Mac app NSArrayController bindings not autosaving Core Data - objective-c

I was under the impression that when using bindings (been following this tutorial despite being outdated. - You can use it to see what I'm doing) the Persistent Store would automagically save the changes you make. In fact, though it was hours ago and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm now going mad, I got it working, and when I made a change it would persist on rebuilding the app.
However, the test app I've built following the tutorial no longer saves and despite showing the changes I make within the app, they disappear once I re-run the app. I've been checking the Core Data debug menu and nothing happens when I press the "+" button which is set up to the "Add" method of my NSArrayController. I know it's accessing my data model too as my textField for the Title (again, see the tutorial so you know what I'm referring to) adopts the default text I put in the DataModel section. The only thing missing therefore is the actual saving.
So my real question is, based on the tutorial, what part of the bindings actually makes the managedObjectContext save? Is there a flag or something that isn't checked?
I don't know if it's important or not, but there were differences between the tutorial and my project, mainly that the NSArrayControllers are bound to "App Delegate"with a Model Key Path of "self.managedObjectContext". Also, I removed all the relationships in an attempt to whittle down the issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Here are some pictures that show the bindings.
How I set up the NSArrayController:
Here is how is how my Data Model Looks:
Lastly, this is how I set up the TextFields to update the NSArrayControllers:
I hope this helps to get a an ideas as to the set up.

Could you check to make sure you've copied all the Core Data boiler-plate code from the source code of the tutorial you mentioned.
Specifically this part in the App Delegate:
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender {
NSError *error;
NSManagedObjectContext *context;
int reply = NSTerminateNow;
context = [self managedObjectContext];
if (context != nil) {
if ([context commitEditing]) {
if (![context save:&error]) {
// This default error handling implementation should be changed to make sure the error presented includes application specific error recovery. For now, simply display 2 panels.
BOOL errorResult = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] presentError:error];
if (errorResult == YES) { // Then the error was handled
reply = NSTerminateCancel;
} else {
// Error handling wasn't implemented. Fall back to displaying a "quit anyway" panel.
int alertReturn = NSRunAlertPanel(nil, #"Could not save changes while quitting. Quit anyway?" , #"Quit anyway", #"Cancel", nil);
if (alertReturn == NSAlertAlternateReturn) {
reply = NSTerminateCancel;
} else {
reply = NSTerminateCancel;
return reply;
If it's there, changes will be saved when the app is terminated normally. Pressing the 'stop' button in Xcode will terminate the app immediately, without going through the method mentioned above.
My guess is that you are not going mad, but first exited the app properly and have been pressing the 'stop' button later ;).


"[GCController controllers]" does not contain any controllers that were connected prior to application launch

"[GCController controllers]" does not contain any controllers that were connected prior to application launch
I am trying to implement gamepad input on macOS using the Game Controller Framework. When invoked in my code, [GameController controllers] always returns an empty list until new controllers are connected. It never reflects gamepads connected to macOS prior to application launch, except if you disconnect them and reconnect them while the app is running. Does anyone know what I need to do to make controllers populate with pre-launch connections?
Full question
Now that Apple has added support for Xbox and Playstation controllers to the GameController framework, I'm trying to use it for gamepad input on a C++ game engine I'm developing. I'm using the framework instead of IOKit in order to "future-proof" my games to support additional controller types in the future, as well as to simplify my own input handling code.
Like many other game engines, I've foregone using NSApplicationMain() and nib files in favor of implementing my own event loop and setting up my game window programmatically. While my "Windows style" event loop appears to be working correctly, I've discovered that [GCController controllers] does not. The array it returns is always empty at launch, and will only ever reflect controllers that are connected while the game is running. Disconnecting a pre-connected controller does not trigger my GCControllerDidDisconnectNotification callback.
Here is a simplified version of my event loop:
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
// Create application
[NSApplication sharedApplication];
// Set up custom app delegate
CustomAppDelegate * delegate = [[CustomAppDelegate alloc] init];
[NSApp setDelegate:delegate];
// Activate and launch app
[NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular];
[NSApp setPresentationOptions:NSApplicationPresentationDefault];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; // Strictly speaking, not necessary
[NSApp finishLaunching]; // NSMenu is set up at this point in applicationWillFinishLaunching:.
// Initialize game engine (window is created here)
GenericEngineCode_Init(); // <-- Where I want to call [GCController controllers]
NSEvent *e;
// Pump messages
e = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: NSEventMaskAny
untilDate: nil
inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode
dequeue: YES];
if (e)
[NSApp sendEvent: e];
[NSApp updateWindows];
} while (e);
} while (GenericEngineCode_Run()); // Steps the engine, returns false when quitting.
return 0;
I've confirmed that even when using [NSApp run] instead of [NSApp finishLaunching], the behavior is the same. As best as I can tell, the problem is that there's something NSApplicationMain() does that I'm not doing, but that function is a black box -- I can't identify what I need to do to get controllers to populate correctly. Does anyone know what I'm missing?
The closest thing I could find to an explanation of this problem is this answer, which suggests that my app isn't getting didBecomeActive notifications, or that at the least, the private _GCControllerManager isn't getting a CBApplicationDidBecomeActive message. I'm not a professional macOS developer, though: I don't know if this actually applies to my situation, or how I'd go about correcting the problem if it does.
After a huge amount of time searching, I found the answer on my own. It turns out that my code wasn't the problem -- the problem was that my Info.plist file was having its CFBundleIdentifier value stripped out due to a problem with my build system. It appears that the Game Controller Framework needs the bundle identifier to correctly populate [GCController controllers] at launch. While a missing CFBundleIdentifier would have been a problem anyway, as a Windows person it didn't occur to me that the identifier might be used for things besides the App Store, so I let it slide until now.
If someone else has this problem, make sure that CFBundleIdentifier isn't missing or empty in Info.plist in your assembled app bundle. In my case with Premake, I had to manually set PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER with xcodebuildsettings so that $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) would get properly replaced in Info.plist.

