Trident or Storm topology that writes on Redis - redis

I have a problem with a topology. I try to explain the workflow...
I have a source that emits ~500k tuples every 2 minutes, these tuples must be read by a spout and processed exatly once like a single object (i think a batch in trident).
After that, a bolt/function/what else?...must appends a timestamp and save the tuples into Redis.
I tried to implement a Trident topology with a Function that save all the tuples into Redis using a Jedis object (Redis library for Java) into this Function class, but when i deploy i receive a NotSerializable Exception on this object.
My question is.How can i implement a Function that writes on Redis this batch of tuples? Reading on the web i cannot found any example that writes from a function to Redis or any example using State object in Trident (probably i have to use it...)
My simple topology:
TridentTopology topology = new TridentTopology();
topology.newStream("myStream", new mySpout()).each(new Fields("field1", "field2"), new myFunction("redis_ip", "6379"));
Thanks in advance

(replying about state in general since the specific issue related to Redis seems solved in other comments)
The concepts of DB updates in Storm becomes clearer when we keep in mind that Storm reads from distributed (or "partitioned") data sources (through Storm "spouts"), processes streams of data on many nodes in parallel, optionally perform calculations on those streams of data (called "aggregations") and saves the results to distributed data stores (called "states"). Aggregation is a very broad term that just means "computing stuff": for example computing the minimum value over a stream is seen in Storm as an aggregation of the previously known minimum value with the new values currently processed in some node of the cluster.
With the concepts of aggregations and partition in mind, we can have a look at the two main primitives in Storm that allow to save something in a state: partitionPersist and persistentAggregate, the first one runs at the level of each cluster node without coordination with the other partitions and feels a bit like talking to the DB through a DAO, while the second one involves "repartitioning" the tuples (i.e. re-distributing them across the cluster, typically along some groupby logic), doing some calculation (an "aggregate") before reading/saving something to DB and it feels a bit like talking to a HashMap rather than a DB (Storm calls the DB a "MapState" in that case, or a "Snapshot" if there's only one key in the map).
One more thing to have in mind is that the exactly once semantic of Storm is not achieved by processing each tuple exactly once: this would be too brittle since there are potentially several read/write operations per tuple defined in our topology, we want to avoid 2-phase commits for scalability reasons and at large scale, network partitions become more likely. Rather, Storm will typically continue replaying the tuples until he's sure they have been completely successfully processed at least once. The important relationship of this to state updates is that Storm gives us primitive (OpaqueMap) that allows idempotent state update so that those replays do not corrupt previously stored data. For example, if we are summing up the numbers [1,2,3,4,5], the resulting thing saved in DB will always be 15 even if they are replayed and processed in the "sum" operation several times due to some transient failure. OpaqueMap has a slight impact on the format used to save data in DB. Note that those replay and opaque logic are only present if we tell Storm to act like that, but we usually do.
If you're interested in reading more, I posted 2 blog articles here on the subject.
One last thing: as hinted by the replay stuff above, Storm is a very asynchronous mechanism by nature: we typically have some data producer that post event in a queueing system (e,g. Kafka or 0MQ) and Storm reads from there. As a result, assigning a timestamp from within storm as suggested in the question may or may not have the desired effect: this timestamp will reflect the "latest successful processing time", not the data ingestion time, and of course it will not be identical in case of replayed tuples.

Have you tried trident-state for redis. There is a code on github that does it already:
Let me know if this answers your question or not.


How to use backpressure with Redis streams?

Am I missing something, or is there no way to generate backpressure with Redis streams? If a producer is pushing data to a stream faster consumers can consume it, there's no obvious way to signal to the producer that it should stop or slow down.
I expected that there would be a blocking version of XADD, that would block the client until room became available in a capped stream (similar to the blocking version of XREAD that allows consumers to wait until data becomes available), but this doesn't seem to be the case.
How do people deal with the above scenario — signaling to a producer that it should hold off on adding more items to a stream?
I understand that some data stream systems such as Kafka do not require backpressure, but Redis doesn't appear to have a comparable solution, and it seems like this would be a relatively common problem for many Redis streams use cases.
If you have persistence (either RDB or AOF) turned on, your stream messages will be persisted, hence there's no need for backpressure.
And if you use replicas, you have another level of redudancy.
Backpressure is needed only when Redis does not have enough memory (or enough network bandwidth to the replicas) to hold the messages.
And, honestly, I have never seen this scenario.
Why would you want to ? Unless you run out of memory it is not an issue and each consumer slow and fast can read at their leisure.
Note not using consumer groups just publishing via XADD and readers read via XRANGE via position stored in a key which is closer to Kafka. Using one stream per partition.
Producer can check if the table size gets too big every 1K messages (via XLEN) to slow down if this is an issue and cant you cant throw HW at it 5 nodes with 20 Gig each is pretty easy with the streams spread across the cluster .. Don't understand this should be easy so im probably missing something.
There is also an XADD version that trims the size of the table to ensure you don't over fill with the above but that world require some pretty extreme stuff. For us this is 2 days worth for frequent stuff which sends the latest state and 9 months for others.
Another thing dont store large messages in the stream , use a blob or separate key/ store.

