How to make IntelliJ IDEA recognise code created by macros? - intellij-idea

I have an sbt-managed Scala project that uses the usual sbt project layout for Scala projects with macros, i.e., a subproject that contains the macros a main project that is the actual application and that depends on the macro subproject. The macros are macro annotations which, in essence, generate companion objects for regular classes. The generated companion objects declare, amongst other members, apply/unapply methods.
I used the sbt-idea plugin to generate a corresponding IntelliJ IDEA project, and I use the sbt console from IDEA's sbt-plugin to compile and run my Scala application.
Everything works more or less fine, except that the generated companion objects, and more importantly, their members such as apply/unapply, are not recognised by IDEA. Thus, I get a squiggly line everywhere I, e.g., an apply method.
My setup is IntelliJ IDEA CE 133.471 with the plugins SBT 1.5.1 and Scala 0.28.363 on Windows 7 x64.
How do I get IntelliJ IDEA to recognise code (classes, objects, methods, ...) that has been generated by Scala macros (macro annotations, to be precise)?
Are other IDEs, e.g., Eclipse, known to work better in such a setting?
This question (which is less detailed) essentially asks the same, but has not gotten a reply yet (2014-02-26).
According to a JetBrains developer the feature I requested is on their long-term to-do list, but won't be implemented any time soon (2014-03-05).

With the latest Scala plugin build, there is an API which can be used to write your own plugin to support your macros:
Now, everyone can use this API to make their macros more friendly to their favorite IDE. To do that, you have to implement SyntheticMembersInjector, and register it in the plugin.xml file:
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="org.intellij.scala">
<syntheticMemberInjector implementation="org.jetbrains.example.injector.Injector"/>

Seems like there's limited support if any.
Quote by this link:
Alexander Podkhalyuzin says:
January 30, 2014 at 10:13 am
We started support for Scala macros, but it’s not a simple task, so I can’t promise it will be done soon.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


How to find usage of deprecated code in kotlin with intellij-idea

I want to automatically find all occurrences in my kotlin application where i use deprecated code (mostly methods which are annotated as deprecated)
I'm talking not about kotlin code which is deprecated in the kotlin spec, i mean kotlin code which calls a deprecated function/method.
The source where the deprecated function is located could be kotlin- or java- libraries.
I found really great tooling for finding similar issues in java code via intellij idea, like:
code -> inspect code
code -> analyse code -> inspection by name -> deprecated API usage
edit -> find -> find structurally -> select template deprecated methods (only available for java)
But i don't find a way for any similar search option for kotlin.
I tried to build a "deprecated api usage structural search"-template myself, but base functionalities to archive this seems not be supported for kotlin.
The only none manual function which works is the local code analyse of the file i'm currently in (this little hind in the upper right corner where you can see number of issues (and can click on them to have them in the a list))
This works but if i make a code analyse for a hole folder the deprecated usages are not there.
I need a solution for scanning the hole code base and not manually clicking from file to file.
please note that there is now already a ticket created for jetbrains:
Because it seems like there is no solution or workaround currently in place.
#Deprecated warning is a compiler warning, and you can not find it via IDE inspection search yet. Please follow an issue —

Xtext based language within Intellij Idea

I want to make a plugin for a language for the Intellij Idea IDE. The language has been developped using Eclipse Xtext and is open source. A plugin already exists for Eclipse.
My goal is to port this language to Intellij Idea. I want to be able to use Intellij to create source files, to have the specific syntax highlighting and to be able to compile and run programs written with this language.
Is there a simple way to generate the Intellij Idea plugin using the Xtext project?
If not is there an efficient solution to be able to have the specific syntax highlighting in Intellij? (an automatic way if possible, I would prefer not rewriting everything everytime the Xtext project is updated)
Short answer
Yes, with a bit of work.
Long Answer
Sadly, Xtext uses antlr in the background and IntelliJ use their own grammar kit based on Parsing Expression Grammars. As such, the parsing and editor code generated by XText, as you might have guessed, will not work.
In order to get your language working in IntelliJ you will need to:
Create grammar *.bnf file
Generate lexer *.flex file, possibly tweak it and then run JFlex generator
Implement helper classes to provide, among others, file recognition via file extension, syntax highlighting, color settings page, folding, etc.
The *.flex file is generated from the bnf. Luckily, most of the classes in step 3 follow a very similar structure so they can be easily generated (more on that later). So basically, if you manage to generate the *.bnf file, you are 80% there.
Although from different technologies, the syntax of bnf files is very similar to XText files. I recently migrated some antlr grammars to IntelliJ's bnf and I had to do very small changes. Thus, it should be possible to autogenerate the bnf files from your XText ones.
That brings me back to point 3. Using XTend, Epsilon's EGL, or similar, it would be easy to generate all the boiler plate classes. As part of the migration I mentioned before I also did this. I am in the process of making the code public, so I will post it here when done and add some details.

