How to derive from a base class when the base initializer is available only through a helper function? - oop

This is a general Object Oriented Programming question:
Suppose I am given a base class B:
class B {
// member functions
and suppose I am told to create an instance of B through the following factory method:
B createB(/* arguments */) {
b = ...
return b;
Now, the problem is that I need to derive from B but how am I going to initialize it as createB() does?:
class D : B {
D() {
/* need to use createB() to
initialize the base because
no equivalent constructor
exists. */

Using factory methods is in many aspects much better than just directly calling constructors. Once you've chosen using factory methods, you should stick to this approach for all the derived class - otherwise you violate the basic reason for why the factory methods have been introduced: separate the object creation from object usage.
Hence, instead of solving the issue of accessing the factory method for class B from the constructor of class D, think about creating a factory method also for the class D. Or even better: create a common factory method B createB(arguments) which decides itself what type it creates and returns.


Why does `BUILD` not see attribute from parent class?

class A { has $.name; };
class B is A { submethod BUILD { $!name = 'foo' } };
This code looks natural but throws error.
Attribute $!name not declared in class B
Yes, it is not declared in class B, but we are in the partially constructed object during B::BUILD and documentation says that bless creates the new object, and then walks all subclasses in reverse method resolution order. So $!name attribute should be known for class B in this phase, right?
Is there any way to set parent class attributes during object construction without using new method? I know that new will do the trick here, but BUILD has a lot of syntactic sugar and BUILD / TWEAK feel more DWIMy and straightforward than resolving to low-level blessing in new.
Private attribute syntax ($!foo) is only available for attributes that are lexically visible. That's why they're private :-)
If class A would want other classes be able to change, it would need to provide a mutator method explicitely or implicitely (with is rw).
Or you could let class A trust class B as described at .
Still it feels you would do better using roles:
role A {
has $.name is rw;
class B does A {
submethod BUILD { $!name = 'foo' }
The other option is to use the is built trait on attributes that you would like the default constructor to initialize.
Consider the following:
class A {
has $.name is built
class B is A { } => "Foo").gist.say; # => "Foo")
This allows descendend classes to use the named parameter matching the attribute in .new to initialize the value at object creation time. Please note that this will work whether the attribute is public "$." or private "$!".
Hope that helps!
TL;DR All attributes are technically private. This design is a good one. You could just call a method in A from B. There are, of course, other options too.
Why doesn't BUILD see parent class attributes?
Quoting Wikipedia Fragile base class page problem:
One possible solution is to make instance variables private to their defining class and force subclasses to use accessors to modify superclass states.¹
Hence, per Raku Attributes doc:
In Raku, all attributes are private, which means they can be accessed directly only by the class instance itself.
B can call a method in A
This code looks natural:
class A { has $.name }
class B is A { submethod BUILD { $!name = 'foo' } }
Quoting again from Raku doc section linked above:
While there is no such thing as a public (or even protected) attribute, there is a way to have accessor methods generated automatically: replace the ! twigil with the . twigil (the . should remind you of a method call).
Your code generates a $!name attribute (private to A) plus a public .name method. Any code that uses the A class can call its public methods.
Your code hasn't used the autogenerated accessor method. But it could have done so with a couple small changes:
class A { has $.name is rw } # Add `is rw`
class B is A { submethod BUILD { = 'foo' } } # s/$!name/²
say # => "foo")
is rw makes the public .name accessor method a read/write one instead of the default read only one.
Not using is rw
As I now understand from your first comment below, an is rw accessor is disallowed given your requirements. You can achieve any effect that a class supports via its public interface.
Let's first consider a silly example so it's clear you can do anything that any methods can do. Using, say,, in A or B, might actually run one or more methods in A that make a cup of tea and return 'oolong' rather than doing anything with A's $!name:
class A {
has $.name = 'fred'; # Autogenerates a `method name` unless it's defined.
method name { 'oolong' } # Defines a `method name` (so it isn't generated).
my \a =;
say a; # => "fred")
say; # oolong
Conversely, if an A object changes its $!name, doing so might have no effect whatsoever on the name of the next cup of tea:
class A {
has $.name = 'fred';
method name { 'rooibos' } # ignores `$!name`
method rename { $!name = 'jane' }
my \a =;
say a; # => "fred")
say; # rooibos
To recap, you can (albeit indirectly) do anything with private state of a class that that class allows via its public API.
For your scenario, perhaps the following would work?:
class A {
has $.name;
multi method name { $!name }
