I want to link my Google plus page instead of google plus profile for www.electricaltechnology.org in google plus authorship...Will it work?
in simple words...
can we link google+ page instead of google+ profile in google authership
Authorship only works for profiles - but for pages you can add
<link rel="publisher" href="page-url-goes-here" />
in the head of the page to link your web page with your Google+ page. If you point your Google+ page at your domain, this will enable a tick on your page for a verified URL, but it wont add a profile picture to the search result. More at https://support.google.com/plus/answer/1713826?hl=en-GB
We use googleplus api in our project, so user can link his account. Then we display a link retreived from https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo endpoint (field "link"), but we start getting links that leads to 404 page. Link shape looks like every other valid link. https://plus.google.com/USER_ID
Not all Google accounts have Google+ profiles.
I am a manager of a google+ page and I want to link the app created by my google account with that page. How I can do this?
Is it possible or not?
For my website AglaSem i have 6-7 subdomains for different sections. I tried to link all of them with my google+ page as publisher. However i noticed that the only url which i added on gogole+ page profile as website works for rel="publisher" and not any other.
It shows the error:
This is not a verified publisher markup.
Is there any way i can link all subdomains to same google+ page as its not convent to make google+ pages for each one of them.
I am trying to an implement stack of social buttons for mobile application. I got mobile links for Facebook and Twitter but I am not getting right link for LinkedIn and Google+ apps. Currently I have link http://m.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=www.example.com but I think this links does not work properly and it shows webpage instead of big login box like twitter and facebook. Can someone please help me to get correct links for google+ and Linkedln?
LinkedIn URL Format:
Source: Official LinkedIn Documentation for Sharing.
Google+ Format:
Probably not useful anymore. Google+ has discontinued. Source: Google+ Blog.
When I google for cms tutorial my website is the first link which is obviously great. Unfortunatly it is showing the Under construction title I was using when I was updating my site. When you click on the link you of course you go to my website but the title link still remains "CMS TUTORIAL SITE - Under construction" in google instead of the name of the actual page.
How can I request google to re-index that page, I allready requested to remove the cache for that url with the google webmaster tool.
You could request to update your url here.