Does the Sony Remote Camera API control HDR modes, ISO, shutter speed, aperture and other "manual" settings? - camera

I just bought a Sony A7 and I am blown away with the incredible pictures it takes, but now I would like to interact and automate the use of this camera using the Sony Remote Camera API. I consider myself a maker and would like to do some fun stuff: add a laser trigger with Arduino, do some computer controlled light painting, and some long-term (on the order of weeks) time-lapse photography. One reason I purchased this Sony camera over other models from famous brands such as Canon, Nikon, or Samsung is because of the ingenious Sony Remote Camera API. However, after reading through the API reference it seems that many of the features cannot be accessed. Is this true? Does anyone know a work around?
Specifically, I am interested in changing a lot of the manual settings that you can change through the menu system on the camera such as ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. I am also interested in taking HDR images in a time-lapse manner and it would be nice to change this setting through the API as well. If anyone knows, why wasn't the API opened up to the whole menu system in the first place?
Finally, if any employee of Sony is reading this I would like to make this plea: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep supporting the Remote Camera API and improve upon an already amazing idea! I think the more control you offer to makers and developers the more popular your cameras will become. I think you could create a cult following if you can manage to capture the imagination of makers across the world and get just one cool project to go viral on the internet. Using http and POST commands is super awesome, because it is OS agnostic and makes communication a breeze. Did I mention that is awesome?! Sony's cameras will nicely integrate themselves into the internet of things.
I think the Remote Camera API strategy is better than the strategies of Sony's competitors. Nikon and Canon have nothing comparable. The closest thing is Samsung gluing Android onto the Galaxy NX, but that is a completely unnecessary cost since most people already own a smart phone; all that needs to exist is a link that allows the camera to talk to the phone, like the Sony API. Sony gets it. Please don't abandon this direction you are taking or the Remote Camera API, because I love where it is heading.

New API features for the Lens Style Cameras DSC-QX100 and DSC-QX10 will be expanded during the spring of 2014. The shutter speed functionality, white balance, ISO settings and more will be included! Check out the official announcement here:
Thanks a lot for your valuable feedback. Great to hear, that the APIs are used and we are looking forward nice implementations!


LabVIEW 2018 USB Webcam Image Grab

I'm looking to capture an image from my usb webcam in LabVIEW 2018. I've looked at older posts (the one from Lava working with the 'free' portions of V&M Toolkit, another webcam test that hangs my computer when trying to run and a few others). What is the best way to do this in the newer LabVIEWs? All the examples I've seen (none of which run correctly or well) are all from 2011-ish timeframe.
It depends on the task (like, for what you are going to use camera), but you could use NI Vision Acquisition Software - which provides set of functions to access the camera, acquire images and videos and process them (basically, IMAQ drivers is what you need). Or, if you are going to use your camera for some kind of test application (vision inspection) - then you'd better check Vision Builder for Automated Inspection.
Those are the easiest (but not the cheapest) ways to acquire images from the various cameras using LabVIEW.
License scheme for the software could be found here - Licensing National Instruments Vision Software. Description of each software component is also here - Does My Camera Use NI-IMAQ, NI-IMAQdx or NI-IMAQ I/O?. So in order to use 3rd party USB camera, one need to have NI-IMAQdx, which requires license.

Relocalize a smartphone on a preloaded point cloud

Being a novice I need an advice how to solve the following problem.
Say, with photogrammetry I have obtained a point cloud of the part of my room. Then I upload this point cloud to an android phone and I want it to track its camera pose relatively to this point cloud in real time.
As far as I know there can be problems with different cameras' (simple camera or another phone camera VS my phone camera) intrinsics that can affect the presision of localisation, right?
Actually, it's supposed to be an AR-app, so I've tried existing SDKs - vuforia, wikitude, placenote (haven't tried arcore yet cause my device highly likely won't support it). The problem is they all use their own clouds for their services and I don't want to depend on them. Ideally, it's my own PC where I perform 3d reconstruction and from where my phone downloads a point cloud.
Do I need a SLAM (with IMU fusion) or VIO on my phone, don't I? Are there any ready-to-go implementations within libs like ARtoolKit or, maybe, PCL? Will any existing SLAM catch up a map, reconstructed with other algorithms or should I use one and only SLAM for both mapping and localization?
So, the main question is how to do everything arcore and vuforia does without using third party servers. (I suspect the answer is to device the same underlay which vuforia and other SDKs use to employ all available hardware..)

Streaming IP Camera solutions that do not require a computer?

I want to embed a video stream into my web page, which is part of our own cloud based software. The video should be low-latency (like video conferencing), and it would be preferable, but not required, for it to include audio. I am comfortable serving streaming binary data from the server-side, and embedding it into the page using HTML5 video.
What I am not comfortable with is the ability to capture the video data to begin with. The client does not already have a solution in place, and is looking to us for assistance. The video would be routed through our server equipment, and not be an embedded peice that connects directly to the video source.
It is a known quantity for us to use a USB or built-in camera from the computer. What I would like more information is about stand-alone cameras.
Some models of cameras have their own API documentation (example). It would seem from what I am reading that a manufacturer would typically have their own API which they repeat on many or all of their models, and that each manufacturer would be different in their API. However, I have only done surface reading and hope to gain more knowledge from someone who has already researched this, or perhaps even had first hand experience.
Do stand-alone cameras generally include an API? (Wouldn't this is a common requirement, so that security software can use multiple lines of cameras?) Or if not an API, how is the data retrieved from the on-board webserver? Is it usually flash based? Perhaps there is a re-useable video stream I could capture from there? Or is the stream formatting usually diverse?
What would I run into when trying to get the server-side to capture that data?
How does latency on a stand-alone device compare with a USB camera solution?
Do you have tips on picking out a stand-alone camera that would be a good fit for streaming through a server?
I am experienced at using JavaScript (both HTML5 and Node.JS), Perl and Java.
Each camera manufacturer has their own take on this from the point of access points; generally you should be able to ask for a snapshot or a MJPEG stream, but it can vary. Take a look at this entry on CodeProject; it tackles two common methodologies. Here's another one targeted at Foscam specifically.
Get a good NAS, I suggest Synology, check out their long list of supported IP Web Cams. You can connect them with a hub or with a router or whatever you wish. It's not a "computer" as-in "tower", but it does many computer jobs, and it can stay on while your computer is off or away, and do thing like like video feeds, torrents, backups, etc.
I'm not an expert on all the features, so I don't know how to get it to broadcast without recording, but even if it does then at least it's separate. Synology is a popular brand and there are lot of authorized and un-authorized plugins for it. Check them out and see if one suits you.

