Wait until ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll finishes - VBA - vba

I have a sub that calls on ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll to bring new data in from an XML source, and then performs multiple modifications to it. The problem is that not enough time is given for the RefreshAll command to finish, so the following subs and functions end up not executing correctly, which result in repeated rows not being correctly erased.
I have tried using Application.Wait and the Sleep function, but they seem to pause the refresh process too. I simply want the rest of the code to wait until the refresh process finishes before executing the rest of the code.
Any ideas on how to implement this? Right now I was only able to fix it by not calling on RefreshAll, which gives me the idea of implementing a second flow to be executed afterwards, but that's not a good workaround.
Please let me know if any of this wasn't clear. Thanks
So I tried a few suggestions from the posts below, and this is what I was able to come up with.
Doing a "record macro" and then UNCHECKING the "Enable background refresh" in the table properties did not result in anything. I did a refresh as well afterwards. This was the result of the recorded macro:
With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("XMLTable")
.Name = "XMLTable"
.Description = ""
End With
The class ActiveWorkbook.Connections does NOT have a BackgroundQuery option so that I can set it to False. Any ideas?
Just to be clear. This is an XML file hosted on a website which Excel goes and imports into a table. I then call that data into a pivot and other things. The goal here is to allow the import process from the website to the table to finish BEFORE executing any other commands.
After a little more research, I have found this page: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/564959-execute-code-after-data-connection-refresh-finished.html
It appears that an XML type of connection does not have a BackgroundQuery boolean. That option is only available for ODBC and OLEDB connections, which are types xlConnectionTypeODBC and xlConnectionTypeOLEDB, respectively. The XML connection I am using is of type xlConnectionTypeXMLMAP which does not have a BackgroundQuery option.
Does anyone have any idea on where to go from here? The only solution I have in mind right now is to make two seperate macro buttons on the excel sheet, one for refreshing and one for data modification, but I'd rather keep that option to the very last.

I had the same issue, however DoEvents didn't help me as my data connections had background-refresh enabled. Instead, using Wayne G. Dunn's answer as a jumping-off point, I created the following solution, which works just fine for me;
Sub Refresh_All_Data_Connections()
For Each objConnection In ThisWorkbook.Connections
'Get current background-refresh value
bBackground = objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery
'Temporarily disable background-refresh
objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = False
'Refresh this connection
'Set background-refresh value back to original value
objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = bBackground
MsgBox "Finished refreshing all data connections"
End Sub
The MsgBox is for testing only and can be removed once you're happy the code waits.
Also, I prefer ThisWorkbook to ActiveWorkbook as I know it will target the workbook where the code resides, just in case focus changes. Nine times out of ten this won't matter, but I like to err on the side of caution.
EDIT: Just saw your edit about using an xlConnectionTypeXMLMAP connection which does not have a BackgroundQuery option, sorry. I'll leave the above for anyone (like me) looking for a way to refresh OLEDBConnection types.

Though #Wayne G. Dunn has given in code. Here is the place when you don't want to code. And uncheck to disable the background refresh.

DISCLAIMER: The code below reportedly casued some crashes! Use with care.
according to THIS answer in Excel 2010 and above CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone halts macros until refresh is done

You must turn off "background refresh" for all queries. If background refresh is on, Excel works ahead while the refresh occurs and you have problems.
Data > Connections > Properties > (uncheck) enable background refresh

Here is a solution found at http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/510011-fails-activeworkbook-refreshall-backgroundquery-%3Dfalse.html:
Either have all the pivotcaches' backgroundquery properties set to False, or loop through all the workbook's pivotcaches:
For Each pc In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
pc.BackgroundQuery = False
this will leave all pivotcaches backgroundquery properties as false. You could retain each one's settings with:
For Each pc In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
originalBGStatus = pc.BackgroundQuery
pc.BackgroundQuery = False
pc.BackgroundQuery = originalBGStatus

This may not be ideal, but try using "Application.OnTime" to pause execution of the remaining code until enough time has elapsed to assure that all refresh processes have finished.
What if the last table in your refresh list were a faux table consisting of only a flag to indicate that the refresh is complete? This table would be deleted at the beginning of the procedure, then, using "Application.OnTime," a Sub would run every 15 seconds or so checking to see if the faux table had been populated. If populated, cease the "Application.OnTime" checker and proceed with the rest of your procedure.
A little wonky, but it should work.

