Can't declare constant variable locally Error installing Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach Code on Ubuntu Trusty Tahr - Common Lisp - variables

Im installing the code for the book Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach i got here its the lisp version im installing btw
I'm on Ubuntu Trusty using Emacs SBCL slime, I placed the code in ~/.emacs.d
so per the instructions at above link i run (load "/home/w/.emacs.d/aima/code/aima.lisp")
which loads fine i get "T" as output
i run (aima-load 'all) that works I get "T" as output
but when i run (aima-compile) I get the error
Can't declare constant variable locally special: +NO-BINDINGS+
[Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
I'm not sure I understand the error I read the Hyperspec on Declare and Special but that didn't help. I'm not opposed to a hack to make this work so if someone can help me reword the code or figure out if its a emacs setting or sbcl setting i could change to get the aforementioned variable declared that would be great. The error message is referring to this file /home/w/.emacs.d/aima/code/logic/algorithms/tell-ask.lisp
this section
(defmethod ask-each ((kb literal-kb) query fn)
"For each proof of query, call fn on the substitution that
the proof ends up with."
(declare (special +no-bindings+))
(for each s in (literal-kb-sentences kb) do
(when (equal s query) (funcall fn +no-bindings+))))
I verified all the permisions of all the files in my aima folder are set to read write for my username with my username as owner as a step to correct....but as far as understanding the error I could use help figuring out the next step one would take to debug this...The code is downloadable here and its an easy install for a veteran emacs/lisp user....any help is appreciated.

Using SBCL:
I tried loading the AIMA code as well, with the same problem in SBCL. Just comment out line in ./logic/algorithms/tell-ask.lisp:
(declare (special +no-bindings+))
like so
;;(declare (special +no-bindings+))
, or delete the whole line altogether. Nevertheless, this is what I did:
(defmethod ask-each ((kb literal-kb) query fn)
"For each proof of query, call fn on the substitution that
the proof ends up with."
;;(declare (special +no-bindings+))
(for each s in (literal-kb-sentences kb) do
(when (equal s query) (funcall fn +no-bindings+))))
You will still have an issue running (aims-compile) with SBCL. It will complain about some constants being redefined. Just look at the possible restarts and select every time:
0: [CONTINUE] GO ahead and change the value.
Do this as many times (about 6 times that is) as it needs to, and it will load eventually. This is probably happening because of AIMA's code non-standard build/compile system. This can be annoying, but an alternative is to trace the code and see why/where some files are being reloaded.
USING Clozure (CCL):
CCL has a different problem with ./utilities/utilities.lisp. CCL has both true and false functions predefined, therefore you have to make sure that both lines:
#-(or MCL Lispworks)
that directly precede both (defun true ...) and (defun false ...) are changed to:
#-(or MCL Lispworks CCL)
also, in the same source, modify error inside for-each macro to look like so:
(error "~a is an illegal variable in (for each ~a in ~a ...)"
var var list)
With these modifications, CCL seems load AIMA code just fine.
In general:
It's a bad idea to redefine constants or to somehow bypass debugger restarts. Best solution is to have (defconstant ...)s evaluated once only, perhaps by placing them in a separate source file and making sure that the build system picks it up only once.
Another solution found here, which entails wrapping calls to defconstantin a macro like so (borrowed from here):
(defmacro define-constant (name value &optional doc)
(if (boundp name)
(format t
"~&already defined ~A~%old value ~s~%attempted value ~s~%"
name (symbol-value name) value))
`(defconstant ,name (if (boundp ',name) (symbol-value ',name) ,value)
,#(when doc (list doc))))
And then replacing all occurrences of defconstant like so:
(defconstant +no-bindings+ '((nil))
"Indicates unification success, with no variables.")
(define-constant +no-bindings+ '((nil))
"Indicates unification success, with no variables.")
If you opt for define-constant "solution", make sure that define-constant is evaluated first.