How to get a single screen shot from photo camera using microcontroller

Let's imagine that we have any of popular photocameras (like Canon or whatever) installed on a mechanical platform. This platform allows us to accurately adjust camera's lens direction to any interesting object. This platform is controlled from PC via microcontroller board. But we need a feedback from a photocamera - the image which currently appears on camera's display. Obviously, this feedback is required to be sure that the camera looks in a right direction. At the moment I don't know how to get a single shot image from photocamera by a microcontroller.
Could you please recommend me any directions to dig to ? Any recommendations on how to select photo camera (web cameras are not allowed) ? Any tips ?
Thank you in advance =)
Dwelch is right, you need to pick a "friendly" camera and work from there - google CHDK for a starter.
You could use the SPI interface of a micro to spoof being an SD card, and accept image data from the camera straight into the micro, but you would probably need quite a fast micro with a fair amount of RAM, especially if you want to do any processing on it.
Other than that, you could sample the camera's AV-output (if it has one), either into the micro or straight into the PC via a USB capture stick (or USB capture stick into micro if you're being a show-off), or maybe interrogate the camera over its USB or (insert name of proprietary port here) IO port.
Getting more hacky (yes, even more!) you could sniff the LCD data bus of the camera and steal the image from that, but that brings all sorts of pain, and tiny, tiny screws.

How to demo examples of embeded systems?

It seems that a lot of small business people have a need for some customized embedded systems, but don't really know too much about the possibilities and cannot quite envisage them.
I had the same problem when trying to explain what Android could do; I was generally met with glazed eyes - and then I made a few demos. Somehow, being able to see something - to be able to touch it and play around with it – people have that cartoon lightbulb moment.
Even if it is not directly applicable to them, a demo starts them thinking about what could be useful to them.
The sort of person I am talking about may or may not be technical, but is certainly intelligent, having built from scratch a business which turns over millions.
Their needs are varied, from RFID or GPS asset & people tracking, to simple stock control systems, displays, communications, sometime satellite, sometimes VPN or LAN (wifi or RJ45). A lot of it needs a good back-end database with a web-site to display, query, data-mine …
So, to get to the question, I am looking for a simple project, or projects, which will cause that cartoon lightbulb moment. It need not be too complicated as those who need complicated solutions are generally tech-savvy, just something straightforward & showing what could be done to streamline their business and make it more profitable.
It would be nice it if could include some wifi/RJ45 comms, communicate across the internet (e.g not just a micro-controller attached to a single PC – that should then communicate with a server/web-site), an RFID reader would be nice, something actually happening (LEDs, sounds, etc), plus some database, database analysis/data-ming – something end-to-end, preferably in both directions.
A friend was suggesting a Rube Goldberg like contraption with a Lego Mindstorms attached to a local PC, but also controllable from a remote PC (representing head office) or web site. That would show remote control of devices. Maybe it could pick up some RFID tags and move them around (at random, or on command), representing stock control (or maybe employee/asset movement within a factory or warehouse (Location Based Services/GIS)), which cold then be shown on the web site, with some nice charts & graphs etc.
Any other ideas?
How best to implement it? One of those micro-controller starter kites like ? Maybe some Lego, or similar robot kit, a few cheap RFID readers … anything else?
And – the $409,600 question – what's a good, representative demo which demonstrate as many functionalities as possible, as impressively as possible, with the least effort? (keeping it modular and allowing for easy addition of features, since there is such a wide area to cover)
p.s a tie with an Adroid slate PC would be welcome too
Your customers might respond better to a solid looking R/C truck which seeks RFID tags than to a Lego robot. Lego is cool, but it has a bit of a slapped-together 'kiddie' feel.
What if you:
scatter some RFID tags across the conference room.
add a GPS & wifi transmitter to your truck.
drive the truck to the tag
(manually - unless you want to invest a lot of time in steering algorithms).
have a PC drawing a real-time track of the trucks path.
every the truck gets within range of the tag, add it to an inventory list on the screen, showing item id, location, time recorded, total units so far.
indicate the position of the item on the map.
I'd be impressed.
Is it 'least effort'? I don't know, but I'd hope that if this is the type of solution you are pitching, that you already have a good handle on how to read GPS and RFID devices, how to establish a TCP or UDP connection with wifi, how to send and decode packets. Add some simple graphics and database lookup, and you are set.
Regarding hardware, I don't have any first hand experience with any of these, but the GadgetPC Wi-Fi G Kit + a USB RFID reader + a USB GPS reciever looks like a nice platform for experimenting with this.
Many chip manufactures have off-the-shelf demo boards. Microchip has some great demo boards for TCP/IP communications on an embedded system. I haven't seen one yet for RFID. Showing potential customers some of these demos could get them thinking about what is possible.