Document based OSX app - Limit number of open documents to one

I'm trying to figure out how to limit my NSDocument based application to one open document at a time. It is quickly becoming a mess.
Has anyone been able to do this in a straightforward & reliable way?
I would like to be able to prompt the user to save an existing open document and close it before creating/opening a new document.
////EDIT 2
I'm now trying to just return an error with an appropriate message if any documents are opening -- however, the error message is not displaying my NSLocalizedKeyDescription. This is in my NSDocumentController subclass.
-(id)openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay:(BOOL)displayDocument error:(NSError **)outError{
if([self.documents count]){
NSMutableDictionary* dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:#"Only one document can be open at a time. Please close your document." forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:#"Error" code:192 userInfo:dict];
return nil;
return [super openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay:displayDocument error:outError];
It won't be an easy solution, since it's a pretty complex class, but I would suggest that you subclass NSDocumentController and register your own which disables opening beyond a certain number of documents. This will allow you to prevent things like opening files by dropping them on the application's icon in the dock or opening in the finder, both of which bypass the Open menu item.
You will still need to override the GUI/menu activation code to prevent Open... from being available when you have a document open already, but that's just to make sure you don't confuse the user.
Your document controller needs to be created before any other document controllers, but that's easy to do by placing a DocumentController instance in your MainMenu.xib and making sure the class is set to your subclass. (This will cause it to call -sharedDocumentController, which will create an instance of yours.)
In your document controller, then, you will need to override:
- makeDocumentForURL:withContentsOfURL:ofType:error:
- makeUntitledDocumentOfType:error:
- makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:
to check and see if a document is already open and return nil, setting the error pointer to a newly created error that shows an appropriate message (NSLocalizedDescriptionKey).
That should take care of cases of drag-and-drop, applescript,etc.
As for your additional request of the close/save prompt on an opening event, that's a nastier problem. You could:
Save off the information (basically the arguments for the make requests)
Send the -closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate:didCloseAllSelector:contextInfo: with self as a delegate and a newly-created routine as the selector
When you receive the selector, then either clear out the saved arguments, or re-execute the commands with the arguments you saved.
Note that step 2 and 3 might need to be done on delay with performSelector
I haven't tried this myself (the rest I've done before), but it seems like it should work.
Here's the solution I ended up with. All of this is in a NSDocumentController subclass.
- (NSInteger)runModalOpenPanel:(NSOpenPanel *)openPanel forTypes:(NSArray *)extensions{
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
return [super runModalOpenPanel:openPanel forTypes:extensions];
return 0;
if ([self.documents count]) {
[super closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate:self
didCloseAllSelector:#selector(newDocument:didCloseAll:contextInfo:) contextInfo:(void*)sender];
[super newDocument:sender];
- (void)newDocument:(NSDocumentController *)docController didCloseAll: (BOOL)didCloseAll contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo{
if([self.documents count])return;
else [super newDocument:(__bridge id)contextInfo];
if ([self.documents count]) {
[super closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate:self
didCloseAllSelector:#selector(openDocument:didCloseAll:contextInfo:) contextInfo:(void*)sender];
[super openDocument:sender];
- (void)openDocument:(NSDocumentController *)docController didCloseAll: (BOOL)didCloseAll contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo{
if([self.documents count])return;
else [super openDocument:(__bridge id)contextInfo];
Also, I unfortunately needed to remove the "Open Recent" option from the Main Menu. I haven't figured out how to get around that situation.

