In Go when using the Example... testing method is there a way to have it show a diff instead of got... want...? - testing

I've been using go for a bigger project and love it, and for my testing i've been using the
func ExampleXxx {
... code ...
//...expected output ...
method for testing. When it fails it will say
... bunch of lines showing the output of test ...
... the comment you put in to show what you expected ...
is there any way to make it show just the difference? I can take the two and copy to separate files and run a diff etc, but I'd much rather just have it show the parts that were wrong as some of my tests have longer output.
Thanks in advance
I'm using and want the output to show a diff not the current output. I know I can do the diff manually.

No, you cannot do this. This is not the intended use of Examples.
Examples are a nice way to show how some function will behave: Examples exists to document. The main reason for validating the example output is to make sure the Examples are valid/correct, not that your code is okay. For the later you have Test functions
Most often the output of an Example displays input and output (or just output) of one invocation of a certain function/method per line; sometimes Examples use the different lines to show parts of a complex result, e.g. one line per element of the returned slice.
I think your use of Examples to "verify the flow of my program" contradicts the intention of Examples. I would use Test functions and use any of the available diff tools to generate a got, want, diff output myself if I'd like to test e.g. a text processor on large bunches of input.

If I understand your question correctly, it sounds like GoConvey would do the trick... It's a TDD tool that runs in the browser, and it will show you colored diffs for most failures:
You can use it with your existing tests; if you don't want to convert to the GoConvey DSL, that's okay. You don't have to be using a TDD workflow per-se in order for it to work, but if you can run go test, this tool should be able to pick it up. (I've never used the Example functions for testing... I'm not sure what you mean by that, honestly.)
(There's a new web UI in the works that will still show the diff. See below.)
These are contrived examples, but obviously the diff is more useful with longer output.
Is that kind of what you're looking for?

From the style guide:
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("Foo(%q) = %d; want %d",, got, tt.want) // or Fatalf, if test can't test anything more past this point
This will put out only errors of course. There is nothing built into go that lets you show the diff. I think just piping this to whatever diff tool you are using against your last output would still be best.
Go is great, but no reason to re-invent tools that already do fantastic jobs that already exists at the terminal.


How to find the size of a reg in verilog?

I was wondering if there were a way to compute the size of a reg in Verilog. I researched it quite a bit, and found $size(a), but it's only in SystemVerilog, and it won't work in my verilog program.
Does anyone know an alternative for this??
I also wanted to ask as a side note; I'm having some trouble with my test bench in the sense that when I update a value in the file, that change is not taken in consideration when I simulate. I've been told I might have been using an old test bench but the one I am continuously simulating is the only one available in this project.
To give you an idea of what's the problem: in my code there is a "start" signal and when it is set to 1, the operation starts. Otherwise, it stays idle. I began writing the test bench with start=0, tested it and simulated it, then edited the test bench by setting start to 1. But when I simulate it, the start signal remains 0 in the waveform. I tried to check whether I was using another test bench, but it is the only test bench I am using in this project.
Given that I was on a deadline, I worked on the code so that it would adapt to the "frozen" test bench. I am getting now all the results I want, but I wanted to test some other features of my code, so I created a new project and copy pasted the code in new files (including the same test bench). But when I ran a simulation, the waveform displayed wrong results (even though I was using the exact same code in all modules and test bench). Any idea why?
Any help would be appreciated :)
There is a standardised way to do this, but it requires you to use the VPI, which I don't think you get on Modelsim's student edition. In short, you have to write C code, and dynamically link it to the simulator. In the C code, you can get object properties using routines such as vpi_get. Useful properites might be vpiSize, which is what you want, vpiLeftRange, vpiRightRange, and so on.
Having said all that, Verilog is essentially a static language, and objects have to be declared with a static width using constant expressions. Having a run-time method to determine an object's size is therefore of pretty limited value (since you should already know it), and may not solve whatever problem you actually have. Your question would make more sense for VHDL (and SystemVerilog?), which are much more dynamic.
Note on Icarus: the developers have pushed lots of SystemVerilog stuff back into the main language. If you take advantge of this you may find that your code is not portable.
Second part of your question: you need to be specific on what your problem actually is.

