How can I write test cases as classes in dojo - dojo

I want to be able to write testcases as class hierarchies in dojo/doh.
But when the tests get called they seem to be called using hitch hence looses the inherited methods.
So far I've only been able to write test cases which are independant functions, but i'd like to refractor some of the common setup into a separate method

There might be a better way, but I just did this by declaring a BaseTest class that contains an array of test objects.
baseFieldViewTests: [{
name: "Test input widget()",
runTest: function () {
var inputWidget = this.field.getInputWidget();
doh.assertTrue(inputWidget.get, "Input widget has no get method");
doh.assertTrue(inputWidget.set, "Input widget has no set method");
doh.assertTrue(inputWidget.placeAt, "Input widget has no placeAt method");
Then in the subclass test I iterate through the base class tests and register them:
* Register base field view tests
baseFieldViewTests = new BaseFieldViewTest().baseFieldViewTests;
for (test in baseFieldViewTests) {
if (baseFieldViewTests[test]) {
name: baseFieldViewTests[test].name,
setUp: setUp,
runTest: baseFieldViewTests[test].runTest,
tearDown: tearDown
Not too elegant but it seems to work.


How to mock a constructor with a spy?

I am currently trying to test my Exposed Kotlin code. I have a table that follows the form
object Foo: Table() {
and a method that looks something like
fun addNewFoo(){
Foo.insert { ... }
I'm testing addNewFoo and I want to verify the insert occurred, ideally using something like
verify { FooSpy.insert { ... } }
How do I mock the Foo table to be a spy so I can verify the call occurred, or what other approach should I take to verify this method being called?
You can first mock your singleton Foo class using mockkObject() and then verify. Here is the code:
mockkObject(Foo) // mock the object
addNewFoo() // call function that we're testing
verify { Foo.insert(any()) } // verify
There is discussion of ways to go about it:
There seems to be no real intended way for testing but making small test tables in a test data base is the closest you can get.

Create Method via GDSL script that has a delegating closure parameter

Using the (scarcely documented) gdsl scripts of Intellij, one can add dynamic methods to a class:
contributor(context(ctype: "my.Type")) {
method name: "doIt", params: [body: {}], type: void
One can also configure the delegation of a closure:
contributor(context(scope: closureScope())) {
def call = enclosingCall("doIt")
if (call) {
def method = call.bind()
def clazz = method?.containingClass
if (clazz?.qualName == 'my.Type') {
Which, when doIt is a method that is defined in the code (not dynamically added), also works as designed.
However, when using the closureScope with the previously created method, the containing class method is always null, meaning that I can not safely delegate inside the closure to the addressed my.Inner class.
What I want is adding a dynamic method equivalent to:
void doIt(#DelegatesTo(my.Inner) Closure)...
I.e. I want the method to be available in code completion (this works), and inside the so created closure, I want correct code completion when addressing methods of my.Inner.
So far, I tried various approaches:
include the #DelegatesTo annotation in the param definition
try more esoteric approaches in finding the owner of the closure, which fails because the GrMethodCall simply has no parent
unconditionally delegating all closures named doIt to my.Inner which works, but is no viable solution since I do have multiple doIt methods (on different classes) delegating to different targets.
So, how can I make IDEA behave as expected and delegate to the correct target?
Edit to make it clearer:
Given the following classes:
package my
class Type {
void doIt(Closure) {}
class Inner {
void inInner() {}
and the following gdsl:
contributor(context(scope: closureScope())) {
def call = enclosingCall("doIt")
if (call) {
def method = call.bind()
def clazz = method?.containingClass
println clazz?.qualName
if (clazz?.qualName == 'my.Type') {
when I start typing in a new script:
new Type().doIt {
When inside the closure, I get the following:
code completion for inInner
inInner is shown as valid
The console output when started with idea.bat from commandline shows the line my.Type (from the println)
Ctrl-B on inInner correctly links to source code.
(The same behaviour can be reached without the gdsl when annotation the Closure Parameter in the doIt method with #DelegatesTo(Inner))
However, I do not want to manually include the doIt method in the source of Type, it is generated by an AST Transformation, so my source file now looks like this:
package my
class Type {
class Inner {
void inInner() {}
I can tell IntelliJ about the new method using the following gdsl snippet
contributor(context(ctype: "my.Type")) {
method name: "doIt", params: [body: {}], type: void
Now the IDE correctly recognizes the doIt method with a closure parameter. However, inside the Closure, the following happens:
sometimes code completion shows inInner, sometimes after changing something, it does not (when using the original code to fix a type, it was shown, but later declared "unresolved", after going through the code changes of this edited example, it is not shown anymore...)
Even when shown, inInner is shown with "cannot resolve symbol" decoration
the console shows null as clazz, i.e. the method is found, but not linked to an owner ASTNode
Ctrl-B does not link to the corresponding method in Inner
So what I want is the same behaviour for an injected doIt method (via Gdsl) as with a method included in the source, i.e. I want the gdsl to inject a doIt method with a delegating closure (to Inner) into the type class.
This worked for me adding the ctype to scope insted of finding the class type from the method
contributor(context(scope: closureScope(), ctype: 'my.Type')) {
def call = enclosingCall("doIt")
if (call) {

