Cuploadfile instance not compared to null although no file instance is provided? - yii

public function actionCreate()
$model=new Patient('patientScenario');
$model->image= CUploadedFile::getInstance($model,'image');
$imagePath = Yii::app()->params['DataFolder'];
$ns=new newserver(); $ns->uploadFile($filepath,$imagePath.$model->id.'_'.$model->image->name, $model->id.'_'.$model->image->name);
It is a action with lot of codes I have simplified it to focus on the issue here.
The issue is while creating a patient, If I upload a image its working fine, But even though I don't upload an image the condition $model->image!="" became true and obviously there will be no file name and while trying to upload on the new server class I get
fopen(22522_): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
I tried ($model->image!==NULL) as well. still getting the same error.
But it works fine in my localhost, But not in the server.

Your problem is on newserver() class
On that class you are tried to open a file .
Check condition before the file open on newserver() class
or give a code on newserver Class


symfony 4 Upload

How to upload a file in symfony 4.I have done with the symfony document. I don't know where I have missed something. Its throws error while uploading file give me some clues
The file "" does not exist
public function getBrochure()
return $this->brochure;
public function setBrochure($brochure)
$this->brochure = $brochure;
return $this;
File upload Listener
class FileUploader
private $targetDirectory;
public function __construct($targetDirectory)
$this->targetDirectory = $targetDirectory;
public function upload(UploadedFile $file)
$fileName = md5(uniqid()).'.'.$file->guessExtension();
$file->move($this->getTargetDirectory(), $fileName);
return $fileName;
public function getTargetDirectory()
return $this->targetDirectory;
This Symfony tutorial works fine for me so I'll try to explain how and perhaps it will help you or people still looking for an answer, this post getting a bit old.
So first you have to create the FileUploader service in App\Service for better reusability (chapter: Creating an Uploader Service). You can basically copy/paste what they've done here, it works like a charm. Then you need to open your services.yaml in Config folder and explicit your brochure directory:
brochures_directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/uploads/brochures'
# ...
# ...
$targetDirectory: '%brochures_directory%'
Now everything is normally ready to use your FileUploader service.
So if you're in your controller (for example), I guess you want to use it in a form. Thus, you just have to do this (don't forget to use your Service in your Controller):
public function myController(FileUploader $fileUploader)
// Create your form and handle it
if ($form isValid() && &form isSubmitted()) {
$file = $myEntity->getBrochure();
$fileName = $this->fileUploader->upload($file);
// Form validation and redirection
// Render your template
One important point I forgot to say. In your FormType, you need to say that the Brochure will be a FileType:
$builder->add('brochure', FileType::class)
But in your entity you have to specify your brochure is stored as a "string":
* #MongoDB\Field(type="string")
protected $brochure;
The reason is your file is getting uploaded and saved in your public/uploads/brochure. But your database is only remembering a string path to reach it.
I hope this will help!

Permission defaults ignored in Orchard

I try to set permissions for my new module. Otherwise they seem to work, but the defaults are ignored, nothing is checked for role-permission pairs I've set in the code. My code (Permissions.cs) seems OK:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Orchard.Environment.Extensions.Models;
using Orchard.Security.Permissions;
using Orchard.Environment.Extensions;
using My.Module.Utils;
namespace My.Module
public class Permissions : IPermissionProvider {
public static readonly Permission AccessMyModule = new Permission {
Description = Constants.AccessAddon, Name = "AccessMyModule"
public virtual Feature Feature { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Permission> GetPermissions() {
return new[] {
public IEnumerable<PermissionStereotype> GetDefaultStereotypes() {
return new[] {
new PermissionStereotype {
Name = Constants.MyModuleAdministratorRole,
Permissions = new[] { AccessMyModule }
I double checked that all the constants stored in Constants and the references for them are valid. The code snippet here is simplified, in fact I have more permissions and more roles in my project, but I confirmed commenting out everything but one permission and one role doesn't fix the problem. The defaults for the other modules in the same solution work fine, though there's no bug reported by IntelliSense and everything else in the module seems to work. So where else could be the root of the problem?
EDIT: I followed #mdameer's comment and confirmed that GetDefaultStereotypes() really runs only after reinstall. However, an error occurred while enabling the module after reinstall, so the defaults were not loaded. I know that the supposed way is to check the role - permission name in the dashboard, but I would like to find another workaround, because
I would like to solve the error that occurred and not to risk it happenning on the production server as well, and I can't delete and reinstall this rather complex module several times just to debug this. It was likely caused by the reinstall process, nowhere in the permission initialization, but I can't know without running the code.
there are tens of roles affected, so relying on someone to click the permissions by hand each time means that there will likely be errors due to human factor.
The GetDefaultStereotypes() method is being called from class DefaultRoleUpdater in Orchard.Roles. It is called automatically from somewhere deep in the Orchard core, so simply mimicking the call and running it on startup isn't that easy. I also tried to mimic the whole function and placed it into my permissions class (or into a custom service), but now I got lost on how to run it. It is not static, but it either is part of or refers to my Permissions class, which doesn't allow for ordinary referencing by default (it has no proper constructor) and I don't want to mess it even more by changing the class to something it is not and shouldn't be.
Just set the default permissions you need in a migration instead of using GetDefaultStereotypes(). Here is a short example:
public class MyMigration: Orchard.Data.Migration.DataMigrationImpl
// public
public MyMigration(Orchard.Roles.Services.IRoleService aRoleService)
mRoleService = aRoleService;
public int Create()
//mRoleService.UpdateRole("MyRoleName", MyPermissions)
return 1;
// private
Orchard.Roles.Services.IRoleService aRoleService mRoleService;