Try executing:
I use it in a worksheet in which control buttons change values of a dataset. On each click, Excel runs through this command and the graph updates immediately.

This worked for me:
When you save the workbook it's necessary to complete the refresh.

Here is a trick that has worked for me when some lines of VBA code have trouble executing because preceding lines haven't completed doing their thing. Put the preceding lines in a Sub. The act of calling the Sub to run those lines may help them finish before subsequent lines are executed. I learned of this trick from https://peltiertech.com/ and it has helped me with timing issues using the Windows clipboard.

If you're not married to using Excel Web Query, you might try opening the URL as a separate Workbook instead. Going that route lets you work on the resulting data once the web request completes, just like if you turn off "Enable background refresh."
The nice thing is though, Excel displays a progress bar during the request, instead of just freezing up / showing a load message in the destination cell.
See my answer on this question: How can I post-process the data from an Excel web query when the query is complete?
The tradeoff of that approach is you have to manage processing the data you get back yourself - Excel won't put it in a given destination for you.
We ended up going this route after we tried something pretty similar to what you seem to have been doing.

I was having this same problem, and tried all the above solutions with no success. I finally solved the problem by deleting the entire query and creating a new one.
The new one had the exact same settings as the one that didn't work (literally the same query definition as I simply copied the old one).
I have no idea why this solved the problem, but it did.

I tried a couple of those suggestions above, the best solution for me was to disable backgroundquery for each connection.
With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Query - DL_3").OLEDBConnection
.BackgroundQuery = False
End With

For Microsoft Query you can go into Connections --> Properties and untick "Enable background refresh".
This will stop anything happening while the refresh is taking place. I needed to refresh data upon entry and then run a userform on the refreshed data, and this method worked perfectly for me.

I have had a similar requirement. After a lot of testing I found a simple but not very elegant solution (not sure if it will work for you?)...
After my macro refresh's the data that Excel is getting, I added into my macro the line "Calculate" (normally used to recalculate the workbook if you have set calculation to manual).
While I don't need to do do this, it appears by adding this in, Excel waits while the data is refreshed before continuing with the rest of my macro.

For me, "BackgroundQuery:=False" did not work alone
But adding a "DoEvents" resolved problem
.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False

I know, that maybe it sounds stuppid, but perhaps it can be the best and the easiest solution.
You have to create additional Excel file. It can be even empty.
Or you can use any other existing Excel file from your directories.
'Excell is waiting till Refresh on first file will finish'
Workbooks("Any_file.xlsx).Close False
or use this:
Workbooks("File_where_you_have_to_do_refresh.xlsx").Close True
It's working properly on all my files.

What I've done to solve this problem is save the workbook. This forces it to refresh before closing.
The same approach works for copying many formulas before performing the next operation.


