Credential provider in win8 - windows-8

I want to login to my user account automatically using code.
I am using Windows 8.
I tried to use Credential Provider sample. I compiled the sample in the SDK and add the dll to the registry as described in the readme.
when I lock my computer I can see the regular user account tile.
only when I press on Esc I see the 2 new tiles that were added in the sample.
then if I press on one of them, and try any kind of password, I just get back to the previous page where I had only the regular tile. and cannot login.
Is this the expected behavior?

No, this is not the expected behavior.
If, when you type your password, you are immediately redirected to the tile selection without an error message, then your credential provider crashed.
I suggest remote debugging in order to find the source of your problem. If that's not an option for you, you can always write logs.
In case you don't know, you can start windows in safe mode to be able to login even when your credential provider crashes.


Can not login itunesconnect

can not login itunesconnect
The page give the warning 'Failed to verify your identity, Try again'.
Do somebody face the same problem?
If you are connecting with a VPN, try changing it or try connecting without any VPN.
I couldn't login to anything apple in a web browser: appstoreconnect, developer, icloud, or I could install new apps on my iPhone, and edit account settings using the iPhone and my password.
I tried logging in from different browsers, OSes, devices, IPs. I tried browsers with temporary profile (cleared cache/history/everything). Didn't make a difference. The same error popped up: Failed to verify your identity. Try again. The browser inspector tools said a 409 and 401where occurring when trying to get the 2FA after correct credentials entered.
I tried another apple id and without a hitch it asked for the 2FA code.
I turned on 2FA using my iPhone. Didn't make a difference for logging in via web browser to apple sites.
I had to contact apple. The second representative and I agreed that it most likely was a server side issue. He escalated it to engineering. The next morning, all my apple site browser sessions had "forgotten" my apple id. I was able to login now and enter my 2FA code as expected.
Finally, without no reason, I can login.
Had same issue. Ultimately what made it work was that I unlocked my iPhone and then on my laptop I tried itunesconnect again. This time the 2-factor authentication kicked in, and my iPhone showed a popup asking me to verify my laptop. Then it all worked.

Login to Windows Authentication automatically

We have a program that runs in IIS with Windows authentication, and which is available to the outside world.
Right now, we provide to every interested party a link to the program, along with guest credentials they then have to type.
Is there a possibility to do away with the credentials? Our internal people should be able to login as usual, but we want to provide a link to get into the guest account without typing any login credentials.
I have tried to add the credentials into the clickable url, but Internet Explorer and Edge browser do not support this, and Mobile Safari throws phishing warnings.
Can this be done universally, that the authentication is done invisibly in the background in all browsers, using some kind of redirect or XHR call with arguments or something like that?

Google Developer Console's credential side permission

I got an problem after i create and APIs on Google Developer Console and enable the GCM service,
but i want to add an server key at Credential next to APIs on left hand menu.
But it show me You do not have sufficient permissions to view this page.
Below are the image:
Is that any config i need to add?
I did follow what You do not have sufficient permissions to view this page to clear cache and use incognito mode to login, but still not work.
Some time i relogin it work back, when i click to another side and click back it show the error again, and my solution is go to Credential than use top right corner account to logout and relogin , let it redirect you back to Credential, than it work. So is there any solution to fixed it permanently without relogin?
It because of you have logged in multiple devices. so u have to log out from all devices. to do this go to and log in using your email and password. and scroll down . you can see Details link . Click that link.
it will open new window. there u click
Sign out all other web sessions. than clear history. than do login and try . it will open without showing error.
I got the same problem. After following the below steps it got solved. This may help you as well.
Click on Apis under Api & auth
Click on "Google Play Game Services".
Enable the service.
Optional: enable "Google Play Developer API" as well. Most of the time it will enable by default.
I am facing the same issues.
Try using another browser like firefox - sometimes it works.
but after awhile, same error pops up.
Having the same issue as with you regardless what api i enable.. have tried all the suggestion posted earlier. but none of them worked, but when i tried to change my i.p.. using a vpn. and tried to access worked, i can create or view my api now,tested it with other gmail account to confirm and started from scratch. to my surprise i didnt encounter that issue im having for hours.. no idea why my i.p is being rejected when accessing the credentials area..
I've resolve my issue, it's about the ISP you are using. I tried 3 ISP's and 1 of them got a success all the time, I don't have any permission error.

Change Network Interface Without Authentication PopUp in MAC Application

I am working on MAC Application in which I have to create a VPN Connection through my application and which I have done successfully with the Help of EBAS Example code from Apple.
Now when user want to connect to VPN, I need to modify the Network Interface and for that an AUTHORIZATION POPUP Comes to get user Permission.
This is the Process to Modify the Network Interface.
First Lock the System Preference using Below Code
Boolean result = SCPreferencesLock(prefToUnlock,TRUE); // Authentication PopUp Comes here to lock the system preferences.
and then rest of the code to modify the network which is working fine.
Now whenever above line execute popup comes to get authorization to Lock SystemPeference. I want this to be done by Helper Tool Without Authorization Popup. I tried that but it always returns false.
Is there any other way I can archive this.

Ad hoc Apple App distribution IIS7 Windows Authentication IOS 5?

We have a Add hoc distribution for enterprice apps by a secure website. Since version 5 we have a problem with authentication in combination with IIS7. The user logs in with a windows username and password and clicks download. Then a "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=domain" action is been started.
Before IOS 5:
The user goes to url, types the username and password. The user press download and again the user need to type the username and password. The application is been installed.
After installing IOS 5:
The user goes to url, types the username and password. The user press download and get a domain "...." not found. There is no popup again, with the credentials, like before version of IOS 5..
This solution was working for a half year, but since IOS5 it doesnt work anymore...
When going to the website and clicking on the action=download that contains the Plist file the IIS shows 401 errors (not authenticated). But when I access the .plist or ipa file directly by url in safari I do get a POPUP to authenticate.
It look like there is a bug in IOS 5 "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=domain" actions does not support to authenticate....
Check your plist file if it points to an existing ipa file. If you're using .htaccess to authenticate with a ldap directory you'll need to authenticate once for the plist access and once for the ipa access.
This sounds like a variation of the double-hop problem in which the originally supplied credentials are not being appropriately passed to the second step in your download routine (or web service call, etc.).
The fact that you previously had to enter the user name and password twice would seem to support this suggestion. The error that you're receiving that domain '...' does not exist could indicate that the credential being passed to step two is a local machine account that IIS is running under.
If you can get some logging on this process I would want to determine what the authentication/credentials are that get passed at each step. It's possible that something in IOS 5 changed the way that impersonation is handled but I think that's likely just a symptom of how either IIS is set up or the final request is being passed.