Pandas dataframe row removal - pandas

I am trying to repair a csv file.
Some data rows need to be removed based on a couple conditions.
Say you have the following dataframe:
If two or more rows have column A in common, i want to keep the row that has column B set to 1.
The resulting dataframe should look like this:
I've experimented with merges and drop_duplicates but cannot seem to get the result I need. It is not certain that the row with column B = 1 will be after a row with B = 0. The take_last argument of drop_duplicates seemed attractive but I don't think it applies here.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.Thank you.

Not straight forward, but this should work
DF = pd.DataFrame({'A' : [0,0,1,11,1], 'B' : [0,1,0,1,1], 'C' : [0,0,1,0,1]})
DF.ix[DF.groupby('A').apply(lambda df: df[df.B == 1].index[0] if len(df) > 1 else df.index[0])]
1 0 1 0
4 1 1 1
3 11 1 0
groupby divides DF into groups of rows with unique A values i.e. groups with A = 0 (2 rows), A=1 (2 rows) and A=11 (1 row)
Apply then calls the function on each group and assimilates the results
In the function (lambda) I'm looking for the index of row with value B == 1 if there is more than one row in the group, else I use the index of the default row
The result of apply is a list of index values that represent rows with B==1 if more than one row in the group else the default row for given A
The index values are then used to access the corresponding rows by ix operator

Was able to weave my way around panda to get the result I want.
It's not pretty but it gets the job done
res = DataFrame(columns=('CARD_NO', 'STATUS'))
for i in grouped.groups:
if len(grouped.groups[i]) > 1:
card_no = i
print card_no
for a in grouped.groups[card_no]:
status = df.iloc[a]['STATUS']
print 'iloc:'+str(a) +'\t'+'status:'+str(status)
if status == 1:
print 'yes'
row = pd.DataFrame([dict(CARD_NO=card_no, STATUS=status), ])
res = res.append(row, ignore_index=True)
print 'no'
#only 1 record found
#could be a status of 0 or 1
#add to dataframe
card_no = i
print card_no
status = df.iloc[grouped.groups[card_no][0]]['STATUS']
print grouped.groups[card_no][0]
#print status
print 'iloc:'+str(grouped.groups[card_no][0]) +'\t'+'status:'+str(status)
row = pd.DataFrame([dict(CARD_NO=card_no, STATUS=status), ])
res = res.append(row, ignore_index=True)
print res


add a categorical column with three values assigned to each row in a pyspark df then perform aggregated functions to 30 columns

