SSH Install Mysqlnd - Package Not Found - ssh

I am trying to install Mysqlnd using ssh and the yum command but I keep getting the error that no such package exists. Can someone help me out? I have also tried yum search php-mysqlnd and there is no such package on the system.

Sounds like you'll have to pull it from another repo, I suggest Atomic's repo.
They have a simple one liner auto installer, give it a shot.
wget -q -O - | sh
Then of course yum update and then fire off yum install php-mysqlnd
Edit: Sounds like you've got some yum excludes active.
vi /etc/yum.conf and you'll likely see something to the effect of exclude=mysql* php*. You can comment out this line or just remove them altogether.
Another options is to use the command line option...
yum --disableexcludes=all which will kill all excludes currently active.
yum --disableexcludes=main which will kill all excludes in your main yum.conf.


How do I get the man command?

I just installed Windows Subsystem for Linux for the first time and downloaded the Debian distribution from the Windows Store.
The first thing I tried to do was use the "mv" command. The second thing was to run "man mv" because I don't remember how to use it. But I received the error:
-bash: man: command not found
It looks like the package I want is called manpages. But I can't install that:
sudo apt-get install manpages
[sudo] password for pi:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package manpages is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source
E: Package 'manpages' has no installation candidate
How do I get the man command up and running?
apt update to update the local package lists followed by apt install man-db to install the actual package.
I want to add to elken's answer that apparently, the 'man-db' packages doesn't cover all the manpages. For example, I needed documentation for the C stdio library (fopen, fgets, ...), and for that I had to install 'manpages-dev':
sudo apt install manpages-dev
Apparently there are also some other manpage collections (/different names for them on certain unix distros), see

Control yum update packages sequence

Couldn't find an answer anywhere so I will try here.
Is there a way to tell yum, while running yum update, to update a specific package as the last one?
I am not talking about requires / dependencies, It just needs to be updated after all other packages on the system.
In a nutshell, I manage local repositories in my environment and this particular rpm holds the version for each repository, so by updating it as last I can label the client with that particular version.
You can run two yum commands. First one excluding the .rpm that you don't want to be updated and second, running your usual update.
$ yum --exclude="foo*.rpm" update
If foo*.rpm comes from a particular repository, then during the update, you can disable it using its name. Name of a repository can be found by looking into /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo file or using the command
$ yum repolist
Then disable the repo and update. Note, this will disable update of all packages coming from this repo.
$ yum --disablerepo="nameOfRepo" update
Finally, run your usual update
$ yum update

how to ask ambari agent not keep quiet when install packages in ubuntu

I'm installing new service in ambari managed cluster. my connection to hortonwork's repo seems too bad, it took lots of time to install ambari-server and ambari-agent it self (onece i almost thought it was dead).
the problem is that when i'm installing new service (e.g zeppelin, it also requires install other dependencies), the progress bar get stuck at 26% percent. it confused me if the installation get stucked or it's just too slow.
the command
ps -ef|grep apt
shows the the install is still there. only can't track the progress via /var/log/apt/term.log like normal apt-get installation (it shows the download progress).
the command shows the apt-get comes with an "-q" options which prevent me from tracking the log file.
so my question is that is there any place i can change the default behavior?
The -q option is added to "apt-get" command based on log level of ambari-agent. I.e. if log level for ambari-agent is set to DEBUG then apt-get without -q option is executed.
You can edit /etc/ambari-agent/conf/logging.conf, in [logger_root] section comment default line level=WARNING and add level=DEBUG. Then retstart ambari-agent. Now if you install any service them apt-get without -q will be executed.
If /etc/ambari-agent/conf/logging.conf does not exist then copy it from /etc/ambari-agent/conf/logging.conf.sample
Ambari agent specific changed need to be done on all cluster node

Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: google64

I just wanna to install vim using yum, however, the yum doesn't work.
And I tried to install other software using yum, the result remains the same.
I remembered typed commands like this: yum clean all, maybe it's the reason that yum doesn't work. How could I repair the yum configuring?

How to install apache 2.4.12 from source onto Ubuntu 14.04

I tried to install Apache 2.4.12 from the installation page on the Apache website but to no avail. It said that I needed to install APR, APR-Util and Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions Library (PCRE). So I downloaded them and installed them, so I thought it still gave me an error I think that I am compiling something wrong so if someone could lead me in the right direction that would be great.
why don't you just use:
sudo apt-get install apache2
Please note that you should always install the latest version of a software for more security. I suggest you to install Apache from Ubuntu's apt package manager 'if you are on a production server'. Installing it from source on a local environment doesn't matter.
I've also been trying to do this lately.
Please follow this for the instructions of installing it, by me, with a bit more explanation.
Hope it helps.
To be clean, follow the same steps:
1) Go to
2) Right click and copy the link of the link like 'Source: httpd-2.4.41.tar.gz'
3) Go to the terminal, and enter the following commands one by one and hit enter for no confusion:
cd /usr/local/src
sudo wget -O- <download-link> | tar -zxf -
sudo apt install libnghttp2 libpcre3 libssl build-essential -y
d. Go to and copy the link like 'Unix Source: apr-1.7.0.tar.gz'
sudo wget -O- <apr-download-link> | tar -zxf -
e. Go to and copy the link like 'Unix Source: apr-util-1.6.1.tar.gz'
sudo wget -O- <apr-util-download-link> | tar -zxf -
sudo mv apr-<apr-version> httpd-<apache-version>/srclib/apr
sudo mv apr-util-<apr-util-version> httpd-<apache-version>/srclib/apr-util
cd httpd-<apache-version>
i. According to me, this configuration is better than any other. The --prefix is where apache is installed.
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-mods-shared="reallyall" --enable-mpms-shared="all"
sudo make
sudo make install
These directories could be altered using the Step 'i'
The apache directory is /usr/local/apache2.
The apache conf directory is /usr/local/apache2/conf.
The apache main conf file is /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf.
For more info go to