Where does the Adobe AIR Browser store it's cache on ubuntu? - air

I tried removing and reinstalling Adobe Air SDK. but adobe air client still getting my old login information.
This link seems to be only for Windows
Where does the Adobe AIR Browser store it's cache?

In ubuntu the location was :
A directory was there with appname
$myapp/Local Store/
db #SharedObjects
rm -rf db #SharedObjects
This worked :)


“launchPackager.command” can’t be opened

Just updated my Mac to the official release of Ventura, and I cannot launch my application via react-native run-ios.
Expected behavior:
running react-native run-ios will launch an Xcode simulator and a terminal window with Metro running.
Current behavior:
Xcode simulator opens, main terminal says app was built successfully, but an error is thrown instead of the metro terminal opening:
“launchPackager.command” can’t be opened because (null) is not allowed to open documents in Terminal.
The simulator just shows a white screen and can't be interacted with.
What I've tried:
manually opening node_modules/react-native/scripts/launchPackager.command
opens Metro terminal but is not connected to the app
warn No apps connected. Sending "reload" to all React Native apps failed. Make sure your app is running in the simulator or on a phone connected via USB.
info Reloading app...
giving Terminal full disk access (no change)
This happened to me after upgrading to macOS Ventura. I happen to use iTerm as my main terminal, not the built-in Terminal.app so the following fix only applies to that scenario:
Set iTerm as the Default Handler for *.command Files
Open node_modules/react-native/scripts/ in Finder (open node_modules/react-native/scripts/)
Right-Click on launchPackager.command and click Open With then choose Other...
In your Applications directory, select iTerm and click Always Open With
After this, you might need to run npm run ios again from this terminal window. However, from now on, Metro will open in a new iTerm tab instead of trying to open the command in a new Terminal window.
For me, this was the desired behaviour and it removed this warning.
Note In future, any *.command files will now open with iTerm instead of Terminal.
I encountered the same problem as you, I installed another terminal (iTerm2), then randomly found a .command file, and in the display introduction, changed the default opening method to iTerm2enter image description here
I'm having this issue after upgrading my MacOS to Ventura 13.1.
If you don't want to use iTerm as the accepted answer suggest, the workaround I found was to look for the launchPackager.command file inside node-modules/react-native/scripts/ and open this file manually every time you run your app for the first time (specifically when the error pop-up appears). This will open the terminal with metro running already.
I know that manually processes are not the best, but I don't want to use iTerm :)
Using Intel version of apps (Webstorm, Android Studio, other IDE etc...) fixed my problems. I encountered the same issue and thanks to Intel version of Webstorm and Xcode on Rosetta I can able to pod install and other operations.
Note: I'm using Intel version of Android Studio, WebStorm. Also Xcode uses Rosetta 2. No problem detected and everything works perfect. I can able to develop React-Native & Native Android & iOS and Flutter apps without problem. Before that I was using Silicon version of WebStorm and almost no function worked.
Config: MacBook Air, macOS Ventura 13.2 on Apple M1 processor.
For Most of the case you just have to delete node_modules and install modules again (npm i). This happens when project was copied from old mac which had node_modules folder created by the old user, or if the system thinks so
This happened to me after i configured my terminal for the look and feel - but with iterm2, oh my zsh, and powerlevel10k

Metro bundler user interface not displayed in browser (only json)

I'm a beginner React Native developer. In order to create apps faster, I use Expo 6.0.1 on Mac OS. I've installed it easily (with Yarn) and I can run my apps in browser and emulators. But I have an issue with Metro Bundler.
In the terminal, when I type w in order to access the web interface, the browser opens the app itself on port 19006. I should also be able to access the Metro Bundler UI on port 19000. But rather than having this expected UI on http://localhost:19000, I have the following kind of json displayed in the browser:
{"name":"project","slug":"project","version":"1.0.0","orientation":"portrait","icon":"./assets/icon.png","userInterfaceStyle":"light","splash":{"image":"./assets/splash.png","resizeMode":"contain","backgroundColor":"#ffffff","imageUrl":""},"updates":{"fallbackToCacheTimeout":0},"assetBundlePatterns":["**/*"],"ios":{"supportsTablet":true},"android":{"adaptiveIcon":{"foregroundImage":"./assets/adaptive-icon.png","backgroundColor":"#FFFFFF","foregroundImageUrl":""}},"web":{"favicon":"./assets/favicon.png"},"_internal":{"isDebug":false,"projectRoot":"/Users/me/Documents/projects/project","dynamicConfigPath":null,"staticConfigPath":"/Users/me/Documents/projects/project/app.json","packageJsonPath":"/Users/me/Documents/projects/project/package.json"},"sdkVersion":"45.0.0","platforms":["ios","android","web"],"developer":{"tool":"expo-cli","projectRoot":"/Users/me/Documents/projects/project"},"packagerOpts":{"scheme":null,"hostType":"lan","lanType":"ip","devClient":false,"dev":true,"minify":false,"urlRandomness":null,"https":false},"mainModuleName":"node_modules/expo/AppEntry","__flipperHack":"React Native packager is running","debuggerHost":"","logUrl":"","hostUri":"","bundleUrl":"","iconUrl":"","id":"#anonymous/project-bc40e47a-ee01-4104-9895-13fa07b1c8f4"}
I work on Mac OS with expo-cli version 6.0.1 (installed globally with Yarn) and working on Node 16.16.0.
I have already tried :
to uninstall then reinstall. With node 18.x.y and then node 16.16.0
delete the metro folder in the node_modules of the project and reinstall everything with Yarn
But no matter what I try, I can't get the UI :(
Any idea ?
Just came across your post as have the same issue but have now found out it is now excluded!
expo-cli#6.0.0 has been released with the web UI removed. The last release to include the web UI is expo-cli#

My published Expo App on Google Play still installs an old version

I uploaded a new version of my app developed with Expo to Google Play, but when users install it, it starts with the old version first and updates afterwards, while users are running it.How can I make it install the latest version? I need to mention that a deleted the previous apk in Google Play console, and it remains only one, the latest. Thank you.

Network problem after detaching my app from Expo

I detached my react-native code from Expo (v 31) because I need to use Bluetooth, and made sudo gem install cocoapods, pod setup and pod install in the ios folder.
When I run my app from Xcode, the simulator opens and displays:
There was a problem loading the requested app. It looks like you may
me be using a LAN URL. Make sure your device is on the same network as
the server or try using a tunnel
Make sure you are serving your project from XDE or exp (Could not
connect to the server)
I have found this post but it says that expoKit 2.8.2 solve the problem - but I have 2.9.0
I know it is a possible when using Expo, but I have detached it. Why does it display it ?
Do you know how to solve it ?

Electron - No desktop notifications

I've been following Gary Simon's tutorial on how to make a basic app on electron, but I can't seem to get the desktop notifications working on my computer. I'm 100% sure the code is correct because I performed npm start both on my root folder and his root folder (which I downloaded from his website, performed npm install and then npm start to run his code), but I'm getting no desktop notifications. Is there a setting on my computer that's preventing it from working?
Here is a picture of what it should look like:
I checked all my notification settings on my Windows 10 machine, but everything is turned on as far as I can see.