BigQuery error in extract operation: Error processing job Unexpected. Please try again - google-bigquery

I'm having problem to extract data from bigquery to cloud storage, I´ve set a public read -write permissions on Cloud Storage, but I always receive this:
BigQuery error in extract operation: Error processing job Unexpected. Please try again.
the command I'm executing is with bq client tool:
bq extract dummy_dev.users gs://dummy_dev/some.json
Is this a known issue ?
Thanks in advance

Were streaming inserts used to populate the data in the table being extracted? If so, this may be related to the difference in data durability for streaming data and the nature of how streaming data is buffered prior to full replication.


BigQuery streaming insert from Dataflow - no results

I have a Dataflow pipeline which is reading messages from PubSub Lite and streams data into a BigQuery table. The table is partitioned by day. When querying the table with:
SELECT * FROM `` WHERE DATE(timestamp) = "2021-10-14"
The BigQuery UI tells me This query will process 1.9 GB when run. But when actually running the query I don't get any results. My pipeline is running for a whole week now and I am getting the same results for the last two days. However, for 2021-10-11 and the days before that I am seeing actual results.
I am currently using Apache Beam version 2.26 and my Dataflow writer looks like this:
return BigQueryIO.<Event>write()
.withFormatFunction(event -> createTableRow(event))
.withTimePartitioning(new TimePartitioning().setType("DAY").setField("timestamp"))
Why is BigQuery taking so long for committing the values to the partitions but at the same time telling me there is actually data available?
BigQuery is processing data and not returning any rows because its processing also the data in your streaming buffer. Data on buffer is can take up to 90 min to be committed in the partitioned tables.
Check more details in this stack and also in the documentation available here.
When streaming to a partitioned table, data in the
streaming buffer has a NULL value for the _PARTITIONTIME pseudo column.
If you are having problems to write the data from pubsub in BigQuery, I recommend you to use an template avaiable in dataflow.
Use an Dataflow template avaiable in GCP to write the data from PubSub to BigQuery:
There is an tempate to write data from a pubsub topic to bigquery and it already takes care of the possible corner cases.
I tested it as following and works perfectly:
Create a subscription in you PubSub topic;
Create bucket for temporary storage;
Create the job as following:
For testing, I just sent a message to the topic in json format and the new data was added in the output table:
gcloud pubsub topics publish test-topic --message='{"field_dt": "2021-10-15T00:00:00","field_ts": "2021-10-15 00:00:00 UTC","item": "9999"}'
If you want something more complex, you can fork from the templates code from github and adjust it for your need.

OutputDataConversionError.TypeConversionError writing to Azure SQL DB using Stream Analytics from IoT Hub

I have wired up a Stream Analytics job to take data from an IoT Hub and write it to Azure SQL Database.
I am running into an issue with one input field which is a date/time object '2019-07-29T01:29:27.6246594Z' which always seems to result in an OutputDataConversionError.TypeConversionError -
[11:59:20 AM] Source 'eventssqldb' had 1 occurrences of kind 'OutputDataConversionError.TypeConversionError' between processing times '2019-07-29T01:59:20.7382451Z' and '2019-07-29T01:59:20.7382451Z'.
Input data sample (sourceeventtime is the problem - other datetime fields also fail).
The target field in Azure SQL DB is datetime2 and the incoming value can be converted successfully by Azure SQL DB using a query on the same server.
I've tried a bunch of different techniques including CAST on Stream Analytics, and changing the compatibility level of the Stream Analytics job all to no avail.
Testing the query using a dump of the data in Stream Analytics results in no errors either.
I have the same data writing to Table Storage fine, but need to change to Azure SQL DB to enable shorter automated Power BI refresh cycles.
I have tried multiple Stream Analytics jobs and can recreate each time with Azure SQL DB.
Turns out that this appears to have been a cached error message being displayed in the Azure Portal.
On further investigation through reviewing detailed logs it appears another value that was too long for the target SQL DB field (i.e. would have been truncated) was the actual source of the failure. Resolving this removed the error.

BigQuery "Backend Error, Job aborted" when exporting data

The export job for one of my tables fails in BigQuery with no error message, I checked the job id hoping to get more info but it just says "Backend Error, Job aborted". I used the command-line tool with tis command
bq extract --project_id=my-proj-id --destination_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON 'test.table_1' gs://mybucket/export
I checked this question but I know that it is not a problem with my destination bucket in GCS, Because exporting other tables to same bucked is done successfully.
The only difference here is that this table has a repeated record field and each json can get pretty large but I did not find any limit for this on BigQuery docs.
Any ideas on what be the problem can be?
Job Id from one of my tries: bqjob_r51435e780aefb826_0000015691dda235_1

Backend error on import from Cloud Storage to BigQuery

Recently, we have begun to see a number of errors such as this when importing from Cloud Storage to BigQuery:
Waiting on job_72ae7db68bb14e93b7a6990ed628aedd ... (153s) Current status: RUNNING
BigQuery error in load operation: Backend Error
Waiting on job_894172da125943dbb2cd8891958d2d10 ... (364s) Current status: RUNNING
BigQuery error in load operation: Backend Error
This process runs hourly, and had previously been stable for a long time. Nothing has changed in the import script or the types of data being loaded. Please let me know if you need any more information.
I looked up these jobs in the BigQuery logs-- both of them appear to have succeeded. It is possible that the error you got was in reading the job state. I've filed an internal bug that we should distinguish between errors in the job and errors getting the state of the job in the bq tool.
After the job runs, you can use bq show -j <job_d> to see what the actual state of the job is. If it is still running, you can run bq wait <job_id>.
I also took a look at the front-end logs; all of the status requests for those job ids returned HTTP 200 (success) codes.
Can you add the --apilog=file.txt parameter to your bq command line (you'll need to add it to the beginning of the command line, as in bq --apilog=file.txt load ...) and send the output of a case where you get another failure? If you're worried about sensitive data, feel free to send it directly to me (tigani at google).
Thanks /
Jordan Tigani /
Google BigQuery Engineer

Getting error from bq tool when uploading and importing data on BigQuery - 'Backend Error'

I'm getting the error: BigQuery error in load operation: Backend Error when I try to upload and import data on BQ. I already reduced size, increased time between imports, but nothing helps. The strange thing is that if I wait for a time and retry it just works.
In the BigQuery Browser tool it appears like an error in some line/field, but I checked and there is none. And obviously this is a fake message, because if I wait and retry to upload/import the same file, it works.
I looked up our failing jobs in the bigquery backend, and I couldn't find any jobs that terminated with 'backend error'. I found several that failed because there were ascii nulls found in the data. (it can be helpful to look at the error stream errors, not just the error result). It is possible that the data got garbled on the way to bigquery... are you certain the data did not change between the failing import and the successful one on the same data?
I've found exporting from a big query table to csv in cloud storage hits the same error when certain characters are present in one of the columns (in this case a column storing the raw results from a prediction analysis). By removing that column from the export it resolved the issue.