How can I allow all subroutines within my program to access a certain variable? -

In the code below, I want to be able to access the enteredusername and enteredpassword variables from any sub routine. How would I accomplish this?
Using rdr As New FileIO.TextFieldParser("f:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdnt&staffdtls.csv")
rdr.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited
rdr.Delimiters = New String() {","c}
item = rdr.ReadFields()
End Using
Console.Write("Username: ")
enteredusername = Console.ReadLine
Console.Write("Password: ")
Dim info As ConsoleKeyInfo
info = Console.ReadKey(True)
If info.Key = ConsoleKey.Enter Then
Exit Do
End If
If info.Key = ConsoleKey.Backspace AndAlso enteredpassword.Length > 0 Then
enteredpassword = enteredpassword.Substring(0, enteredpassword.Length - 1)
Console.Write(vbBack & " ")
Console.CursorLeft -= 1
enteredpassword &= info.KeyChar
End If
Dim foundItem() As String = Nothing
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines("f:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdnt&staffdtls.csv")
Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c)
If (enteredusername = item(0)) And (enteredpassword = item(1)) Then
foundItem = item
Exit For
End If

To allow ALL classes within your program access the variable, you need to make it class-level and define it with Public and Shared.
Public Class MainClass
Public Shared enteredusername As String
Public Shared enteredpassword As String
Private Sub SomeSub()
' Some Code ...
' You can access it here:
enteredusername = "something"
enteredpassword = "something else"
' ... More Code ...
End Sub
End Class
Public Class AnotherClass
'Also, please note, that this class can also be in another file.
Private Sub AnotherSub()
' Some Code ...
' You can also access the variable here, but you need to specify what class it is from, like so:
' ... More Code ...
End Sub
End Class
Also, on a separate note, the Public and Shared modifiers can also be used on methods. If you make a method Private or don't specify anything, the method will only be accessible from methods in the same class. If you use only Public, other classes can access the method, but they will need to create a instance of the class, like so:
Dim AC As New AnotherClass
If you use both the Public and the Shared modifiers, other classes will be able to access the method directly, without creating a new instance. But, you must note, that Shared methods cannot access non-Shared methods or variables. Other classes can access Public Shared methods like so:

It depends on the scope. If you want all of the subroutines in the current class to be able to access them then make them a field of the class
Class TheClassName
Dim enteredusername As String
Dim enteredpassword As String
End Class
If you want all subroutines in all classes and modules to be able to access them then make them a module level field
Module TheModuleName
Dim enteredusername As String
Dim enteredpassword As String
End Module
I recommend against this approach though. Sure it's easier in the short term because it requires less ceremony and thought on the uses of the values. But long term it serves to reduce the maintainability of your code base


