Deploy reports to multiple folders -

I would like to deploy a project with 50 reports to different folders (about 10 folders) in report server from BIDS. The TargetFolder option in project properties is restricting to one folder .I would like to deploy all the reports at one time. Few blogs suggested using VB script to create folders on the fly and deploy reports to respective folders. I am not aware of VB script or the process. Can any only please explain the steps or any alternative solution?

I would create use the VS Configuration Manager (via Project / Properties) to create 10 Configuration entries (copies of your current Config). Each Configuration would point to a separate folder.
Then to deploy, you can just change the Configuration, right-click the Project (or selected objects) and Deploy.


VSTS build doesn't pickup the dacpac file (hosted agent in cloud)

I'm trying to use VSTS to deploy into my database, the problem is in one of the steps I need to pick up the dacpac file and deploy it to the Azure SQL server but it fails:
in that step, I'm using "Execute Azure SQL: DacpacTask" which is provided by Microsoft in VSTS.
there is a filed to do it which is called "DACPAC File" and the documentation said to use it like this:
but it gave me the below error:
No files were found to deploy with search pattern
so I did a cheating and put the below value in it:
it does work but obviously, it won't work forever as I need to use an environment variable, something like :
any suggestion?
I've had this same problem. I wasn't able to find detailed documentation, but from experimenting, this is what I found.
I'm assuming that your DACPAC is created as part of a Build Solution task. After the build completes and the DACPAC is created, it exists in a sub-folder of the $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) directory.
Apparently, the Azure SQL Database Deployment task cannot access the $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) folder. So the file must be copied somewhere where it can be accessed. So here's what I did:
The Visual Studio Build task builds the solution, including the DACPAC. The resulting DACPAC is placed in a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) sub-folder.
Add a Copy Files task as your next step. The Source Folder property should be "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)". The Contents property should be "**/YourDacPacFilename.dacpac". The Target folder should be $(build.artifactstagingdirectory). The "**/" tells VSTS to search all subfolders for matching file(s).
Add an Azure SQL Database Deployment task to deploy the actual DACPAC. The DACPAC file will be in the $(build.artifactstagingdirectory).
I had the same problem and I solved it by removing the old artifact from the release and adding it again to take the correct alias of the new artifact.
That's why the Azure SQL Database Deployment task says it doesn't have access to the $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) folder, the artifact has changed and you must make sure you're using the new one that is saved in the azure pipeline.

How to share settings with Run cunfigurations (like inheritance)

I have configurated about 100 different Run configurations in my node project. recently was introduced into the project some environment variables
How to share the same info between all run configurations without edit one by one
There is no way to perform such an operation in the IntelliJ IDEA UI. However, the run configurations are stored as .xml files under the .idea directory in your project root. You can run a batch operation on these files to make the changes you need.

TFS Build dropping extra files including csproj in target folder

I have an automated build process set up to run from a build definition in TFS, which publishes a web application and generates/executes a database project script successfully via publish profiles that are passed as msbuild arguments in the build process definition. Everything is now running as expected except that several unnecessary files are being deployed to the target folder, including the .csproj file, all of the config transforms, and the properties folder which contains all of my publish profiles.
This is strange because 1. It's definitely not including ALL files/folders and mostly appears to be including ones used by the publish profile like transforms, while applying the transform correctly and excluding any explicitly excluded file (as defined in the pubxml), and 2. The process works perfectly if I do it by publishing from the project in Visual Studio 2013. I have the profile configured to only include files needed by the application, and I've confirmed in the csproj file that this property is there.
I tried excluding the properties folder from deployment in the pubxml file, but this causes the build to crash because it can't find the assembly file. What I've gathered is that the process is keeping all files it needs to complete the build, and dropping all of those files in my destination folder. FWIW, I'm using the "file system" method and I'm not sure yet if web deploy will make a difference. I haven't been able yet to connect to the target server with web deploy, but that's a separate problem to solve. Is there something in the build that I can configure so that my destination folder has only the files it needs to run the application, and not the files needed to BUILD the application?
FYI I also have not been using a drop folder, I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not but that might be the only thing I haven't tested as it doesn't seem necessary since I'm using a publishprofile and don't want to use the default tfs build configuration.
I found a solution that works well enough, after reading this:
This was a little uglier solution than I wanted, since it requires hard-coding the names of excluded files, but it does the trick and only requires identifying the files and folders in one location instead of altering a publish profile for each target environment. I created a wpp.targets file and used the ExcludeFromPackageFolders and ExcludeFromPackageFiles elements to identify the extra files. Ironically, if I don't also name the wpp.targets file in the exclude element, THAT file is included in my package. It's possible MSDeploy doesn't have the same issues with TFS as filesystem, but after spending half a day trying to work through a different set of issues and permissions workarounds, we decided that file system is a cleaner publishing method.

I would like to have my AssemblyVersion in my deployment package name

I am using MSbuild to create a deployment package (simply copying various files from the projects in my solution to different folders) I would like the root folder to be of the format
How can I get MSbuild to put the Assembly number in the folder name automatically?
The solution has a great deal of projects in it (too many really) they all get their version number from a SharedAssemblyInfo.cs file that is manually updated but in the fullness of time will pick up the svn build number (but that is a job for later)
I am building using an external .bat file that calls a custom written .targets/.proj setup that simply calls msbuild on the .sln of the solution.
The 'create package' step I am trying to create happens after a succesful build and will eventually be run by our CI framework, however I would like to be able to run it locally too.
I have created a "CreatePackage" target that does the copying that I want, however it is currently into a fixed folder. I need the folder name to reflect the AssemblyVersion of one of the final dll's.
If there is a better way then I want to know about it... but I am going to use this I think
MSBuild Task to read version of dll

TFS 2010 Build Publish via file system

I've got a fairly large MVC2 project in TFS which gets built automatically on checkin (Continuous Integration)
At present, the fully built version is dumped on a network share on our dev IIS server. \\Server\wwwrootLatest
TFS of course creates lots of sub-folders since it's just doing a build, it isn't even aware that it's drop directory is a wwwroot.
This means that to actually USE the build, we need to go and manually create an IIS App which points at the appropriate directory - which defeats the whole object of the exercise.
When we do a manual publish to that server, we use "File System" as the method and just overwrite the files in the UNC share \\Server\wwwroot
(When publishing to other environments, we use full-on MSDeploy.)
What I'd like to do is convince TFS to do a "File system" publish after the build completes and duplicate what we do on a manual publish eg:
Drop directory is \\Server\Build which would result in something like \\Server\Build\Project\Date.Rev\
After that is complete, we want it to publish to \\Server\wwwrootLatest - we can then set up the App once which will always contain the latest version but will still have a full history if required.
The only examples I've been able to find use MSBuild commands in the build definition (fine) but all use MSDeploy to do a full-on publish. I'm not sure how to automate what I want to do
Any help appreciated.
In your drop folder a folder named _PublishedWebsites is generated automatically. It contains files you need to put in wwwroot. You can use CopyDirectory build activity to copy them automatically.