This is how I sit with a little problem that I can not take it away as has the red arrow and can not be right in the green arrow, how do I do it?, Hope you can help me further
I want the RED AWAY!
and the Greens I would be right, for example write something else or look like;)
You can see it here
The red arrow is a module called "blockreinsurance". You can override this content by creating a template to the right folder :
The green arrow is a mix of the footer and other modules, the easiest way to find out is to look at the source code, most of them have a comment before the block saying which module it is.
I'm editting a .tsx-file and are reaching upon this bonkers file-formatting:
... If I enlarge the window a bit, then it makes more sense:
But I would still like to change it, so value and onClick aren't aligned all that way to the right. Ideally, it would try to align them with the opening bracket (as they do), unless the opening bracket is more than 35 characters, from the line start. Or something like that.
Now, I assume that it's the TypeScript-formatting that dictates the Code Style for a .tsx-file. But when I open the settings: Editor >> Code Style >> TypeScript then there are BAZILLIONS of settings.
Which leads me to three questions:
Does anyone know what I need to change, so object-attributes doesn't follow the opening-brackets width?
Could I find the name of what I'm looking for, in some smart way? I tried hovering over the massive space, hoping that the little yellow light-bulb could shine some light on, what I was after.
Are there any presets, to be found somewhere? So I don't need to engineer a new Code Style, if I dislike the default.
Make sure that the following option is disabled:
Settings (Preferences on macOS)
Editor | Code Style | TypeScript | Wrapping and Braces
Function call arguments: Align when multiline
NOTE: It is possible that the default value has been changed somewhere since the previous version as I have seen a few questions for the same option but different language (PHP and JavaScript).
HINT 1: Did you know that you can paste your own code in the preview area and start changing options to see how they will affect it? It helps locating the right option a lot.
HINT 2: There is a special popup that shows formatting rules applied to the code. It does not show all possible options but can give you a hint what to look for. To invoke it:
Use Help | Find Action... (or Action tab on Search Everywhere -- they use to be different popups but are using the same popup nowadays)
Type adjust to filer actions
Select and invoke "Adjust code style settings" action
It will give you a popup with applicable rules (it's a limited set: may not list all).
An example for PHP code:
I'm using idea as my java ide. I don't know which keys I have pressed, There appeared a little square ahead of the project name.
Is there anyone help tell what's this and what impact it has.
You bookmarked the folder and you may view it in favorites. After you open favorites, you may delete it by clicking the (-) on the bottom left corner.
Also there is a bug i think. If it still shows-up after you remove from the bookmarks - switch theme to another one and go back to original one again. It disappears.
How can I remove the blue underline?
ATM you cannot.
It was introduced to make currently active tab more visible in Darcula GUI Theme (IDEA-131683, IDEA-103206) where tab backgrounds are too similar. Check comments there (mainly first ticket).
So far the best match would be -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
In meantime please try Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin -- it may provide such functionality (was created by one of the users before this new tab highlighting functionality was introduced) -- it's customizable so may not have such underline at all.
Your image link is broken.
Please, try to follow this path step by step:
File/Settings/Editor/Color Scheme/General
This General screen can remove with checkbox disable all underline
Also, you can look this image.
I hope have been helping you.
When I hover the mouse on a HTML tag in the tiny bar under the file tab, the background of the highlighted element is very bright, and the text becomes unreadable.
I couldn't find a way to customize this in the settings, can somebody help?
Here's what I mean:
It uses your caret row color (it just automatically makes it lighter so it's more visible) and not some separate style which you can disable/modify.
ATM there is no option to disable such behaviour. I mean -- IDEA-139930 ticket is fixed, but not available in 141.xx branch that PhpStorm is currently built on.
If it annoys you a lot then right now I may only suggest to disable that breadcrumbs bar altogether until PhpStorm will move to 142.xx or newer branch. For that: Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | General | Appearance | Show HTML breadcrumbs (you will have to close and reopen that file to see the changes).
You should post more info about specification: exact version of PhpStorm etc.
Try this:
I can imagine that this might not (ever) be a feature.
(I wouldn't necessarily want "other" method calls to be blue as shown in the second block; blue is just to emphasize what's different from first block.)
If there's a way to just color methods defined in the current class, please advise.
(I want this because my eyes need all the help they can get.)
No, there is no such feature in IntelliJ IDEA as of version 14.1. It can be implemented as a plugin, but I'm not aware of any such plugin.
Just documenting, as I was looking for a way to do this and I have found a way that is satisfactory enough to me.
There's a way, but it's a workaround, it will have side effects.
Go to File > Settings > Inspections (Choose the Global Profile if necessary).
Type in the search: qualified.
Tick the checkbox next to "Instance method call not qualified with 'this'".
Click on Severity > Edit severities, add new entry by clicking the green + button.
Name it whatever you want.
You must put it at the bottom of the list using the arrows. If you don't, the F2 key will no longer work as you expect it as it will prioritize errors at the top of the list.
Set the Error stripe mark to #FFFFFF, or the same color as the scrollbar.
Set it bold if you wish.
If you want to set a color, you must set a background color to white (or black if you have a black interface). If you don't, the color will appear black in most conditions.
If you really want to, do the same for "Unnecessary 'this' qualifier"; there is an additional checkbox to make it only apply to methods and not fields.
Side effects:
This enables inspections, which is not desired.
Pointing the mouse cursor onto the method calls will cause a hover text to appear describing the inspection.
If your code has no errors, no warnings, and no additional informative inspections, pressing F2 will jump through these calls.