Disabling order from belongsto array in just one function - sql

I have a belongsTo array in my gal_provider model as below:
var $belongsTo = array(
'User' => array(
'className' => 'User',
'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => 'User.name'
And most of the functions inluded in the model gal_provider requires to sort the results according to the user names. But there is a function called recevtProviders() does not require this order. So I tried
$order = "";
$gal_providers = $this->find("all",array("conditions"=>$conditions,"recursive"=>$recursive,
BUt the query generated still shows ORDER BY "User.name". How can I disable this order only from this function?

I believe the order parameter you're passing is only going to affect the gal_provider model. Try this just before your find call to remove the order from the associated model:
$this->belongsTo['User']['order'] = '';
Also, if you're not using it, Containable is a very useful behavior. Using containable, the order on the User model could be disabled like this:
"fields"=>$fields,"limit"=>$limit,"order"=>$order,"contain" => array("User" => array("order" => ""))));


Converting SQL query to CakePHP

I have this SQL query that I need to convert to CakePHP. I used this website [http://dogmatic69.com/sql-to-cakephp-find-converter][1] that converts the code but I doesn't work in the way that I want. There is no results.
I think it is because it creates an empty array
here is the SQL code :
SELECT shops.phone1 FROM galleries , albums , shops
WHERE galleries.album_id = albums.id and albums.shop_id = shops.id and galleries.id = 210
and this is the result the website gives me :
$options = array(
'fields' => array(
'joins' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'Gallery.album_id = albums.id',
'albums.shop_id = shops.id',
'Gallery.id' => '210',
$data = $this->find('all', $options);
but the code doesn't work.
Any Ideas what could be wrong ?
There are many ways to achieve this.
If you have defined your associations correctly then you can do this:
$data = $this->Shops->find('all')
->where(['Galleries.id' => 210]);
Otherwise you can use custom join to generate your query:
$data = $this->Shops->find('all')
'albums' => [
'table' => 'albums',
'type' => 'INNER', // define your join type here
'conditions' => 'albums.shop_id = Shops.id',
'galleries' => [
'table' => 'galleries',
'type' => 'INNER', // define your join type here
'conditions' => 'galleries.album_id=albums.id',
->where(['galleries.id' => 210]);
Further Reading: Cakephp -> Query Builder -> Adding Joins

yii CGridView dataprovider and filter

I know we can show a gridview with a model and it's search method and filter the results, but can we make a gridview with another dataprovider and another model like this and filter its results? Does filter needs to be a part of dataprovider?
$attr = Yii::app()->request->getParam($name);
$model = new User('search');
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'dataProvider' => $myDataProvider,
'filter' => $model,
'columns' => array(
'name' => 'username',
'type' => 'raw',
'value' => 'CHtml::encode($data->username)'
'name' => 'email',
'type' => 'raw',
The above code doesn't work and I need to add a filter on a previously made data provider.
Btw $attr has a valid data, but grid is not filtered.
$model doesn't affect $myDataProvider since the data provider is not obtained using this model.
$model->search() returns a CActiveDataProvider which contains a CDbCriteria instance. Different CDbCriteria can be combined using mergeWith(). So if you would like the data to be filtered using the values from the $model
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
Filter does not need to be a part of dataprovider, but data provider needs to take the model into account, if you want to use it for filtering.
The way this is done by default is to create the data provider using search method on your model, which sets conditions of your data provider based on model values, like so:
'dataProvider' => $model->search()
There is nothing preventing you from creating different data provider, for example:
'dataProvider' => $model->createAnotherDataProvider()
And in your User model:
public function createAnotherDataProvider() {
// create your second data provider here
// with filtering based on model's attributes, e.g.:
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->compare('someAttribute', $this->someAttribute);
return new CActiveDataProvider('User', array(
'criteria' => $criteria,

How to sort the fields from relation table in Yii?

I am trying to implement sorting with Yii list view. I have joined 2 tables named provider_favourite and service_request in list view. And the fields and contents from both tables are listing in the list view. But sorting is working only in provider_favourite table, not from service_request table.How can I sort the fields from service_request table? Iam using csort for sorting. I also tried CGrid view. But the same problem is happening in grid view also ..
Iam using the following code to join
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = 'favourite_notes,favourite, favourite_added_date,max_budget,preferred_location,service_name';
$criteria->join = 'LEFT JOIN service_request AS s ON service_request_id = favourite';
$criteria->condition = 'favourite_type = 1';
$sort=new CSort('ProviderFavourite');
// $sort->defaultOrder='s.max_budget ';
$sort->attributes = array(
'max_budget' => 'service_request.max_budget',
'service_name' => 'service_request.service_name',
$type = 2;
$data = new CActiveDataProvider('ProviderFavourite', array('criteria' => $criteria, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => 4),'sort'=>$sort
$this->renderPartial('favourites', array(
'ModelInstance' => ProviderFavourite::model()->findAll($criteria),
'dataProvider' => $data, 'type' => $type, 'sort'=>$sort,
and also Iam providing sortable attributes in list view
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider,'itemView'=>'index_1',
'template' => ' {items}{pager}',
If more details needed, I will provide. Thanks in advance
You have to specify attributes property of your $sort instance. By default only fields of $modelClass (ProviderFavourite in your case) are sortable.
I think it could look like this (not tested):
$sort->attributes = array(
'service_name' => array(
'asc' => 's.service_name ASC',
'desc' => 's.service_name DESC'
// ...another sortable virtual attributes from service_request table
You should not create a CSort object in $sort. The CActiveDataProvider will already provide you with the right sort object. The way you do it, you apply the sort criteria to $criteria before you configure the sort attributes. That can not work.
You should try a simple setup like this instead:
$data = new CActiveDataProvider('ProviderFavourite', array(
'criteria' => $criteria,
'pagination' => array('pageSize' => 4),
'sort'=> array(
'attributes' => array(
'service_name' => array(
'asc' => 's.service_name ASC',
'desc' => 's.service_name DESC'
// ...
If you need to access the related CSort object (which you usually don't if you use a CGridView or CListView, because they deal with that for you), then you get it via $data->sort.