Understanding cakephp3 error handling

I want to create a maintenance Page for my cake website by checking a Database Table for a maintenance flag using a sub-function of my AppController "initilize()" method. If the flag is set, i throw my custom MaintenanceException(Currently containing nothing special):
class MaintenanceException extends Exception{
To handle it, I implemented a custom App Exception Renderer:
class AppExceptionRenderer extends ExceptionRenderer {
public function maintenance($error)
I am able to see this maintenance Text on my website if I set my DB flag to true, but I could not find any information in cake's error handling documentation ( on how I can actually tell the Exception renderer to render view "maintenance" with Template "infopage".
Can I even us that function using the ExceptionRenderer without a custom error controller? And If not, how should a proper ErrorController implementation look like? I already tried this:
class AppExceptionRenderer extends ExceptionRenderer {
protected function _getController(){
return new ErrorController();
public function maintenance($error)
return $this->_getController()->maintenanceAction();
together with:
class ErrorController extends Controller {
public function __construct($request = null, $response = null) {
parent::__construct($request, $response);
if (count(Router::extensions()) &&
) {
$eventManager = $this->eventManager();
if (isset($this->Auth)) {
if (isset($this->Security)) {
$this->viewPath = 'Error';
public function maintenanceAction(){
return $this->render('maintenance','infopage');
But this only throws NullPointerExceptions and a fatal error. I am really dissapointed by the cake manual as well, because the code examples there are nowhere close to give me an impression of how anything could be done and what functionality I actually have.
Because I had some more time today, I spent an hour digging into the cake Source and found a solution that works well for me (and is propably the way it should be done, altough the cake documentation does not really give a hint):
Step 1: Override the _template(...)-Method of the ExceptionRenderer in your own class. In my case, I copied the Method of the parent and added the following Code at the beginning of the method:
$isMaintenanceException = $exception instanceof MaintenanceException;
$template = 'maintenance';
return $this->template = $template;
This tells our Renderer, that the error Template called "maintentance"(which should be located in Folder: /Error) is the Error Page content it should render.
Step 2: The only thing we have to do now (And its is kinda hacky in my opinion, but proposed by the cake documentation in this exact way) is to set the layout param in our template to the name of the base layout we want to render with. So just add the following code on top of your error template:
$this->layout = "infopage";
The error controller I created is actually not even needed with this approach, and I still don't know how the cake error controller actually works. maybe I will dig into this if I have more time, but for the moment.

