Socialengine cloud changing background color - socialengine

I am wondering whether anyone knows how to change the background color of header, body and footer?
Most of the posts were for social engine PHP. Any has a ready made CSS script I could use for that purpose?
It would be great if there is a website with a lot of premade CSS script that I could use for social engine cloud.
Thanks everyone!

Task is easy but you need some CSS skills to keep your site good looking after such editing :) Use Theme editor in the admin area (/admin/themes?file=theme.css), there are all you need for this task. Look for .layout_page_footer, #global_wrapper, .layout_page_footer (or #global_footer) CSS definition and edit it. Or add any custom CSS to the end.


How To Do A Popup Context Menu Like DroneDeploys

How can I include a popup context menu in my app, just like the ones DroneDeploy use?
What's the CSS, JS lib that you use???
I know how to do this using vanilla JavaScript, but I want it to look like yours, to keep the theme in tact!
I've looked at the source and can see you are using Angular CDK's OverlayModule to provide popups.
I'm not using Angular, so I'll have to just style the popup so it looks like you themes myself.
The doc is the best way to follow up in this case. There you can see what's possible or not. Did you see this point? Here you can follow a checklist to apply in your App and build App in Drone Deploy style. You'll need to follow another way to interact with users.

Dynamic User Interface in iOS

Im struggling with a thought here. Let's say a user has his own CMS where he can fill the content for our app. One of his options is to create a view by uploading images and typing text. Well keep it very simple and imagine he only uploads a image (320 x 20) and some text. So an image on top and some textlines below.
What would be the best way to let my app know of this layout and download the contents? I was thinking of a downloadable XML file which defines the layout but don't really know how to implement this or if its even the best way.
Oh and the content and layout must be downloadable for offline use too.
Another option what I was thinking of is showing the layout in a webview but I can't figure out how to download the mobile website for offline use.
A push in the right direction would be appreciated!
We use a custom XML and it is working good. All texts inside 'label tags' are in XHTML
remember to:
be specific when defining the xml to save some effort
write a limiting XSD! So nothing 'surprising' creeps into the xml
remember not include everything in ONE xml file as that would get rather large rather quickly. Choose a scheme for portioning the XML

It is possible to mute project name as presented in IntelliJ?

On the image below, i have a module datastore as part of the IdeaProjects project.
For display purposes, the name of the project is irrelevant for me. Is there a way i can chose to not display it?
Folder name can be hidden if you switch to the Packages view. It's not ideal as you might want to see other files as well, but I'm afraid it's the only way right now.
You are welcome to submit a request to make it configurable.

Identify the Content Carousel

Can anybody identify the carousel used on this site? It seems to work seamlessly with responsive sites and would with little css changes suit my design perfectly. The source shows something called anchorScroll.js but a search comes up with nothing.
It's a custom solution and not a plugin. Look for Application_NewsSpinner in at line :1072
But don't steal code! It's fine to get inspired but you should find your own solution or take an official plugin! Take a look at or

How to develop a webapp which allows the user to add markup to text files?

I need to develop a simple webapp that allows the user to highlight a couple of words in the file (text or HTML) that he can load from the screen, and then right-click and have some options show up to choose from.
When she chooses the option , the text of it is added to the file shown on the screen,right after the highlighted text, inside some parenthesis or similar.
Is Ruby on Rails a suitable platform for developing such an app?
Is Grails more suitable ?
(Assuming similar level of knowledge in Groovy and Ruby)
In both cases, I'd appreciate pointers to gems/libraries I should be looking into for these tasks.
I'm not 100% sure I understand your requirements, but have you considered integrating a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor into your web app? Something like CKeditor is open-source, and effective.
You could load the file into the editor and setup a custom context menu like described in part 6 of this tutorial. So when the user right clicks in the editor, the custom context menu item could be configured to facilitate the insertion you are looking to accomplish.
I agree with corroded's advice to choose a language/framework you know and can work better in, as you'll be able to achieve your desired functionality through a variety of languages/frameworks.
Best of Luck!
Find a language/framework you know and can work better in. Also, you're gonna need some javascript magicks so I suggest using jquery. Here's a link on how to do your right click action: How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery
I think the function you describe is more about client user-friendliness than server processing. I think it's can only be done with javascript/jQuery or similar tools.
Same as tmarsden, I think a good way to do that is integrating a WYSIWYG free editor. I have done it before with TinyMCE, by writing a custom plugin for this tool. If you choose using Grails as server technology, you can take a look at TinyMCE plugin for Grails.