I need to get from Access DataBase all items with dates during the current week. The first day of week is Monday. But i can't write any DatePart query. Last attempt was:
qModel->setQuery("SELECT * FROM TimeTable WHERE (DatePart(\"ww\",[PlayDate])=DatePart(\"ww\",Date()));");
Qt returns -3010 mistake:"[Microsoft][Driver ODBC Microsoft Access] Too few parameters. Expected 1."
Also i know that other similar queries with Year() or #SomeDate# is working.
So how can i get current week items?
Use single quotes instead of double quotes in the SQL statement.
qModel->setQuery("SELECT * FROM TimeTable WHERE DatePart('ww',[PlayDate])=DatePart('ww',Date());");
Assuming that change eliminated the error, next add the option to indicate which is the first day of your weeks.
qModel->setQuery("SELECT * FROM TimeTable WHERE DatePart('ww',[PlayDate],2)=DatePart('ww',Date(),2);");
I am working on a report where i have receiveddt field, finalreportdt field, and a calculated turnaround time(TAT) column at the end.
I am trying to write an IIF expression in the TAT column that calcs datediff between the receiveddt & finalreportdt in hours if there is a finalreportdt value generated. If the finalreportdt is blank, datediff must be between the receiveddt and the current date and time.
I've got the receiveddt to current dt expression figured out
DateDiff(DateInterval.Hour,min(Fields!u_receiveddt.Value), Now())
and the datediff for the finalreportdt-receiveddt is straightforward. I'm hitting a wall with combining the two statements.
Here's my most recent try:
, Now()))
When i try to run the report, i get an error. Anyone know a better way or see my mistake?
I was reading through a couple of older posts and tried to apply the same logic to my question, I need to extract 13 months of data broken down per month, I would also like to apply the data to relevant headers... any suggestions. Please see code below and error received.
FROM StocTran ST
ERROR: [Elevate Software][DBISAM] DBISAM Engine Error # 11949 SQL
parsing error - Expected end of statement but instead found ( in
SELECT SQL statement at line 3, column 27 Error Code: 11949
DATEADD is a function in MS's TransactSQL for Sql Server. I do not know that DBIsam supports it, and it is not listed in DBIsam's list of supported functions here:
Generally, date functions are not portable across different SQL engines, and from that list, one possibility might be to use the EXTRACT function instead:
The EXTRACT function returns a specific value from a date, time, or timestamp value. The syntax is as follows:
FROM column_reference or expression)
column_reference or expression)
Use EXTRACT to return the year, month, week, day of week, day, hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds from a date, time, or timestamp column. EXTRACT returns the value for the specified element as an integer.
The extract_value parameter may contain any one of the specifiers:
Even if you are in a hurry, I strngly recommend that you study that page carefully.
UPDATE: From googling dbisam dateadd it looks like Elevate don't have a good answer for an equivalent to DATEADD. One of the hits is this thread:
which suggested an alternative way to do it using Delphi's built-in date functions (like IncMonth which I suggested you use in an answer to another q. Basically, you would calculate the start- and end-dates of a range of dates, then convert them to strings to construct a WHERE clause with a column date (from your db) which is equal to or greater than the start date and less or equal to the end date.
I'm wondering if it it possible to SELECT records in which [RRRmonth] field is the current month? I've written this SQL in many ways and can't seen to get it to work.
WHERE (((CFRRR.[workername]) Is Null) AND ((CFRRR.RRRmonth)=Month([RRRmonth])));
The month function will give you the month of a date/time field. The date function will give you the current date. Use the two together will give you the answer you're looking for
WHERE CFRRR.[workername] Is Null AND month(CFRRR.[RRRmonth])=month(Date());
You also don't need all those parenthesis and makes for a messy query.
I am trying to add months to an existing date in SQL. The new column displayed will have a followup column instead of a days column. Im getting an error in the select statement.can u help?
Create table auctions(
item varchar2(50),
datebought date,
datesold date,
days number
Insert into auctions values (‘Radio’,’12-MAY-2001’,’21-MAY-2001’,9);
Select item,datebought,datesold,ADD MONTHS(datesold,3)”followup” from auctions;
Your usage of the add_months() function is incorrect. It's not two words, it's just one (with an underscore)
add_months(datesold, 1)
note the underscore _ between ADD and MONTHS. It's function call not an operator.
Alternatively you could use:
datesold + INTERVAL '1' month
Although it's worth noting that the arithmetics with intervals is limited (if not broken) because it simply "increments" the month value of the date value. That can lead to invalid dates (e.g. from January to February). Although this is documented behaviour (see below links) I consider this a bug (the SQL standard requires those operations to "Arithmetic obey the natural rules associated with dates and times and yield valid datetime or interval results according to the Gregorian calendar")
See the manual for details:
Another thing:
I am trying to add months to an existing date in SQL.
Then why are you using an INSERT statement? To change the data of existing rows you should use UPDATE. So it seems what you are really after is something like this:
update auctions
set datesold = add_months(datesold, 1)
where item = 'Radio';
Your SQL has typographical quotation marks, not standard ones. E.g. ’ is not the same as '. Instead of delimiting a string value, those quotes become part of the value, at least for the particular SQL I have here to test with.
If this doesn't fix your problem, try posting the error you're getting in your question. Magical debugging isn't possible.
This can be used to add months to a date in SQL:
select DATEADD(mm,1,getdate())
This might be a useful link.
I am wondering if it's possible (without actually parsing the given string) to get the actual range (in terms of days, minutes or seconds) that is specified when you have an SQL statement like
[select 'x'
from dual
where date between to_date('20111113152049')
and to_date('20120113152049')]
I am working on a query where I'm given a string in the form of
"between to_date(A) and to_date(B)"
and would like to get that value in days to compare to a policy we let the user set so they don't enter a date range longer than say a week.
Assuming you're looking for a theoretical answer (that is: don't take this into production) this could work:
have three tables: days_seq(day_seq), month_seq(mth_seq) and year_seq(yr_seq)
days has the numbers 1...31, month 1..12, years 2011....?
Use te following query (I used access because I don't have proper RDBMS available here, keep in mind that MS-ACCESS/JET is forgiving in the use of the Dateserial function, that is, it doesn't break when you ask the dateserial for february, 30th, 2012)
SELECT Max(DateSerial(
, [days_seq]![day_seq]))
,[days_seq]![day_seq])) AS days
FROM days_seq, month_seq, year_seq
WHERE DateSerial(
BETWEEN #2012-02-1# AND #2012-02-28#
The query basically produces a carthesian product of three tables which generates all possible days in months, months in a year for as many years as you have in the years table.
You could off-course generate a permanent Calendar table as X-Zero suggests.
table calendar([date])
INSERT INTO calendar
, [days_seq]![day_seq]))
FROM days_seq, month_seq, year_seq
You still have to pick your start year and your end year wisely. According to the Maya's an enddate of december 21st, 2012 will do.