"Group By" failing - ORACLE - sql

I found a dozen or so different threads that were similar to my question, but I didn't see any that addressed what I am experiencing. I have three databases that keep track of customer/sale transactions. I can join them and get the individual transactions I am looking for without a problem, but when I try to group the results by vendor_name, I get "ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression", although vendor_name is one of the columns I am selecting (which I thought was the pre-requisite). Am I overlooking something real simple here?
select tran_date,product_name,quantity,
product_price,vendor_name,quantity*product_price as total
from transactions
join products using(product_num)
join customers using(vendor_id) group by vendor_name;

"Grouping by" vendor name means that you are trying to get one record per vendor name. So, you need to specify how the other columns should be grouped/aggregated.
For example "quantity*product_price", being a number, part of what you need would be
select vendor_name, sum(quantity*product_price)
from transactions
join products using(product_num)
join customers using(vendor_id)
group by vendor_name;
The full answer to your question depends on How you want the other columns to be grouped for a given vendor name.


SQL refusing to do a join even when every identifier is valid? (ORA-00904)

Made this account just to ask about this question after being unable to find/expending the local resources I have, so I come to you all.
I'm trying to join two tables - ORDERS and CUSTOMER - as per a question on my assignment
For every order, list the order number and order date along with the customer number, last name, and first name of the customer who placed the order.
So I'm looking for the order number, date, customer number, and the full name of customers.
The code goes as such
I've done this code without the table identifiers, putting quotation marks around ORDERS.ORDR_CUSTOMER_NUMBER, aliases for the two tables, and even putting a space after ORDR_ in both SELECT & WHERE for laughs and nothing's working. All of them keep coming up with the error in the title (ORA-00904), saying [ORDERS.]ORDR_CUSTOMER_NUMBER is the invalid identifier even though it shouldn't be.
Here also are the tables I'm working with, in case that context is needed for help.
Anyway, the query that produces the result you want should take the form:
from orders o
join customer c on c.cust_customer_number = o.ordr_customer_number
As you see the query becomes a lot easier to read and write if you use modern join syntax, and if you use table aliases (o and c).
You have to add JOIN or INNER JOIN to your query. Because the data comes from two different tables the WHERE clause will not select both.
FROM Orders INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.order_Customer_Number = Customer.Cust_Customer_Number

SQL Query - select multiple rows from 2 tables

I'm new to SQL and recently saw this question, which is described on the [attached picture]
. Any suggestions on how to solve it? Thanks in advance.
In most cases such requirements are better to resolve by starting from the end. Let's try that: "have more than 3 items ... and total price".
select InvoiceId, sum(price)
from InvoiceItem
group by InvoiceId
having count(1) > 3;
This query gives you the overall price for every invoice that has more than 3 items. You might be wondering why there is that funny "having" clause and not the "where" clause.
The database executes first "from" and "where" parts of the query to get the data and only after that using aggregations (sum, count etc.) is possible, so they are to be specified afterwards.
The query above actually returns all the data from requirement, but I assume that whoever gave you this task (that was a teacher, right?) was asking you to retrieve all the data from Invoices table that correspond to the records within the InvoiceItem table that has more than 3 items and so on.
So, for now all you have left is to join the Invoice table with a query from above
select i.id, i.customername, i.issuedate, sum(it.price)
from InvoiceItem it
join Invoice i on it.invoiceid = i.id
group by i.id, i.customername, i.issuedate
having count(1) > 3;
Teacher might ask you why did you use count(1) and not count(*) or count(id) or something. Just tell him/her all these things are equal so you picked just one.
Now it should be working fine presumably. I did not tested it at all as you did not provide the data to test it on and it is late so I am pretty tired. Because of this you might needed to fix some typos or syntax errors I probably made - but hey let's keep in mind you still have to do something on your own with this task.

Sum matching entries in SQL

In this database I need to find the total amount that each customer paid for books in a category, and then sort them by their customer ID. The code appears to run correctly but I end up with approximately 20 extra rows than I should, although the sum appears to be correct in the right rows.
The customer ID is part of customer, but is not supposed to appear in the select clause, when I try and ORDER BY it, I get strange errors. The DB engine is DB2.
SELECT distinct customer.name, book.cat, sum(offer.price) AS COST
FROM offer
INNER JOIN purchase ON purchase.title=offer.title
INNER JOIN customer ON customer.cid=purchase.cid
INNER JOIN member ON member.cid=customer.cid
INNER JOIN book ON book.title=offer.title
AND member.cid=purchase.cid AND purchase.club=offer.club
GROUP BY customer.name, book.cat;
You should fix your join conditions to include the ones in the where clause (between table relationships usually fit better into an on clause).
SELECT DISTINCT is almost never appropriate with a GROUP BY.
But those are not your question. You can use an aggregation function:
GROUP BY customer.name, book.cat
ORDER BY MIN(customer.id)

Very basic SQL script with aggregate [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
"You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified aggregate function"
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
select Customers.cust_id, count(Orders.cust_id)
from Customers left outer join Orders
on Customers.cust_id=Orders.cust_id
group by Customers.cust_id
This correctly displays everything.
select Customers.cust_id, ***Customers.cust_name***, count(Orders.cust_id)
from Customers left outer join Orders
on Customers.cust_id=Orders.cust_id
group by Customers.cust_id
,,Your query does not include the specified expression 'cust_name' as port of an aggregate function."
Why is that? Each cust_id in Customers has a name in cust_name. Why do I get this error message?
When you use an aggregate function count() all other fields (that aren't used with an aggregate function) must appear in the Group By clause.
Here is my explanation as to why:
Aggregate functions operate across groups.
(That is, unless no groups or other fields are specified, in which case they operate across the whole recordset by default. For example, SELECT Sum(Salary) FROM Staff works.)
If you group by cust_id then it knows what to output, a count for each cust_id. But what would it do with the cust_name's? Which cust_name would it, or should it, display for each cust_id output? What if there are several cust_name's for a cust_id? It will only display one row for each cust_id, so what name should it display alongside it? It won't make the assumption that there is exactly one cust_name to correspond to one cust_id.
If there is one cust_name per cust_id then grouping by both will produce the same number of rows (as for cust_id alone) and provide consistent, and reliable, behaviour.
select Customers.cust_id, Customers.cust_name, count(Orders.cust_id)
from Customers left outer join Orders
on Customers.cust_id=Orders.cust_id
group by Customers.cust_id, Customers.cust_name

Using VBA to get the sum of values based on criteria from other tables?

I need to find the sum of the prices of a number of products, however the prices are stored in a different table to products that need pricing.
But, there is a catch, it needs to select these items based on criteria from a third table too.
So, I need the sum of the price of all products in Table 1 where CutID in Table 2 = 001.
Table 1 and Table 2 are linked on SCID, one to many respectively.
If this makes no sense tell me and I will try to clarify?
Bob P
Based on your question, I don't think there's a need for VBA. Excel formulas should be sufficient.
Add a few columns to your primary table. In these columns, use vlookup() to get all your information in one place, including the criteria.
If you only need to sum based on one criteria, use sumif(). If there's multiple criteria, use sumproduct().
Generally, with Access, I initially try to work with something as close a possible to a standard SQL query for ease of maintenance and portability. This ran for me in Access 2010:
SELECT Products.ProductID, Sum(Prices.Price) AS PriceSum
FROM Prices INNER JOIN (Critera INNER JOIN Products ON Critera.SCID = Products.SCID) ON Prices.ProductID = Products.ProductID
WHERE Critera.CutID="001"
GROUP BY Products.ProductID;
Please let us know if that works with your data (I'm not sure of your column names, either).