Best practice for writing tests that reproduce bugs

I am struggling a bit with the way how to write tests that reproduce an issue that has not been yet fixed.
Should one write the test and use wrong expectations and once the bug is fixed the developer will see the failure and adjust the expectations or should one just write the test with correct expectations and disable it. Once it is fixed you have to enable it again.
I would prefer the way to define wrong expectations and add the correct ones in comments and once I fix an issue I will immediately get a notification that it fails. If I disable it I won't see it failing and it will probably stay disabled until one will discover this test.
Are there any other ways doing this?
Thanks for your comments.
Ideally you would write a test that reproduces the bug and then fix said bug.
If for whatever reason that is not currently an option I would say that your approach of having the wrong expectations would be better than having an ignored test. Assuming that you use some clear variable name/ method name / comments that the test is more a placeholder and not the desired outcome.
One thing that I've done is write a test that is a "time bomb" reminder. I pick a date that is a few weeks/months out from now that I expect to be able to get back to it or have it fixed by. If I end up having to push the date out 2 or 3 times I end up deleting the test because it must not be that important.
as #Jarred said, best way is to write a test that express the correct expectations, check if it fails, then fix production code and see the test passes.
if it's not an option then remember that tests are not only to test but also to document. so write a test that document how your program does actually work. if necessary add a comment to the test. and don't write tests that are ignored - it's pointless. in future you can refactor your code many times, you could accidentally fix this test or introduce even more error in this area. writing tests that are intended to be long term ignored is just a waste of time.
don't be afraid that you will forget about that particular bug/test, just create a ticket in your issue tracking system - that's what it's made for.
if you use a testing framework that supports groups, you can add all those tests to be able to instantly exclude those test if needed.
also i really don't like the concept of 'time bomb tests'. your build MUST be reproducible - that's the fundamental assumption of release management, continuous integration, ability to pass your code to another team etc. tests are not meant to track and remind about the issues, it's the job of the issue tracking system. seriously, don't do it
Actually I thought about this again. We are using JUnit and it supports defining expectations on exceptions via #Test(expected=Exception.class).
So what one can do is write the test with the desired expectations and define the test with #Test(expected=AssertionError.class). Once the test will be fixed the test starts failing and the developer has to remove the expectation.

Testing tool: is there alternative than expect?

Our current testing is a simple in-house tool which runs the named target, logs its output and compares it with a expected output. The expected output and real output are both text files.
This has an obvious downside, if some changes of line number change which has no function effect is regarded as failure.
We are thinking to use tools like expect to do this, but we like to know if there are some other alternatives. Googling does not return any immediate answers.
Our platform is linux; the users of this tool does not need to write testing code, basically they currently just provide a plain text file of expected result and we should not ask them to write code or some complex form.
Thanks for your inputs.

Print complete control flow through gdb including values of variables

The idea is that given a specific input to the program, somehow I want to automatically step-in through the complete program and dump its control flow along with all the data being used like classes and their variables. Is their a straightforward way to do this? Or can this be done by some scripting over gdb or does it require modification in gdb?
Ok the reason for this question is because of an idea regarding a debugging tool. What it does is this. Given two different inputs to a program, one causing an incorrect output and the other a correct one, it will tell what part of the control flow differ for them.
So What I think will be needed is a complete dump of these 2 control flows going into a diff engine. And if the two inputs are following similar control flows then their diff would (in many cases) give a good idea about why the bug exist.
This can be made into a very engaging tool with many features build on top of this.
Tell us a little more about the environment. dtrace, for example, will do a marvelous job of this in Solaris or Leopard. gprof is another possibility.
A bumpo version of this could be done with yes(1), or expect(1).
If you want to get fancy, GDB can be scripted with Python in some versions.
What you are describing sounds a bit like gdb's "tracepoint debugging".
See gdb's internal help "help tracepoint". You can also see a whitepaper
Unfortunately, this functionality is not currently implemented for
native debugging, but I believe that CodeSourcery is doing some work
on it.
Check this out, unlike Coverity, Fenris is free and widly used..
How to print the next N executed lines automatically in GDB?

How would one go about testing an interpreter or a compiler?