SugarCRM - Add leads with auto-incremented ID

I use the SOAP API to add new leads to SugarCRM. Additionally, I use a plugin to assign an auto-incremented lead ID whenever a new lead is created (http://www.sugarforge.org/projects/autoincrement/).
Now, the plugin works fine, if I create a new lead via frontend. But, if I use the SOAP API, the function from the module, which assigns the auto-increment ID to the lead, does not trigger.
I create the lead via
$module = 'Leads';
$params = array(
'session' => $session,
'module_name' => $module,
'name_value_list' => array(
array('name' => 'id', 'value' => ''),
//array('name' => 'int_lead_id_c', 'value' => ''),
array('name' => 'first_name', 'value' => $_POST["first_name"]),
array('name' => 'last_name', 'value' => $_POST["last_name"]),
array('name' => 'phone_home', 'value' => $_POST["phone"]),
array('name' => 'email1', 'value' => $_POST["email"]),
array('name' => 'assigned_user_id', 'value' => '1'),
//Create the Lead record
$lead_result = $soapclient->call('set_entry', $params);
The function in the module is this one:
class SugarFieldAutoincrement extends SugarFieldBase {
* Override the SugarFieldBase::save() function to implement the logic to get the next autoincrement value
* and format the saved value based on the attributes defined for the field.
* #param SugarBean bean - the bean performing the save
* #param array params - an array of paramester relevant to the save, most likely will be $_REQUEST
* #param string field - the name of the field
public function save(&$bean, $params, $field, $properties, $prefix = '') {
How can I make sure, that this function is also triggered, when adding leads via SOAP API?
Thanks a lot for your help! :-)
You would need to set the field type to 'autoincrement' and the dbType to 'int' in the vardef record for the field.
If I'm not mistaken, the Database has a UUID() trigger on insert for most tables, so you should be able to completely remove the id field.
If you want to trigger the function before saving, you can use beforeSave logic hook.

Pagination with hasMany association cakePHP

I have two tables:
Contestant and Votes
Contestant hasMany Votes
I've tried doing a count(Vote.id) as Votes so I can place it on the
recordset and just paginate them but I have no idea where to place it.
I did it on the fields array but it gave me the total count of votes
regardless of the contestant they belong to.
The votes are linked together in the Contestant recordset so what I
did was on my view I did a count($contestant[Vote]) but this can't be
paginated and my client wants to be able to sort the contestants by
Is there a way I can do something like this on my view?:
sort('Votes', 'count(Vote)'); ?>
Or do I have to create a query which does a count for all the votes
where Contestant.id = Votes.contestant_id ?
Controller Contestant:
function index() {
$page = 'Contestants';
$this->set('page', $page);
$this->paginate =
'order' => 'id ASC',
'contain' => array(
'Vote' => array(
'fields' => array("Vote.contestant_id",'Vote.id')
$conditions ["Contestant.active"] = 1;
$this->set('contestants', $this->paginate('Contestant',
Check out deceze's response in this question: CakePHP mathematic-calculation field?
Essentially you want to do something like this I'm guessing:
'contain' => array(
'Vote' => array(
'fields' => array('SUM(Vote.id) AS Contestant__votes'),
'group' => array('Vote.contestant_id'),
Since cakephp doesn't support group by in containable behavior I tried a different approach. Create the paginate var for the vote model instead (All of this is done in the Contestants Controller):
var $paginate = array(
'fields' => array(
'Contestant.*, count(Vote.contestant_id) as Contestant_votes, Vote.id'
'group' => array(
'order' => array(
'Contestant_votes Desc'
'order' => array(
'Contestant.id Desc'
And now in my controller I do the following:
function index() {
$page = 'Contestants';
$this->set('page', $page);
$conditions ["Contestant.active"] = 1;
$this->set('contestants', $this->paginate($this->Contestant->Vote,$conditions));
Now the contestants are ordered by their total vote tally, although I still can't figure how to place the Contestant_votes as a paginator variable since in the record set it's in a array of it's own and not in any of the model arrays used to paginate.
Thanks Matt Huggins your approach was the one that led me to this solution.
Addition: Do you also want to sort by Votes (total votes) ascending or descending? If yes, you can not do it easily by the default pagination method of cakephp.
For that you need a little tweak. Here is the details about this trick: CakePHP Advanced Pagination – sort by derived field
Hope you'd find it helpful.
For the specific relationship you define, your needs are well-served by counter-caching.
You will need to define a new field in your contestants table: vote_count. Then, in your Votes model, you'll need to update the $belongsTo definition slightly:
class Votes extends AppModel
var $belongsTo = array(
'Contestant' => array( 'counterCache' => true )
Now, anytime a Vote record is saved, the vote_count field of the parent Contestant will be updated. Now you can simply sort by Contestant.vote_count as you would any other Contestant field:
class ContestantsController extends AppController
// Controller stuff that comes before...
function index()
$this->paginate = array( 'Contestant' => array(
'conditions' => array( 'Contestant.active' => 1 ),
'order' => array( 'Contestant.vote_count' => 'DESC' ),
$contestants = $this->paginate('Contestants');
$this->set( compact('contestants'));
// Controller stuff that comes after...