I'm making new instances of redis by using different ports (Multiple Redis Instances)
How do I control where each port's dump.rdb backup file saves to?
Are both instances going to save to the same file? can I make separate backup files for each instance?
You can have different configurations for each instance and use them like this:
$ redis-server /path/to/redis1.conf
Each configuration defines the filename for the dump file in the following setting:
# The filename where to dump the DB
dbfilename dump1.rdb
You can use the install_server.sh script from the Redis git repository to easily setup multiple servers with their own configurations (port, rdb directory etc...)
I am following the documents about how to restore Redis and I am at complete loss at this point.
The document says> SAVE
This command will create the dump.rdb file in your redis directory.
Which it does, it creates the exact same file for me in /usr/lib/redis which is alright I guess.
To restore redis data just move redis backup file (dump.rdb) into your redis directory and start the server. To get your redis directory use CONFIG command can be used. The CONFIG GET command is used to read the configuration parameters of a running Redis server.> CONFIG get dir
1) "dir"
2) "/var/lib/redis/6379"
Here is where it makes no sense to me. The .rdb file for me is already saved in /var/lib/redis/ and I have no sub folder to that. I don't understand what "dir" is doing there and how I can restore my database.
Please enlighten me. I don't seem to be able to save it or I cannot find it perhaps.
Okay so basically, the rdb file saved in /var/lib/redis/ is saved every time the server stops and this can be moved to another folder and be used as a point for restoring every time redis service starts.
I have an instance of OpenNebula with 2 nodes running KVM and local file store. This means no live migration as vm images are scp'd to each node, so there is also no option of failover or Live Migration.
I would like to implement NFS shared storage and move the VM's from the local FS datastore to the NFS shared storage datastore. OpenNebula supports migrating VM's between datastores, but only datastores of the same type i.e. 'ssh' to 'ssh' but not 'ssh' to 'shared'.
I am working on a method of achieving this, and would love some feedback as to why this is a good or a bad idea.
OpenNebula doesn't currently support migrating VM's from one type of datastore to another different type of datastore. I have been working on a method that is working and want to document it here to get some feedback and opinions on the method.
A datastore type is identified primarily by the Transfer manager Driver 'TM_MAD' setting. This setting cannot be changed, either through Sunstone or through the cli. So we need a method to do just this. This is what i did. I started with a fresh install of OpenNebula 5.4.13 in one VM, and 2 VM nodes all running Debian 9 within VMware virtual machines (don't forget to check virtualisation for the VM CPU options).
NOTE: This is an experimental process so make sure you Backup everything first!
To migrate to a different store, there are a few steps we need to do. They are as follows:
Setup the NFS share exports,
Move the VM images to the NFS share and mount the datastore,
Change the datastore types,
Configure the nodes for NFS share.
Setup NFS Server
First thing we want to do is setup the NFS shares that we want to use. I'm using a single share for the base datastore folder, but you could use separate shares for each datastore ID from different NFS servers.
On the NFS Server create the datastore folder i.e. mkdir /share/one_datastore,
Add the datastore path to exports and export the new share exportfs -rav,
Confirm the share is available showmount -e localhost
Prepare to Migrate
Before we modify the datastores there are a few things to do first:
Shut down any running VM's and undeploy them. This saves the machines states and copies the images back to the image store,
Stop Sunstone and OpenNebula services systemctl stop opennebula && systemctl stop opennebula-sunstone.
Migrate Data
Shared storage shares the VM disk images so all the nodes can access the same data. So copy the VM data to the NFS share ready for mounting.
From the Sunstone frontend server confirm the NFS shares showmount -e [nfs-server],
Create a temp folder to mount the share in mkdir /mnt/datastore,
Temporarily mount the NFS folder mount [nfs-server]:/share/one_datastore /mnt/datastore,
Move the datastore folders to the share mv /var/lib/one/datastores/* /mnt/datastore/
OpenNebula datastore folders now live on the NFS server: ls /mnt/datastore should list folders 0, 1 and 2,
Mount the NFS share to replace the OpenNebula datastore folder mount [nfs-server]:/share/one_datastore /var/lib/one/datastores,
Confirm the folders are available ls /var/lib/one/datastores should list our 3 folders 0, 1 and 2,
Add the mount into /etc/fstab to persist the mount on boot.
OpenNebula frontend is now configured to access the datastore folders from the NFS share. Next we want to change the datastores type from ssh to shared.
Change Datastore Types
The data for the datastore configuration is stored in the OpenNebula database /var/lib/one/one.db. We can change the driver type by editing the datastore configuration data which then tells OpenNebula whiche drivers to use, and how to handle the datastore data. By default OpenNebula uses an sqlite database with the option of MySql. i'm using sqlite but the same works for MySql.
Open the OpenNebula database sqlite3 /var/lib/one/one.db,
View all tables with .tables. datastore_pool is the table we want to modify,
List all the records in the table select * from datastore_pool; will result in a screen-full of configuration data. Each record has an identifier oid which matches the datastore ID, like this (the first 0 is the datastore ID for the default SYSTEM database):
Now to change the datastore type. Grab the data from the 3rd column body
(You can run select body from datastore_pool where oid=0;) and copy to your favourite text editor (that's the chunk starting with <DATASTORE> and ending with </DATASTORE>). Find and replace:
Find: <TM_MAD><![CDATA[ssh]]></TM_MAD>
Replace with: <TM_MAD><![CDATA[shared]]></TM_MAD>
Replace with: <SHARED><![CDATA[YES]]></SHARED>
Now to update the SYSTEM datastore record. Run the following command on the database, replacing [datastore-config] with the text block you just modified update datastore_pool set body='[datastore-config]' where oid=0,
Update IMAGE datastore is a little different. There is no SHARED option, but we want to use either shared or qcow2 drivers. I used qcow2. So: select body from datastore_pool where oid=1;:
Find: <TM_MAD><![CDATA[ssh]]></TM_MAD>
Replace: <TM_MAD><![CDATA[qcow2]]></TM_MAD>
Update the record: update datastore_pool set body='[datastore-config]' where oid=1;,
Update the FILES datastore (oid=3) by replacing <TM_MAD><![CDATA[ssh]]></TM_MAD> with <TM_MAD><![CDATA[shared]]></TM_MAD> and update using the method above.
