Error 1004 when clearing a row in excel using vba - vba

I'm currently building a macro for excel and when I try and run it it randomly breaks
on lines when I try to clear a column.
It ALWAYS throws error 1004 and I don't know how to fix it since I'm quite new to Excel VBA.
This is the code it breaks on (with varying columns):
Worksheets(Sheet).Range("A3", Range("A3").End(xlDown)).Clear
Is this the wrong way of doing it? Should I use another function to clear columns?
Thanks in advance.

Each time you don't specify to which worksheet a range refers to, it is refered to the active worksheet. Try
Worksheets(Sheet).Range("A3", Worksheets(Sheet).Range("A3").End(xlDown)).Clear


Is there a way to use VBA for Excel to output a formula to a specific cell in an Excel worksheet?

I am fairly new at programming. I feel like this should be a simple fix but I cannot find anything that works. I am trying to use a Select Case structure to write a different formula to a cell depending on the selected case. If I type:
Sheet1.Range("g10").Value = "=IF(SUM(F10)>0,SUM((F10-15)),"")"
I get an error:
Run-time error '1004'
Application-defined or object-defined error.
I can get it to work if I include spaces like so:
Sheet1.Range("g10").Value = " =IF(SUM(F10)>0,SUM((F10-15)),"") "
but then Excel puts it into the cell like text, not as a formula (it doesn't do anything).
I have tried a few different methods but have run into the same issue. Is it possible to do this?
I apologize if this has been asked and answered, but I wasn't able to find anyone referencing this specific problem.
You don't need to sum a single cell ie SUM(F10) Also SUM((F10-15)) is the same as F10-15.
Try this: Sheet1.Range("g10").Formula = "=IF(F10>0,F10-15,"""")" Also note, you needed to double the double quotes towards the end.
Note, you can do this on a range too like this:
Sheet1.Range("g10:g20").Formula = "=IF(F10>0,F10-15,"""")" and it is smart enough to increment the references for you for the 10 cells.
Wrong property. You need .formula not .value
worksheets("sheet1").range("g10").formula = "=IF(SUM(F10)>0,SUM((F10-15)),"")"
You should be able to type out the formula and then turn on the Macro Recorder and double-click on the cell with the forums, then turn off the Macro recorder and examine your code. That should give you what you want.

Error 1004 when using =AND(ISERROR) formula in macro

I'm recording a macro to automate some Excel reports and have encountered the following bug whenever I try and run an iserror(search) formula:
Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error
I have two lists. The formula iterates through the first list and compares the values with those of the second list, hiding any matching values.
The formula in Excel is like this only with a wider criteria range:
It works perfectly when I insert the formula directly into the spreadsheet cell however I get an error when I record and later run the macro using the same formula.
I got the formula insertion to work through the macro but now I cannot filter the data as before, even when I do it manually without the macro.
Below is a link to a picture giving an example of the type of lookup I'm trying to achieve, previously it worked perfectly and removed all the rows which contained a string from the 'to remove list' now I cannot get it to filter at all. I've tried removing the macro after saving in notepad in case the file had become corrupted but it still does not filter as before. What could be causing this?
This is how the lookup works
Cell [A13] would contain the aforementioned ISERROR formula in this example.
This formula doesn't translate well to VBA in its current form. You should use the VBA Instr function instead of the worksheet function Search.
Function FindSubstring() As Boolean
Dim rngFindText As Range
Dim rngWithinText As Range
Set rngFindText = Sheet1.Range("B3212")
Set rngWithinText = Sheet1.Range("B2")
FindSubstring = InStr(rngWithinText, rngFindText)
End Function
Sub foobar()
Debug.Print FindSubstring
End Sub
You are asking Excel a question to tell you to find the contents of $B$3212 in B2 and to find if again.
Usually the SEARCH is used to find the contents of one thing in another, by using it again the AND statement you are asking it again ... and for what?
Hence the question does not make sense.
What I think you might be asking if just once and if there is an error meaning it did not find it there in this instance for it to return 0.
I figured this one out, the original 1004 error was caused by vba only partially recording the formula, the solution involved simply going into the debugger to find which line hadn't been translated correctly and editing that line. I then had to edit the formula so as to be able to filter out values acording to my criteria and ended up with a formula closer to this:

Blank Fields Copied as #N/A

I am working with an Excel 2003 VBA script that copies the content from worksheets in an external Excel file to worksheets in our own:
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(strTarget).UsedRange.Value = Workbooks(strFile).Sheets(strSource).UsedRange.Value
In a large number of blank cells, this function is posting #N/A instead of the blank values, which causes errors further down in the VBA code. This only occurs on some sheets, while others copy over just fine, sometimes by adding these values in extra rows and other times in extra columns. I have attempted to clear the error with IsNA to no avail:
If (IsNA(Workbooks(strFile).Sheets(strSource).UsedRange.Value)) Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(strTarget).UsedRange.Value = ""
Else: ThisWorkbook.Sheets(strTarget).UsedRange.Value = Workbooks(strFile).Sheets(strSource).UsedRange.Value
Is there a simple way to remove these #N/A values during the copy or even clear them after the fact?
Any other advise on how to handle this issue would also be greatly appreicated, as I'm not a VBA dev myself, but simply the lucky soul who got to pick this up when the only person with Excel and VBA experience left our team. Thanks in advance!
The problem comes when the ranges aren't the same size. You should resize appropriately:
With Workbooks(strFile).Sheets(strSource).UsedRange
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(strTarget).UsedRange.Resize(.Rows.count, .Columns.count).Value = .Value
End With
It's probably safer to clear the target sheet first using:

vba write numeric data as text into excel

I am writing data into an excel spreadsheet. The data comes from an Access Database. Code like the line below works:
but code like the line below does not:
I get an error like "Application defined or object defined error"
I think Excel is trying to do a calculation, and the calculation fails. All I really want is the text string.
I've tried formating the column like
, but it doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
Thanks for all the input. I had tried several of your ideas without success. As it turns out I was using variables to determine the exact row, column as:
xl.cells(NextRow, Col) = ars!PartNo
By simply replacing NextRow with an integer, the code worked. Replaced the integer in the test with NextRow, and the code ran. I suspect a misspelling or something, but couldn't see it looking at the code.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Need to Update External References in an Excel Sheet while a Macro is Running

I have an excel macro that sets Cells to an external location.
Range(NamedReference) = "='http://webaddress/ExcelSheet.xlsx'!NamedReference
Other cells use that location to calculate new values.
"A1" = NamedReference + 1
The problem is that I need to read the new calculated values back into the macro to export data, but the external link has not yet been calculated to any value. It is a #NAME? until the macro is done running. Is there any way to force excel to get those values during the macro run time?
I have tried a variety of things including
Any help would be appreciated. My current solution is to just close the macro on error and have the user re run the macro, but it is really kludgey.
**Edit: Forgot equals sign in formula
You could try
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:=ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources
See on MSDN