semantic web add property onto single class - semantic-web

Is it possible in OWL to add a property onto a single class? So far, I see properties joining a pair of classes (like defining whether or not properties are symmetric, etc.). For example, what kind of property would I use to tag whether or not an animal is a pest. If it matters, I'm using Protégé to construct the ontology.

If your question is whether or not a property can have same domain and range, then yes, it is possible.
If X is a class and p is a property, it is possible to have
p range X
p domain X
and an assertion would look like:
i type X // an instance of X
i p i // a self assertion
I'm not sure how this fits your example though: how are you modeling 'being a pest'? It looks to me like you could model this as
i type Pest
e.g., as a class assertion not a property.


Search with regex - is there a way to find classes that do not have a certain annotation in any of its methods?

I want to look in a certain directory and find in all of its sub directories all of the classes that derive from X and do not have annotation Y.
If this isn't possible, I can manage with all classes that do not contain annotation Y.
Is that possible with the regex search?
I think it's not possible. But it's possible to find classes that do not have given annotation (works only if class have only one annotation):
Regex: #(?!Annotation.*)
This is possible using Structural Search. Use a pattern like this:
class $A$ extends $X$ {}
Edit Variables:
X - text/regexp: X, Apply constraint within type hierarchy checked to find indirect subclasses
Y - text/regexp: Y, min/max occurrences: 0
To search a specific directory only, you will have to create a custom scope.

What is the meaning of "Equivalent To" in Protege?

I am studying OWL and I am trying to build an Ontology using Protege.
I found an option called Equivalent To in Protege.
What is that option for please? Is it for dividing the space of instances? or is it to set the Object properties that a class can have?
Equivalent to applies to class expressions, object properties and data properties.
Equivalence in class expressions
In class expressions, equivalence means that two classes have the same individuals in any interpretation (i.e., the two classes are alternate names, or equivalent definitions, for the same set of individuals).
Equivalence in data and object properties
For object and data properties, asserting that two properties are equivalent means that their domains and ranges apply to both properties, and that every assertion using one property can be rewritten as using the other.
For example, suppose I declare a hasOwner object property and an ownedBy as equivalent, then: MyCar hasOwner Me implies MyCar ownedBy Me.

When can a reference's type differ from the type of its object?

Yesterday I was asked a question in an interview:
Suppose class A is a base class, and class B is derived class.
Is it possible to create object of:
class B = new class A?
class A = new class B?
If yes, then what happen?
Objects of type B are guaranteed to also be objects of type A. This type of relationship is called "Is-a," or inheritance, and in OOP it's a standard way of getting polymorphism. For example, if objects of type A have a method foo(), objects of type B must also provide it, but its behavior is allowed to differ.
The reverse is not necessarily true: an object of type A (the base class) won't always be an object of type B (the derived class). Even if it is, this can't be guaranteed at compile-time, so what happens for your first line is that the code will fail to compile.
What the second line does depends on the language, but generally
Using a reference with the base type will restrict you to only accessing only members which the base type is guaranteed to have.
In Java, if member names are "hidden" (A.x exists and so does B.x, but they have different values), when you try to access the member you will get the value which corresponds to the type of the reference rather than the type of the object.
The code in your second example is standard practice when you are more interested in an API than its implementation, and want to make your code as generic as possible. For instance, often in Java one writes things like List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(). If you decide to use a linked list implementation later, you will not have to change any code which uses list.
Take a look at this related question: What does Base b2 = new Child(); signify?
Normally, automatic conversions are allowed down the hierarchy, but not up. That is, you can automatically convert a derived class to its base class, but not the reverse. So only your second example is possible. class A = new class B should be ok since the derived class B can be converted to the base class A. But class B = new class A will not work automatically, but may be implemented by supplying an explicit conversion (overloading the constructor).
A is super class and B is a SubClass/Derived Class
the Statement
class A = new class B is always possible and it is called Upcasting because you are going Up in terms of more specific to more General
Fruit class is a Base Class and Apple Class is Derived
we can that Apple is more specific and must possess all the quality of an Fruit
so you can always do UPcasting where as
DownCasting is not always possible because Apple a=new Fruit();
A fruit can be a Apple or may it is not

Frege: can I derive "Show" for a recursive type?