How do I remember the root of a binary search tree in Haskell

I am new to Functional programming.
The challenge I have is regarding the mental map of how a binary search tree works in Haskell.
In other programs (C,C++) we have something called root. We store it in a variable. We insert elements into it and do balancing etc..
The program takes a break does other things (may be process user inputs, create threads) and then figures out it needs to insert a new element in the already created tree. It knows the root (stored as a variable) and invokes the insert function with the root and the new value.
So far so good in other languages. But how do I mimic such a thing in Haskell, i.e.
I see functions implementing converting a list to a Binary Tree, inserting a value etc.. That's all good
I want this functionality to be part of a bigger program and so i need to know what the root is so that i can use it to insert it again. Is that possible? If so how?
Note: Is it not possible at all because data structures are immutable and so we cannot use the root at all to insert something. in such a case how is the above situation handled in Haskell?
It all happens in the same way, really, except that instead of mutating the existing tree variable we derive a new tree from it and remember that new tree instead of the old one.
For example, a sketch in C++ of the process you describe might look like:
int main(void) {
Tree<string> root;
while (true) {
string next;
cin >> next;
if (next == "quit") exit(0);
A variable, a read action, and loop with a mutate step. In haskell, we do the same thing, but using recursion for looping and a recursion variable instead of mutating a local.
main = loop Empty
where loop t = do
next <- getLine
when (next /= "quit") $ do
let t' = insert next t
doSomethingWith t'
loop t'
If you need doSomethingWith to be able to "mutate" t as well as read it, you can lift your program into State:
main = loop Empty
where loop t = do
next <- getLine
when (next /= "quit") $ do
loop (execState doSomethingWith (insert next t))
Writing an example with a BST would take too much time but I give you an analogous example using lists.
Let's invent a updateListN which updates the n-th element in a list.
updateListN :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
updateListN i n l = take (i - 1) l ++ n : drop i l
Now for our program:
list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] -- The big data structure we might want to use multiple times
main = do
-- only for shows
print $ updateListN 3 30 list -- [1,2,30,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
print $ updateListN 8 80 list -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,80,9,10]
-- now some illustrative complicated processing
let list' = foldr (\i l -> updateListN i (i*10) l) list list
-- list' = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]
-- Our crazily complicated illustrative algorithm still needs `list`
print $ zipWith (-) list' list
-- [9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,81,90]
See how we "updated" list but it was still available? Most data structures in Haskell are persistent, so updates are non-destructive. As long as we have a reference of the old data around we can use it.
As for your comment:
My program is trying the following a) Convert a list to a Binary Search Tree b) do some I/O operation c) Ask for a user input to insert a new value in the created Binary Search Tree d) Insert it into the already created list. This is what the program intends to do. Not sure how to get this done in Haskell (or) is am i stuck in the old mindset. Any ideas/hints welcome.
We can sketch a program:
data BST
readInt :: IO Int; readInt = undefined
toBST :: [Int] -> BST; toBST = undefined
printBST :: BST -> IO (); printBST = undefined
loop :: [Int] -> IO ()
loop list = do
int <- readInt
let newList = int : list
let bst = toBST newList
printBST bst
loop newList
main = loop []
"do balancing" ... "It knows the root" nope. After re-balancing the root is new. The function balance_bst must return the new root.
Same in Haskell, but also with insert_bst. It too will return the new root, and you will use that new root from that point forward.
Even if the new root's value is the same, in Haskell it's a new root, since one of its children has changed.
See ''How to "think functional"'' here.
Even in C++ (or other imperative languages), it would usually be considered a poor idea to have a single global variable holding the root of the binary search tree.
Instead code that needs access to a tree should normally be parameterised on the particular tree it operates on. That's a fancy way of saying: it should be a function/method/procedure that takes the tree as an argument.
So if you're doing that, then it doesn't take much imagination to figure out how several different sections of code (or one section, on several occasions) could get access to different versions of an immutable tree. Instead of passing the same tree to each of these functions (with modifications in between), you just pass a different tree each time.
It's only a little more work to imagine what your code needs to do to "modify" an immutable tree. Obviously you won't produce a new version of the tree by directly mutating it, you'll instead produce a new value (probably by calling methods on the class implementing the tree for you, but if necessary by manually assembling new nodes yourself), and then you'll return it so your caller can pass it on - by returning it to its own caller, by giving it to another function, or even calling you again.
Putting that all together, you can have your whole program manipulate (successive versions of) this binary tree without ever having it stored in a global variable that is "the" tree. An early function (possibly even main) creates the first version of the tree, passes it to the first thing that uses it, gets back a new version of the tree and passes it to the next user, and so on. And each user of the tree can call other subfunctions as needed, with possibly many of new versions of the tree produced internally before it gets returned to the top level.
Note that I haven't actually described any special features of Haskell here. You can do all of this in just about any programming language, including C++. This is what people mean when they say that learning other types of programming makes them better programmers even in imperative languages they already knew. You can see that your habits of thought are drastically more limited than they need to be; you could not imagine how you could deal with a structure "changing" over the course of your program without having a single variable holding a structure that is mutated, when in fact that is just a small part of the tools that even C++ gives you for approaching the problem. If you can only imagine this one way of dealing with it then you'll never notice when other ways would be more helpful.
Haskell also has a variety of tools it can bring to this problem that are less common in imperative languages, such as (but not limited to):
Using the State monad to automate and hide much of the boilerplate of passing around successive versions of the tree.
Function arguments allow a function to be given an unknown "tree-consumer" function, to which it can give a tree, without any one place both having the tree and knowing which function it's passing it to.
Lazy evaluation sometimes negates the need to even have successive versions of the tree; if the modifications are expanding branches of the tree as you discover they are needed (like a move-tree for a game, say), then you could alternatively generate "the whole tree" up front even if it's infinite, and rely on lazy evaluation to limit how much work is done generating the tree to exactly the amount you need to look at.
Haskell does in fact have mutable variables, it just doesn't have functions that can access mutable variables without exposing in their type that they might have side effects. So if you really want to structure your program exactly as you would in C++ you can; it just won't really "feel like" you're writing Haskell, won't help you learn Haskell properly, and won't allow you to benefit from many of the useful features of Haskell's type system.