Setting NSMatrix selection programmatically causing mutex lock when trying to later get selected cell

I'm seeing a strange issue in a Mac OS X Cocoa app I'm developing w/Xcode 4.3.2 and testing on Mac OS X 10.7.5 (targeting Mac OS X 10.6): I have a basic NSMatrix radio group in my main NIB that has one outlet and one action in my main controller, but is also used in two other methods (also in the main controller). The action saves the selected tag to NSUserDefaults & enables/disables an NSTextField based on which is selected, one method is a preferences loader and so selects a cell by tag upon load, and the other method looks up it's selected tag for other logic (code samples below).
Basic stuff, but in one case (when only having selected a cell in the NSMatrix programmatically, not via clicking a radio button in the GUI), the app PWODs in a mutex lock.
The Code & Functionality
I've renamed variables & methods below, but have not changed any of the other structure of the code. passwordRadioGroup is the NSMatrix* IBOutlet.
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
// get logging up and running
[self initLogging];
// load various prefs
// ...
[self loadPasswordSettings];
- (void)loadPasswordSettings {
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
// load password settings from our prefs
NSNumber *passwordTypeTag = [defaults objectForKey:kPasswordTypeDefaultKey];
if ( passwordTypeTag != nil ) {
[passwordRadioGroup selectCellWithTag:[passwordTypeTag intValue]];
} else {
[passwordRadioGroup selectCellWithTag:kPasswordTypeRadioRandomTag];
[self selectPasswordType:passwordRadioGroup];
// ...
- (IBAction)selectPasswordType:(NSMatrix *)sender {
NSInteger tag = [[sender selectedCell] tag];
switch ( tag ) {
case kPasswordTypeRadioRandomTag:
// disable the password text field
[passwordField setEnabled:NO];
case kPasswordTypeRadioManualTag:
// enable the password text field
[passwordField setEnabled:YES];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:tag] forKey:kPasswordTypeDefaultKey];
- (NSString *)generateUserPassword {
NSString *password;
// which type of password should we be generating (random or from a specifed one)?
NSInteger tag = [[passwordRadioGroup selectedCell] tag];
switch ( tag ) {
// manual password
case kPasswordTypeRadioManualTag:
password = [passwordField stringValue];
// random password
case kPasswordTypeRadioRandomTag:
// password = randomly generated password;
return password;
When the app is launched, my main controller is sent a applicationDidFinishLaunching message which then sends the loadPasswordSettings message to itself. loadPasswordSettings then sends [[passwordRadioGroup selectedCell] tag] and sends [passwordRadioGroup selectCellWithTag:]. This works correctly and the correct radio button is selected in the GUI. It finally calls [self selectPasswordType:passwordRadioGroup (which also successfully calls [[passwordRadioGroup selectedCell] tag]) and appropriately enables/disables the text field and writes the tag back out to NSUserDefaults (usually, but not always redundant).
You can select any of the radio buttons, which sends a selectPasswordType: message to my main controller (passing it the instance of passwordRadioGroup; I've verified the memory address in the debugger and can inspect its ivars). This successfully calls [[passwordRadioGroup selectedCell] tag] and saves the tag to NSUserDefaults.
You can do the above two as many times as you like without issue. Quitting & relaunching correctly restores the radio buttons to the state you left them last, so it's definitely correctly getting the selected tag, storing it in NSUser defaults, retrieving it from NSUserDefaults, and setting the selected cell by tag on the NSMatrix.
Here's where it gets screwy:
There's another button that, when clicked, does a bunch of other work and ultimately then sends the generateUserPassword message to itself to generate a password (again, this is all in the main controller and running in the main thread). What's the first thing that it does? Calls [[passwordRadioGroup selectedCell] tag]. Fine, you can safely do that as much as you want, as illustrated above, right?
If you select one of the radio buttons, therefore changing the selected cell via the GUI and sending the selectPasswordType: message to my main controller again, yes. You will encounter no issues (although, I admit it seems a bit slow and PWODs for a second).
If you do not click on the NSMatrix after launch (so not forcing the selection/action again from the GUI), that [[passwordRadioGroup selectedCell] tag] call in generateUserPassword will immediately PWOD. If I hit the pause button in Xcode's debugger to see where it's at, it's always in psych_mutexwait (called from class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache) in the main thread. If selectPasswordType: weren't called programmatically and able to run [[passwordRadioGroup selectedCell] tag] without issue, I'd have at least some sanity left.
To reiterate, I've followed this through in the debugger and can verify that the memory address & ivars confirm that passwordRadioGroup is not being changed out from under me, nor is it being deallocated (I've tried with & without "Zombie Objects" enabled). The only references to passwordRadioGroup in my main controller are those seen above. Googling for all sorts of NSMatrix/radio/selectCellWithTag/selectedCell/selectedTag/class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache/mutex terms/combinations has not been fruitful.
Any solutions, troubleshooting suggestions, or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Slaps for stupidity also welcome, if deserved.