To create an object (of some class) in a listener

I'm creating a script and have troubles.
Is it possible to create an object (of some class) from within a listener?
I tried it but I get an error: ``class not found''.
I want to do something like:
class ONE {
class TWO {
object o = alloc(ONE)
I need this to create a new listener when I execute another listener.
What you wish to do is certainly possible. Most likely you have a syntax error in your code. For example, your implementation of class TWO is invalid since a member variable like "o" cannot be initialized in the member declaration section of the class code. This can only be done within a class method, as illustrated in the example code below.
class One
void DoClassOneAction(Object self)
OKDialog("Class One action executed.");
class Two
Object oneInstance;
void DoClassTwoAction(Object self)
if (!oneInstance.ScriptObjectIsValid())
oneInstance = Alloc(One);
void main()
Object twoInstance = Alloc(Two);
Note that the coding requirements for DM script classes differ somewhat from those of other languages that support objects. You may want to review details in the Scripting > Objects section of the DM on-line help (accessed via Help > Search… menu item).

Too few interactions in a Spock test for a Grails service

I thought I've understood Spock interactions but I have to admin that I'm still missing some pieces of the picture.
Alright, here my problem: I have a method in a Grails service which performs some operations, including a call to a void method of the same service class. Here's the code:
class myService {
void myStuff(def myObj, params) {
// do my stuff
//do my stuff again
void anotherMethod(myObj) {
// do other stuff
I want to be sure that myStuff method calls anotherMethod, to test and document the correct behaviour.
So, here's the test in my Spock Specification class:
void 'test myStuff method'() {
given: 'my object and some params'
// doesn't really matter what I'm doing here
MyObject myObj = new MyObject()
params = [title: 'my object']
when: 'we call myStuff()'
service.myStuff(myObj, params)
then: 'anotherMethod() is called exactly one times'
1 * service.anotherMethod(myObj)
The error I get is:
Too few invocations for:
1 * service.anotherMethod(myObj) (0 invocations)
What do you think? What's wrong?
As always, thanks in advance.
You are asking for a very special, and generally discouraged, form of mock called partial mocking where methods on the class under test are mocked. Spock supports this since 0.7, but you'll have to create a Spy() rather than a Mock(). Also note that you cannot mock private methods. For more information on spies, see the reference documentation.

Ext.Create returning classes that are already instantiated

I'm making use of the extjs class objects through Ext.define (... and Ext.create (.... When I have multiple instances of classes stored within another class I'm seeing some strange behavior: the classes are not unique and it looks like Ext.create is returning my previous instantiation.
Checkout the JSFiddle of my problem here. Make sure you view the console log in your browser to see the output and weirdness.
You're setting an array in Ext.define. That implies that you're setting into the object's prototype which is shared among all instances of a class. Therefore this is not an unexpected behaviour. Create the array within the constructor, like here:
Ext.define ('Sunglasses', {
brand : '',
constructor : function (args) {
this.lenses = [];
this.brand = args.brand;
addLenses : function (lenses) {
this.lenses.push (lenses);