use "searchAfter" or process the "ScoreDoc[]" given a page size.
Currently what way do most people recommend, and what are the design ideas that are required?

searchAfter can be used for efficient "deep paging".
A tutorial on using it with Solr

The int passed to search is the maximum number of hits the search will retrieve. totalHits, from the TopDocs is the total number of hits for the query. It may be more or less than the value passed in.
Not clear to me what you mean by processing the ScoreDoc array. searchAfter is specifically intended to be used for pagination. Use it.


Is it possible to obtain, alter and replace the tfidf document representations in Lucene?

Hej guys,
I'm working on some ranking related research. I would like to index a collection of documents with Lucene, take the tfidf representations (of each document) it generates, alter them, put them back into place and observe how the ranking over a fixed set of queries changes accordingly.
Is there any non-hacky way to do this?
Your question is too vague to have a clear answer, esp. on what you plan to do with :
take the tfidf representations (of each document) it generates, alter them
Lucene stores raw values for scoring :
Per term/doc pair stats : PostingsEnum
Per field/doc pair : norms
All this data is managed by lucene and will be used to compute a score for a given query term. A custom Similarity class can be used to change the formula that generates this score.
But you have to consider that a search query is made of multiple terms, and the way the scores of individual terms are combined can be changed as well. You could use existing Query classes (e.g. BooleanQuery, DisjunctionMax) but you could also write your own.
So it really depends on what you want to do with of all this but note that if you want to change the raw values stored by lucene this is going to be rather hard. You'll have to write a custom lucene codec and probably most the query stack to take benefit of your new data.
One nice thing you should consider is the possibility to store an arbitrary byte[] payloads. This way you could store a value that would have been computed outside of lucene and use it in a custom similarity or query.
Please see the following tutorials: Getting Started with Payloads and Custom Scoring with Lucene Payloads it may you give some ideas.

How to improve ranking of search in Apache Solr

I am implementing search engine using Apache Solr. I want to improve results on the basis of most frequent searches. For example: Consider my index has 5 wordsDown 99 Drawn 46 Dark 86 Dull 75 Dirty 63
The numbers shows that how many times users searcded a particular word.
I want if a next user comes it and type D the response should be in descending order of previously searched and should be in order DownDarkDullDirtyDrawn
The results will change from time to time as word searched frequency will change after every search.. How can I implement this in Solr... Any help in this will help me a lot. Thanking you in anticipation
Regards A.S.Danyal
As vinod writes, you'll have to keep track of actual searches yourself - there is nothing built-in to Solr to handle this for you. However, when you DO have the search statistics available, you can implement the feature by having a separate collection / core with searches and their popularity that you search against. Each document would be a search term and the frequency of how often that document is searched, i.e. document: search, search_count.
You can also use a logarithmic function to use the score of a search_count to affect the score of the search terms, for example if you have more than just the search as a field to influence the score (such as active category, etc.).
Depending on search volume, you probably don't need to update these values after each single search - just updating it once a day or every other hour will usually be good enough. Keep track of the terms that have changed in search volume since the last update, and update those documents in a batch job in certain intervals.
Solr doesn't provide this kind of feature.
One way to achieve this is by using logs,
you will need to have an index of search terms entered. This can be built by mining your search logs.

Querying Apache Solr based on score values

I am working on an image retrieval task. I have a dataset of wikipedia images with their textual description in xml files (1 xml file per image). I have indexed those xmls in Solr. Now while retrieving those, I want to maintain some threshold for Score values, so that docs with less score will not come in the result (because they are not of much importance). For example I want to retrieve all documents having similarity score greater than or equal to 2.0. I have already tried range queries like score:[2.0 TO *] but can't get it working. Does anyone have any idea how can I do that?
What's the motivation for wanting to do this? The reason I ask, is
score is a relative thing determined by Lucene based on your index
statistics. It is only meaningful for comparing the results of a
specific query with a specific instance of the index. In other words,
it isn't useful to filter on b/c there is no way of knowing what a
good cutoff value would be.
Also, take a look here -
So, in general it's bad to cut off by some value, because you'll never know which threshold value is best. In good query it could be score=2, in bad query score=0.5, etc.
These two links should explain you why you DONT want to do it.
P.S. If you still want to do it take a look here -
P.P.S. I recommend you to fix your search queries, so they will search better with high precision (

search lucene NumericField for maximum value

I know there is a NumericRangeQuery in Lucene but is it possible to have lucene simply return the maximum value stored in in a NumericField. I can use a RangeQuery over the entire known range and then sort but this is extremely cumbersome and it may return a huge amount of results if there are a lot of records
The second parameter of query, int n, Sort sort) allows to specify the top n hits (in your case 1), which, if you sort correctly, only returns the desired result. There are other overloaded methods that allow achieving the same.
Can't argue about the cumbersomeness though :)
You could Term Enum through your index. Unfortunately I don't think they're sorted in a way which makes finding the maximum instantaneous, but at least you won't have to do an actual search to find it. You will need to use NumericUtils to convert from Lucene's internal structure to a normal number.
This thread contains an example.

Bubbling up newest content in lucene search results

I am storing various articles in my lucene index.
When user searches for articles which contain a specific term or phrase,I need to show all th articles (could be anywhere between 1000 to 10000 articles) but with newest articles "bubbled up" in the search results.
I believe you can bubble up a search result in Lucene using "Date field Boosting".
Can someone please give me the details of how to go about this?
Thanks in advance!
I would implement the SortComparatorSource interface. You should write a new ScoreDocComparator, whose compare() function compares two dates. Then you will need to sort your searches using the new sorter. This advice is taken from chapter 6 of Lucene in Action.
You can use the setBoost method to set the "boost" for a particular document in the index at index time. Since the default boost value is 1.0, setting a value less than 1.0 will make the document "less relevant" in search results. By tying the boost value of a document to its age (lower boost the older the document gets), you can make newer content seem more relevant in search results.
Note in the documentation for setBoost that the boost value set at indexing time is not available for retrieved documents (boost works, you just can't read the value back at retrieval time to see if you applied the correct value at index time).