VBA execution flow interrupted unexpectedly

Context of the problem
I'm developing a new feature for an HMI using Factory Talk View Studio 7.00.00 (CPR 9 SR 6) and VBA 6.5.
I have two displays: ma1_header and ma2_header and, as many of you know, in Factory Talk View Studio (I'm going to call it as FTV for brevity from now on) each display has a dedicated DisplayCode.
A Display code can be seen as the VBA code behind an Excel file that stays open as long as its excel file. From this point of view, the VBA code bounded to a display in FTV has the same behaviour of a VBA project in excel, so it's closed when the graphic display it's closed by the user or from code.
Another important point in order to understand the problem is that when a generic display in FTV called A is opened in Replace mode with at least one pixel that overlaps another display B, the display B is closed with its VBA code. Take in mind that ma1_header and ma2_header are always opened in Replace mode.
Problem description
That said, now I'm going to describe the problem that I found.
The VBA code bounded to ma1_header and ma2_header is mostly the same (the differences are pointed out in the following schema) and it performs some init actions on display start and after those it runs a procedure called ScheduleCheck. This procedure updates some UI components and it evaluates some conditions in order to determine if it's time to show ma2_header (ma1_header if the code it's executed behind ma2_header), then it recalls itself.
The command that opens a display is not executed directly from VBA, its executed asynchronously outside VBA. In fact VBA for some actions like: "Show a display", "Set tags values", etc. can uses a library that enables it to tell to a FTV service (that also can be used with a command line tool) to perform a list of these actions (1 command or more transmitted at time).
When a user starts a FTV client the ma1_header is shown first with some others displays which compose the user interface.
In ma1_header, when the opening conditions for ma2_header are satisfied and it's opened, the problem comes out. Let's proceed now with a step by step description of the VBA state, in order to be as clear as possible on the problem:
In ma1_header the opening conditions are satisfied and the asynchronous command that shows ma2_header is excuted. Note that for the moment ma1_header vba is still open.
When ma2_header start opening the code it's executed without any problem till the wait procedure. The wait procedure is written as follow:
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Sub wait(lMillSec As Long)
Dim lT2 As Long
Dim lT1 As Long
On Error GoTo errHandle
Const strMethod = "wait"
MsgBox "wait - 1"
lT1 = GetTickCount
lT2 = lT1
While lT2 - lT1 < lMillSec
lT2 = GetTickCount
If Err.Number Then
LogDiagnosticsMessage "VBA: Display " & Me.Name & " in Method " & strMethod
End If
End Sub
The execution of the wait procedure proceed without any problems until the DoEvents command on the 18th rows. When DoEvents it's executed the ma1_header has the time to close itself definitively (even its vba code) then the vba flow in ma2_header seems to stops here without any error. Due to this the ScheduleCheck can't recall itself.
Ugly solution 1
Currently I found what I call an ugly solution that let code works.
When ma1_header is open, the ma2_header opening will force the close of ma1_header that , as I explained before, is completed only when DoEvents is executed.
I tried to transmit this new list of commands to the FTW tool when the ma2_header need to be shown:
Pause 1;
With the new approach I close the ma2_header, then I wait (in the FTV tool, not in VBA) for 1 second with the command "Pause 1;" then I open ma1_header when I'm reasonable sure that ma1_heder is closed thanks to the pause command.
In this way the ma2_heder periodically executes the procedure ScheduleCheck without strange execution interruption.
I don't know why this solves my problem, so I'd like to understand why it works and which is the cause of this problem in order to find a better solution.
Ugly solution 2
I found another ugly solution, but as before I'm not satisfied because I would like to know way my current code has this problem (for me solving a problem without knowing what is the cause it's a defeat as a programmer).
I've created the following new tag on the Tag server of FTV
I've created the following new event on FTV:
I've added a string display containing the new tag Tick in ma1_header and in ma2_header
Now, in VBA, I can use the Change event of this string display in order to execute the same code contained in ScheduleCheck (obviously without the wait with DoEvents loop) each time this string display changes (each second).
Any clarification on the problem or a better solution would be really appreciated.

How to check the CURRENTLY OPEN excel file is open in read only mode?

OPENING: I've been digging around for a long time looking at some of the answers to the questions here. I hope my Google-fu isn't getting rusty but I couldn't find anything helpful. I've tried what I have found with no luck.
PROBLEM: I have a document that is used by more then one user. The short vesion is the document ends up in Read Only mode one way or another and they forget its Read Only (or they just press the Okay button and dont read the warning). You can still operate everything in the worksheet as normal.
Through normal operation of the worksheet and the Macros the Workbook will auto save on completion of the Macro.
Is there any way to check (with the worksheet open) that the version you have is open in Read Only mode? I'd like to introduce code to prevent the use of the main function (disable the workbook macro) while using it in Read Only.
IDEAL SOLUTION: Have a function I could call to check the Read Only Status of the workbook.
Public Function ReadOnlyMode () as Bool
'Code that I don't know how to write for the funtion
return True/False
End Function
Use the following to test
If ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly Then 'If True
See .ReadOnly property description.
Workbook.ReadOnly Property (Excel)
Returns True if the object has been opened as read-only. Read-only
Boolean .