Emacs function returns Symbol's value as variable is void:

I am fairly new to Emacs but I know enough to be dangerous. I've built my .emacs file from scratch and now have it in an org file. I am now trying to take it to the next level and make my configuration more user friendly for myself.
I mostly use Emacs for writing. Books, blogs, screenwriting, etc. I am trying to create a function that will turn on multiple modes and add the settings on the fly.
For example, I use olivetti-mode when writing. It centers the text. Each time I have to adjust the olivetti-set-width. I thought I would get fancy and enable the spell checker and turn off linum-mode as well.
However, every time I try it I get the error:
Symbol's value as variable is void: my-writing
Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong? I've google-fu'd quite a bit but I clearly have a gap in my understanding of what I am doing.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun my-writing ()
"Start olivetti mode, set the width to 120, turn on spell-check."
(setq olivetti-set-width . 120)
(global-linum-mode 0)))
(add-hook 'olivetti-mode-hook
(lambda () olivetti-mode my-writing t))
To disable global-linum-mode for specific major-modes, see automatically disable a global minor mode for a specific major mode
[Inasmuch as olivetti-mode is a minor-mode that is enabled subsequent to whatever major-mode is already present in the buffer, the original poster may wish to turn off linum-mode locally in the current buffer by adding (linum-mode -1) to the tail end of the function my-writing (see below). That idea, however, assumes that the original poster wanted to have linum-mode active in the current buffer just prior to calling my-writing.]
The function my-writing in the initial question contains an extra set of parenthesis that should be omitted, and the hook setting is not in proper form.
olivetti-set-width is a function that takes one argument, so you cannot use setq -- see function beginning at line 197: setq is used when setting a variable, not a function.
Although flyspell-mode is generally buffer-local, it is a good idea to get in the habit of using an argument of 1 to turn on a minor-mode or a -1 or 0 to turn it off. When an argument is omitted, calling the minor-mode works as an on/off toggle.
Unless there are other items already attached to the olivetti-mode-hook that require prioritization or special reasons for using a hook with buffer-local settings, you do not need the optional arguments for add-hook -- i.e., APPEND and LOCAL.
There is no apparent reason to call (olivetti-mode) as part of the olivetti-mode-hook that gets called automatically at the tail end of initializing the minor-mode, so there is now a check to see whether that mode has already been enabled. The olivetti-mode-hook is being included in this example to demonstrate how to format its usage. However, the original poster should consider eliminating (add-hook 'olivetti-mode-hook 'my-writing) as it appears to serve no purpose if the user will be calling M-x my-writing instead of M-x olivetti-mode. The hook would be useful in the latter circumstance -- i.e., when typing M-x olivetti-mode -- in which case, there is really no need to have (unless olivetti-mode (olivetti-mode 1)) as part of my-writing.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun my-writing ()
"Start olivetti mode, set the width to 120, turn on spell-check."
(unless olivetti-mode (olivetti-mode 1))
(linum-mode -1) ;; see comments above
(olivetti-set-width 120)
(flyspell-mode 1))
;; original poster to consider eliminating this hook
(add-hook 'olivetti-mode-hook 'my-writing)
lawlist's answer describes how you can go about doing what you're actually trying to accomplish, but the particular error you're getting is because Emacs Lisp (like Common Lisp, but not Scheme) is a Lisp-2. When you associate a symbol with a function using defun, it doesn't make the value of that symbol (as a variable) that function, it makes the function value of that symbol the function. You'll get the same error in a much simplified situation:
(defun foo ()
(list foo)
The symbol foo has no value here as a variable. To get something that you could later pass to funcall or apply, you need to either use the symbol foo, e.g.:
(funcall 'foo)
;=> 42
or the form (function foo):
(funcall (function foo))
;=> 42
which can be abbreviated with the shorthand #':
(funcall #'foo)
;=> 42
You're getting the error because of:
(add-hook 'olivetti-mode-hook
(lambda () olivetti-mode my-writing t))
which tries to use my-writing as a variable, but it has no variable value at that point.