Passing a derived class containing an overloaded property as a parameter

I have two objects, one is a base class and the other is a derived class which inherits the base class. One of the properties on the derived class overloads a property on the base class. Now, I want to perform some calculations on both of these objects one by one by passing them as a parameter into a function. The problem is, if I define the parameter of this function as a base class, then when passing the derived class, the value of the overloaded property gets lost!
The reason I'm using a derived class is to temporarily add more properties/modify the existing properties of the base class to perform additional calculations, in order to reuse the base class.
I've tried 4 different functions, but none of them are any good. They either don't work correctly, or there is duplicate code, which I need to avoid because there will be a lot more code later. Below is the pseudo code.
Defining the classes:
Class BaseClass
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Value As Integer
End Class
Class DerivedClass
Inherits BaseClass
Overloads Property Value As Double
End Class
Dim MyBaseObject As New BaseClass()
MyBaseObject.Name = NameOf(MyBaseObject)
MyBaseObject.Value = 5
Dim MyDerivedObject As New DerivedClass
MyDerivedObject.Name = NameOf(MyDerivedObject)
MyDerivedObject.Value = 5.3
Calling the functions:
The functions:
Sub ProcessClass1(inClass As Object) 'functions correctly, but no intellisense
Console.WriteLine(inClass.Name & " " & inClass.Value)
End Sub
Sub ProcessClass2(inClass As BaseClass) 'does not function correctly, but has intellisense
Console.WriteLine(inClass.Name & " " & inClass.Value) 'Value displays 0 when passing MyDerivedObject, it should be 5.3!
End Sub
Sub ProcessClass3(inClass As Object) 'functions correctly, has intellisense, but need to write code for all possible derived types in advance
If inClass.GetType = GetType(BaseClass) Then
Dim inBaseClass As BaseClass = inClass
Console.WriteLine(inBaseClass.Name & " " & inBaseClass.Value)
End If
If inClass.GetType = GetType(DerivedClass) Then
Dim inDerivedClass As DerivedClass = inClass
Console.WriteLine(inDerivedClass.Name & " " & inDerivedClass.Value)
End If
End Sub
Sub ProcessClass4(inClass As BaseClass) 'method overloading: functions correctly, has intellisense, but need to write a duplicate method for every derived type
Console.WriteLine(inClass.Name & " " & inClass.Value)
End Sub
Sub ProcessClass4(inClass As DerivedClass) 'method overloading: functions correctly, has intellisense, but need to write a duplicate method for every derived type
Console.WriteLine(inClass.Name & " " & inClass.Value)
End Sub
Extra: Generics
I don't see any advantage with generics, the below snipped runs into the same problem as ProcessClass2:
Dim MyProcessGenericObject As New ProcessGenericClass(Of BaseClass)
Public Class ProcessGenericClass(Of T As BaseClass)
Public Sub processNewItem(ByVal newItem As T)
Console.WriteLine(newItem.Name & " " & newItem.Value) 'Value displays 0 when passing MyDerivedObject!
End Sub
End Class
Of these 4 functions, ProcessClass1 is the most elegant with the least amount of code, but there is no intellisense on inClass which makes it impossible to maintain.
What I need is no duplication of code, intellisense, a method which can take derived classes inherited from the same base class, and without losing the data contained in any overloaded properties. What would be the best way to achieve this? Thanks.
What you have put forward will not work with the instance you pass around being the base class. That instance's value property will always be an integer unless you are able to cast the instance to the appropriate derived class (and that (double)int cast is where you have lost precision).
But a combination of some of these generics may help. Note, the base class will not hold an integer, rather an Object.
Public Class BaseClass
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Value As Object
End Class
Public Class BaseClass(Of T)
Inherits BaseClass
Public Overloads Property Value As T
Return CType(MyBase.Value, T)
End Get
Set(value As T)
MyBase.Value = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Class DerivedClassDouble
Inherits BaseClass(Of Double)
End Class
Class DerivedClassInteger
Inherits BaseClass(Of Integer)
End Class
The process method
Sub ProcessClass(inClass As BaseClass)
Console.WriteLine($"{inClass.Name} {inClass.Value}")
End Sub
Some options for instantiation
Dim [myBase] As New BaseClass()
[myBase].Name = NameOf([myBase])
[myBase].Value = 5
Dim myBaseInteger As New BaseClass(Of Integer)
myBaseInteger.Name = NameOf(myBaseInteger)
myBaseInteger.Value = 5
Dim myDerivedInteger As New DerivedClassInteger
myDerivedInteger.Name = NameOf(myDerivedInteger)
myDerivedInteger.Value = 5
Dim myBaseDouble As New BaseClass(Of Double)
myBaseDouble.Name = NameOf(myBaseDouble)
myBaseDouble.Value = 5.3
Dim myDerivedDouble As New DerivedClassDouble
myDerivedDouble.Name = NameOf(myDerivedDouble)
myDerivedDouble.Value = 5.3
myBase 5
myBaseInteger 5
myDerivedInteger 5
myBaseDouble 5.3
myDerivedDouble 5.3
I think the closest to your implementation would be to use [myBase] and myDerivedDouble instances. Then changing the generic base class to Public MustInherit Class BaseClass(Of T) would make the intent clearer.
Hopefully last edit, sorry for the long-winded answer.
You can just change your original classes to have an object in the base class, and use the property implementation I laid out, and that seems to get the job done without any generics. Again, it may or may not work in your exact implementation
Sub Main()
Dim MyBaseObject As New BaseClass()
MyBaseObject.Name = NameOf(MyBaseObject)
MyBaseObject.Value = 5
Dim MyDerivedObject As New DerivedClass
MyDerivedObject.Name = NameOf(MyDerivedObject)
MyDerivedObject.Value = 5.3
End Sub
Sub ProcessClass(inClass As BaseClass)
Console.WriteLine($"{inClass.Name} {inClass.Value}")
End Sub
Public Class BaseClass
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Value As Object
End Class
Public Class DerivedClass
Inherits BaseClass
Overloads Property Value As Double
Return CDbl(MyBase.Value)
End Get
Set(value As Double)
MyBase.Value = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
MyBaseObject 5
MyDerivedObject 5.3