Directly referencing userform entry in VBA instead of passing value to a variable

folks. I am new to programming, but I am writing some macros to help manage a shared Excel workbook for my job.
I am implementing a few different user roles for people who need to access this workbook. The security is not very critical, just to prevent people from accidentally making (and saving) changes to things they shouldn't be. I am just having a UserForm prompt for the password and, based on what's entered, grant the proper access.
I have it written so that the user's entry into textbox on the UserForm is referenced directly as Me.textboxPasswordEntry.Value for any comparisons. It occurs to me that this may not be best practice, but I can't put my finger on why. Maybe I'm just over thinking? At the same time, it seems silly and wasteful to declare a variable, pass the value to the variable, and then analyze that.
The Sub below is from the UserForm, and I've included it to show you what I mean. This is a very straight-forward scenario, I know, but am I courting trouble if I continue this practice through more complex ones? If so, what kind of problems might I run into?
Private Sub buttonOK_adminPW_Click()
'The subs SetUserType_[level] are in the ChangeUserType module
'AdminPass and DesignPass are module-level variables set on UserForm initialization
'Default user type is User. Read-only access.
'Admins can edit the workbook, but must save via a macro to ensure
' things are reset properly for Users (some sheets hidden, etc.)
'Designers can edit the workbook, but also have full ability to save using
' the regular file menu/ctrl+s/etc.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Select Case Me.textboxPasswordEntry.Value
Case AdminPass
'Shows right control buttons and unlocks the wkbk for admin access
Unload Me
Case DesignPass
'Shows all control buttons and unlocks the wkbk for designer access
Unload Me
Case Else
MsgBox ("Password incorrect. Please retry.")
With Me.textboxPasswordEntry
.Value = ""
End With
End Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Yeah I've also pondered over "best practise" with userforms over the years... I guess it's just through experience that I use approach below most often:
Use as little code as possible in the userform itself (thinking
is, the form is more "reusable" if it does as little as possible
back to its parent... its reason for existance is just to get input)
Do use code on the "activate" event of the form to clear all the
fields on the form (this makes sense to be in the form because then
you don't need to remember every control on the form to clear at
every point you use it)
Either directly reference objects from
the form in your calling code (i.e. stPassword =
userform1.tbPassword.value) or...
Use "public" variables in the
userform ... i.e. before all code in userform declare "public stPasswordInput as string" then you can reference in your calling code with e.g. stPassword = userform1.stPasswordInput
I'm keen to see what other people suggest though!

Strange / unstable behaviour on CreatePivotTable()

I am writing VBA code to automate some processes in Excel and I am encountering a very strange behavior for which I have not been able to find documentation / help.
I have a procedure MAJ_GF that first executes function GF.Update, checks the result, and then launches procedure GF.Build (which basically takes the data obtained by GF.Update from different worksheets and does a bunch of stuff with it).
At some point, this "bunch of stuff" requires using a pivot table, so GF.Build contains the following line:
Set pvt = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, _
"'source_GF'!R1C1:R" & j & "C" & k).CreatePivotTable("'TCD_GF'!R4C1", "GFTCD1")
The strange behavior is this:
when I run MAJ_GF, VBA properly executes GF.Update, then launches GF.Build, and stops at the line described above complaining "Bad argument or procedure call"
when I manually run GF.Update, then manually run GF.Build, everything goes smoothly and GF.Build does what it has to do from beginning to end with no errors
even stranger, when I set a break-point on the incriminated line, run MAJ_GF then VBA pauses on the line as expected, and when I say "Continue"... it just continues smoothly and with no errors !
I turned this around and around and around, double-checked the value of every variable, and this just makes no sense.
Ideas anybody?
Few ideas come to my mind:
There's still some update going on in the background. Try DoEvents and Application.Wait before the line you mentiond
Also check, if any data connections are able to update in the background - if so disable the background refresh
Very rarely (usually in older version and when involving Charts), unhiding the Excel window (in case you used Application.Visible = False and enabling ScreenUpdating helped..
Are you using any "exotic" references/add-ins? Disable them and see if the problem persists.
Try restarting your machine
Not that I'm too optimistic that either will solve your problem - but give it a try! Best of luck!

.Select, .Activesheet, .Activecell etc...

