Livecycle: Referencing objects in repeated subforms - repeat

I have a form that I want to lock for presentation once it is filled out. I know how to make this happen with a button to render the text fields read-only. Now I have a form that involves repeated subforms (added as needed). How can I script a single button so it will work for the objects in all the subforms?
The subforms are iterations of "ItemGroup". I need to make "ItemGroup.Item" and "ItemGroup.ItemRx" read-only, and "ItemGroup.ItemHeader.Button" invisible.

I'm at home, hence untested. Let me know if you bump into trouble.
var sfSom = "<path/somExpression to subform containing ItemGroups>"; var nn, n = xfa.resolveNode(sfSom).nodes;
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
nn = n.item(i);
if ( == "ItemGroup" && nn.className == "subform") {
/* change stuff here. Decide if Item and ItemRx should be read-only, calculate or protected. For now, we'll settle for hiding the button: */
nn.ItemHeader.Button.presence = "hidden";


virtual ClistCtrl with checkboxes on displayed report list style

I have an MFC SDI application to display a list of data read from a csv file. So I set up its view to be inherited from CListView and make it a virtual list control. That means I have to use LVS_OWNERDATA as one of its CListCtrl style attributes. Yet I now run into a problem when I have to include Checkboxes in each row of the displayed list. As you might know, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES can't be used with LVS_OWNERDATA, I therefore create a bitmap file to contain 2 small images of checkbox (selected and de-selected) and toggle them every time the user clicks on the loaded image/icon. I am handling this in OnNMClick method. And I have two problems I would like to ask for your help to solve.
(1) I don't know how to update the virtual list (which is commonly handled in OnLvnGetdispinfo method) so I try this in OnNMClick and find that the check and unchecked images aren't toggled.
void CMFCSDITest::OnNMClick(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
*pResult = 0;
LVHITTESTINFO hitinfo; = pNMItemActivate->ptAction;
int nItem = pListCtrl->HitTest(&hitinfo);
if (hitinfo.flags != LVHT_ONITEMICON)
NMLVDISPINFO *pDispInfo = reinterpret_cast<NMLVDISPINFO*>(pNMHDR);
LV_ITEM* pItem = &(pDispInfo)->item;
if (pItem->iImage == 0)
pItem->iImage = 1;
pItem->iImage = 0;
pListCtrl->UpdateWindow(); //this is wrong as nothing seems updated after all.
Given that the created imagelist is inserted into the pListCtrl already (in OnInitialUpdate method) and I set the output image index value in OnLvnGetdispinfo method.
(2) Instead of handling OnNMClick, I read somewhere people's advice that OnLvnItemchanged method could also be used. However in LPNMLISTVIEW struct, there is uNewState and uOldState variable members for which I don't know how to set up my tiny checked and unchecked icons as status images. Because I might have to do this
if (pNMLV->uChanged & LVIF_STATE)
case image1://do
case image2://do

Illustrator variables - dynamically line up two text strings next to each other when autogenerating

I am automating the generation of several thousand labels in Adobe Illustrator. The use of the VariableImporter script has made easy work of it so far, but now I have reached an issue where I am stumped. The original plan worked great, until the powers that be requested that one line of text have a bold text string, followed by a normal weight text string. Before, when the font weights were the same I could have connected the two strings of text in the CSV file prior to loading them into the drawing, and they would have came out lying right next to each other. This is now no longer possible and I can't think of a solution that is not incredibly fussy.
I don't know illustrator very well, so I am thinking I could just be unaware of some setting that would stick an object next to another one even as the other one moves.
Okay here is the way I figured out how to do this with help from Adobe forums and from Vasily.
First of all, use InDesign if possible. It is better at performing a Data Merge and can do this without your scripting.
Write out <variable1> <variable2> which is formatted as needed on the same line of text.
You will need to have the variables that you are putting in there somewhere in the illustration. Recommended to put it in a hidden layer behind everything.
replace variable1 and variable2 with the names of your variables where the functions getVariableContents() are called in this script
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
var vars = idoc.variables;
var replace1 = /<variable1>/g;
var replace2 = /<variable2>/g;
// author CarlosCanto on adobe forums
function getVariableContents(variableName) {
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
var ivar = idoc.variables.getByName(variableName);
return ivar.pageItems[0].contents;
var replaceWith1 = getVariableContents('variable1'), result;
var replaceWith2 = getVariableContents('variable2'), result;
// regex_changeContentsOfWordOrString_RemainFormatting.jsx
// regards pixxxel schubser
function exchangeWords(s, replacer) {
var s = s;
var replacer = replacer;
var atfs = activeDocument.textFrames;
for (var i = atfs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
atf = atfs[i];
while (result = s.exec(atf.contents)) {
try {
aCon = atf.characters[result.index];
aCon.length = result[0].length;
aCon.contents = aCon.contents.replace(s, replacer);
} catch (e) {};
run the script
There is a way to accomplish this by having a script do some processing during the course of your batch output, and an organizational system which adds some overhead to your file, in terms of adding more text boxes and possibly an extra layer to your document. But - here's what you can have: a hidden layer with all your variables there in separate single point-text objects, and a layer with your regular template objects such as any point text or area-text objects. Your art text objects will need to be re-worked to contain a string with multiple variable placeholders like this: "Hello, <FirstName> <LastName>". The placeholders can be styled, and a processing script would then need to replace the <placeholder> words with your real variable values. Where are the varible values? They are going to be populating into your hidden layer which has your separate text objects and the script would need to read the contents of each of those to put into the <placeholders>. ~~Those same text fields can be styled as you wish, and the script could apply the same styles to your text when it is replaced in the main text body.~~ -actually this won't be necessary of your routine backs up the original text frame with the placeholder in it, therefore preserving the styling, but it may be necessary if you are going to instead use an external text file to keep your original text in. And of course, it will need to make a backup of the original text with all the <placeholders> so that it will reset the text for every new dataset during your batch process.
However, this is much easier done in Indesign, can you not use ID for your task?
I modified script from #tucker-david-grebitus's answer. So now it gets all textual variables and replaces all their names edged by percent symbol
for (var i = activeDocument.variables.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
var variable = activeDocument.variables[i];
if (variable.kind !== VariableKind.TEXTUAL || !variable.pageItems.length) {
var search = new RegExp('%' + + '%', 'g');
var value = variable.pageItems[0].contents;
for (var j = activeDocument.textFrames.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
var textFrame = activeDocument.textFrames[j];
textFrame.contents = textFrame.contents.replace(search, value);

