Editing of rptdesign files (BIRT) in IntelliJ - intellij-idea

Is there a way to edit rtpdesign-files (used by the BIRT-library) in IntelliJ? Currently, I have to switch between IntelliJ and Eclipse to do the editing.

The graphical editor for rptdesign files is only available for Eclipse. Actuate distribute BIRT through the Eclipse Foundation so I think it's extremely unlikely that they will support other IDEs.

Birt works as a Eclipse Plugin but you can allways use the standalone Birt designer.
Birt Stand Alone Designer


Can I use the Telosys wizard without installing Eclipse?

I am trying to learn telosys. The eclipse demo seems great.
However, I tried to install the plugin for VSCode, and it did not add any option/menu item anywhere in the VSCode editor.
The eclipse demo shows a great wizard based interface. Is there any way to get that interface without having to install eclipse.
Also, in case it is not possible, which package of eclipse do I need to install to optimally use telosys? I wanted to try out the python & angular bundles of telosys.
Yes indeed, the Telosys VS Code plugin provides only syntax coloration for Telosys files edition (".entity" files for example). Thus there's no particular changes in the VSCode menu.
VSCode is just one code editor (among others) that you can use with Telosys-CLI. The editors extensions are just provided to be more confortable when you're editing Telosys files. All the code generation is supposed to be launch from the command line in Telosys-CLI.
If you want a fully integrated tool, Eclipse + Telosys plugin is the best solution. Telosys Eclipse plugin is installable with all Eclipse versions, so you can choose one of these Eclipse packages :
for example "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and use "Eclipse Marketplace" to install :
Telosys plugin
Python plugin

Is there a third-party tools to convert Eclipse settings to Netbeans?

I usually use Eclipse but I'll need to work with Netbeans for a while since I'm starting a JavaFX project.
I can't fathom having to re-map every single shortcut and setting. Is there a tool somewhere that can import Eclipse settings for me?
This might help:

Vaadin Plugin in IntelliJ Idea

In Vaadin's website it says that only Eclipse and NetBeans have fully functional (which sets up project, compiles your widgets, provides a visual editor for drag&drop) Vaadin plugin.
I wonder whether IntelliJ has any plugin or support for Vaadin, if not why?
Nowadays there is a Vaadin plugin for IntelliJ: Vaadin support. However, haven't tried it myself because I use Eclipse.

Openlaszlo in Eclipse

Can anybody tell me how to add the openlaszlo plugin to the eclipse or any IDE for openlaszlo ?
Thank you!
IDE4Laszlo - http://wiki.openlaszlo.org/IDE4Laszlo - an Eclipse-based development environment for creating, editing, debugging, and testing applications based on the LZX declarative mark-up language.
Also check https://stackoverflow.com/a/11676129/363075 for details of other development tools for OpenLaszlo.
I would use the Spket IDE plugin. It has some support for Laszlo, and I've used it in projects. The old IBM IDE project has been discontinued back in 2006. The Eclipse Update Site for Spket is http://www.agpad.com/update.
If you would rather use an XML Schema file with Eclipse, there is an Ant build script capable of generating a custom XSD file for your application. See the OpenLaszlo Schema Generator site for more info.

IDE Plugin to handle Qooxdoo syntax

does anyone know about an IDE or eventually a (preferrably Aptana) IDE plug-in which adds support for Qooxdoo framework?
Spket IDE has autocompletion support for qooxdoo:
Edit: Spket actually works fine with newer qooxdoo versions, just create a profile using a qooxdoo 1.3 SDK folder as shown in the linked page.