Sql table Default Value - sql

Hi everyone i have a project i am working on that consists on keeping tables the same at 3 different locations
i pull data that doesnt exist from each of these locations into a corporate table, i then need to send back down to the locations the new data so they are all the same
The table i am pulling from is a identity
My question is in Sql is there any way to make a table a identity without making it a identity as in setting the default value to be the max(id)+1, this is the only way i can figure i can keep the data structure the same without going to replication

The problem is that you're generating records in an IDENTITY field in multiple sources, then unable to combine them without those records being assigned new IDENTITY values.
By using a GUID as your key field, each of the 3 databases can create records which will have a unique ID, and you'll be able to then combine them without issue. You can still have a UNIQUE constraint on the field, but the likelihood of generating the same GUID is astronomically small.
Most replication processes utilize this GUID approach at some level already, so it's a common solution to this problem.


Should I apply type 2 history to tables with duplicate keys?

I'm working on a data warehouse project using BigQuery. We're loading daily files exported from various mainframe systems. Most tables have unique keys which we can use to create the type 2 history, but some tables, e.g. a ledger/positions table, can have duplicate rows. These files contain the full data extract from the source system every day.
We're currently able to maintain a type 2 history for most tables without knowing the primary keys, as long as all rows in a load are unique, but we have a challenge with tables where this is not the case.
One person on the project has suggested that the way to handle it is to "compare duplicates", meaning that if the DWH table has 5 identical rows and the staging tables has 6 identical rows, then we just insert one more, and if it is the other way around, we just close one of the records in the DWH table (by setting the end date to now). This could be implemented by adding and extra "sub row" key to the dataset like this:
Row_number() over(partition by “all data columns” order by SystemTime) as data_row_nr
I've tried to find out if this is good practice or not, but without any luck. Something about it just seems wrong to me, and I can't see what unforeseen consequences can arise from doing it like this.
Can anybody tell me what the best way to go is when dealing with full loads of ledger data on a daily basis, for which we want to maintain some kind of history in the DWH?
No, I do not think this would be a good idea to introduce an artificial primary key based on all columns plus the index of the duplicated row.
You will solve the technical problem, but I doubt there will be some business value.
First of all you should distinct – the tables you get with primary key are dimensions and you can recognise changes and build history.
But the table without PK are most probably fact tables (i.e. transaction records) that are typically not full loaded but loaded based on some DELTA criterion.
Anyway you will never be able to recognise an update in those records, only possible change is insert (deletes are typically not relevant as data warehouse keeps longer history that the source system).
So my todo list
Check if the dup are intended or illegal
Try to find a delta criterion to load the fact tables
If everything fails, make the primary key of all columns with a single attribute of the number of duplicates and build the history.

SQLite - any long-term downsides to using unique, non-PK columns as FKs?

In my design, I have many tables which use FKs. The issue is because certain records will be deleted and re-added at various points of time as they are linked to specific project files, the references will be always be inaccurate if I rely on the traditional auto-incrementing ID (because each time they are re-added they will be given a new ID).
I previously asked a question (Sqlite - composite PK with two auto-incrementing values) as to whether I can create a composite auto-incrementing ID however it appears to not be possible as answered by the question I was linked.
The only automatic value I can think of that'll always be unique and never repeated is a full date value, down to the second - however the idea of using a date for the tables' IDs feels like bad design. So, if I instead place a full date field in every table and use these as the FK reference, am I looking at any potential issues down the line? And am I correct in thinking it would be more efficient to store it as integer rather than a text value?
Thanks for the help
To clarify, I am not looking asking in regards to Primary Keys. The PK will be standard auto-incrementing ID. I am asking in regards to basing hundreds of FKs on dates.
Thank you for the replies below, the difficulty i'm having is I can't find a similar model to learn from. The end result is i'd like the application to use project files (like Word has their docx files) to import data into the database. Once a new project is loaded, the previous project's records are cleared but their data is preserved in the project file (the application's custom file format / a txt file) so they can be added once again. The FKs will all be project-based so they will only be referencing records that exist at the time in the database. For example, as it's a world-building application, let's say a user adds a subject type that would be relevant to any project (e.g. mathematics), due to the form it's entered on in the application, the record is given a_type number of 1, meaning it’s something that persists regardless of the project loaded. Another subject type however may be Demonology which only applies to the specific project loaded (e.g. a fantasy world). A school_subject junction table needs both of these in the same table to reference as the FK. So let’s say Demonology is the second record in the subjects type table, it has an auto-increment value of 2 - thus the junction table records 2 as it’s FK value. The issue is, before this project is re-opened again, the user may have added 10 more subject types that are universal and persist, thus next time the project’s subject type records and school_subject records are added back, Demonology is now given the ID of 11. However, the school_subject junction table is re-recreated with the same record having 2 as its value. This is why I’d like a FK which will always remain the same. I don’t want all projects to be present in the database, because I want users to be able to backup and duplicate individual projects as well know that even if the application is deleted, they can re-download and re-open their project files.
This is a bit long for a comment.
Something seems wrong with your design. When you delete a row in a table, there should be no foreign key references to that key. The entity is gone. Does not exist (as far as the database is concerned). Under most circumstances, you will get an error if you try to delete a row in one table where another row refers to that row using a foreign key reference.
When you insert a row into a table, the database becomes aware of that entity. There should not be references to it.
Hence, you have an unusual situation. It sounds like you have primary keys that represent something in the real world -- such as a social security number or vehicle identification number. If that is the case, you might want this id to be the primary key of the table.
Another option is soft deletion. Once one of these rows is inserted in the table, it cannot be deleted. However, you can set a flag that says that it is deleted. Then, foreign key references can stay to the "soft" deleted row.

