How to pass a bash variable into an sql file - sql

I have a bash script to call a select in postgres. I would like to be able to pass a variable from the command line into the sql file.
sh 1234
dbase_connect="psql -h server -U username dbase"
sudo bash -c "$dbase_connect -c -q -A -F , -f $sql -o $file"
The query can be as simple as:
select name from table where id = $1;
But I don't know how to call the $1 into the sql file. The actual query is much larger and I prefer to keep it out of the bash query itself because it is easier to maintain when called as a seperate .sql file.

you can use sed to insert parameter :
dbase_connect="psql -h server -U username dbase"
cat $sql | sed $s > $tmp
sudo bash -c "$dbase_connect -c -q -A -F , -f $tmp -o $file"
rm -f $tmp


Two of the same commands give different result (output as utf8)

I have a .bat file that contains two commands:
SQLCMD -S . -d "databaseName" -E -i "path_to_query1.sql" -y0 -s "|" -f o:65001 > outputPath1.json
SQLCMD -S . -d "databaseName" -E -i "path_to_query2.sql" -y0 -s "|" -f o:65001 > outputPath2.json
The argument -f o:65001 is to output it to utf8 format, but only the second line outputs the query in an utf8 format.
Why is this? Why does it seem that the argument "-f o:65001" only works for the second command?
I checked it by switching the order and then again only the second command outputs the query in utf8 format.
Thanks for any tips on this.
The solution for my specific problem was to put "chcp 65001" before the SQLCMD's. You then also don't need the argument -f 0:65001

Shell Script to execute SQL Queries

I have 2 SQL queries which I execute to get the size of table and number of records in a table
[~] mysql -u <username> -h <hostname> -p <db_name> -e "SQL_Query 1" > out.txt
[~] mysql -u <username> -h <hostname> -p <db_name> -e "SQL_Query 2" > out1.txt
How can I wite shell script to execute these queries
This is a shell script, supported by bash / sh, and probably others:
mysql -u <username> -h <hostname> -p > output.log <<EOF
SELECT query 1 ...;
SELECT query 2 ...;
Note: You'll need to address the password entry issue, which can be done in several ways.
You can also enter your SQL in a file (file.sql) and redirect input from that file:
mysql -u <username> -h <hostname> -p < file.sql > output.log

How to read lines from .txt file into this bash script?

I have this bash script which connects to a postgre sql db and performs a query. I would like to be able to read line from a .txt file into the query as parameters. What is the best way to do that? Your assistance is greatly appreciated! I have my example code below however it is not working.
query="SELECT ci.NAME_VALUE NAME_VALUE FROM certificate_identity ci WHERE ci.NAME_TYPE = 'dNSName' AND reverse(lower(ci.NAME_VALUE)) LIKE reverse(lower('%.$1'));"
(echo $1; echo $query | \
psql -t -h -p 5432 -U guest certwatch | \
sed -e 's:^ *::g' -e 's:^*\.::g' -e '/^$/d' | \
sed -e 's:*.::g';) | sort -u
Considering that the file has only one sql query per line:
while read -r line; do echo "${line}" | "your code to run psql here"; done < file_with_query.sql
That means: while read the content of file_with_query.sql line by line, do something with each line.

Saving psql output to csv file

I have a query written in a file located at /path/to/query. How can I save the output result to a csv file, without using COPY in the query? I tried the following command, but the output file's fields are separated by " | ".
psql -U username -d dbname -f /path/to/query -o /path/to/output/file -F ','
It is not explained in the documentation, but the -F option requires the -A option (unaligned table output) to work:
psql -U username -d dbname -f /path/to/query -o /path/to/output/file -F ',' -A
If you don't wish the headers in your csv, this means, without extra rows at the top and at the bottom, use the -t option too.
psql -U username -d dbname -f /path/to/query -o /path/to/output/file -F ',' -A -t
From the help:
-A, --no-align unaligned table output mode
-F, --field-separator=STRING
set field separator (default: "|")
-t, --tuples-only print rows only

Change the name of the CSV File Automatically

sqlcmd -S PC03 -d db_test -E -o "test\MyData.csv" ^
-Q "[test2]" ^
-W -w 999 -s","
I would like to change the name of the file into "20150512". The name of the file should be today's date.
I do not know how to do it.
try this to generate YYYYMMDD format output file. (append your filename)
sqlcmd -S PC03 -d db_test -E -o c:\test-%datetime:~0,4%-%datetime:~4,2%-%datetime:~6,2%.csv
sqlcmd -S servername -d dbtest -E -o c:\asdf\%date:~0,10%.csv ^ -Q
"[dbname].[sp]" ^ -W -w 999 -s","