Cocoa app behaves diffirently with breakpoint on & off

Important update: I found out that most part of my question was based on a false premise (see my answer below). Notifications actually got to the receiver, they just got there too fast. (Although, it still doesn't explain why the behavior with breakpoint and without it was different.)
I'm developing the app that calculates the hashes of files given to it. The calculation takes place in SHHashComputer. It's an abstract class (well, intended to be abstract, as there are no abstract classes in Objective C) that takes the file path and creates an NSInvocationOperation. It, in turn, calls the method (void)computeAndSendHash, which uses the file path saved in the object to compute hash and sends it as notification. The actual computing takes place in (NSString*)computeHash method that child classes need to override.
Here's SHHashComputer.m:
- (NSString*)computeHash {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"unimplemented hash for file %#", self.path];
- (void)computeAndSendHash {
NSString *result = [self computeHash];
NSString *notificationName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:notificationName
self.operation = nil;
And here's SHMD5Computer.m (the child class of SHHashComputer):
- (NSString*)computeHash {
return #"MD5 test"; // it actually doesn't matter what it returns
I won't bother you with the receivers of notification. Let's just say that as long as I comment out the computeHash method in SHMD5Computer.m everything works just fine: the notification with text "unimplemented ..." is received & displayed in GUI. But if I don't — then it gets really interesting.
If I don't set up any breakpoints, the notification just never comes. However, if I set up a breakpoint at the declaration of computeHash in SHMD5Computer.h and then step over until the line 'self.operation = nil', and continue execution at that point, the notification gets to destination. If I don't stop there, the debugger suddenly switches to the state as if it isn't debugging anything, and the app freezes.
I don't think that 'WTF' is a good form for a question here, so let me put it this way: am I missing something? Are there errors in my code? What can cause this type of behavior in xcode? How can I fix this?
(If you'll want to get all my code to reproduce it, I'll gladly give it to you.)
More experiments:
If I continute execution exactly after stopping at breakpoint, the application encounters EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in the code that receives the notification, at the last line:
id newResult = [newResultNotification object];
if (newResult == nil)
[NSException raise:#"No object"
format:#"Expected object with notification!"];
else if (![newResult isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[NSException raise:#"Not NSString"
format:#"Expected NSString object!"];
self.result = (NSString*) newResult;
[self.textField setStringValue:self.result];
When I tried to reproduce the previous experiment, something even stranger happenned. In my debug setup, I have two hash computer objects: one SHMD5HashComputer (which we're talking about), and one SHHashComputer (which, of course, produces the "unimpemented" hash). In all previous experiments, as long as app didn't crash, the notification form SHHashComputer always successfully arrived. But in this case, both notifications didn't arrive, and the app didn't crash. (All the steps are exactly the same as in previous one).
As Josh Caswell pointer out in the comments, I wasn't using the notifications correctly. I should've sent the object itself as notification object, as described in documentation. I fixed that, and I'm getting exactly the same results. (Which means that I fixed it correctly, because sometimes the notifications work correctly, and also that it wasn't the problem).
More updates:
The notification that I'm sending should arrive at SHHashResultViewController. That's how I create it and register for notification:
- (id)initWithHashType:(NSString *)hashType {
self = [self initWithNibName:#"SHHashResultView" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
if (self) {
[self setHashType:hashType];
return self;
- (void)setHashType:(NSString *)hashType {
[self.label setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#:", hashType]];
_hashType = hashType;
NSString *notificationName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Actually, the question was based on a false premise. I thought that notification never came through because I never saw the information displayed in the GUI; however, my error was in the code of controllers (not published there) which made possible the situation in which the GUI first got results of hash calculation and only after that got information about a new input — which resulted in deleting all the text and activating progress animation.