Creating tables with one to many relationships or just a table with a single column

If I have multiple key value pairs in Azure Blob Storage such as:
And each key is uploaded by a user, but a user can upload multiple keys, what is the best table design in my SQL database to reference what keys are associated with what user?
A) Table with single column - Everytime I add a file to BLOB storage I add a row to a single column table with the username and the associated key value i.e:
Will this be slow in looking up all the keys for User1 for example if I query using some sort of regex starts with? Will making this two column with User as one column and key as another column affect performance at all? How can I achieve this one to many relationship?
Also is it bad to store keys using an identifier such as 1-2-n? Any suggestions on how to create unique identifiers that can fit in the space of varchar(MAX)?
The correct approach in a relational database is to have a junction table. This would have at least two columns:
You wouldn't put these in a single column -- I don't think even in Azure.

Changing a table's primary key column referenced by foreign key in other tables

In our DB (on SQL Server 2005) we have a "Customers" table, whose primary key is Client Code, a surrogate, bigint IDENTITY(1,1) key; the table is referenced by a number of other tables in our DB thru a foreign key.
A new CR implementation we are estimating would require us to change ID column type to varchar, Client Code generation algorithm being shifted from a simple numeric progression to a strict 2-char representation, with codes ranging from 01 to 99, then progressing like this:
1A -> 2A -> ... -> 9A -> 1B -> ... 9Z
I'm fairly new to database design, but I smell some serious problems here. First of all, what about this client code generation algorithm? What if I need a Client Code to go beyond 9Z code limit?
The I have some question: would this change be feasible, the table being already filled with a fair amount of data, and referenced by multiple entities? If so, how would you approach this problem, and how would you implement Client Code generation?
I would leave the primary key as it is and would create another key (unique) on the client code generated.
I would do that anyway. It's always better to have a short number primary key instead of long char keys.
In some situation you might prefer a GUID (for replication purposes) but a number int/bigint is alway preferable.
You can read more here and here.
My biggest concern with what you are proposing is that you will be limited to 360 primary records. That seems like a small number.
Performing the change is a multi-step operation. You need to create the new field in the core table and all its related tables.
To do an in-place update, you need to generate the code in the core table. Then you need to update all the related tables to have the code based on the old id. Then you need to add the foreign key constraint to all the related tables. Then you need to remove the old key field from all the related tables.
We only did that in our development server. When we upgraded the live databases, we created a new database for each and copied the data over using a python script that queried the old database and inserted into the new database. I now update that script for every software upgrade so the core engine stays the same, but I can specify different tables or data modifications. I get the bonus of having a complete backup of the original database if something unexpected happens when upgrading production.
One strong argument in favor of a non-identity/guid code is that you want a human readable/memorable code and you need to be able to move records between two systems.
Performance is not necessarily a concern in SQL Server 2005 and 2008. We recently went through a change where we moved from int ids everywhere to 7 or 8 character "friendly" record codes. We expected to see some kind of performance hit, but we in fact saw a performance improvement.
We also found that we needed a way to quickly generate a code. Our codes have two parts, a 3 character alpha prefix and a 4 or 5 digit suffix. Once we had a large number of codes (15000-20000) we were finding it to slow to parse the code into prefix and suffix and find the lowest unused code (it took several seconds). Because of this, we also store the prefix and the suffix separately (in the primary key table) so that we can quickly find the next available lowest code with a particular prefix. The cached prefix and suffix made the search almost fee.
We allow changing of the codes and they changed values propagate by cascade update rules on the foreign key relationship. We keep an identity key on the core code table to simplify the update of the code.
We don't use an ORM, so I don't know what specific things to be aware of with that. We also have on the order of 60,000 primary keys in our biggest instance, but have hundreds of tables related and tables with millions of related values to the code table.
One big advantage that we got was, in many cases, we did not need to do a join to perform operations. Everywhere in the software the user references things by friendly code. We don't have to do a lookup of the int ID (or a join) to perform certain operations.
The new code generation algorithm isn't worth thinking about. You can write a program to generate all possible codes in just a few lines of code. Put them in a table, and you're practically done. You just need to write a function to return the smallest one not yet used. Here's a Ruby program that will give you all the possible codes.
# test.rb -- generate a peculiar sequence of two-character codes.
i = 1
('A'..'Z').each do |c|
(1..9).each do |n|
printf("'%d%s', %d\n", n, c, i)
i += 1
The program will create a CSV file that you should be able to import easily into a table. You need two columns to control the sort order. The new values don't naturally sort the way your requirements specify.
I'd be more concerned about the range than the algorithm. If you're right about the requirement, you're limited to 234 client codes. If you're wrong, and the range extends from "1A" to "ZZ", you're limited to less than a thousand.
To implement this requirement in an existing table, you need to follow a careful procedure. I'd try it several times in a test environment before trying it on a production table. (This is just a sketch. There are a lot of details.)
Create and populate a two-column table to map
existing bigints to the new CHAR(2).
Create new CHAR(2) columns in all the
tables that need them.
Update all the new CHAR(2) columns.
Create new NOT NULL UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraints and new FOREIGN KEY constraints on the new CHAR(2) columns.
Rewrite user interface code (?) to target the new columns. (Might not be necessary if you rename the new CHAR(2) and old BIGINT columns.)
Set a target date to drop the old BIGINT columns and constraints.
And so on.
Not really addressing whether this is a good idea or not, but you can change your foreign keys to cascade the updates. What will happen once you're done doing that is that when you update the primary key in the parent table, the corresponding key in the child table will be updated accordingly.