I have a dataframe as a result of validation codes:
(['c_1', 'c_1', 'c_1', 'c_2', 'c_3', 'c_1', 'c_2', 'c_2'],\
['valid','valid', 'invalid','missing','invalid','valid','valid', 'missing'],\
['missing','valid','invalid','invalid','valid', 'valid','missing','missing'],\
['invalid','valid','valid', 'missing', 'missing','valid','invalid','missing'])\
I counted the number of valids, invalids, and missing using aggregated code grouped by clinic_id in pyspark
agg_table = (
# name
sum(when(col('name') == 'valid',1).otherwise(0)).alias('validname')
,sum(when(col('name') == 'invalid',1).otherwise(0)).alias('invalidname')
,sum(when(col('name') == 'missing',1).otherwise(0)).alias('missingname')
# phone
,sum(when(col('phone') == 'valid',1).otherwise(0)).alias('validphone')
,sum(when(col('phone') == 'invalid',1).otherwise(0)).alias('invalidphone')
,sum(when(col('phone') == 'missing',1).otherwise(0)).alias('missingphone')
# city
,sum(when(col('city') == 'valid',1).otherwise(0)).alias('validcity')
,sum(when(col('city') == 'invalid',1).otherwise(0)).alias('invalidcity')
,sum(when(col('city') == 'missing',1).otherwise(0)).alias('missingcity')
clinic_id validname invalidname missingname ... invalidcity missingcity
--------- --------- ----------- ----------- ... ----------- -----------
c_1 3 1 0 ... 1 0
c_2 1 0 2 ... 1 0
c_3 0 1 0 ... 0 1
the resulting aggregated table is just fine, but is not ideal for further analysis. I tried the pivoting within pyspark trying to get something below:
#note: counts below are just made up, not the actual count from above, but I hope you get what I mean.
clinic_id category name phone city
-------- ------- ---- ------- ----
c_1 valid 3 1 3
c_1 invalid 1 0 2
c_1 missing 0 2 3
c_2 valid 3 1 3
c_2 invalid 1 0 2
c_2 missing 0 2 3
c_3 valid 3 1 3
c_3 invalid 1 0 2
c_3 missing 0 2 3
I initially searched pivot/unpivot, but I learned it is called unstack in pyspark and I also came across mapping.
I tried the suggested approach in How to unstack dataset (using pivot)? but it is showing me only one column and I cannot get the desired result when I try applying it to my dataframe of 30 columns.
I also tried the following using the validated table/dataframe
expression = ""
for column in agg_table.columns:
if column!='clinc_id':
cnt +=1
expression += f"'{column}' , {column},"
exprs = f"stack({cnt}, {expression[:-1]}) as (Type,Value)"
unpivoted ='clinic_id',expr(exprs))
I get an error just pointing to the line that may be referring to a return value.
I also tried grouping the results by id and the category but that is where I am stuck at finding solution. If I group by an aggregated variable, say the values of the validname, the agggregated function only counts the values in that column and would not apply to every count columns. So I thought of inserting a column using .withColumn function assigning the three categories to each ID so that each aggregated counts will be grouped by id and category as in the prior table, but I am not feeling lucky in finding solution to this.
Also, maybe a sql approach will be easier?
I found the right search phrase: "column to row in pyspark"
One of the suggested answer that fit my dataframe is this function:
def to_long(df, by):
# Filter dtypes and split into column names and type description
cols, dtypes = zip(*((c, t) for (c, t) in df.dtypes if c not in by))
# Spark SQL supports only homogeneous columns
assert len(set(dtypes)) == 1, "All columns have to be of the same type"
# Create and explode an array of (column_name, column_value) structs
kvs = explode(array([
struct(lit(c).alias("key"), col(c).alias("val")) for c in cols
return + [kvs]).select(by + ["kvs.key", "kvs.val"])
to_long(df, ["clinic_id"])
This created a dataframe of three columns: clinic_id, column_names, status (valid, invalid, missing)
Then I created my aggregated table grouped by clinic_id, status:
sum(when(col('column_names') == 'name',1).otherwise(0)).alias('name')
,sum(when(col('column_names') == 'phone',1).otherwise(0)).alias('phone')
,sum(when(col('column_names') == 'city',1).otherwise(0)).alias('city')
I got my intended table.

Column-wise string concatenation of multiple rows in pandas.DataFrame with specific separator

is there an efficient way to concatenate strings column-wise of multiple rows of a DataFrame such that the result is a single row whose value for each column is the concatenation of each value of the same column of all given rows?
Combine the first four rows as explained above.
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([["this", "this"], ["is", "is"], ["a", "a"], ["test", "test"], ["ignore", "ignore"]])
>>> df
0 1
0 this this
1 is is
2 a a
3 test test
4 ignore ignore
Both accepted results:
0 1
0 this is a test this is a test
1 this is a test
2 this is a test
If need join all rows without last use DataFrame.iloc with DataFrame.agg:
s = df.iloc[:-1].agg(' '.join)
print (s)
0 this is a test
1 this is a test
dtype: object
For one row DataFrame add Series.to_frame with transpose:
df = df.iloc[:-1].agg(' '.join).to_frame().T
print (df)
0 1
0 this is a test this is a test
For all rows:
s = df.agg(' '.join)
print (s)
0 this is a test ignore
1 this is a test ignore
dtype: object
df = df.agg(' '.join).to_frame().T
print (df)
0 1
0 this is a test ignore this is a test ignore

replace values for specific rows more efficiently in pandas / Python

I have two data frames, based on a condition that I get from a list (which length is 2 million) I get rows that match that condition, then for those rows I change the values in columns x and y in the first data frame by the values of x and y in the second data frame. Here is my code, but it is very slow and makes my computer freeze. Any idea how I can do this more efficiently ?
for ids in List_id:
a=df1.index[(df1['id'] == ids )==True].values[0]
b=df2.index[(df2['id'] == ids )==True].values[0]
df1['x'][a] = df2['x'][b]
df1['y'][a] = df2['y'][b]
thank you
List_id=[1, 11 , 12 , 13]
a=df1.index[(df1['id'] == 1 )==True].values[0]
print('a') : 234
b=df2.index[(df2['id'] == 1 )==True].values[0]
print('b') : 789
df1['x'][a] = 0
df2['x'][b] =15
So at the end I want in my data frame 1:
df1['x'][a] = df2['x'][b]
Assuming you don't have repeated id in both dataframe, you can try something like below:
step-1: filtering df2
step-2: joining df1 with filtered one
step-3 replace values in joined df and dropping extra columns.
join_df = df1.setIndex('id').join(df2_filtered.setIndex('id'), rsuffix = "_ignore", how = 'left')
# other columns from df2 will be null, you can use that to get the rows which needs to be updated