NSFetchedResultsController not displaying changes from background thread

My app is using an NSFetchedResultsController tied to a Core Data store and it has worked well so far, but I am now trying to make the update code asynchronous and I am having issues. I have created an NSOperation sub-class to do my updates in and am successfully adding this new object to an NSOperationQueue. The updates code is executing as I expect it to and I have verified this through debug logs and by examining the SQLite store after it runs.
The problem is that after my background operation completes, the new (or updated) items do not appear in my UITableView. Based on my limited understanding, I believe that I need to notify the main managedObjectContext that changes have occurred so that they may be merged in. My notification is firing, nut no new items appear in the tableview. If I stop the app and restart it, the objects appear in the tableview, leading me to believe that they are being inserted to the core data store successfully but are not being merged into the managedObjectContext being used on the main thread.
I have included a sample of my operation's init, main and notification methods. Am I missing something important or maybe going about this in the wrong way? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- (id)initWithDelegate:(AppDelegate *)theDelegate
if (!(self = [super init])) return nil;
delegate = theDelegate;
return self;
- (void)main
[self setUpdateContext:[self managedObjectContext]];
NSManagedObjectContext *mainMOC = [self newContextToMainStore];
NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[center addObserver:self
[self setMainContext:mainMOC];
// Create/update objects with mainContext.
NSError *error = nil;
if (![[self mainContext] save:&error]) {
DLog(#"Error saving event to CoreData store");
DLog(#"Core Data context saved");
- (void)contextDidSave:(NSNotification*)notification
DLog(#"Notification fired.");
SEL selector = #selector(mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:);
[[delegate managedObjectContext] performSelectorOnMainThread:selector
While debugging, I examined the notification object that is being sent in contextDidSave: and it seems to contain all of the items that were added (excerpt below). This continues to make me think that the inserts/updates are happening correctly but somehow the merge is not being fired.
NSConcreteNotification 0x6b7b0b0 {name = NSManagingContextDidSaveChangesNotification; object = <NSManagedObjectContext: 0x5e8ab30>; userInfo = {
inserted = "{(\n <GCTeam: 0x6b77290> (entity: GCTeam; id: 0xdc5ea10 <x-coredata://F4091BAE-4B47-4F3A-A008-B6A35D7AB196/GCTeam/p1> ; data: {\n changed =
The method that receives your notification must indeed notify your context, you can try something like this, which is what I am doing in my application:
- (void)updateTable:(NSNotification *)saveNotification
if (fetchedResultsController == nil)
NSError *error;
if (![[self fetchedResultsController] performFetch:&error]) {
//Update to handle the error appropriately.
NSLog(#"Unresolved error %#, %#", error, [error userInfo]);
exit(-1); // Fail
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [fetchedResultsController managedObjectContext];
// Merging changes causes the fetched results controller to update its results
[context mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:saveNotification];
// Reload your table view data
[self.tableView reloadData];
Hope that helps.
Depending on the specifics of what you are doing, you may be going about this the wrong way.
For most cases, you can simply assign a delegate using NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate. You provide an implementation for one of the methods specified in "respondingToChanges" depending on your needs, and then send the tableView a reloadData message.
The answer turned out to be unrelated to the posted code which ended up working as I expected. For reasons that I am still not entirely sure of, it had something to do with the first launch of the app. When I attempted to run my update operation on launches after the Core Data store was created, it worked as expected. I solved the problem by pre-loading a version of the sqlite database in the app so that it did not need to create an empty store on first launch. I wish I understood why this solved the problem, but I was planning on doing this either way. I am leaving this here in the hope that someone else may find it useful and not lose as much time as I did on this.
I've been running into a similar problem in the simulator. I was kicking off an update process when transitioning from the root table to the selected folder. The update process would update CoreData from a web server, save, then merge, but the data didn't show up. If I browsed back and forth a couple times it would show up eventually, and once it worked like clockwork (but I was never able to get that perfect run repeated). This gave me the idea that maybe it's a thread/event timing issue in the simulator, where the table is refreshing too fast or notifications just aren't being queued right or something along those lines. I decided to try running in Instruments to see if I could pinpoint the problem (all CoreData, CPU Monitor, Leaks, Allocations, Thread States, Dispatch, and a couple others). Every time I've done a "first run" with a blank slate since then it has worked perfectly. Maybe Instruments is slowing it down just enough?
Ultimately I need to test on the device to get an accurate test, and if the problem persists I will try your solution in the accepted answer (to create a base sql-lite db to load from).