How to make class variables persist between modules in VBA

I am trying to find a way for class variables to persist between modules.
I have a use class that stores typical user data: Name, domain, manager, etc.
I'd like to store this information throughout the life of the session (while the user is using the tool), but it looks like I can't do that. Below is an example and thank for your help/advice!
Here is the class module:
Private cLoggedDomain As String
Private cLoggedRole As String
Private cDepartment As String
Private cEmployeeName As String
Private cManagerName As String
Private cEmp_ID As Long
Private cEmployeeInfo As Collection
Public Property Let SetUser(value As String)
Set cEmployeeInfo = GetInfoFromSearch("Employee, manager, department, ety_type, emp_ID", _
"domainID = '" & value & "'", _
"Employee", "v_roster_empViewALL")
cLoggedDomain = value
cEmployeeName = cEmployeeInfo(1)(1)
cManagerName = cEmployeeInfo(1)(2)
cDepartment = cEmployeeInfo(1)(3)
cLoggedRole = cEmployeeInfo(1)(4)
cEmp_ID = cEmployeeInfo(1)(5)
End Property
Public Property Get LoggedDomain() As String
LoggedDomain = cLoggedDomain
End Property
Public Property Let LoggedDomain(value As String)
cLoggedDomain = value
End Property
Public Property Get LoggedRole() As String
LoggedRole = cLoggedRole
End Property
Public Property Get LoggedDepartment() As String
LoggedDepartment = cDepartment
End Property
Public Property Get LoggedEmployeeName() As String
LoggedEmployeeName = cEmployeeName
End Property
Public Property Get LoggedManagerName() As String
LoggedManagerName = cManagerName
End Property
Public Property Get LoggedEmpId() As String
LoggedEmpId = cEmp_ID
End Property
And the module that uses it, which works fine:
Public Sub New_LoadMain()
Dim s As Worksheet
Dim loggedUser As New cRoles
If loggedUser.LoggedDomain = "" Then
'Set loggedUser = New cRoles
loggedUser.SetUser = Environ("username")
End If
Call test
However, when I try to use the test module, I get a with block error?
Sub test()
Dim test As cRoles
Dim t As String
t = test.LoggedDepartment
End Sub
Class modules define the public interface for objects: they are blueprints that mean nothing until they are instantiated with the New keyword.
When you do this:
Dim test As cRoles
You allocate memory for an object pointer, and telling the compiler that this object implements the cRoles interface; that's how you can type test. and get a list of all the public members on that interface.
However that object pointer points to no object: it's Nothing (literally). You need to create a new instance of that class in order to access the object test is pointing to:
Set test = New cRoles
And now accessing test members will no longer throw error 91.
Now, each instance encapsulates its own state: think of each worksheet in your workbook as a Worksheet instance: each sheet has its own separate content, but all sheets can be manipulated through the same Worksheet interface, regardless of whether you're looking at Sheet1 or Sheet42.
The same is true for all instances of your cRoles class:
Dim test1 As cRoles
Set test1 = New cRoles
test1.SetUser = user1
Dim test2 As cRoles
Set test2 = New cRoles
test2.SetUser = user2
Debug.Print test1.LoggedEmpId, test2.LoggedEmpId
The two instances are completely distinct, and each hold their own internal state. If that's what you want, then in order to create an instance in one place and consume it in another place, you'll need to pass the object reference as a parameter:
Public Sub Test()
Dim thing As cRoles
Set thing = New cRoles
thing.SetUser = Environ("username")
DoSomething thing
End Sub
Private Sub DoSomething(ByVal auth As cRoles)
Debug.Print auth.LoggedEmpId
End Sub
You typically want to pass parameters ByVal
Avoid As New since that makes an auto-instantiated object, and that comes with behavior that may or may not be expected.
You could have a global-scope Public AuthInfo As cRoles variable declared in a standard module, then a procedure responsible for creating the object and setting this global-scope reference. Then you can access AuthInfo everywhere in your VBA project - the caveat being, that global variable can now be written to by any code in your VBA project. Prefer using local variables and parameters if possible.

