How to change server for my application in cloudbees? - cloudbees

I want to change the server from Jboss7.1 to Tomcat7 in cloudbees. What are the ways to do this? To mention that my application is already deployed and running.

You can deploy in Tomcat 7 through the CloudBees SDK using this command.
bees app:deploy -t tomcat7 -a app.war
Be aware that your app should be adapted to work with both containers.


How to install dev certs and run as HTTPS on non-dev machine?

I am publishing my ASP.NET Core 2.2 to a local location, then zipping it and trying to run on another machine. The other machine when launching does not show listening on HTTPS, only HTTP.
This is making the app not work. Locally on my dev machine I get both endpoints. I understand that I have to possibly use dotnet dev-certs https --trust or similar command but since my build is self-contained I really do not want to install the .NET Core SDK on every machine I run this on just to get that command.
How can I make my app run with endpoint on the other machine with the least hassle?
The following message is also shown in the launch console window:
warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpsPolicy.HttpsRedirectionMiddleware[3]
Failed to determine the https port for redirect.

How to setup mobile-first-cli to deploy on bluemix behind a corporate proxy

I'm using Mobile Foundation on IBM Bluemix and I'm facing problems in setup IBM MobileFirst-CLI to deploy adapters and apps throw my corporate proxy.
In time, I'm on a macOS with the CLI version below:
mfpdev -v
At this time, every time I have to interact with the server in have to connect to it using my phone tethering. Please help, I'm running out of all my data plan.
The actual error:
$ mfpdev adapter deploy
Error: Cannot connect to server 'mfp-bluemix-dev' at ''.
Reason: Missing runtime configuration details.: connect ECONNREFUSED 158.99.999.99:443
ps: address and ip of server obfuscated.
Best regards,
Bernardo Baumblatt.
At the moment, MFP Dev CLI does not have the feature to configure a proxy. However, if all communications in your enterprise are routed through the corporate proxy, and the proxy can connect to IBM Bluemix, there should not be a problem.
You can submit a Request for Enhancement to add proxy feature to MFP Dev CLI.
What Pat said in his comment is correct. I suspect that you have two issues to address:
Your corporate proxy must allow access to your server's HTTP and HTTPS endpoints (9080 and 9443). I've also heard of cases where the personal firewall on the individual's workstation has interfered.
You are running a VERY old version of the CLI. Assuming your instance of Foundation Server on Bluemix isn't that old, you'll need to upgrade to interact with it properly. I strongly suggest that you upgrade to the latest version via npm -g install mfpdev-cli.

Can not access rabbitmq management configured in docker even though its status is running

I am new docker world and I am attempting to access the RabbitMQ Management plugin on my windows 10. I am following this. But when I try "http://container-ip:15672 " I can not access to management.
Anyone has any experience with such problem?
If you started docker with
docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit rabbitmq:3-management
as described in the reference you mentioned, you might need to add a -p 15672:15672 to that command line in order to make the management port accessible from the host.
I just ran into the same problem as docker newbie on windows 10 and found that solution here.

Apps and adapters from MobileFirst 8.0 Liberty App on Bluemix disappears

I have an MFP8 Bluemix service (which is now a Liberty app instead of container). Deployed one hybrid mobile app and 6 adapters. While things are working fine all of a sudden everything gets wiped off and the server is empty. I have to re-register the app and deploy all the adapters and configure push notification again. This has happened twice and it is very embarrassing when we are in front of customers doing a demo. Unable to figure out the pattern as to when this happens. Never had this issue when the MFP8 server was a container. MFP8 Console that is empty
If you are using the Developer plan, there is no persistent database to store your configuration (including apps and adapters). Everything is on the storage space of your running instance. If there is a restart of the server (because you asked for it or because the server crashed and auto-restarted), you need to redeploy your apps/adapters again. With the Professional plan, you can configure a dashDB database to keep your data in a safe and persistent space.
Agree with Jerome.
You can take a backup and restore in case its lost:
(a) Every time you make any changes to admin service, such as deploying an adapter, register an app, etc. run this CLI/command to download all your config into zip file.
$curl -X GET -u admin:admin -o http://<App Name>
(b) In case you recreate your server and loose your config, run this CLI to import the above config to BMX app.
$curl -X POST -u admin:admin -F file=#./ http://<App Name>
Reference: Different ways of exporting and importing MobileFirst Foundation server artifacts
Hope this helps!!

Tomcat clustering on window machine

Hi I am setting up a Tomcat cluster on windows machine with Apache httpd server.
I am done with two steps - load balancing and session affinity and now i am at 3rd step.Session Replication.In that step I need to add multicast route first.
In tutorial command of adding route in linux environment is given.
sudo route add -net224.0.0.0 netmask dev eth0
here eth0 is device.
But,I am not getting how to add this in Windows 10. I am finding it out and trying on my machine. Any help would be appreciated.
I have set up the tomcat cluster on window machine using Tomcat 8.For Windows environment no need to run above command.It is working fine absolutely without this command.In almost all blogs present over web,use linux and given above command to setup route but in windows it is not required.But still question one question is pending why it is not require ?