I have imported WLSTModule in Jython and calling:
servers = wls.ls("/Clusters/SOA_Cluster/Servers", returnMap='true', returnType='c')
having imported wlstModule as wls
This however throws an error of
File "/tmp/wlst_module26609970055824621399.py", line 197, in ls
File "/tmp/wlst_module11719639529486505305.py", line 664, in _getList
NameError: String
Having gone looked at the underlying line which is String(child).startsWith("d").
I don't think you can actually do a String cast like that?
I am using the System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes() method to read a file from the system. Whenever there is a space in the file name it throws a "Could not find a part of the path" error.
I tried adding double quotes to both ends of the path. Then it threw illegal characters in path error.
Also tried replacing space with %20. Threw illegal character error again.
How to overcome this?
My code:
Dim fpath = "D:\DOWNLOADED_FILES\Cir 14_2019.pdf"
Explorer showing file path:
System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(String.Format("""{0}""", fpath))
I am using a third-party module in Odoo to do mass label printing (https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/12.0/label/) and despite the fact that the module claims to be compatible with version 12, I am getting server errors when trying to run the pdf rendering:
Odoo Server Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/web/controllers/main.py", line 1677, in report_download
response = self.report_routes(reportname, converter=converter, **dict(data))
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/http.py", line 517, in response_wrap
response = f(*args, **kw)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/web/controllers/main.py", line 1614, in report_routes
pdf = report.with_context(context).render_qweb_pdf(docids, data=data)[0]
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_actions_report.py", line 677, in render_qweb_pdf
html = self.with_context(context).render_qweb_html(res_ids, data=data)[0]
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_actions_report.py", line 710, in render_qweb_html
data = self._get_rendering_context(docids, data)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/base/models/ir_actions_report.py", line 723, in _get_rendering_context
data.update(report_model._get_report_values(docids, data=data))
AttributeError: 'report.label.report_label' object has no attribute '_get_report_values'
It may be an error related to the change of some Odoo version (or not, I don’t really know).
Does anyone know if this attribute exist? I haven’t been able to find this information in the Odoo documentation (it doesn’t seem very complete regarding these topic).
Here are some screenshots of the configurations I’m using:
Thank you for your help!
From the traceback you shared on first screenshot, the problem seems to be with report_model variable which is reference to report.label.report_label object, defined in label/report/dunamic_model.py file which contains the method get_report_values. But from odoo 12 community code, ir.actions.report is looking for _get_report_values, the mismatch between this two method name is actually causing the problem.
Summary of a problem:
I am writing some code that checks the content of a FTS file header (data saved from a telescope) using astropy.io.fits. My problem is when I try to open .FTS.gz files instead of .FTS files on a remote server. When I open() a .FTS.gz I get errors, if I gunzip the .FTS.gz file, all is good. One of the errors suggest I have an END missing card. Searching online, I used a suggestion of using the ignore_missing_end=True argument in fits.open(), but then I get the next error. This next error suggests my FITS file is empty or corrupt, however it is not the case. I can open it with SAOImage DS9 without any problems, plus I have run this handy online tool called fitsverify which reports no errors in my file. If I download the offending file .FTS.gz and run a similar code to fits.open() this file locally, I get no errors at all. An example of an offending file (used in the code below) is now uploaded here.
The Astropy documentation says:
"Working with compressed files
The open() function will seamlessly open FITS files that have been compressed with gzip, bzip2 or pkzip. Note that in this context we’re talking about a fits file that has been compressed with one of these utilities - e.g. a .fits.gz file."
How do I open a remote .FTS.gz file without downloading it? I have hundreds of thousands of files like this, so downloading is not an option and it is not just one file that gives a problem, it is all of them.
Code and errors:
from astropy.io import fits
import paramiko
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
client.connect('myhostname', username='myusername', password='mypassword')
apath = '/path/to/folder/to/search'
apattern = '"RUN0001.FTS.gz"'
rawcommand = 'find {path} -name {pattern}'
command = rawcommand.format(path=apath, pattern=apattern)
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(command)
filelist = stdout.read().splitlines()
for i in filelist:
sftp_client = client.open_sftp()
remote_file = sftp_client.open(i)
hdulist = fits.open(remote_file)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/amusaeva/Documents/PyCharm/FITSHeaders/stackoverflow.py", line 17, in <module>
hdulist = fits.open(remote_file)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 166, in fitsopen
lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 404, in fromfile
lazy_load_hdus=lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 1040, in _readfrom
read_one = hdulist._read_next_hdu()
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 1135, in _read_next_hdu
hdu = _BaseHDU.readfrom(fileobj, **kwargs)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/base.py", line 329, in readfrom
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/base.py", line 394, in _readfrom_internal
header = Header.fromfile(data, endcard=not ignore_missing_end)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/header.py", line 450, in fromfile
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/header.py", line 519, in _from_blocks
raise IOError('Header missing END card.')
IOError: Header missing END card.
Process finished with exit code 1
hdulist = fits.open(remote_file, ignore_missing_end=True)
WARNING: VerifyWarning: Error validating header for HDU #0 (note: Astropy uses zero-based indexing).