Compile error: Only user-defined types defined in public object modules can be coerced to or from a variant or passed to late-bound functions

I'm struggling with a little bit of VBa and Excel. I need to create a structure in VBa, which is a Type. The problem I have is, I get an error message when I try to execute the code! I feel I need to explain how I have arrived where I am in case I've made an error.
I have read that to create a type, it needs to be made public. As such I created a new Class (under Class Modules). In Class1, I wrote
Public Type SpiderKeyPair
IsComplete As Boolean
Key As String
End Type
And within ThisWorkbook I have the following
Public Sub Test()
Dim skp As SpiderKeyPair
skp.IsComplete = True
skp.Key = "abc"
End Sub
There is no other code. The issue I have is I get the error message
Cannot define a public user-defined type within an object module
If I make the type private I don't get that error, but of course I can't access any of the type's properties (to use .NET terminology).
If I move the code from Class1 into Module1 it works, but, I need to store this into a collection and this is where it's gone wrong and where I am stuck.
I've updated my Test to
Private m_spiderKeys As Collection
Public Sub Test()
Dim sKey As SpiderKeyPair
sKey.IsComplete = False
sKey.Key = "abc"
m_spiderKeys.Add (sKey) 'FAILS HERE
End Sub
Only user-defined types defined in public object modules can be coerced to or from a variant or passed to late-bound functions
I have looked into this but I don't understand what it is I need to do... How do I add the SpiderKeyPair to my collection?
Had the exact same problem and wasted a lot of time because the error information is misleading. I miss having List<>.
In Visual Basic you can't really treat everything as an object. You have Structures and Classes which have a difference at memory allocation:
A Type is a structure (so are Arrays), so you if you want a "List" of them you better use an Array and all that comes with it.
If you want to use a Collection to store a "List", you need to create a Class for the object to be handled.
Not amazing... but it is what the language has available.
You seem to be missing basics of OOP or mistaking VBA and VB.NET. Or I do not understand what are you trying to do. Anyhow, try the following:
In a module write this:
Option Explicit
Public Sub Test()
Dim skpObj As SpiderKeyPair
Dim m_spiderKeys As New Collection
Dim lngCounter As Long
For lngCounter = 1 To 4
Set skpObj = New SpiderKeyPair
skpObj.Key = "test" & lngCounter
skpObj.IsComplete = CBool(lngCounter Mod 2 = 0)
m_spiderKeys.Add skpObj
Next lngCounter
For Each skpObj In m_spiderKeys
Debug.Print "-----------------"
Debug.Print skpObj.IsComplete
Debug.Print skpObj.Key
Debug.Print "-----------------"
Next skpObj
End Sub
In a class, named SpiderKeyPair write this:
Option Explicit
Private m_bIsComplete As Boolean
Private m_sKey As String
Public Property Get IsComplete() As Boolean
IsComplete = m_bIsComplete
End Property
Public Property Get Key() As String
Key = m_sKey
End Property
Public Property Let Key(ByVal sNewValue As String)
m_sKey = sNewValue
End Property
Public Property Let IsComplete(ByVal bNewValue As Boolean)
m_bIsComplete = bNewValue
End Property
When you run the Test Sub in the module you get this:
Pay attention to how you initialize new objects. It happens with the word New. Collections are objects and should be initialized as well with New.

Use contents stored in string as a new variable name

I'm trying to use the value of a string variable to become the name of my new variable. For example see, below code. Reason I'm doing this is I have a text file containing the names of the variables I need to create objects for. Perhaps there is another way to do this?
Dim mystring As String
mystring = "Variablename"
'dim "Variablename" as object
How about using a collection? The key of the items in the collection would be your variable name, and the value of the items in the collection are your variables.
Here is an example of creating a class with custom properties. If you do want to go this route, this should help you:
' Note: There is no root namespace in the project properties
Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Imports System.Reflection
Namespace Foo
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim instance = createInstance({"Prap", "Prep", "Prip", "Prop", "Prup"})
instance.Prap = "Prappy"
End Sub
Private Function createInstance(propertyNames As IEnumerable(Of String)) As Object
Dim codeProvider As New VBCodeProvider()
Dim codeCompiler As ICodeCompiler = codeProvider.CreateCompiler()
Dim compilerParameters As New CompilerParameters()
compilerParameters.CompilerOptions = "/target:library"
Dim code =
"NameSpace Foo" & Environment.NewLine &
" Partial Public Class Bar" & Environment.NewLine
For Each name In propertyNames
code &=
String.Format(" Public Property {0} As String", name) & Environment.NewLine
code &= " End Class" & Environment.NewLine &
"End Namespace"
Console.WriteLine("Code to compile:")
Dim result = codeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParameters, code)
If result.Errors.HasErrors Then
Console.WriteLine(result.Errors.OfType(Of CompilerError).Aggregate(Of String)("Errors:", Function(e1, e2) e1 & ", " & e2.ErrorText))
Return Nothing
Dim type As Type = result.CompiledAssembly.GetType("Foo.Bar")
Dim instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type)
Return instance
End If
End Function
End Module
End Namespace
Code to compile:
NameSpace Foo
Partial Public Class Bar
Public Property Prap As String
Public Property Prep As String
Public Property Prip As String
Public Property Prop As String
Public Property Prup As String
End Class
End Namespace
Now, you could also build the class with different property types than String, which is hard-coded. Just include it in the arguments either as a separate array, or you could use a Tuple or Dictionary etc. Good luck!