Flink batching Sink

I'm trying to use flink in both a streaming and batch way, to add a lot of data into Accumulo (A few million a minute). I want to batch up records before sending them to Accumulo.
I ingest data either from a directory or via kafka, convert the data using a flatmap and then pass to a RichSinkFunction, which adds the data to a collection.
With the streaming data, batching seems ok, in that I can add the records to a collection of fixed size which get sent to accumulo once the batch threshold is reached. But for the batch data which is finite, I'm struggling to find a good approach to batching as it would require a flush time out in case there is no further data within a specified time.
There doesn't seem to be an Accumulo connector unlike for Elastic search or other alternative sinks.
I thought about using a Process Function with a trigger for batch size and time interval, but this requires a keyed window. I didn't want to go down the keyed route as data looks to be very skewed, in that some keys would have a tonne of records and some would have very few. If I don't use a windowed approach, then I understand that the operator won't be parallel. I was hoping to lazily batch, so each sink only cares about numbers or an interval of time.
Has anybody got any pointers on how best to address this?
You can access timers in a sink by implementing ProcessingTimeCallback. For an example, look at the BucketingSink -- its open and onProcessingTime methods should get you started.

Can I use Aerospike as persistent layer

Aerospike is a key store database with support for persistence.
But can I trust this persistence enough to use it as an database altogether?
As I understand it writes data to memory first and then persist it.
I can live with eventual consistency, but I don't want to be in a state where something was committed but due to machine failure it never got written down to the disk and hence can never be retrieved.
I tried looking at the various use cases but I was just curious about this one.
Also what guarantee does client.put provides as far as saving of a new record is concerned.
Aerospike provides a user configurable replication factor. Most people use 2, if you are really concerned, you can use 3 or even more. Size the cluster accordingly. For RF=3, put returns when 3 nodes have written data to the their write-block in memory which is asynchronously flushed to persistent layer. So it depends on what node failure pattern you are trying protect against. If you are worried about entire cluster crashing instantly, then you may have a case for 1 second (default) worth of lost data. The one second can be configured lower as well. Aerospike also provides rack aware configuration which protects against data loss if entire rack goes down. The put goes to nodes in different racks always. Finally Aerospike provides cross data center replication - its asynchronous but does give an option to replicate your data across geo. Of course, going across geo does have its latency. Finally, if you are totally concerned about entire cluster shutdown, you can connect to two separate clusters in your application and always push updates to two separate clusters. Of course, you must now worry about consistency if application fails between two writes. I don't know of anyone who had to resort to that.

Zookeeper vs In-memory-data-grid vs Redis

I've found different zookeeper definitions across multiple resources. Maybe some of them are taken out of context, but look at them pls:
A canonical example of Zookeeper usage is distributed-memory computation...
ZooKeeper is an open source Apache™ project that provides a centralized infrastructure and services that enable synchronization across a cluster.
Apache ZooKeeper is an open source file application program interface (API) that allows distributed processes in large systems to synchronize with each other so that all clients making requests receive consistent data.
I've worked with Redis and Hazelcast, that would be easier for me to understand Zookeeper by comparing it with them.
Could you please compare Zookeeper with in-memory-data-grids and Redis?
If distributed-memory computation, how does zookeeper differ from in-memory-data-grids?
If synchronization across cluster, than how does it differs from all other in-memory storages? The same in-memory-data-grids also provide cluster-wide locks. Redis also has some kind of transactions.
If it's only about in-memory consistent data, than there are other alternatives. Imdg allow you to achieve the same, don't they?
By default, Zookeeper replicates all your data to every node and lets clients watch the data for changes. Changes are sent very quickly (within a bounded amount of time) to clients. You can also create "ephemeral nodes", which are deleted within a specified time if a client disconnects. ZooKeeper is highly optimized for reads, while writes are very slow (since they generally are sent to every client as soon as the write takes place). Finally, the maximum size of a "file" (znode) in Zookeeper is 1MB, but typically they'll be single strings.
Taken together, this means that zookeeper is not meant to store for much data, and definitely not a cache. Instead, it's for managing heartbeats/knowing what servers are online, storing/updating configuration, and possibly message passing (though if you have large #s of messages or high throughput demands, something like RabbitMQ will be much better for this task).
Basically, ZooKeeper (and Curator, which is built on it) helps in handling the mechanics of clustering -- heartbeats, distributing updates/configuration, distributed locks, etc.
It's not really comparable to Redis, but for the specific questions...
It doesn't support any computation and for most data sets, won't be able to store the data with any performance.
It's replicated to all nodes in the cluster (there's nothing like Redis clustering where the data can be distributed). All messages are processed atomically in full and are sequenced, so there's no real transactions. It can be USED to implement cluster-wide locks for your services (it's very good at that in fact), and tehre are a lot of locking primitives on the znodes themselves to control which nodes access them.
Sure, but ZooKeeper fills a niche. It's a tool for making a distributed applications play nice with multiple instances, not for storing/sharing large amounts of data. Compared to using an IMDG for this purpose, Zookeeper will be faster, manages heartbeats and synchronization in a predictable way (with a lot of APIs for making this part easy), and has a "push" paradigm instead of "pull" so nodes are notified very quickly of changes.
The quotation from the linked question...
A canonical example of Zookeeper usage is distributed-memory computation
... is, IMO, a bit misleading. You would use it to orchestrate the computation, not provide the data. For example, let's say you had to process rows 1-100 of a table. You might put 10 ZK nodes up, with names like "1-10", "11-20", "21-30", etc. Client applications would be notified of this change automatically by ZK, and the first one would grab "1-10" and set an ephemeral node clients/
The next application would see this and go for the next group to process. The actual data to compute would be stored elsewhere (ie Redis, SQL database, etc). If the node failed partway through the computation, another node could see this (after 30-60 seconds) and pick up the job again.
I'd say the canonical example of ZooKeeper is leader election, though. Let's say you have 3 nodes -- one is master and the other 2 are slaves. If the master goes down, a slave node must become the new leader. This type of thing is perfect for ZK.
Consistency Guarantees
ZooKeeper is a high performance, scalable service. Both reads and write operations are designed to be fast, though reads are faster than writes. The reason for this is that in the case of reads, ZooKeeper can serve older data, which in turn is due to ZooKeeper's consistency guarantees:
Sequential Consistency
Updates from a client will be applied in the order that they were sent.
Updates either succeed or fail -- there are no partial results.
Single System Image
A client will see the same view of the service regardless of the server that it connects to.
Once an update has been applied, it will persist from that time forward until a client overwrites the update. This guarantee has two corollaries:
If a client gets a successful return code, the update will have been applied. On some failures (communication errors, timeouts, etc) the client will not know if the update has applied or not. We take steps to minimize the failures, but the only guarantee is only present with successful return codes. (This is called the monotonicity condition in Paxos.)
Any updates that are seen by the client, through a read request or successful update, will never be rolled back when recovering from server failures.
The clients view of the system is guaranteed to be up-to-date within a certain time bound. (On the order of tens of seconds.) Either system changes will be seen by a client within this bound, or the client will detect a service outage.