For this question, I refer to the post below to clarify myself:
Why is my conditional format offset when added by VBA?
In many, many posts I see these days, OP's are silently allowed to use .Activate, .Select, .Offset, etc... while they are an open door to potential bugs (most often caused by the end users).
The code is sometimes even supported.
My question: Is there one valid situation where you would use any of these statements without direct alternatives being available that catch typical bugs resulting from these stmts?
I'm referring to dynamic solutions that in my opinion are a must when developing for Excel.
Personally, in more than 6 years I can't remember a single case where I needed it; it seems always to be one of the the worst options available. In my previous company, it was a silent rule never to use it and it only made my VBA life (and that of the end user) better.
Why I create this question is because I think that it is worthful to make newcomers into VBA aware of the risks they take when using these statements (by experience proven risks when the End Users do something unexpected - in the end they don't have any affection with VBA) and to propose direct alternatives (I won't state I always did that before myself, but I feel in my gut that there is something wrong with just offering quick solutions on already bug monsters).
I believe that when silently allowed (which it automatically enhances in this case), starting VBA developers will create a growing amount of tools the wrong way (and thus also newcomers will inherit the behaviour - which they will also learn from Stack Overflow since Google returns the results they look for (!)).
If the developer is not aware why he "can" use a "select" and in which situations it is a potential bug, (s)he should never use it imho. Personally I might use the select stmt in the immediate window to do some quick checks on dynamic range definition (bug mode), but not in written code.
The result makes VBA in the end even more unpopular than it is already; the language will be made the victim in case trouble appear (yet it is imho still the "best" programming support available for the Excel and Access applications). I've seen this happen too many times in a large company where VBA is always "shit".
This is only my own honest experience.
It is not a question of being right or wrong; I am interested in hearing your point of view on the question.
I agree about Select and Activate, but not ActiveWorkbook, ActiveSheet, and ActiveCell (I agree that they are abused, but not that they should be avoided, per se). There are definitely legitimate uses for those. I have a program that automates a "fill series" that does so from the ActiveCell. My program can't predict what cells will be used; it's up the user to select it. That's part of the user interface.
However, there are three situations where I have had to use Select (now four that I read about zoom, but I don't ever use it).
Conditional Formatting. There is a work around using Application.ConvertFormula, but it's worse than just storing the selection, selecting the right cell, doing the deed, and reselecting the previous selection.
Data Validation. Same reason.
Shapes. I wish I could remember the details, but it's been too long since I've worked with Shapes. There was something I couldn't do without selecting the shape first.
Ridding code of Select and Activate is a noble fight.
There are a few methods in Excel that require Activate or ActiveSheet/ActiveWorkbook etc as I've been caught with a gotchas on occasion. The only one I can remember at the moment is the zoom property. Zoom affects only the sheet that's currently active in the window so to zoom all sheets you would need something like
Sub SetZoom()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.screenupdating = false
For Each ws In Worksheets
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 80
Next ws
Application.screenupdating = true
End Sub
You can use .Select to determine what a user's view is after running code - for example if you create a new workbook in your code, without using Activate or Select your user may not know this happens.
I frequently end a long operation creating a new workbook or other largescale data manipulations with
Just to inform the end user about something - "oh, this created a new workbook of reports!" etc.
I think it is important in this matter to distinguish some:
Active-something: Only use this if it is absolutely necessary to know what the user is handling right now. In my experience, this is usually Data Validation or Active Sheet Detection (e.g. "Update the Sheet where the user just pressed a button").
Selection: Somewhat the same as Active, only use readingly. Userful either for Data Validation, or for gimmicks like "Interpret the cell value as path and open it in a new Explorer Window".
Select, Activate: Imho different from Selection, as it actually changes the selected Cell, Sheet etc. Never ever use this to read or write data, since it enables a user to mess up your program by just clicking. Users love to click. Only use this to Zoom (see answer by #user3357963) or clean up a view after your code has finished working (see answer by #enderland). (I'm not sure, but I think handling the PageView also requires ActiveSheet).