Get the name of the object passed in a byref parameter

How can I get the name of the object that was passed byref into a method?
Dim myobject as object
sub mymethod(byref o as object)
end sub
sub main()
'outputs "myobject" NOT "o"
end sub
I'm using this for logging. I use one method multiple times and it would be nice to log the name of the variable that I passed to it. Since I'm passing it byref, I should be able to get this name, right?
For minitech who provided the answer:
This would give you the parameter name in the method and it's type, but not the name of the variable that was passed byref.
using system.reflection
Dim mb As MethodBase = MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod()
For Each pi As ParameterInfo In mb.GetParameters()
Debug.Print("Parameter: Type={0}, Name={1}", pi.ParameterType, pi.Name)
If you put that in "mymethod" above you'd get "o" and "Object".
That's impossible. Names of variables are not stored in IL, only names of class members or namespace classes. Passing it by reference makes absolutely zero difference. You wouldn't even be able to get it to print out "o".
Besides, why would you ever want to do that?
Alternatively you could get the 'Type' of the object using reflection.
Example: (Use LinqPad to execute)
Sub Main
Dim myDate As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim something As New Something
End Sub
Public Class Something
Public Sub New
Me.MyProperty = "Hello"
End Sub
Public Property MyProperty As String
End Class
Sub MyMethod(Byref o As Object)
End Sub
Sorry to say, but this is your solution. I left (ByVal o As Object) in the method signature in case you're doing more with it.
Sub MyMethod(ByVal o As Object, ByVal name As String)
End Sub
Sub Main()
MyMethod(MyObject, "MyObject")
End Sub
Alternatively you could create an interface, but this would only allow you to use MyMethod with classes you design. You can probably do more to improve it, but as this code stands you can only set the RealName at creation.
Interface INamedObject
Public ReadOnly Property RealName As String
End Interface
Class MyClass
Implements INamedObject
Public Sub New(ByVal RealName As String)
_RealName = RealName
End Sub
Private ReadOnly Property RealName As String Implements INamedObject.RealName
Return _RealName
End Get
End Property
Private _RealName As String
End Class
Module Main
Sub MyMethod(ByVal o As INamedObject)
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim MyObject As New MyClass("MyObject")
End Sub
End Module
If your program is still in the same place relative to the code that made it, this may work:
' First get the Stack Trace, depth is how far up the calling tree you want to go
Dim stackTrace As String = Environment.StackTrace
Dim depth As Integer = 4
' Next parse out the location of the code
Dim delim As Char() = {vbCr, vbLf}
Dim traceLine As String() = stackTrace.Split(delim, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim filePath As String = Regex.Replace(traceLine(depth), "^[^)]+\) in ", "")
filePath = Regex.Replace(filePath, ":line [0-9]+$", "")
Dim lineNumber As String = Regex.Replace(traceLine(depth), "^.*:line ", "")
' Now read the file
Dim program As String = __.GetStringFromFile(filePath, "")
' Next parse out the line from the class file
Dim codeLine As String() = program.Split(delim)
Dim originLine As String = codeLine(lineNumber * 2 - 2)
' Now get the name of the method doing the calling, it will be one level shallower
Dim methodLine As String = Regex.Replace(traceLine(depth - 1), "^ at ", "")
Dim methodName = Regex.Replace(methodLine, "\(.*\).*$", "")
methodName = Regex.Replace(methodName, "^.*\.", "")
' And parse out the variables from the method
Dim variables As String = Regex.Replace(originLine, "^.*" & methodName & "\(", "")
variables = Regex.Replace(variables, "\).*$", "")
You control the depth that this digs into the stack trace with the depth parameter. 4 works for my needs. You might need to use a 1 2 or 3.
This is the apparently how Visual Basic controls handle the problem.
They have a base control class that in addition to any other common properties these controls may have has a name property.
For Example:
Public MustInherit Class NamedBase
Public name As String
End Class
Public Class MyNamedType
Inherits NamedBase
public Value1 as string
public Value2 as Integer
End Class
dim x as New MyNamedType = "x"
x.Value1 = "Hello, This variable is name 'x'."
x.Value2 = 75
public sub MySubroutine(y as MyNamedType)
debug.print("My variable's name is: " &
end sub
The output in the intermediate window should be:
My variable's name is: x