I've been experimenting with creating an interpreter for Brainfuck, and while quite simple to make and get up and running, part of me wants to be able to run tests against it. I can't seem to fathom how many tests one might have to write to test all the possible instruction combinations to ensure that the implementation is proper.
Obviously, with Brainfuck, the instruction set is small, but I can't help but think that as more instructions are added, your test code would grow exponentially. More so than your typical tests at any rate.
Now, I'm about as newbie as you can get in terms of writing compilers and interpreters, so my assumptions could very well be way off base.
Basically, where do you even begin with testing on something like this?
Testing a compiler is a little different from testing some other kinds of apps, because it's OK for the compiler to produce different assembly-code versions of a program as long as they all do the right thing. However, if you're just testing an interpreter, it's pretty much the same as any other text-based application. Here is a Unix-centric view:
You will want to build up a regression test suite. Each test should have
Source code you will interpret, say
Standard input to the program you will interpret, say test001.0
What you expect the interpreter to produce on standard output, say test001.1
What you expect the interpreter to produce on standard error, say test001.2 (you care about standard error because you want to test your interpreter's error messages)
You will need a "run test" script that does something like the following
function fail {
echo "Unexpected differences on $1:"
diff $2 $3
exit 1
for testname
brainfuck $ < $testname.0 > $tmp1 2> $tmp2
[ cmp -s $testname.1 $tmp1 ] || fail "stdout" $testname.1 $tmp1
[ cmp -s $testname.2 $tmp2 ] || fail "stderr" $testname.2 $tmp2
You will find it helpful to have a "create test" script that does something like
brainfuck $ < $testname.0 > $testname.1 2> $testname.2
You run this only when you're totally confident that the interpreter works for that case.
You keep your test suite under source control.
It's convenient to embellish your test script so you can leave out files that are expected to be empty.
Any time anything changes, you re-run all the tests. You probably also re-run them all nightly via a cron job.
Finally, you want to add enough tests to get good test coverage of your compiler's source code. The quality of coverage tools varies widely, but GNU Gcov is an adequate coverage tool.
Good luck with your interpreter! If you want to see a lovingly crafted but not very well documented testing infrastructure, go look at the test2 directory for the Quick C-- compiler.
I don't think there's anything 'special' about testing a compiler; in a sense it's almost easier than testing some programs, since a compiler has such a basic high-level summary - you hand in source, it gives you back (possibly) compiled code and (possibly) a set of diagnostic messages.
Like any complex software entity, there will be many code paths, but since it's all very data-oriented (text in, text and bytes out) it's straightforward to author tests.
I’ve written an article on compiler testing, the original conclusion of which (slightly toned down for publication) was: It’s morally wrong to reinvent the wheel. Unless you already know all about the preexisting solutions and have a very good reason for ignoring them, you should start by looking at the tools that already exist. The easiest place to start is Gnu C Torture, but bear in mind that it’s based on Deja Gnu, which has, shall we say, issues. (It took me six attempts even to get the maintainer to allow a critical bug report about the Hello World example onto the mailing list.)
I’ll immodestly suggest that you look at the following as a starting place for tools to investigate:
Software: Practice and Experience April 2007. (Payware, not available to the general public---free preprint at (Largely written by me.)
Compiler testing bibliography (Please let me know of any updates I’ve missed.)
In the case of brainfuck, I think testing it should be done with brainfuck scripts. I would test the following, though:
1: Are all the cells initialized to 0
2: What happens when you decrement the data pointer when it's currently pointing to the first cell? Does it wrap? Does it point to invalid memory?
3: What happens when you increment the data pointer when it's pointing at the last cell? Does it wrap? Does it point to invalid memory
4: Does output function correctly
5: Does input function correctly
6: Does the [ ] stuff work correctly
7: What happens when you increment a byte more than 255 times, does it wrap to 0 properly, or is it incorrectly treated as an integer or other value.
More tests are possible too, but this is probably where i'd start. I wrote a BF compiler a few years ago, and that had a few extra tests. Particularly I tested the [ ] stuff heavily, by having a lot of code inside the block, since an early version of my code generator had issues there (on x86 using a jxx I had issues when the block produced more than 128 bytes or so of code, resulting in invalid x86 asm).
You can test with some already written apps.
The secret is to:
Separate the concerns
Observe the law of Demeter
Inject your dependencies
Well, software that is hard to test is a sign that the developer wrote it like it's 1985. Sorry to say that, but utilizing the three principles I presented here, even line numbered BASIC would be unit testable (it IS possible to inject dependencies into BASIC, because you can do "goto variable".