Select, Activate the 2nd: If you are new to VBA and are learning via Macro Recorder, you will find a lot of code generated like this:
First Range("A5").Select, then Selection.Value="NewValue". Join this to Range("A5").Value="NewValue".
Offset: Personally, I don't have a problem using .Offset() - I never encountered problems with this command. Instead, I think it's a handy way of saying "The cell next to this" without having to go through "This cell's sheet at this cell's row and column+1" every time.
In many, many posts I see these days, OP's are silently allowed to use .Activate, .Select, .Offset, etc...
I agree with this. Even though it's easier to just give the necessary answer to make a piece of code work, the use of ActiveCell.Value and the like should be discouraged. This will be much easier if there's a well explained Thread to link to, as this here is hopefully becoming :-)
From my perspective, with few exceptions, the only time you should use Select is as a user input, and only then after careful consideration of alternative design/UI requirements.
For example, I'd say it's generally not advisable to rely on Selection to let user define a Range object when this method keeps execution within the code:
Dim myRange as Range
Set myRange = Application.InputBox("Select your range", Type:=8)
However, if you need to prompt users to select a particular shape or object on the worksheet, then maybe it's better to let them make a Selection (however, this can open up a Pandora's Box of problems without good error-handling and logic to prevent undesired user actions...).
Here is an example of one such exception that I have in PowerPoint. I have some RibbonUI XML and VBA that adds buttons to the Shapes right-click context menu in PowerPoint, and adds similar buttons to the Ribbon itself. These are seamless UI that give the end-user a more "native" experience with the application -- users want to be able to right-click the chart and then run some macro procedures against that selected chart or table, etc. They don't want to press a button to open up a user form and scroll through a listbox of generic shape names or GUIDs.
The procedure code needs to examine the Selection in order to handle it properly so I can use something like below, where
Sub UpdateOrEditSelection(update As Boolean)
'This procedure invoked when user edits/updates a chart.
Dim uid As Variant
Dim sel As Selection
Dim s As Integer
Dim chartsToUpdate As Object
Dim multipleShapes As Boolean
Dim sld As Slide
Set sel = ppPres.Windows(1).Selection
If update Then
Set chartsToUpdate = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Select Case sel.Type
Case ppSelectionShapes
For s = 1 To sel.ShapeRange.count
uid = sel.ShapeRange(s).Name
Case ppSelectionSlides
For Each sld In sel.SlideRange
For s = 1 To sld.Shapes.count
uid = sld.Shapes(s).Name
Case ppSelectionText
s = 1
If sel.ShapeRange(s).HasTable Or sel.ShapeRange(s).HasChart Then
uid = sel.ShapeRange(s).Name
End If
End Select
Where does it come from?
The Macro Recorder. Essentially, this feature records every literal user input: scrolling, selecting, viewing, activating, default properties, etc., to the point of overkill. While this is sometimes helpful, it does encourage bad code written by people who don't know that it's bad, but I will not belabor that point which has been made here:
How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros
What is better, conceptually?
Program to the objects directly. If you're merely using VBA to mimic keystrokes and mouseclicks, you're doing it wrong.
I've found when applying formatting to series data in charts, where Select is occasionally necessary. This seems IMO to be a bug with Excel and not a design feature.
Other applications (because VBA is not only Excel):
Word is a different animal, which relies a lot more on Selection object
In PowerPoint there are some sort of operations that can only be performed when the application and slide/shape are visible or otherwise in view. While you don't usually need to "select" anything, it does require more cumbersome code.
I found this snippet in my App:
Set tb = cht.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, ptLeft, tBoxTop, ptWidth, ptHeight)
And this:
'PPT requires selecting the slide in order to export an image preview/jpg
ppPres.Windows(1).View.GotoSlide sld.SlideIndex
sld.Shapes(1).Chart.Export imgPath, ppShapeFormatJPG
And this, dealing with individual Point objects:
pt.format.Line.Visible = msoTrue
pt.format.Line.Visible = msoFalse
pt.MarkerSize = pt.MarkerSize + 2
This is not an exhaustive list, just some examples of exceptions that I found. While these were from PowerPoint, the charts in PowerPoint use the same object model as Excel so I would not be surprised if some of these also need to be hacked in Excel, and Word, too.
Outlook: I don't do much with Outlook, it is a lot like Word and actually uses the Word object model in the Inspector, but what little I do with Outlook does rely on things like ActiveInspector, etc.
Neither Word or PowerPoint have a "macro recorder" anymore (actually, I think Word might but it's so damn impotent as to be useless) and by the time most people do any development in other applications, they've figured most of this out already.