How to know whether a racket variable is defined or not

How you can have a different behaviour if a variable is defined or not in racket language?
There are several ways to do this. But I suspect that none of these is what you want, so I'll only provide pointers to the functions (and explain the problems with each one):
namespace-variable-value is a function that retrieves the value of a toplevel variable from some namespace. This is useful only with REPL interaction and REPL code though, since code that is defined in a module is not going to use these things anyway. In other words, you can use this function (and the corresponding namespace-set-variable-value!) to get values (if any) and set them, but the only use of these values is in code that is not itself in a module. To put this differently, using this facility is as good as keeping a hash table that maps symbols to values, only it's slightly more convenient at the REPL since you just type names...
More likely, these kind of things are done in macros. The first way to do this is to use the special #%top macro. This macro gets inserted automatically for all names in a module that are not known to be bound. The usual thing that this macro does is throw an error, but you can redefine it in your code (or make up your own language that redefines it) that does something else with these unknown names.
A slightly more sophisticated way to do this is to use the identifier-binding function -- again, in a macro, not at runtime -- and use it to get information about some name that is given to the macro and decide what to expand to based on that name.
The last two options are the more useful ones, but they're not the newbie-level kind of macros, which is why I suspect that you're asking the wrong question. To clarify, you can use them to write a kind of a defined? special form that checks whether some name is defined, but that question is one that would be answered by a macro, based on the rest of the code, so it's not really useful to ask it. If you want something like that that can enable the kind of code in other dynamic languages where you use such a predicate, then the best way to go about this is to redefine #%top to do some kind of a lookup (hashtable or global namespace) instead of throwing a compilation error -- but again, the difference between that and using a hash table explicitly is mostly cosmetic (and again, this is not a newbie thing).
First, read Eli's answer. Then, based on Eli's answer, you can implement the defined? macro this way:
#lang racket
; The macro
(define-syntax (defined? stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ id)
(with-syntax ([v (identifier-binding #'id)])
; Tests
(define x 3)
(if (defined? x) 'defined 'not-defined) ; -> defined
(let ([y 4])
(if (defined? y) 'defined 'not-defined)) ; -> defined
(if (defined? z) 'defined 'not-defined) ; -> not-defined
It works for this basic case, but it has a problem: if z is undefined, the branch of the if that considers that it is defined and uses its value will raise a compile-time error, because the normal if checks its condition value at run-time (dynamically):
; This doesn't work because z in `(list z)' is undefined:
(if (defined? z) (list z) 'not-defined)
So what you probably want is a if-defined macro, that tells at compile-time (instead of at run-time) what branch of the if to take:
#lang racket
; The macro
(define-syntax (if-defined stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ id iftrue iffalse)
(let ([where (identifier-binding #'id)])
(if where #'iftrue #'iffalse))]))
; Tests
(if-defined z (list z) 'not-defined) ; -> not-defined
(if-defined t (void) (define t 5))
t ; -> 5
(define x 3)
(if-defined x (void) (define x 6))
x ; -> 3

Creating robust real-time monitors for variables

We can create a real-time monitor for a variable like this:
CreatePalette#Panel#Row[{"x = ", Dynamic[x]}]
(This is more interesting and useful if x happens to be something like $Assumptions. It's so easy to set a value and then forget about it.)
Unfortunately this stops working if the kernel is re-launched (Quit[], then evaluate something). The palette won't show changes in the value of x any more.
Is there a way to do this so it keeps working even across kernel sessions? I find myself restarting the kernel quite often. (If the resulting palette causes the kernel to be automatically started after Quit that's fine.)
Update: As mentioned in the comments, it turns out that the palette ceases working only if we quit by evaluating Quit[]. When using Evaluation -> Quit Kernel -> Local, it will keep working.
Link to same question on MathGroup.
I can only guess, because on my Ubuntu here the situations seems buggy. The trick with the Quit from the menu like Leonid suggested did not work here. Another one is: on a fresh Mathematica session with only one notebook open:
x = 1
x = 2
gives as expected
Typing in the next line Quit, evaluating and typing then x=3 updates only the first of the Dynamic[x].
Nevertheless, have you checked the command
This gives not only the tracked symbols but additionally some kind of ID where the dynamic content belongs. If you can find out, what exactly these numbers are and investigate in the other functions you find in the Internal context, you may be able to add your palette Dynamic-content manually after restarting the kernel.
I thought I had something like that with
but I'm currently not able to reproduce the behavior.
#halirutan's answer jarred my memory...
Have you ever come across: Experimental/ref/ValueFunction? (documentation address)
Although the documentation contains no examples, the 'more information' section provides the following tidbit:
The assignment ValueFunction[symb] = f specifies that whenever
symb gets a new value val, the expression f[symb,val] should be

What is the 'accumulator' in HQ9+?