Need Design & Implementation inputs on Cassandra based use case

I am planning to store high-volume order transaction records from a commerce website to a repository (Have to use cassandra here, that is our DB). Let us call this component commerceOrderRecorderService.
Second part of the problem is - I want to process these orders and push to other downstream systems. This component can be called batchCommerceOrderProcessor.
commerceOrderRecorderService & batchCommerceOrderProcessor both will run on a java platform.
I need suggestion on design of these components. Especially the below:
What is he best way to design the columns, considering performance and scalability? Should I store the entire order (complex entity) as a single JSON object. There is no search requirement on the order attributes. We can at least wait until they are processed by the batch processor. Consider - that a single order can contain many sub-items - at the time of processing each of which can be fulfilled differently. Designing columns for such data structure may be an overkill
What should be the key, given that data volumes would be high. 10 transactions per second let's say during peak. Any libraries or best practices for creating such transactional data in cassandra? Can TTL also be used effectively?
How should the rows be retrieved for processing?
How to ensure that a multi-threded implementation of the batch processor ( and potentially would be running on multiple nodes as well ) will have row level isolation. That is no two instance would read and process the same row at the same time. No duplicate processing.
How to purge the data after a certain period of time, while being friendly to cassandra processes like compaction.
Appreciate design inputs, code samples and pointers to libraries. Thanks.
Depending on the overall requirements of your system, it could be feasible to employ the architecture composed of:
Cassandra to store the orders, analytics and what have you.
Message queue - your commerce order recorder service would simple enqueue new order to the transactional and persistent queue and return. Scalability and performance should not be an issue here as you can easily achieve thousands of transactions per second with a single queue server. You may have a look at RabbitMQ as one of available choices.
Stream processing framework - you could read a stream of messages from the queue in a scalable fashion using streaming frameworks such as Twitter Storm. You could implement in Java than 3 simple pipelined processes in Storm:
a) Spout process that dequeues next order from the queue and pass it to
the second process
b) Second process called Bolt that inserts each next order to Cassandra and pass it to the third bolt
c) Third Bolt process that pushes the order to other downstream systems.
Such an architecture offers high-performance, scalability, and near real-time, low latency data processing. It takes into account that Cassandra is very strong in high-speed data writes, but not so strong in reading sequential list of records. We use Storm+Cassandra combination in our InnoQuant MOCA platform and handle 25.000 tx/second and more depending on hardware.
Finally, you should consider if such an architecture is not an overkill for your scenario. Nowadays, you can easily achieve 10 tx/second with nearly any single-box database.
This example may help a little. It loads a lot of transactions using the jmxbulkloader and then batches the results into files of a certain size to be transported else where. It multi-threaded but within the same process.
Hope it helps. BTW it uses the latest cassandra 2.0.5.