multi method name (\val) { once $!name = val }
class B is A {
submethod BUILD { 42 }
my \a =;
say a; # => 42)
say; # 42 99; # Does nothing
say; # 42
¹ Continuing to quote solutions listed by Wikipedia:
A language could also make it so that subclasses can control which inherited methods are exposed publicly.
Raku allows this.
Another alternative solution could be to have an interface instead of superclass.
Raku also supports this (via roles).
² works where $!name does not. $.name throws a different compiler error with an LTA error message. See Using in places throws, but changing it to works.
Sorry that my answer is late in the day, but I feel that your original question is very well pitched and would like to add my variation.
class A {
has $!name;
submethod BUILD( :$!name ) {}
multi method name { $!name }
multi method name(\v) { $!name := v }
method gist(::T:) { "{::T.^name}.new( name => $!name )" }
class B is A {
submethod BUILD( :$name ) { $name // 'foo' }
say; name => foo )
say => 'bar'); name => bar )
say => 'baz'); name => baz )
Raku OO tries to do two mutually incompatible things:
provide a deep OO (similar to C++ / Java)
provide a lightweight OO (similar to Python / Ruby)
This is done by having a core that does #1 and then adding some sugar to it to do #2. The core gives you stuff like encapsulation, multiple inheritance, delegation, trust relationships, role based composition, delegation, MOP, etc. The sugar is all the boilerplate that Raku gives you when you write $. instead of $! so that you can just throw together classes to be lightweight datatypes for loosely structured data.
Many of the answers here bring suggestions from mode #2, but I think that your needs are slightly too specific for that and so my answer tilts towards mode #1.
Some notes to elaborate why I think this is a good solution:
you state that you cannot use is rw - this avoids traits
with proper method accessors, you have control over initialization
BUILD() is not constrained by the public accessor phasing
no need to go to roles here (that's orthogonal)
And some drawbacks:
you have to write your own accessors
you have to write your own .gist method [used by say()]
It is attributed to Larry that "everyone wants the colon(:)". Well, he had the last say, and that the Raku method call syntax 'foo' echos assignment 'foo' is, in my view, no accident and meant to ease the mental switch from mode #2 to #1. ;-)
Does Raku succeed to reconcile the irreconcilable? - I think so ... but it does still leave an awkward gear shift.
EDITED to add submethod BUILD to class A
Thanks everyone for great discussion and solution suggestions. Unfortunately there is no simple solution and it became obvious once I understood how Raku constructs object instances.
class A {
has $.name is rw;
class B is A {
submethod BUILD {
self.A::name = 123; # accessor method is already here
};; # will print 123
So if inheritance is used Raku works from parent class to child class fully constructing each class along the way. A is constructed first, $.name param is initialized, public attribute accessor methods are installed. This A instance become available for B construction, but we are not in A build phase anymore. That initialization is finished. My code example shows what is happening with syntactic sugar removed.
The fact that
submethod BUILD { = 123;
is available in class B during BUILD phase does not mean that we (as class B) have this attribute still available for construction. We are only calling write method on already constructed class A. So = 123 really means self.A::name = 123.
TL;DR: Attributes are not collected from parent classes and presented to BUILD in child class to be set at the same time. Parent classes are constructed sequentially and only their method interfaces are available in child BUILD submethod.
class A {
has $.name; # no rw
class B is A {
submethod BUILD {
$!name = 123;
will not work because once we reach submethod BUILD in B class attribute $.name is already constructed and it is read only.
Solution for shallow inheritance:
Roles are the way to go.
role A {
has $.name;
class B does A {
submethod BUILD {
$!name = 123;
Roles are copied to class composing them, so class B sees this $.name param as their own and can initialize it. At the same time roles autopun to classes in Raku and standalone my $a = name => 123 ) can be used as a class.
However roles overdose can lead to orthogonal pattern issues.
Solution for deep inheritance:
There is none. You cannot have secure parent classes with read-only attribute behavior and initialize this attribute in child class builder, because at this moment parent class portion of self will be already constructed and attribute will be already read-only. Best you can do is to wrap attribute of parent class in private method (may be Proxy) and make it write-once this way.
Sad conclusion:
Raku needs improvement in this area. It is not convenient to use it for deep inheritance projects. Maybe new phaser is needed that will mash every attribute from parent classes in role-style and present them to BUILD at the same time. Or some auto-trust mechanism during BUILD. Or anything that will save user from introducing role inheritance and orthogonal role layout (this is doing stuff like class Cro::CompositeConnector does Cro::Connector when class Cro::Connector::Composite is Cro::Connector is really needed) to deep OO code because roles are not golden hammer that is suitable for every data domain.

