I'm using an IKPictureTaker in one of my apps, and when it opens it has four selectable tabs (Defaults, Recents, Camera, Other). I'd like it to be set to the Defaults tab when it opens up, but from the class reference it seems as though you can only open it to the Camera tab, with – beginPictureTakerSheetForWindow:withDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:, or the Recents tab, with – popUpRecentsMenuForView:withDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:.
Is there any way to programmatically set the tab it opens to?
When I put a focusable element in the shadow DOM, OSX Safari doesn't include it in the tab sequence (unlike all other browsers). The button is visible, clickable but not accessible for keyboard users. Is this a known bug? Is there a way to handle it besides making the component tabbable and forwarding focus (which seems kind of gross)?
Here's what a minimal example looks like in Safari's console
<div class="host">
Shadow Content (Open)
<button>Click me</button>
I created this example by calling .attachShadow({"mode": "open"}) on div.host then setting its .shadowRoot.innerHTML to "<button>Click me</button>"
I'm having this issue in components I created. I tested the example above in Chrome and the button is included in the tab sequence as expected.
Safari doesn't enable tab navigation by default, it must be enabled via preferences.
Tab highlights the next text field or pop-up menu. Tab also highlights
buttons and other controls if “All controls” is selected in the
Shortcuts pane of the Keyboard pane of System Preferences.
Option-Tab highlights the same items as Tab plus all other clickable
To swap the behavior of Tab and Option-Tab, turn on “Press Tab to
highlight each item on a webpage” in the Advanced pane of Safari
When I click Option-Q on an identifier to display the Quick-Documentation Popup instead of it showing up in a small dialog directly above the identifier it is showing in a large separate panel to the left.
This is suboptimal because the content is not where I wanted to look for it and because the new panel overlays the entire right side of the editor panel (and its contents).
Is there a Preferences setting for getting this to be a popup again?
Aha! There's a configuration menu that can be accessed by Right clicking on the top bar of the tool window. The first option Open as Popup is the one I wanted:
I've noticed you can pin a tab on any file in PhpStorm, what does it do? It seems I can just close the tab anyway.
tl;dr: it's use to stop the file from auto closing.
PhpStorm can limit the number of tabs you have opened at once.
When it reaches it's limit it will close tab accordingly (by default this is 10 in your settings)
To stop selected tabs from been closed, you can pin the tabs.
Probably the most useful feature - When you go to right click on a tab, close all, it will not close the pinned tabs.
Summary from the PhpStorm docs on this.
How to open url link on new tab instead of pop up in OpenERP on button click?
In V7, ctrl-clicking on most links works as expected (i.e. open link in a new tab).
In 6.1 you have to create a new tab by Ctrl-clicking on the OpenERP logo (in the top left corner), which opens a new tab with the default screen and then navigate from there to the page you need (tedious, I know...). You can also try this addon: https://code.launchpad.net/~h-jaroslav/+junk/web_tabs which opens links in tabs inside the web client tab.
First you have mark the following options from your browser preferences
"Open New window in a new Tab" and
"When I Open a link in a New Tab,switch it to immediately"
Second, you just set your mouse over to link in openerp and press Scroll key.
The page will Open/display in New Tab
I'm new to iOS development - How do I create a Safari extension that adds a new item to the "Open with" menu (the same menu where I can bookmark the page)? I'd like to share the page URL that the user is currently viewing with a third-party app.
Assuming you are using Xcode, go to your project settings, then choose your target. In the Info tab, you would add a Document Type which will associate it (doc, xls, txt, etc) with your application. If you open the item in safari, you will be presented with an option to open it in your app. In recent versions of mobile safari, I believe a bar appears at the top of the document presenting you with this option as opposed to appearing in the 'Add Bookmark' popover.
Here is some detailed information.