Fixing DB Inconsistencies - ID Fields

I've inherited a (Microsoft?) SQL database that wasn't very pristine in its original state. There are still some very strange things in it that I'm trying to fix - one of them is inconsistent ID entries.
In the accounts table, each entry has a number called accountID, which is referenced in several other tables (notes, equipment, etc. ). The problem is that the numbers (for some random reason) - range from about -100000 to +2000000 when there are about only 7000 entries.
Is there any good way to re-number them while changing corresponding numbers in the other tables? At my disposal I also have ColdFusion, so any thing that works with SQL and/or that I'll accept.
For surrogate keys, they are meant to be meaningless, so unless you actually had a database integrity issue (like there were no foreign key contraints properly defined) or your identity was approaching the maximum for its datatype, I would leave them alone and go after some other low hanging fruit that would have more impact.
In this instance, it sounds like "why" is a better question than "how". The OP notes that there is a strange problem that needs to be fixed but doesn't say why it is a problem. Is it causing problems? What positive impact would changing these numbers have? Unless you originally programmed the system and understand precisely why the number is in its current state, you are taking quite a risky making changes like this.
I would talk to an accountant (or at least your financial people) before messing in anyway with the numbers in the accounts tables if this is a financial app. The Table of accounts is very critical to how finances are reported. These IDs may have meaning you don't understand. No one puts in a negative id unless they had a reason. I would under no circumstances change that unless I understood why it was negative to begin with. You could truly screw up your tax reporting or some other thing by making an uneeded change.
You could probably disable the foreign key relationships (if you're able to take it offline temporarily) and then update the primary keys using a script. I've used this update script before to change values, and you could pretty easily wrap this code in a cursor to go through the key values in question, one by one, and update the arbitrary value to an incrementing value you're keeping track of.
Check out the script here: http://vyaskn.tripod.com/sql_server_search_and_replace.htm
If you just have a list of tables that use the primary key, you could set up a series of UPDATE statements that run inside your cursor, and then you wouldn't need to use this script (which can be a little slow).
It's worth asking, though, why these values appear out of wack. Does this database have values added and deleted constantly? Are the primary key values really arbitrary, or do they just appear to be, but they really have meaning? Though I'm all for consolidating, you'd have to ensure that there's no purpose to those values.
With ColdFusion this shouldn't be a herculean task, but it will be messy and you'll have to be careful. One method you could use would be to script the database and then generate a brand new, blank table schema. Set the accountID as an identity field in the new database.
Then, using ColdFusion, write a query that will pull all of the old account data and insert them into the new database one by one. For each row, let the new database assign a new ID. After each insert, pull the new ID (using either ##IDENTITY or MAX(accountID)) and store the new ID and the old ID together in a temporary table so you know which old IDs belong to which new IDs.
Next, repeat the process with each of the child tables. For each old ID, pull its child entries and re-insert them into the new database using the new IDs. If the primary keys on the child tables are fine, you can insert them as-is or let the server assign new ones if they don't matter.
Assigning new IDs in place by disabling relationships temporarily may work, but you might also run into conflicts if one of the entries is assigned an ID that is already being used by the old data which could cause conflicts.
Create a new column in the accounts table for your new ID, and new column in each of your related tables to reference the new ID column.
ALTER TABLE accounts
ADD new_accountID int IDENTITY
ADD new_accountID int
ALTER TABLE equipment
ADD new_accountID int
Then you can map the new_accountID column on each of your referencing tables to the accounts table.
UPDATE notes
SET new_accountID = accounts.new_accountID
FROM accounts
INNER JOIN notes ON (notes.accountID = accounts.accountID)
UPDATE equipment
SET new_accountID = accounts.new_accountID
FROM accounts
INNER JOIN equipment ON (equipment.accountID = accounts.accountID)
At this point, each table has both accountID with the old keys, and new_accountID with the new keys. From here it should be pretty straightforward.
Break all of the foreign keys on accountID.
On each table, UPDATE [table] SET accountID = new_accountID.
Re-add the foreign keys for accountID.
Drop new_accountID from all of the tables, as it's no longer needed.