I want to have a button that will check all checkboxes in my listview. I have:
Dim I as Integer
If listViewAccounts.CheckedItems.Count > 0 then
(>>My Problem here<<)
End if
What to do next?
for i = 0 to listViewAccounts.Items.Count -1
listViewAccounts.Items(i).Checked = true
Or just use Linq
listView1.Items.OfType(Of ListViewItem).All(Function(c)
c.Checked = True
Return True
End Function)
I used:
For Each lvi As ListViewItem In listViewAccounts.Items
lvi.Checked = True
I have been searching for a method to group multiple objects to change a common value but have not been successful. I have been forced to do things like this:
Label10.Visible = True
Label11.Visible = True
Label12.Visible = True
Label13.Visible = True
Label14.Visible = True
RectangleShape8.Visible = True
RectangleShape9.Visible = True
RectangleShape10.Visible = True
RectangleShape11.Visible = True
Ect, Is there a method to group, or declare multiple objects to refer to all of them at the same time? I have attempted to declare but i was unsuccessful. Thanks for your help in advanced.
You can use the following:
Dim RectangleShapeGroup() As String = {"RectangleShape8", "RectangleShape9", "RectangleShape10", "RectangleShape11"}
Dim LabelGroup() As String = {"Label10", "Label11", "Label12", "Label13", "Label14"}
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If Array.IndexOf(RectangleShapeGroup, ctrl.Name) > -1 Or Array.IndexOf(LabelGroup, ctrl.Name) > -1 Then
ctrl.Visible = True
End If
In case you want to show all Label controls you can use the following:
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is Label Then
ctrl.Visible = True
End If
... or all controls with names starting with Label or RectangleShape:
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If ctrl.Name.StartsWith("Label") Or ctrl.Name.StartsWith("RectangleShape") Then
ctrl.Visible = True
End If
Just add your controls to List(Of ControlType) then loop through to change any properties. This code is for Windows Forms. If this is a different type of application plead indicate that in your question.
Private lstLabels As New List(Of Label) From {Label10, Label11, Label12, Label13, Label14}
Private Sub MakeLabelsVisible()
For Each l In lstLabels
l.Visible = True
End Sub
I'm using the below code to try and loop through all ListBox controls in a panel on a WinForm. I want to check if any of them have a SelectedIndex above 0. If they do, I want to set a boolean value in an array to True, else set it to False:
Dim i As Integer = -1
For Each cntrl As Control In Form1.Panel3.Controls
If TypeOf cntrl Is ListBox Then
i = i + 1
If cntrl.selectedindex <> 0 Then
ReportArray(i) = True
ReportArray(i) = False
End If
End If
The issue I am having is that cntrl.selectedindex is not valid as .selectedindex is being picked up that it is not a member of Windows.Forms.Control
How do I get this to see it as a ListBox?
Try converting the cntrl to listbox first like this
Dim i As Integer = -1
For Each cntrl As Control In Form1.Panel3.Controls
If TypeOf cntrl Is ListBox Then
Dim TmpCntrl As ListBox = TryCast(cntrl, ListBox)
i = i + 1
If TmpCntrl.selectedindex <> 0 Then
ReportArray(i) = True
ReportArray(i) = False
End If
End If
I have some code that reads the value of a Listview on a button click. However, what it does is select all the entries to add to another Listview. How do I adjust my code to allow for single items selection. Thanks
While dr.Read()
Dim LVS As New ListViewItem
With (LVS)
.UseItemStyleForSubItems = False
.Text = dr("Box").ToString()
End With
End While
If ListViewObj.SelectedItems.Count >= 1 Then
While ListViewObj.SelectedItems.Count >= 1
ListViewObj.SelectedItems(0).Selected = False
End While
ListViewObj.Items(ListViewObj.FocusedItem.Index).Selected = True
End If
I have about 50 Maskedtextboxes, only few of them are visible. What I need is to only check the visible ones if they are empty.
I used this code to check all Maskedtextboxes:
Dim empty = TabLABOR.Controls.OfType(Of MaskedTextBox)().Where(Function(txt) txt.Text.Length = 0)
If empty.Any Then
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Please fill all fields",
String.Join(",", empty.Select(Function(txt) txt.Name))))
End If
End Sub
you should use a for each like the following
dim myfrm as MyCurrentForm()
for Each item As System.Windows.Forms.Control In myfrm.Controls
If item.GetType Is GetType(System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTexbox) Then
For Each mboxes As MaskedTexbox In item.Controls
If MaskedTexbox.text = "" AND maskedTextbox.visible = true Then
//Make deltu king of the world
End If
End If
That should work.
I am having problems with highlighting the found listview item using the code below:
If lstMaster.View = View.Details AndAlso lstMaster.Items.Count > 0 Then
Dim lvi As ListViewItem = lstMaster.FindItemWithText(txtSearchSR.Text, True, 0)
If lvi IsNot Nothing Then
lvi.ListView.Items(0).Selected = True 'Does not seem to work...
End If
End If
How do i highliht the found column?
Try setting Subitems
lvi.Items[0].UseItemStyleForSubItems = false
lvi.Items[0].SubItems[0].BackColor = Color.Black
lvi.Items[0].SubItems[0].ForeColor = Color.White
if that doesn't work try
lvi.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false
lvi.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lvi,"subitem", Color.Black, Color.White, lvi.Font ))
You need
lvi.Selected = True
From your snippet,
lvi.ListView.Items(0) will always return the first ListViewItem in the listview.
Got it! :o)
lstMaster.Items(lvi.Index).Selected = True