Now that the datastores have been updated to use the shared driver, lets start Sunstone and check that the datastores show up.
systemctl start opennebula && systemctl start opennebula-sunstone
Jump into Sunstone web and go to datastores. Opening each datastore to check whether SHARED is enabled, and the correct drivers show i.e. shared or qcow2.
~DONT DO ANYTHING YET~ Still need to configure the nodes!
Configure the Nodes
So because we stopped and undeployed the VMs, there shouldn't be any data in the node datastores. So we can just set up NFS shares to the datastores folder. Confirm the folders are empty first and make sure to take backups! This is an experimental process so be warned! Right, lets get onto it:
Check the contents of /var/lib/one/datastores. If you are mounting each datastore ID based folder to its own NFS share then you can do this instead of the entire datastore folder. Empty any folders with 0, 1 and 2 folders. otherwise remove all folders from the datastores folder,
If not already installed: apt-get install nfs-common,
Check for NFS shares: showmount -e [nfs-server],
Mount the nfs share to the datastore folder: mount [nfs-server]:/share/one_datastore /var/lib/one/datastores,
Confirm the mount i.e. df,
Edit /etc/fstab adding the mount so its mounted on next boot.
Restart your node to confirm the datastore nfs persists, and to give them a restart!
Repeat with all host nodes.
Test it Out
In Sunstone go to the Hosts TAB and check they are up and running. Next go and grab a VM and deploy it. It should deploy without any issues and start booting.
Once up and running i like to constantly ping the VM while testing live migration. So start ping (ping [vm-ip] -t in windows) and then in Sunstone open the VM and do a 'Live Migrate' to another node. Watch the ping and check the logs to make sure it succeeded. I found i had to refresh the display, and go to the hosts TAB to check the VM had migrated. After that it showed correctly but i think its a caching issue in my browser. After the Live Migration you should still see the ping rolling along, with maybe one failed ping in the results.
So that's the process i used to migrate from ssh local storage to shared storage. I'v tested it and it is working without any issues. However, if you do have any issues or have an opinion on this process please let me know. If there are any pitfalls with this i have overlooked please also let me know.
Ok, have fun with it. I'm off to try moving the shared storage over to some kind of shared cluster like Ceph or GlusterFS!
To change the location of redis on ubuntu 14 is just copy the db to another path and create a symlink or need another aproach to this?
dir /var/lib/redis
You can do it by sending Redis CONFIG SET dir /new/path, and making the same change in the configuration file or issuing CONFIG REWRITE. The next dump file, e.g. created with BGSAVE, will use the new path.
You solution is valid if you can afford downtime on your system during this change in order to maintain data consistency.
Another solution is to setup second Redis instance on different port on the same machine that will replicate from the first instance and you application will working with second instance. After a while you will delete your first instance.
How can I dump a redis that's running on database 0 and restore it in my local machine on a different database (8) ?
I already secure copied the dump file:
scp hostname#/var/lib/redis/dump.rdb .
But if I change my local redis dump.rdb with this one, I'll get the data on database 0. How can I restore it to a specific database?
Firstly note that the use of numbered/shared Redis databases is inadvisable. You really should consider using dedicated Redis servers with a single DB (0) on them (more info at: https://redislabs.com/blog/benchmark-shared-vs-dedicated-redis-instances)
Redis does not offer a straightforward way to do this, but there are two basic ways one could go about it:
Pre-processing: modify the dump.rdb file to load into your database of choosing. You could build a tool for that or perhaps use one of the existing ones. Jan-Erik has done an outstanding job of documenting the RDB v7 format at http://rdb.fnordig.de/file_format.html so all you need to do is basically change the Database Selector byte.
Post-restore: use the MOVE command on the output of SCANing your restored database - should be easily scriptable.
I ended up creating a script in Ruby to dump and restore the keys I wanted. (Please note that this approach is slow, takes around 1 min for 200 keys) .
Get the keys to dump / restore
ssh hostname redis-cli --scan --pattern 'awesome_filter_pattern*'
Open an ssh connection to the production server
Dump the remote key
dump = ssh.exec!("redis-cli dump #{key}").chomp
Restore it on localhost
$redis.connection.restore(key, 0, dump)
I have configured Unison for synchronising files among servers. It takes a copy of a file from SERVER1 and replaces or copies the file to the other servers. I just added a folder directly onto SERVER2, but SERVER1 (the base server) had an older copy of that folder and its contents. After using Unison to synchronise all of my files to SERVER2, that folder was replaced by the older folder from SERVER1.
Is there any way to recover files from SERVER2? Does Unison itself maintain some version control or backups?
Depending on your configuration, Unison should register this as a conflict where you would manually need to tell it to push the files from SERVER1 to SERVER2. Unison does not maintain backups by default, so unless you have enabled this, the files on SERVER2 have been overwritten.
To enable backups in Unison, you need to have something like this in your Unison profile:
backuplocation = central
backupdir = Unison-Backups
backup = Name {.*,*}
maxbackups = 7
backupprefix =
backupsuffix = .$VERSION
This will make backups of up to 7 versions of every file and put those backups in the Unison-Backups directory and will append the version number to the name of each backed-up file. See this section of the Unison manual for more details.