Calling a net.tcp wcf service from Silverlight - in an external facing web site? - wcf

I have an external (public) website developed in Silverlight. The Silverlight app currently calls http based wcf services hosted in IIS.
I am now having to call a wcf service with net.tcp binding hosted in a different app server. I have the net.tcp wcf service hosted in a windows service on port range 4502-4530 and with an interface to expose clientaccesspolicy.xml file as part of the service. I am able to invoke this service from my Silverlight app in the web server. I want the SL app to make direct call to net.tcp, rather than routing the call to it from another http based service.
Question is will this work without any issues when exposed over internet.
Client browser --> IIS webserver with Silverlight website --> App Server with wcf service on net.tcp.
I am assuming in this case, from XAP SL would try to make direct call to the app server service using net.tcp ?
The communication between the web server and app server could be opened up for ports 4502-4535. But I am wondering what about the client. Does this setup require the ports to be available even in the clients machine (with browser)?
Any insight is much helpful.

Take a look at; there is sample code included as well! If you setup clientaccesspolicy.xml correctly; it should work as long as clients can access your TCP server.
If your clients are behind some firewall which is blocking your server's ports; they may face connectivity issues!


Combining an HttpListener service and a Wcf service

I'm building a self-hosted service to be consumed by Silverlight. This service is not a straight Wcf service, but it uses HttpListener to implement a streaming service for Silverligt. To mkae it accessible by Silverlight, I've created another service (that is a Wcf service) to serve the clientaccesspolicy.xml file.
My problem is that once my clientaccesspolicy service is registered at http://localhost:9001 I cannot access my streaming service that is listening at http://localhost:9001/silverlightstream.
I've a couple of other Wcf services registered at http://localhost:9001/xxx which can seamlessly coexist with the clientaccesspolicy service.
What do I need to do to get the streaming service to work together with the clientaccesspolicy service?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I've answered a similar question before, I don't know how much it fits your situation, but it does look like it might help you out a little:
How can I host a Silverlight 4 application in a WPF 4 application?
In my project, I took it further and delivered the html/xap files via said self hosted service (so as not to require IIS, as IIS was a bit too much bloat for what I required).

WCF service application and wcf service library

i know it's been asked, but i want to clear things out, what is the difference between WCF service application and wcf service library, and how can i connect them to other machine?
is Wcf SA need to host on IIS? or is it the SL?
A service application includes a website host already setup for you. A service library is a library of services that a host can reference and startup.
If you start with a service library (recommended) you can then choose any host you wish (a windows service, IIS/ASP.NET, or even a console application) and you'd just reference your library from your new host. Choosing a Service Application limits your host to just IIS/ASP.NET (though this might be ok for your purposes, but will limit the protocols you can use).

Discover locally running WCF from WP7

I have a WCF service running inside Windows Service and it is located on my local network. What I want is to be able to discover WCF from my Silverlight app on my WP7 (on the same network).
I know there a Discovery feature in WCF, however it requires to UDP, which is not supported on WP7. So are there any other ways to discover local WCF?
I also do not know prior to launching WCF the IP address of the WCF service.
The solution I came up with, is to use Sockets as on WP7 they support multicast.
So set up would like this:
Desktop service - Windows Service hosting WCF and small Socket app
which listens on specific port.
WP7 client - before connecting to WCF
a broadcast would be sent using Sockets to find out an IP address of
the machine which runs WCF, when got a response connect to WCF.
For a WCF Service to be referenced in a WP7 project the WCF Service MUST be a BasicEndpoint
You could provide a basic endpoint that exposes a kind of catalog service. It doesn't have to implement UDDI but it could be a custom protocol to suit your needs and return addresses of web services.
This way you only need to know a single address. Of course you can cache returned addresses and query the catalog service only when you are not able to connect.

WCF http activation without IIS

Is it possible to enable HTTP components for WCF without installing IIS. When i try to enable the HTTP components on windows server 2008 it forces me to enable the web server components.
Is there a workaround by not installing webserver.
(any solution other than self hosting or windows service)
WCF services can be hosted in any managed .NET application, not only IIS. You can either host it inside a windows service, or create a standard .NET executable to host the service (self-hosting). You can configure your end point to http eventhough the WCF is hosted outside IIS.
Check this article for more insight:
Hosting and Consuming WCF Services

Brainstorming a WCF/IIS Service Intermediary

I have built a Windows forms application in C# using WCF for client -> server communication. I have recently begun toying with Silverlight and built a web front end for the application which still uses the same WCF service for web client to server application. What I'd like to do is have my WCF behind a firewall on a different machine and then build an "intermediary" WCF service which would live in a DMZ between IIS hosting my Silverlight client and the WCF box.
Essentially I want to seperate the WCF service which runs my windows forms application from also acting as a webserver. Does it make sense to build this intermediary app to increase security?
Can't see how that would increase security other than forcing connections to the WCF service to go through the DMZ ... but a straight forward http proxy server would do the trick.
The intermediary becomes more useful when you have a whole bunch of services and you want to centralize things like aunthentication, message logging in a single location or if you want to do some fancy (or not so fancy) message routing such as load balancing between a few services.