Kotlin: referring to delegate that is not passed by constructor

I want to use Kotlin delegation in a particular context.
The delegate should not be passed in the constructor.
I want to keep a reference to the delegate for later use in the code. From within the method that I override, say printMessage(), I still need to call the delegate the same way you'd call super.printMessage() in polymorphic inheritance.
I can do the first by simply instantiating an anonymous delegate in the by clause (class Derived() : Base by BaseImpl(42) using Kotlin's documentation example). However,
this prevents me from accessing the anonymous delegate, as there is no way that I know to reference it.
I want to do something similar to the following. The following however doesn't compile with error 'this' is not defined in this context.
class Derived() : Base by this.b {
val b: Base = BaseImpl(42)
override fun printMessage() {
I do need a separate delegate for each instance of my Derived class. So moving b as a global variable is not an option for me.
The closest I got to what I need is with an optional parameter to the constructor. This is not a good option neither, as I don't want to allow the construction of my Derived class with arbitrary delegates.
You can do this using a private primary constructor and a public secondary constructor:
class Derived private constructor(val b: Base) : Base by b {
constructor(): this(BaseImpl(42))
override fun printMessage() {
If you don't need a reference to the delegate, you can also say simply,
class Derived : Base by BaseImpl(42)

Is it possible to call overwritten methods in child class from the parent class?

Assume we have a parent class A and a child class B inheriting from it. A has the method m() which is overwritten by B. Let's also assume we have a third class C, which has call-dependency to class A. Is it possible for C to call the overwriting method m() from class B in UML2?
This clearly depends on the language you are using. Personally I don't know of any language that allows that. Instead you would likely (generally) have an operation in B that offers the pure functionality of B's superclass' method:
And the call sequence could be like
Yes, in UML2 and in most OO programming languages, like C++, C# and Java, it is possible that C executes behavior that calls method m of B.
In terms of UML, if you have this class diagram:
then this is a valid sequence diagram:
Method callM is implemented such that it calls p.m(). When you call callM, you may pass an actual parameter of type B, because it's compatible with formal parameter p of type A. The effect of p.m() will then be that the overridden method m in B will be called. This is also known as polymorphism.
class A {
public m();
class B extends A {
public m();
class C {
public callM ( p : A ) {
p.m(); // calls either A::m or B::m, depending on actual type of p
b = new B;
c = new C;
c.callM(b); // let c call method m of class B
For more examples, click here for online study material

