Tumblr Follow Api - api

I am trying to to add a custom Tumblr follow button to my site and I've been trying to figure out how the follow api works.
I've been using https://apigee.com/console/tumblr to test various requests and so for I can make the get requests work, but not the post requests. Specifically, I would like to be able to follow a blog.
For instance, if i want to follow mcupdate The post request should look like this
This returns 404 page not found. As do any and all variations that I can think of. Since the get requests work fine, I am assuming that the credentials that apigee.com generates are fine. Does anyone know what is the problem?


API Request URL returns "Invalid Access"

I'm trying to scrape data from a website but I have no experience with scraping or APIs except for making a Discord Bot once. So I followed the steps described here to find the API:
The Request URL in the Headers tab with the important information is this one:
When I try to open this page, like he does, it only returns:
{"RSuccess":false,"RValue":{"HttpStatusCode":400},"RMessage":"Invalid access."}
If you want to try getting the Request URL yourself, the original page I used was:
Removing the language argument doesn't seem to change anything either. So I guess there's something that detects that I'm not accessing it in a normal way. Any Ideas on how to fix this?

Rally : document.referrer is not returning complete URL

We have created a custom App using Rally SDK. We are providing link to this app in a custom field in USER story. Once we click on this link, it gets redirected to the App. Within this app, we want know from which User story it has redirected from.
For the same purpose we are making use of document.referrer. However, it only returns 'https://rally1.rallydev.com' and not the complete URL.
Based on our research, we come to know that meta tag for refferer with appropriate value has to be mentioned in the web page to get the complete URL. Which we think is not mentioned in this case.
Please correct if our understanding is wrong.
It will be very helpful if you could suggest any alternatives to achieve this.

Github API - trying to access multiple pages of /users

I am playing around with Github's API and I noticed that they allow anyone to request all users that have signed up in chronological order.
I was trying to get the second page but for some reason their pagination isn't working for me. I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong.
http://developer.github.com/v3/ Under "Pagination".
Anyone know the right way to do this?
Check out the returned HTTP headers for the https://api.github.com/users resource. Specifically, look for the Link header, which will look like this:
Link:<https://api.github.com/users?since=135>; rel="next", <https://api.github.com/users{?since}>; rel="first"
So, what you need to do is do an HTTP GET on https://api.github.com/users?since=135 to get the next page. After that, check the Link header again and you will get to the next page, etc. Also notice the provided URI template https://api.github.com/users{?since} which enables you to start at any id.

API lookup does not find thing - am I using the correct URLs?

I am currently working on a Flattr plugin for a popular open-source RSS reader (tiny tiny RSS).
I am using the lookup API for the first time and am unsure why I am getting mixed results.
So I'm unsure if I use the API correctly and want to confirm with you experts if I got something basic wrong.
First, let's see if I can come up with an API call that looks up a thing successfully. I look at the Flattr page of thing 1066706 (I can't post the whole URL here as SO only allows me two URLs for this whole post). On that page, I find the official URL which Flattr stores for that thing and look that up with the API:see here
This returns {"type":"thing","resource":"https:\/\/api.flattr.com\/rest\/v2\/things\/1066706", ... so that's good.
But it seems this method is not a sure way to test if things exist. Here is an example that doesn't work: I open the Flattr page of thing e7579b349cb7b319b28d883cd4064e1e.
That URL I find on that page is indeed the URL of that article and I don't see any other URL it might have. I look that up in the same way as above:check this
Alas, I get {"message":"not_found","description":"No thing was found"}
(I also tried both of these with encoded URLs, but got the same result. I figured this is easier to read for you.)
So, why would that second thing not be found? Thanks for any enlightenment.
The id "e7579b349cb7b319b28d883cd4064e1e" is not a real thing id but a hash that identifies a temporary thing for a not yet submitted thing - it's part of Flattr's autosubmit functionality: http://developers.flattr.net/auto-submit/
So the system is very correct in telling you that a thing for that URL doesn't exist - someone would need to flattr that thing for it to become submitted for real and created in the system with a real id to it.
(Just for reference - for some URL:s, like Twitter URL:s, Flattr can actually answer that the URL is flattrable even though it can't find it in the system: {"message": "flattrable", "description": "Thing is flattrable "} That way you can now that it is possible to flattr that thing without you having to use any kind of flattr-button/url supplied by the author to be able to flattr the URL)
Also - if you don't know it yet then for a RSS reader you should primarily be looking for rel-payment links to find out whether an entry is flattrable or not, see http://developers.flattr.net/feed/ and http://relpayment.com/

Twitter GET statuses/mentions not returning anything

I'm trying to get a user's mentions using the Twitter REST API, but I'm not getting any response when I call.
I'm basically just trying to hit the URL they specify in the link I provided. I'm trying to get mentions by a specific user.
Here are the URLs I've tried, and none of them work (they all return blank pages):
This API end-point requires authorization through OAuth. Besides all that, this API end-point doesn't accept the parameter screen_name. Full documentation of this API end point can be found here, https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/statuses/mentions
If you want to get the mentions of an entirely different person, there is no direct API for this. But you can do a search for #, this is how most apps do this.