Intellij - Find path to src directory

I am creating an IntelliJ plugin and I am using JavaParser for one of my features. My plugin will allow users to click a gutter icon next to a method and automatically navigate to the tests associated with that method.
To achieve this, temporerily I have used the line:
typeSolver.add(new JavaParserTypeSolver(new File("/home/webby/IdeaProjects/project00/src/")));
My problem is that I need to pass the source folder of the given module into this type solver. Is there any way I can find the source folder programmatically? Perhaps from an actionEvent?
I have tried things along the lines of the following:
This gives me: '/home/webby/IdeaProjects/project00/' but I'm struggling to see how I can get the source folder? I feel there should be a fairly straight forward way of doing this using IntelliJ's SDK but I have not found anything in the documentation or anywhere else online.
Any and all solutions welcome!
Many Thanks,
You can use
to access sources roots of a module. Refer to IntelliJ SDK Docs for details.
BTW IntelliJ IDEA provides special API to syntax trees of Java files, it works more efficiently and better integrates with other IDE features than external JavaParsers.
And it's better to ask questions about IntelliJ IDEA API on a special forum.

AspectJ - compile time - Weave types int JDK classes

I need to add fields into JDK Classes. e.g java.lang.String
First I tried:
declare parents: ( * && !java.lang.Object ) implements VistaInt;
public String[];
this however doesn't work.
It throws a warning
this affected type is not exposed to the weaver:
org.aspectj.lang.Signature [Xlint:typeNotExposedToWeaver]
So I researched it on internet and find out, that it is harder as it seems to be and
AspectJ doesn't support intrumenting JDK classes directly says here:
But there is proposed something callse FERRARI framework, tool for AspectJ that should allow injecting JDK classes.
So I kept searching for it and get here:
But none of these links work and I was not able to find any other source, or tool or anything that would help me.
Do you have any idea, where to find this library, or how to inject java JDK types??
Thank you!
First you need to locate the rt.jar that your Eclipse project is using. This is most likely the default for your machine but to check you can right-click on the JRE system library icon in your project, click on Properties and Installed JREs. The rt.jar file is under lib.
Once you have it you will need to weave it from the command line (you might need to download separate ajc compiler). Say you want to weave MyAspect.aj you would run
ajc -inpath rt.jar MyAspect.aj -outjar newrt.jar
You then need to make sure that your code uses this library by putting newrt.jar on the bootclasspath ahead of rt.jar. Running from the command line you do this
java -Xbootclasspath/<path to newrt.jar> MyApplication
In Eclsipse you add -Xbootclasspath/<path to newrt.jar> to the Run configuration.
However, I would not recommend modifying java.lang.String as JVMs often treat this class specially. But you can give it a go if you want :)
I believe that the FERRARI framework that you refer to is for LTW (Load Time Weaving) and this discussion has been for a CTW (Compile Time Weaving) solution. If you want to do LTW then you're going to have difficulties as custom class loaders can't load java.* classes so you can't weave these at load time. Your link suggests that people have attempted a workaround but I don't know anything about this.

How to do post-build modifications in an Eclipse builder

I'm currently working an Eclipse plug-in to provide iPOJO manipulation support.
The principle of iPOJO is to modify the .class files generated by the Java compiler to inject some methods and to add/update an entry to the file.
Currently, my plug-in provides a project Nature and adds a Builder, added at the end of a project builder list, that calls the iPOJO Manipulator.
I use it on PDE projects.
The complete process works but I have a problem :
When my builder has finished its job (and the building process), the whole building process restarts, erasing the output folder and calling my builder again.
If I don't add a safety trick, it makes the building process loop over and over.
As I work on IResource, an IResourceDeltaEvent must be sent at the end of the building process, so I think the best way to avoid that kind of problem is to hide the fact that the resource has changed.
To be clear, I'm looking for a way to modify the class files after a PDE build, without inducing a new build, and without disabling the workspace auto-build property.
Thanks for answers.
I am a little unclear as to what you are describing.
You mention that you want this to work for PDE builds, but PDE builds happen largely outside of the workspace using ant scripts. They do not use IResource, Builder, or IResourceDeltaEvent.
I am guessing that you don't really mean PDE builds, but rather the building of plugin projects inside of the workspace.
In general, Eclipse (JDT in particular) expects that it has complete control over the output folders. However, there is an option in Preferences -> Java -> Building -> Output Folder called "Rebuild class files generated by others". Ensure that this is disabled. Eclipse should not try to rebuild class files that you touch. If your builder only touches class files then it will not trigger other builds after it changes the class files. The only thing is that you need to be careful not to compile things twice (and I think this is the problem that you are describing).
Alternatively, it may be easier for you to implement a CompilationParticipant (and the org.eclipse.jdt.core.compilationParticipant extension point). This will allow you to know exactly when JDT calls a compilation and exactly what it compiles.
Additionally, you will be notified of reconcile operations (ie- changes in working copies that have not been saved). This may be useful for you if you wanted to manipulate files as-you-type.