selenium script has to run continuously in server with out using eclipse - selenium

is it possible to run selenium script in server without using eclipse or command prompt.for every fixed time intervals my selenium script has to run automatically in backend with out any browser opening

This can be split into two questions;
Can I schedule a Selenium test?
Yes, there are many options including using a CI tool such as Jenkins, Hudson, Team City,etc. Alternatively you could write a shell script to run the command line, and schedule this to run every x hours.
Can I run Selenium without opening a browser?
Yes. As mentioned before you could go headless, but depending on complexity of your application and test, you may find headless is not suitable. However, you can use RemoteWebdriver to launch a browser on a different machine but the test would still be run on your back end, it would just be the browse launched remotely. See and


How to make your selenium script unbreakable?

I am writing a selenium script using Java to automate a website workflow. I want to run this script 24/7 and make sure that it's always running without any crashes. I want to make it unbreakable.
Now let's say that the script has been running fine for some hours and suddenly chrome crashes so how do I make my script launch the chrome and start the execution from the start? Do I need to use any framework? I am learning TestNG.

When selenium test runs by Jenkins and MSUnit, the browser doesn't come up however there are valid results

I put together a machine (Windows Server 2012R2) for POC reasons where a Jenkins installed and it executes Selenium UI tests using msunit
But, when I log in the server where the Jenkins runs and I watch what happens during CI build (compile and test execution) I can't see that the browser (Firefox) starts automatically, however, the test results and the logs show that a browser was executed.
My question is that, what the is happening when my tests are executed by Jenkins? If I execute the command which from visual studio on the same machine then I can see that Firefox starts, does what is programmed in the tests and the results are in the result.trx.Can I somehow set up Jenkins the way the browser really executed (I can believe it when I see it :)
In Jenkins when you run selenium test cases, they are executed in the background by default.
Your Jenkins might be configured to run those test cases in some video buffer(usually it happens on Linux but can also be configured on Windows) or in a headless state.
As your question, if you are using MSTest which basically used to convert the test cases result from trx to JMX format but also can be used to run selenium tests. when you run the same in Jenkins it will run in background on any slave or on master.

What could be causing selenium tests to run differently on a different machine?

I'm using selenium and phantomjs to run automated tests. My tests run fine on my local machine. I need to run my tests on a windows server as part of a scheduled task that then emails the results each morning. When my tests are run on the server, a good majority fail and the screenshot that is taken upon failure is blank. Logs show it would appear its failing to load some pages when navigating from one page to another.

How to disable firefox from opening while running test suite in Selenium IDE?

I am writing test scripts in Selenium IDE for my application but everytime when I run the test suite it opens up browser and performs all the actions and logs failures, if any. My requirement is to invoke the test script from command prompt using .bat file and generate a test report. I am able to do the same but the problem is firefox opens up and executes the test case one by one. Can anyone please suggest me how to disable Firefox window from opening up? Or is it just not possible to do so? Or do I need to switch to Selenium Webdriver in order to achieve my requirement? My application contains Ajax upto a lot of extent.
I have read many commands used in Selenium IDE but I could not find any command which can serve this purpose. Please suggest!
If you know any programming language supported by selenium-webdriver (Ruby, Java, Python, C#) then you should try PhantomJS WebDriver which allow to run scripts without opening visual browser session
Selenium-IDE are mean to invoke browser, that's how the script react to all the exact browser behavior.
Only selenium Webdriver allow you to run your browser under "Headless" mode, which in fact, put Firefox under X-virtual frame buffer in background, as above #Andersson suggested.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to convert your Selenium-IDE script to your desire programming language at the moment.
If your concern is about "cluttered screen" in OS such as ubuntu, then your solution will be export the whole Selenium-IDE and firefox under another virtual X-display.

is Selenium Remote Webdriver Server similar to Hudson CI?

Right now I am using Hudson CI to launch browser in xvnc and run my tests through Webdriver (pre 2.0)
Should I use Selenium remote webdriver instead? is that more efficient than hudson ci?
I want to run my tests on Amazon....are there any selenium remote webdriver server or Selenium Grid plugin that can already integrate with Amazon? Should I pursue Grid or remotedriver server?
My ultimate goal is to be able to launch multiple tests parallel on Selenium on Amazon and be able to quickly scale up and down.
Right now I pay $100/month for server that has hudson CI on it....but I never end up using the whole capacity....
Grid or the Remote Server does not replace a CI tool like Hudson. They will not schedule jobs, parallelize your tests, report results (with history) or send email/IM notifications when builds fail.
So you would still have Hudson (or similar) for all those things, possibly using Grid or the Remote Server to decouple the machine(s) running the browser(s) from the one running the tests.
Selenium Grid will allow you launch multiple tests in parallel. And with the right configuration you can even run the tests of different browsers in parallel.
Selenium grid is still using selenium 1.x remote control drivers. So if you already have your tests written in webdriver code, then you might not be able to use it with current Selenium grid. There is a new version of selenium grid - Grid 2.0 that will be out soon. That will be support webdriver as well.