The view or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations

Error like:The view 'LoginRegister' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:
Actually my page view page is ~/Views/home/LoginRegister.cshtml so what i do
and my RouteConfig is
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "MyAccount", action = "LoginRegister", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Be careful if your model type is String because the second parameter of View(string, string) is masterName, not model. You may need to call the overload with object(model) as the second parameter:
Not correct :
protected ActionResult ShowMessageResult(string msg)
return View("Message",msg);
Correct :
protected ActionResult ShowMessageResult(string msg)
return View("Message",(object)msg);
OR (provided by bradlis7):
protected ActionResult ShowMessageResult(string msg)
return View("Message",model:msg);
Your View cannot be found in default locations.
Views should be in the same folder named as the Controller or in the Shared folder.
Either move your View to the MyAccount folder or create a HomeController.
If you don't want to move your View or create a new Controller you can check at this link.
In Microsoft MVC, the routing engine, which is used to parse incoming and outgoing URL Combinations, is designed with the idea of Convention over Configuration. What this means is that if you follow the Convention (rules) that the routing engine uses, you don't have to change the Configuration.
The routing engine for MVC does not serve web pages (.cshtml). It provides a way for a URL to be handled by a Class in your code, which can render text/html to the output stream, or parse and serve the .cshtml files in a consistent manner using Convention.
The Convention which is used for routing is to match a Controller to a Class with a name similar to ControllerNameController i.e. controller="MyAccount" means find class named MyAccountController. Next comes the action, which is mapped to a function within the Controller Class, which usually returns an ActionResult. i.e. action="LoginRegister" will look for a function public ActionResult LoginRegister(){} in the controller's class. This function may return a View() which would be by Convention named LoginRegister.cshtml and would be stored in the /Views/MyAccount/ folder.
To summarize, you would have the following code:
public class MyAccountController : Controller
public ActionResult LoginRegister()
return View();
/Views/MyAccount/LoginRegister.cshtml: Your view file.
In your LoginRegister action when returning the view, do below, i know this can be done in mvc 5, im not sure if in mvc 4 also.
public ActionResult Index()
return View("~/Views/home/LoginRegister.cshtml");
Check the build action of your view (.cshtml file) It should be set to content. In some cases, I have seen that the build action was set to None (by mistake) and this particular view was not deploy on the target machine even though you see that view present in visual studio project file under valid folder
This could be a permissions issue.
I had the same issue recently. As a test, I created a simple hello.html page. When I tried loading it, I got an error message regarding permissions. Once I fixed the permissions issue in the root web folder, both the html page and the MVC rendering issues were resolved.
Check whether the View (.ASPX File) that you have created is having the same name as mentioned in the Controller. For e.g:
public ActionResult GetView()
return View("MyView");
In this case, the aspx file should be having the name MyView.aspx instead of GetView.aspx
I got this error because I renamed my View (and POST action).
Finally I found that I forgot to rename BOTH GET and POST actions to new name.
Solution : Rename both GET and POST actions to match the View name.
If the problem happens intermittently in production, it could be due to an action method getting interrupted. For example, during a POST operation involving a large file upload, the user closes the browser window before the upload completes. In this case, the action method may throw a null reference exception resulting from a null model or view object. A solution would be to wrap the method body in a try/catch and return null. Like this:
public ActionResult Post(...)
catch (NullReferenceException ex) // could happen if POST is interrupted
// perhaps log a warning here
return null;
return View(model);
I had this same issue.
I had copied a view "Movie" and renamed it "Customer" accordingly.
I also did the same with the models and the controllers.
The resolution was this...I rename the Customer View to Customer1 and
just created a new view and called it Customer....I then just copied
the Customer1 code into Customer.
This worked.
I would love to know the real cause of the problem.
Just for grins....I went back and replicated all the renaming scenario again...and did not get any errors.
I came across this error due to the improper closing of the statement,
#using (Html.BeginForm("DeleteSelected", "Employee", FormMethod.Post))
} //This curly bracket needed to be closed at the end.
In Index.cshtml view file.I didn't close the statement at the end of the program. instead, I ended up closing improperly and ran into this error.
I was sure there isn't a need of checking Controller ActionMethod code because I have returned the Controller method properly to the View. So It has to be the view that's not responding and met with similar Error.
If you've checked all the things from the above answers (which are common mistakes) and you're sure that your view is at the location in the exceptions, then you may need to restart Visual Studio.
In my case, I needed to use RedirectToAction to solve the problem.
public ActionResult ExportToPDF(int id, string month, string output)
// Validate
if (output != "PDF")
throw new Exception("Invalid output.");
...// code to generate report in PDF format
catch (Exception ex)
return RedirectToAction("Error");
public ActionResult Error()
return View();
I ran into this a while ago and it drove me crazy because it turned out to be simple. So within my View I was using a grid control that obtained data for the grid via an http request. Once the middle tier completed my request and returned the dataset, I received the same error. Turns out my return statement was 'return View(dataset);' instead of 'return Json(dataset);
I couldn't find any solution to this problem, until I found out the files didn't exist!
This took me a long time to figure out, because the Solution Explorer shows the files!
But when I click on Index.cshtml I get this error:
So that was the reason for this error to show. I hope this answer helps somebody.

Play app failing with no exception thrown

I have a play application running on a linux server. The play application handles an ajax request, the controller code that handles the request :
public static Result getStorageId() {
final String host = request().username();
logger.debug("get storage id from origin:" + host);
Promise<Product> promiseProduct = Akka.future(new Callable<Product>() {
public Product call() throws Exception {
Partner partner = PartnerModel.getPartner(host);
logger.debug("Partner origin:" + partner.getHost());
** Product productCase = ProductsModel.createProduct();
logger.debug("product created. id:" + productCase.getId());
return productCase;
return async(promiseProduct
.map(new Function<Product, Result>() {
public Result apply(Product product) {
return ok();
The ProductsModel.createProduct() code is
public static Product createProduct(){
logger.debug("creating new product");
Product product = new ProductImpl();
return product;
The issue is when an ajax request made the app reaches line ** and stops but there's no error indicated in the application.log file nor in the play console. The debug statement in the first line of createProduct() method is not executed. The app is still running as I can make another ajax request and see the log statement before line **.
I did try "play run" hoping that it might give more info since it runs in debug mode but no luck.
My local development copy works fine. Another thing, I had this issue before and as a desperate attempt I just create a new class "ProductTestModel" with the same functionality as ProductsModel and used it instead of ProductsModel (ie on line ** it goes Product productCase = ProductTestModel.createProduct() ) deployed it and everything worked. Now after several releases I get this problem again.
I'm using GIT to distribute the code to the server and have play compile the app there. Running play clean compile shows no errors.
So what could be the problem?
I found out the root cause of my problem. It's actually a stupid thing, I forgot to include a conf file. Where the code was failing that object was using that conf file.
Talk about hours being wasted!!