I'm trying to implement the classical tree structure in frege, which works nicely as long as I don't use "derive":
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
| Empty
derive Show Tree
gives me
realworld/chapter3/ kind error,
type constructor `Tree` has kind *->*, expected was *
Is this not supported or do I have to declare it differently?
Welcome to the world of type kinds!
You must give the full type of the items you want to show. Tree is not a type (kind *), but something that needs a type parameter to become one (kind * -> *).
derive Show (Tree a)
Note that this is shorthand for
derive Show (Show a => Tree a)
which resembles the fact that, to show a tree, you need to also know how to show the values in the tree (at least, the code generated by derive will need to know this - of course, one could write an instance manually that prints just the shape of the tree and so would not need it).
Generally, the kind needed in instances for every type class is fixed. The error message tells you that you need kind * for Show.
EDIT: eliminate another possible misconception
Note that this has nothing to do with your type being recursive. Let's take, for example, the definition of optional values:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
This type is not recursive, and yet we still cannot say:
derive Show Maybe -- same kind error as above!!
But, given the following type class:
class ListSource c -- things we can make a list from
toList :: c a -> [a]
we need say:
instance ListSource Maybe where
toList (Just x) = [x]
toList Nothing = []
(instanceand derive are equivalent for the sake of this discussion, both make instances, the difference being that derive generates the instance functions automatically for certain type classes.)
It is, admittedly, not obvious why it is this way in one case and differntly in the other. The key is, in every case the type of the class operation we want to use. For example, in class Show we have:
class Show s where
show :: s -> String
Now, we see that the so called class type variable s (which represents any future instantiated type expression) appears on its own on the left of the function array. This, of course, indicates that s must be a plain type (kind *), because we pass a value to show and every value has per definition a type of kind *. We can have values of types Int or Maybe Int or Tree String, but no value ever has a type Maybe or Tree.
On the other hand, in the definition of ListSource, the class type variable c is applied to some other type variable a in the type of toList, which also appears as list element type. From the latter, we can conclude, that a has kind * (because list elements are values). We know, that the type to the left and to the right of a function arrow must have kind * also, since functions take and return values. Therefore, c a has kind *. Thus, c alone is something that, when applied to a type of kind * yields a type of kind *. This is written * -> *.
This means, in plain english, when we want to make an instance for ListSource we need the type constructor of some "container" type that is parameterized with another type. Tree and Maybe would be possible here, but not Int.

OOP , object concept

According to the standard definition, an object is an entity that contains both data and behaviour.
According to my understanding the data is sent from outside.For eg,we have a class that computes the square of a number.We create an instance and sends a message,along with the number, to the object to compute the square,.
Are we not sending the data from outside?
Why do all the definitions state that the object contains the data?
Data, in this context, is state of the object. The definition says that the state/data of object should be internally stored. For example, consider the following class:
class Math {
Double square(double x) {
return x * x;
// other similar functions
As a language construct, it is a class. But, it is not a true class in object-oriented sense. Because it does not have a state or data. It is just a function wrapped in a class construct. This is not necessarily wrong. Because in this case, it happens that you have operations that don't need a state.
What the definition trying to emphasize is that: you have a real object, when it (or it's class) has both data and behavior. Not every usage of the class construct represents a true object.
Therefore, you have an object if the class representing it satisfies the following three conditions.
The class has state/date. If not, then it is just a bunch of functions. It is not object-oriented, it is procedural.
The class has behavior. If not, then it is just a container, a bunch of variable ( Structures in C).
Not only the class has state/data and behavior/methods, but there is an intrinsic relation between the data and behavior. Which means that just throwing some variables and functions together does not make a true object. For example, if you have state/data and you also have some method, in the class, but if that function does not need to operate upon any of the state, then there is a question whether that method really belongs to that class.
Below is a simple example of what I think is a proper class (representation of object).
Class Patient {
// blood pressure
double systolic;
double diastolic;
double weight;
int age;
public Patient(double systolic, double diastolic, double weight, int age){
Public boolean isHealthy(){
// do some calculations and algorithms on age, weight and blood pressure indicators.
// return result as true of false
Here, we see that class has both state and behavior. We also see that both state and behavior really belong to this class. They are properties of the concept of patient. We further see that operation has an intrinsic relation to data. You can’t decide whether the patient is healthy or not, without consulting/using its state.
I think the problem is with your example which badly fit with an Object Oriented design. I just mean that computing the square of a number is a memoryless function thus there is obviously no reason to store data inside the object properties. However when you will have to deal with the management of stateful entities you will get more easily the importance of classes and object orientation in general.
Your example is a private case where the object doesn't need to hold data (i.e. state). In this case it can be replaced with a function (just the behavior). Most objects need to store data. E.g., an object Person should contain the qualities describing the person, not just possible behavior.
An object is an instance of a class.
Class (a, a*a) is square class but (2, 4) is an instance of it (object). Yes, data is sent to the class and creates new object.