pandas dataframe compare first and last row from each group

How do I compare the value of the first row in col b and the last row in col b from grouping by col a, without using the groupby function? Because groupby function is very slow for a large dataset.
a = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3]
b = [1,0,0,0,0,0,7,8,0,0,0,0,0,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,1]
Return two lists: one has the group names from col a where the last value is larger than the first value, etc.
larger_or_equal = [1,3]
smaller = [2]
All numpy
a = np.array([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3])
b = np.array([1,0,0,0,0,0,7,8,0,0,0,0,0,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,1])
w = np.where(a[1:] != a[:-1])[0] # find the edges
e = np.append(w, len(a) - 1) # define the end pos
s = np.append(0, w + 1) # define start pos
# slice end pos with boolean array. then slice groups with end postions.
# I could also have used start positions.
a[e[b[e] >= b[s]]]
a[e[b[e] < b[s]]]
[1 3]
Here is a solution without groupby. The idea is to shift column a to detect group changes:
df[df['a'].shift() != df['a']]
a b
0 1 1
7 2 8
14 3 1
df[df['a'].shift(-1) != df['a']]
a b
6 1 7
13 2 4
20 3 1
We will compare the column b in those two dataframes. We simply need to reset the index for the pandas comparison to work:
first = df[df['a'].shift() != df['a']].reset_index(drop=True)
last = df[df['a'].shift(-1) != df['a']].reset_index(drop=True)
first.loc[last['b'] >= first['b'], 'a'].values
array([1, 3])
Then do the same with < to get the other groups. Or do a set difference.
As I wrote in the comments, groupby(sort=False) might well be faster depending on your dataset.

Pandas: OverflowError when trying to create a new df column using a long-int value

I have a dataframe as such
ID NAME group_id
0 205292 A 183144058824253894513539088231878865676
1 475121 B 183144058824253894513539088231878865676
1 475129 C 183144058824253894513539088231878865676
I want to transform it such that row 0 is linked to the other rows in the following way
LinkedBy By_Id LinkedTo To_Id group_id
1 A 205292 B 475121 183144058824253894513539088231878865676
2 A 205292 C 475129 183144058824253894513539088231878865676
Basically, I am compressing the first dataframe by linking 0th index row against all other such that an n row df will give me a (n-1) row df. I can accomplish this without the group id (which is of type long and stays constant) by the following code:
pd.DataFrame({"LinkedBy": df['NAME'].iloc[0],"By_Id": df['ID'].iloc[0],"LinkedTo":df['NAME'].iloc[1:],"To_Id":df['ID'].iloc[1:]})
But I am facing problems while adding a group id. When I do the following
pd.DataFrame({"LinkedBy": df['NAME'].iloc[0],"By_Id": df['ID'].iloc[0],"LinkedTo":df['NAME'].iloc[1:],"To_Id":df['ID'].iloc[1:],"GroupId":df['potential_group_id'].iloc[0]})
I get OverflowError: long too big to convert
How do I add the group_id of type long to my new df.
Since your group_id in all rows appears to be the same, you could try this:
res = pd.merge(left=df.iloc[0,:], right=df.iloc[1:,:], how='right', on=['group_id'])
res.columns = ['By_Id', 'LinkedBy', 'group_id', 'To_Id', 'LinkedTo']
Note that this will only work when group_id can be used as your join key.
groupby everything and then apply with custom function
cond1 make sure 'group_id' matches
cond2 make sure 'NAME' does not match
subset df in apply function
rename and drop stuff
more renaming and dropping and resetting
def find_grp(x):
cond1 = df.group_id ==[2]
cond2 = df.NAME !=[1]
temp = df[cond1 & cond2]
rnm = dict(ID='To_ID', NAME='LinkedTo')
return temp.drop('group_id', axis=1).rename(columns=rnm)
cols = ['ID', 'NAME', 'group_id']
df1 = df.groupby(cols).apply(find_grp)
df1.index = df1.index.droplevel(-1)
df1.rename_axis(['By_ID', 'LinkedBy', 'group_id']).reset_index()
df1 = df.merge(df, on='group_id', suffixes=('_By', '_To'))
df1 = df1[df1.NAME_By != df1.NAME_To]
rnm = dict(ID_By='By_ID', ID_To='To_ID', NAME_To='LinkedTo', NAME_By='LinkedBy')