Getting specific Backbone.js models from a collection without getting all models first - api

I'm new to Backbone.js. I'm intrigued by the idea that you can just supply a URL to a collection and then proceed to create, update, delete, and get models from that collection and it handle all the interaction with the API.
In the small task management sample applications and numerous demo's I've seen of this on the web, it seems that the collection.fetch() is used to pull down all models from the server then do something with them. However, more often than not, in a real application, you don't want to pull down hundreds of thousands or even millions of records by issuing a GET statement to the API.
Using the baked-in connection.sync method, how can I specify parameters to GET specific record sets? For example, I may want to GET records with a date of 2/1/2014 or GET records that owned by a specific user id.
In this question, collection.find is used to do this, but does this still pull down all records to the client first then "finds" them or does the collection.sync method know to specify arguments when doing a GET to the server?

You do use fetch, but you provide options as seen in collection.fetch([options]).
So for example to obtain the one model where id is myIDvar:
data: { id: myIDvar },
success: function (model, response, options) {
// do a little dance;
My offhand recollections is that find, findWhere and where would invoke all models being downloaded and then the filtering taking place on the client. I believe with fetch the filtering takes places on the server side.

You can implement some kind of pagination on server side and update your collection with limited number of records. In this case all your data will be up to date with backend.
You can do it by overriding fetch method with you own implementaion, or specify params
For example:
collection.fetch({data: {page: 3})

You can also use find where method here


RESTful Endpoint that returns single entity by two different unique parameters but not both at the same time

I want to understand what would be the best way to represent this in a RESTful way, taking in consideration that the codebase it's a very large - inherited - legacy project and I have to add a lot of new functionality on top of it.
The API Definition is built with OpenaAPI3.
Let's take in consideration the following example:
But the Types collection also has a database constraint of Unique(customer, code) - customer and code being columns from the Types table.
What I need to implement now is a new endpoint that will retrieve a single entity, based on the customer path param and code path param, without having to use the ID path param.
It's a matter of reducing the number of calls, that's why I don't want to make use of the ID path param also.
One solution would be to use query params:
But this will basicaly return a Singleton List so it's not that trivial and definetley not a best practice.
What would be your take on this? I know I should have the ID in the place I want that entity to be returned, but this some case I want to get resovled without having to do another call to get the ID of the entity so I can call the initial endpoint.

Select random N records from GraphQL query

I am building a simple quiz app that will allow a user to choose various categories and generate a 5 question quiz to test their knowledge. I have a long list of questions setup in AppSync accessible via GraphQL. However, as that list keeps growing, it doesn’t make sense for me to pull these to the client and randomly select there.
Does GraphQL support choosing random 5 from a query? Such that, serverside, I can select just 5 records at random?
query listAll {
listQuestions(filter: {
topic: {
contains: "chocolate"
}) {
items {
I have thought about other approaches such as randomly assigning each record a number and filtering on this, but this would not be random each time.
Any ideas?
Does GraphQL support choosing random 5 from a query?
Not directly, no. Most of the more "interesting" things you might imagine doing in an SQL query, even simpler things like "return only the first 10 records" or "has a family name of 'Jones'", aren't directly supported in GraphQL. You have to build this sort of thing out of the primitives it gives you.
Such that, serverside, I can select just 5 records at random?
Most GraphQL server implementations support resolver functions which are arbitrary code called when a field value is requested. You could write a schema like
type Query {
listQuestions(filter: QuestionFilter, random: Int): [Question!]!
and get access to the arguments in the resolver function.
It looks like AppSync has its own resolver system. It's not obvious to me from paging through the documentation that it supports a "pick n at random" method; it seems to be mostly designed as a facade around database storage, and most databases aren't optimized for this kind of query.
David is right about writing this logic inside a resolver (as a GraphQL way).
If you are using AWS AppSync, you can use a Lambda resolver and attach it to the query, so you can write the logic to pick random values inside of the Lambda so it's part of the GraphQL response. This is one way of doing this.

