How to get list of statements for a given Wikidata ID? - wikipedia-api

The only thing I managed to do is this link:
But this produces lots of useless data. What I need is to get all the statements for the given item, but I can't see any of the statements in the query above.
here it will be:
{ "instance of" : "chemical element",
"element symbol" : "Li",
"atomic number" : 3,
"oxidation state" : 1,
"subclass of" : ["chemical element", "alkali metal"]
// etc...
Is there an API for this or must I scrape the web page?

The information you want is in your query, except it's hard to decode. For example, this:
"P246": [
"id": "q568$E47B8CE7-C91D-484A-9DA4-6153F132997D",
"mainsnak": {
"snaktype": "value",
"property": "P246",
"datatype": "string",
"datavalue": {
"value": "Li",
"type": "string"
"type": "statement",
"rank": "normal",
"references": …
means that the “element symbol” (property P246) is “Li”. So, you will need to read all the properties from your query and then find out the name for each of the properties you found.
To get just the statements, you could also use action=wbgetclaims, but it's in the same format as above.


Specify a blank value in a custom PickList field via api

How can I specify an empty value for a custom-field
"name": "MyCustomField",
"address_id": 395,
"value": ""
gives me this
"status": 422,
"title": "Create form field value failed.",
"type": "",
"errors": {
"0.form_field_value": "Option '' does not exist in 'MyCustomField'"
I have also tried
"value": null
with result
"errors": {
"": "Missing form-field value for form-field 'MyCustomField'"
"value": undefined
with result
"status": 400,
"title": "Input is invalid",
"type": "",
"errors": {}
If the custom form field doesn't already exist on the store you're sending this call to, you'll see an error like "Form-field 'test' does not exist in the 'Customer' form". Once set to an existing field's name, I was able to successfully send a call like the one described here.
Are you also creating the custom form field programmatically? You might need to add logic so that this call is only run after the field is created.

radio with custom input in alpacajs with jsonschema?

I'm trying to create a field with several radio input options and an optional fill in the blank. The following schema doesn't seem to work in displaying output:
"oneOf": [
"enum": [
"Option 1",
"Option 2",
"Option 3"
}, {
What should I be doing? Thanks!
Clarification: I'd like to output:
( ) option 1
( ) option 2
( ) option 3
(X) custom [__fill in the blank here__]
I'm sorry it was my mistake I accidently overrided that fiddle. Thank you for your clarification. If you want to have that layout in your page you must use two different components, a radio group buttons and a simple text field that automatically will be appended after the radio group (but you could do better using jquery and append it in a different place in the postRender function of Alpaca. So your schema must be like this :
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"oneOf": {
"required": true,
"enum": ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
"customResponse": {
"type": "string"
I added more options for the fields like disabling default sorting, disabling the input text for custom response because it must be enabled only when the user choose the 4th option.
Here's a more complete fiddle.
your schema properties should be enclosed into a properties object and if the "oneOf" refers to the group of radio buttons it should be an object not an array.
"properties": {
"oneOf": {
"required": true,
"enum": ["option1", "option2", "option3"]
}, ////
Here's a complete fiddle, hope it helps.
Tell me if you want something else.

Searching within an array in kibana

I am pushing my logs to elasticsearch which stores a typical doc as-
"_index": "logstash-2014.08.11",
"_type": "machine",
"_id": "2tSlN1P1QQuHUkmoJfkmnQ",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"category": "critical log with list",
"app_name": "attachment",
"stacktrace_array": [
"this is the first line",
"this is the second line",
"this is the third line",
"this is the fourth line",
"#timestamp": "2014-08-11T13:30:51+00:00"
"sort": [
Kibana makes searching substrings very easy. For example searching for "critical" in the dashboard will fetch all logs with the word critical in any string mapped value.
How do i go about searching for something like "second line" which is a string nested in an array within my doc?
It would be a simple field:<search_term> query, like -
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "stacktrace_array:*second line*"
So in layman terms, for Kibana dashboard, put your search query like so -
stacktrace_array:*second line*

Search multiple fields with "and" operator (but use fields' own analyzers)

ElasticSearch Version: 0.90.2
Here's the problem: I want to find documents in the index so that they:
match all query tokens across multiple fields
fields own analyzers are used
So if there are 4 documents:
{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Joe Doe", "mark" : "1", "message" : "Message First" }
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "Ann", "mark" : "3", "message" : "Yesterday Joe Doe got 1 for the message First"}
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "Joe Doe", "mark" : "2", "message" : "Message Second" }
{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "Dan Spencer", "mark" : "2", "message" : "Message Third" }
And the query is "Joe First 1" it should find ids 1 and 2. I.e., it should find documents which contain all the tokens from search query, no matter in which fields they are (maybe all tokens are in one field, or maybe each token is in its own field).
One solution would be to use elasticsearch "_all" field functionality: that way it will merge all the fields I need (name, mark, message) into one and I'll be able to query it with something like
"match": {
"_all": {
"query": "Joe First 1",
"operator": "and"
But this way I can specify analyzer for the "_all" field only. And I need "name" and "message" fields to have different set of tokenizers/token filters (let's say name will have phonetic analyzer and message will have some stemming token filter).
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks to guys at elasticsearch group, here's the solution... pretty simple need to say :)
All I needed to do is to use query_string query with default_operator = AND and it will do the trick:
"query": {
"query_string": {
"fields": [
"query": "Joe First 1",
"default_operator": "AND"
I think using a multi match query makes sense here. Something like:
"multi_match": {
"query": "Joe First 1",
"operator": "and"
"fields": [ "name", "message", "mark"]
As you say, you can set the analyzer (or search_analyzer/index_analyzer) to be used on the _all field. It seems to me that should indeed be your first step to achieve the query results you're looking for.
From, we have this tasty quote:
... the _all field copies the text from the other fields and analyzes
them again; it doesn’t copy the pre-analyzed tokens. You can set a
separate analyzer for the _all field.
Which I interpret to mean that you should set your _all analyzer(s) as well as individual field analyzer(s). The _all field won't re-analyze the individual field data; it will grab the original field contents.

Freebase search_api and excluding results by specified type

is anyone know, how to exclude some topics with specified type(s) using search api and mql?
For example i'm try to find all topics "Voodoo People", and exclude only those, that have composition and release types, and sort result by score desc:
Sorting work perfect, but i can't find functionality for excluding :(
I'm try to use mql_filter:, but releases still there.
And one more question: i see in type_strict param possible values: "all", "any", "should". But there is no value "not" or "not in". Is needed result can be obtained in any other way?
The syntax that you're looking for is "optional" : "forbidden". In your query that would look like this:
"search": {
"query": "Voodoo People",
"score": null,
"mql_filter": [{
"type": {
"id": "/music/release",
"optional": "forbidden"
"name": null,
"id": null,
"type": [],
"/common/topic/notable_for": {
"limit": 15,
"sort": "-search.score"