I would like to grey out the submit button until required fields in a pdf form have been filled out

I am recently task with collecting data using a pdf form, some fields in the form are required but not all fields, I have created a submit button and the department will received the form fill out, now the form needs to be reset when submitted. so i add a button to submit the form and then reset it. the problem is that if someone fills the form and hits submit missing a required field then when they hit ok all the fields are being reset and the person needs to start over. Please Advice.
My idea is to gray out the submit button until all the required fields are fill out, no idea how to do this on adobe pro.
As you immediately reset the form after submitting (what happens when the submit fails?), greying out or making read-only is a way to go.
Assuming that you did set the required property for the required fields, you could add the following snipped to your Calculation script:
var cnt = 0 ;
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.numFields ; i++) {
var mf = this.getNthFieldName(i) ;
if (mf.type != "button" && mf.type != "signature") {
if (mf.required == true && mf.value == mf.defaultValue) {
cnt++ ;
if (cnt > 0) {
this.getField("mySubmitButton").readonly = true ;
} else {
this.getField("mySubmitButton").readonly = false ;
And that should do it.
However, this approach is not very efficient, and for bigger number of fields and just a few required ones, it might be better to create an array of the required field names, and loop through this array instead of all fields.

How to give an dynamicly loaded TreeViewItem an EventHandler?

at the moment i programm a database based Chat System.
The friendlist of every User gets loadet in a TreeView after the login.
After the login I request the names of the useres friends by the following Funktion,
String namesSt[] = get.getUserFriendNameByUserID(currentUserID);
To use the given Names to load them as TreeItem into my Friendlist / TreeRootItem "rootItem"
for (int counter = 0; counter < namesSt.length; counter++) {
TreeItem<String> item = new TreeItem<String> (namesSt[counter]);
When I now add my rootItem, I see the Names in the TreeView.
But if I click on a name, the given MouseEventHandler doesn´t get called.
Further I just want to request the text of the Element which trigger the MouseEvent, so that i can submit these name to a spezial funktion.
How can i realice such an MouseEvent?
How is it possible to call it from the dynamicly created TreeItem?
Thank you for any help :)
TreeItems represent the data, not the UI component. So they don't generate mouse events. You need to register the mouse listener on the TreeCell. To do this, set a cell factory on the TreeView. The cell factory is a function that creates TreeCells as they are needed. Thus this will work for dynamically added tree items too.
You will need something like this:
TreeView<String> treeView ;
// ...
treeView.setCellFactory( tv -> {
TreeCell<String> cell = new TreeCell<>();
cell.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, event -> {
if (! cell.isEmpty()) {
String value = cell.getItem();
TreeItem<String> treeItem = cell.getTreeItem(); // if needed
// process ...
return cell ;

Get input type in Geb

I am using Geb to write a script that will test a survey many times with random input to make sure nothing breaks. I would like to iterate through every input on a form and do different things depending on the input type.
For example:
while ($("form").find("input", j)) {
if($("form").find("input", j) == "checkbox"){
//check it sometimes
else if($("form").find("input", j) == "select"){
//select a random option
I'm not exactly sure how the survey is going to work yet, so I would rather go down the page as a human would instead of doing all checkboxes first and then all selects etc. It is possible to check the type of input like my example?
Additionally, I notice I am repeating the $("form").find("input", j). Can I make that into a variable like in jQuery?
Simply collect all your inputs and selects in a navigator and iterate over all of them. Use is(String tagName) to detect select elements and #type attribute accessor to detect other element types:
def form = $("form")
def formElements = form.find("input") + form.find("select")
formElements.each { Navigator element ->
if ("select") {
//select a random option
if (element.#type == "checkbox") {
//check it sometimes