Understanding 'implements' and 'with' in Dart

I am just reading Dart language specification and exploring a new interesting language. As Dart language specification says: Dart has implicit interfaces. Which means every class is an interface too. So, If I want to implement some behavior of another class, implements clause is the only I need.
Also, Dart supports mixins. So that we can take implementation of methods from another class using with keyword.
So, given that if an abstract class A defines method a() like :
abstract class A {
void a();
and another two concrete class B defines method a() but does not implements class A like:
class B {
void a() {
print("I am class B");
and class C implements class A with Mixin B like :
class C extends Object with B implements A {
Here, I have few questions about it. If a class implements the interface and also use mixin that has method implementation with same method name; doesn't it would make cycling inheritance possible?
What will be the behaviour of class C? Does it need to implement a() or it will be implicitly implemented by mixin B?
I am just learning Dart and concepts like mixins are very unfamiliar to me. Can anyone help me understanding by answering my questions?
Mixins are a kind of limited multiple inheritance. With C with B, C inherits an implementation of void a(). Adding implements A doesn't need anything more to be done, because C already fulfills the contract it claims to fulfill by implements A, because of B.
Your link is to the Language Tour, not the specification, but the tour is definitely what you should be reading to start with.
Your example is just fine. class C extends Object with B { ... } basically adds the members of B to Object to create C. If C then satisfies the interface A it can declare support for that interface ( implements A ).

Method returns an object of a different class

I have noticed a situation where there is a class (say: ClassA) with variable declarations and various methods. And in another class (say: Class B), there is a method(MethodofClassB()) with the return type of the method as ClassA.
so it is like:
Class A
variable i,j;
public int MethodA()
//some operation
Class B
variable x,y;
public static A MethodB()
//some operation
return obj;
1) I understand that MethodB() return an object of ClassA. Waty would be the use(the intention) of returning the object of ClassA
2) What is the reason for defining MethodB() as Public static. what would happen if static was not used for MethodB()
3)What would the returned objct look like. I mean if my method returned an integer, it would return some numerical value say '123' . If a method returns an object of a class, what would be in the returrned value.
please help me understand this with a small example
1) I understand that MethodB() return an object of ClassA. Waty would be the use(the intention) of returning the object of ClassA
Depends on what the method does, which isn't illustrated in this example. If the result of the operation is an instance of A then it stands to reason that it would return an instance of A, whatever A is.
For example, if A is a Car and B is a CarFactory then the method is likely producing a new Car. So it would return a Car that's been produced.
2) What is the reason for defining MethodB() as Public static. what would happen if static was not used for MethodB()
public allows it to be accessed by other objects. static means it's not associated with a particular instance of B. Both are subjective based, again, on the purpose of the method (which isn't defined in the example). Being static, it can be called as such:
var newInstance = B.MethodB();
If it wasn't static then an instance of B would be required:
var objectB = new B();
var newInstance = objectB.MethodB();
There are more and more implications here, including things like memory/resource usage and thread safety. All stemming from the purpose and business logic meaning of what B is and what MethodB does.
3)What would the returned objct look like. I mean if my method returned an integer, it would return some numerical value say '123' . If a method returns an object of a class, what would be in the returrned value.
It would be an instance of A. Similar to creating an instance here:
var objectA = new A();
This method also creates (or in some way gets) an instance:
var objectA = B.MethodB();
Without knowing more about what A is, what its constructor does, and what MethodB does, these two operations are otherwise the same.
First, your code is incorrect. There is no "ClassA" class. The class name is A, so the return type should be A not ClassA.
Second, the standard Java coding standards say to start methods and variables with lower case letters. So, your example should have been:
Class A
A anA;
B aB;
public int methodA()
//some operation
Class B
SomeType x, y;
public static A methodB()
//some operation
return obj;
David's answer shortly before mine is technically correct on points 1 and 2, although he also uses your mistake of calling the A type ClassA. His code for his answer to point 3, though, is incorrect and misleading. I would change his wording to this:
`3)What would the returned objct look like. I mean if my method returned an
integer, it would return some numerical value say '123' . If a method returns
an object of a class, what would be in the returrned value`.
It would be an instance of class A. Similar to creating an instance here:
A objectA = new A();
This method also creates (or in some way gets) an instance:
A objectA = B.methodB();
Without knowing more about what class A is, what its constructor does, and what methodB does, these two operations are otherwise the same.