Header size is not multiple of 2880: 7738429
There may be extra bytes after the last HDU or the file is corrupted. [astropy.io.fits.hdu.hdulist]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/amusaeva/Documents/PyCharm/FITSHeaders/stackoverflow.py", line 17, in <module>
hdulist = fits.open(remote_file, ignore_missing_end=True)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 166, in fitsopen
lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 404, in fromfile
lazy_load_hdus=lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 1044, in _readfrom
raise IOError('Empty or corrupt FITS file')
IOError: Empty or corrupt FITS file
Process finished with exit code 1
import os
from astropy.io import fits
folderTosearch = "/path/to/folder/to/search/locally";
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folderTosearch):
for file in files:
if file.endswith("RUN0001.FTS.gz"):
hdulist = fits.open(os.path.join(root, file))
This happens because the sftp call passes some variant of a file-like object (which has a .read() method that fits.open() will use.
The file like object, however, is still a gzip file. Astropy checks whether a file is zipped only for file names, that is, when the argument to fits.open() is a string (that happens to be a path). Astropy does not appear to test for the magic bytes that identify a byte stream as a gzip file. Oddly enough, it does do this verification when path strings are passed. Arguably, this may be a slight shortcoming in the astropy.io.fits module, but perhaps there's a reason for it.
(Disclaimer: the above conclusion is from scanning quickly through the relevant source code; I may have missed something. Hopefully people will correct me if so.)
One solution is to do the unzipping yourself. I've cobbled up the following:
from cStringIO import StringIO
import zlib
for i in filelist:
sftp_client = client.open_sftp()
remote_file = sftp_client.open(i)
decompressed = StringIO(
zlib.decompress(remote_file.read(), zlib.MAX_WBITS|32))
hdulist = fits.open(decompressed)
Above, we're reading the full contents of the remote file (remote_file.read(), then uncompressing the contents. That results in a string, so we wrap it in a StringIO instance to make it a file-like object again, that we can pass to fits.open(). (For the zlib.MAX_WBITS|32 argument: see this answer.)
Alternatively, you can sftp the file to local disk, and then read the file (with the local filename) locally. The above just keeps everything in memory.
When trying to import some objects from my server (debian) on another machine (mac), I get this error:
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 126, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 77, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 46, in call_object
Module OFS.ObjectManager, line 620, in manage_importObject
Module OFS.ObjectManager, line 638, in _importObjectFromFile
Module ZODB.ExportImport, line 92, in importFile
Module transaction._transaction, line 260, in savepoint
Module transaction._transaction, line 257, in savepoint
Module transaction._transaction, line 690, in __init__
Module ZODB.Connection, line 1123, in savepoint
Module ZODB.Connection, line 587, in _commit
Module ZODB.ExportImport, line 176, in _importDuringCommit
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_dt_reconstructor'
The Zope and Python versions are exactly the same (Zope 2.13.19 and Python 2.7.3) on both machines. Re-importing on the same machine works fine.
I tracked down the object causing the problem, it is an instance of one of my custom classes. My problem is that I don't know where to look to fix the error.
One of the base classes of this class uses DateTime, but that does not cause any problems with the other classes that inherit from this base class.
Check your DateTime egg versions.
DateTime 2.12.7 added the function _dt_reconstructor, and you'll need to use at least that release in the 2.12.x series, or use version 3.0.1 or newer in the 3.0.x series to be able to unpickle DateTime instances again.
The 3.0.x series uses a much more efficient internal structure, leading to significant memory savings. However, 3.0.x DateTime code can read 2.x series pickles, but once you move to 3.x you cannot go back to 2.x as the format is not backwards compatible.
I'm using fileinput to read some large data:
import gzip
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input(f):
print line
However I got errors like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/share/lib/python2.6/fileinput.py", line 253, in next
line = self.readline()
File "/share/lib/python2.6/fileinput.py", line 345, in readline
self._file = open(self._filename, self._mode)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '#HWI-ST150_0129:2:1:13466:2247#0/1\n'
Cannot fileinput take file object as input? Then how to use fileinput to deal with gzip file?
Nope, the first argument to fileinput.input should be a list of filenames. What you want can be achieved with
for line in gzip.open('/scratch/try.fastq.gz')
print line
fileinput exists to support the idiom where a program reads from a list of files, probably supplied on the command line, or standard input if no files have been specified. If you still want to use it, even though it's useless in your example, you should do
for line in fileinput(['/scratch/try.fastq.gz'], openhook=gzip.open):
print line
As other sources have said, the value for openhook must be a function, but that doesn't mean you can't call a function to return a function. For example, if you want to support multiple different types of incoming files you could write something like this:
import fileinput
import gzip
def get_open_handler(compressed):
if deciding_data:
# mode comes in as 'r' by defualt, but that means binary to `gzip`
return lambda file_name, mode: gzip.open(file_name, mode='rt')
# the default mode of 'r' means text for `open`
return open
# get args here
for line in fileinput.input(args.files, openhook=get_open_handler(args.compressed))
As you can see, we are calling a function from openhook, but that function returns another function. In this case, we are fixing the mode of gzip.open, but we can do anything we want, including using functools.partial to bind some values to a function so that when the default filename and mode get passed to the function assigned to openhook, the function will do what you want.