Problems loading a series of snapshots by date

I have been running into a consistent problem using the LBAPI which I feel is probably a common use case given its purpose. I am generating a chart which uses LBAPI snapshots of a group of Portfolio Items to calculate the chart series. I know the minimum and maximum snapshot dates, and need to query once a day in between these two dates. There are two main ways I have found to accomplish this, both of which are not ideal:
Use the _ValidFrom and _ValidTo filter properties to limit the results to snapshots within the selected timeframe. This is bad because it will also load snapshots which I don't particularly care about. For instance if a PI is revised several times throughout the day, I'm really only concerned with the last valid snapshot of that day. Because some of the PIs I'm looking for have been revised several thousand times, this method requires pulling mostly data I'm not interested in, which results in unnecessarily long load times.
Use the __At filter property and send a separate request for each query date. This method is not ideal because some charts would require several hundred requests, with many requests returning redundant results. For example if a PI wasn't modified for several days, each request within that time frame would return a separate instance of the same snapshot.
My workaround for this was to simulate the effect of __At, but with several filters per request. To do this, I added this filter to my request:, function(queryDate) {
property : '_ValidFrom',
operator : '<=',
value : queryDate
property : '_ValidTo',
operator : '>=',
value : queryDate
But of course, a new problem arises... Adding this filter results in much too large of a request to be sent via the LBAPI, unless querying for less than ~20 dates. Is there a way I can send larger filters to the LBAPI? Or will I need to break theis up into several requests, which only makes this solution slightly better than the second of the latter.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Conner, my recommendation is to download all of the snapshots even the ones you don't want and marshal them on the client side. There is functionality in the Lumenize library that's bundled with the App SDK that makes this relatively easy and the TimeSeriesCalculator will also accomplish this for you with even more features like aggregating the data into series.

NHibernate Filtering data best practices

I have the following situation:
User logs in, opens an overview of all products, can only see a list of products where a condition is added, this condition is variable. Example: WHERE category in ('catA', 'CatB')
Administrator logs in, opens an overview of all products, he can see all products no filter applied.
I need to make this as dynamically as possible. My data access classes are using Generics for most of the time.
I've seen filters but my conditions are very variable, so i don't see this as scalable enough.
We use NH filters for something similar, and it works fine. If no filter needs to be applied, you can omit setting any value for the filter. We use these filters for more basic stuff, filters that are applied nearly 100% of the time, fx deleted objects filters, client data segregating, etc. Not sure what scalability aspect you're looking for?
For more high level and complex filtering, we use a custom class that manipulates a repository root. Something like the following:
public IQueryOver<TIn, TOut> Apply(IQueryOver<TIn, TOut> query)
return query.Where(x => ... );
If you have an IoC container integrated with your NH usage, something like this can easily be generalized and plugged into your stack. We have these repository manipulators that do simple where clauses, and others that generate complex where clauses that reference domain logic and others that joins a second table on and filters on that.
You could save all categories in an category list and pass this list to the query. If the list is not null and contains elements you can work with the following:
List<string> allowedCategoriesList = new List<string>();
.WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.category).IsIn(allowedCategoriesList)
It's only important to skip this entry if you do not have any filters (so, you want to see all entries without filtering), as you will otherwise see not one single result.

django objects...values() select only some fields

I'm optimizing the memory load (~2GB, offline accounting and analysis routine) of this line:
l2 = Photograph.objects.filter(**(movie.get_selectors())).values()
Is there a way to convince django to skip certain columns when fetching values()?
Specifically, the routine obtains all rows of the table matching certain criteria (db is optimized and performs it very quickly), but it is a bit too much for python to handle - there is a long string referenced in each row, storing the urls for thumbnails.
I only really need three fields from each row, but, if all the fields are included, it suddenly consumes about 5kB/row which sadly pushes the RAM to the limit.
The values(*fields) function allows you to specify which fields you want.
Check out the QuerySet method, only. When you declare that you only want certain fields to be loaded immediately, the QuerySet manager will not pull in the other fields in your object, till you try to access them.
If you have to deal with ForeignKeys, that must also be pre-fetched, then also check out select_related
The two links above to the Django documentation have good examples, that should clarify their use.
Take a look at Django Debug Toolbar it comes with a debugsqlshell management command that allows you to see the SQL queries being generated, along with the time taken, as you play around with your models on a django/python shell.