I was just reading a bit about the HQ9+ programming language:,, and,
and it tells me something about a so-called “accumulator” which can be incremented, but not accessed. Also, using + doesn't manipulate the result, so that the input
gives the result:
Hello World
Hello World
Can anyone explain me how this works, what it does, and whether it makes any sense? Thanks.
Having recently completed an implementation in Clojure (which follows) I can safely say that the accumulator is absolutely central to a successful implementation of HQ9+. Without it one would be left with an implementation of HQ9 which, while doubtless worthy in and of itself, is clearly different, and thus HQ9+ without an accumulator, and the instruction to increment it, would thus NOT be an implementation of HQ9+.
(Editor's note: Bob has taken his meds today but they haven't quite kicked in yet; thus, further explanation is perhaps needed. What I believe Bob is trying to say is that HQ9+ is useless as a programming language, per se; however, implementing it can actually be useful in the context of learning how to implement something successfully in a new language. OK, I'll just go and curl up quietly in the back of Bob's brain now and let him get back to doing...whatever it is he does when I'm not minding the store...).
Anyways...implementation in Clojure follows:
(defn hq9+ [& args]
"HQ9+ interpreter"
(loop [program (apply concat args)
accumulator 0]
(if (not (empty? program))
(case (first program)
\H (println "Hello, World!")
\Q (println (first (concat args)))
\9 (apply println (map #(str % " bottles of beer on the wall, "
% " bottles of beer, if one of those bottles should happen to fall, "
(if (> % 0) (- % 1) 99) " bottles of beer on the wall") (reverse (range 100))))
\+ (inc accumulator)
(println "invalid instruction: " (first program)))) ; default case
(if (> (count program) 1)
(recur (rest program) accumulator))))
Note that this implementation only accepts commands passed into the function as parameters; it doesn't read a file for its program. This may be remedied in future releases. Also note that this is a "strict" implementation of the language - the original page (at the Wayback Machine) clearly shows that only UPPER CASE 'H's and 'Q's should be accepted, although it implies that lower-case letters may also be accepted. Since part of the point of implementing any programming language is to strictly adhere to the specification as written this version of HQ9+ is written to only accept upper-case letters. Should the need arise I am fully prepared to found a religion, tentatively named the CONVOCATION OF THE HOLY CAPS LOCK, which will declare the use of upper-case to be COMMANDED BY FRED (our god - Fred - it seems like such a friendly name for a god, doesn't it?), and will deem the use of lower-case letters to be anathema...I MEAN, TO BE ANATHEMA!
Share and enjoy.
Having written an implementation, I think I can say without a doubt that it makes no sense at all. I advise you to not worry about it; it's a very silly language after all.
It's a joke.
There's also an object-oriented extension of HQ9+, called HQ9++. It has a new command ++ which instantiates an object, and, for reasons of backwards-compatibility, also increments the accumulator register twice. And again, since there is no way to store, retrieve, access, manipulate, print or otherwise affect an object, it's completely useless.
It increments something not accessible, not spec-defined, and apparently not really even used. I'd say you can implement it however you want or possibly not at all.
The right answer is one that has been hinted at by the other answers but not quite stated explicitly: the effect of incrementing the accumulator is undefined by the language specification and left as a choice of the implementation.
Actually, I am mistaken.
The accumulator is the register to which the result of the last calculation is stored. In an Intel x86, any register may be specified as the accumulator, except in the case of MUL.
I was quite surprised the first time I visited the third site in your question to find out a schoolmate of mine wrote the OCaml implementation at the bottom of the page.
(updated site link)
I think that there is, or there must be, a reason for this accumulator and the most important operation on it - increment: future compatibility.
Very often we see that a language is invented, often inspirated by some other language, with of course some salt (new concepts, or at least some improvement). Later, when the language spreads, problems arise and modifications, additions or whatever are introduced. That is the same as saying "we were wrong, this thing was necessary but we didn't tought of it at the time".
Well, this accumulator idea in HQ9+ is exactly the opposite. In the future, when the language will be spread, nobody will be able to say "we need an accumulator, but HQ9+ lacks it", because the standard of the language, even in its first draft, states that an accumulator is present and it is even modifiable (otherwise, it would be a non-sense).