Adding a UIViewController to a UIView - objective-c

I have ViewcontrollerA , which is a view made in storyboard.
In this view, i have a UIView that i have added in storyboard and create an outlet to it called containerView.
I wants to add some other viewControllerB (also made in storyboard) to the container.
Tried that :
//add to container a new view from storyboard,with id called serviceView
UIViewController *sv = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"ServiceView"];
[self.containerView addSubview:sv.view];
and got a crash.
How can i do that ?
Thanks .

It most likely crashed because sv is nil, though you should have posted what reason it gave for the crash in your question. If this is the reason, it's probably because your storyboard doesn't contain a view controller with that storyboard identifier. But even if you fixed this, this isn't the proper way of doing view controller containment.
As for adding a view controller to another view controller, you need to use the view controller containment API added in iOS 5. In fact you can even use the storyboard to do view controller containment without writing code. From the Object Library, you can drag out a "Container View". It will let you attach another view controller from your storyboard graphically.


Using Storyboard ViewControllers

What would be main difference between using instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier and performSegueWithIdentifier ?
I think that performSegue.. is used for normal pushing of viewControllers as instantiateViewController is used for some kind of modal showing of viewController and then dismissing it when used.
Since there are also modal and custom push in storyboard I'm not sure about my theory so if anyone could explain when to use which one ?
The difference is that performSegueWithIdentifier is used to transition to a specific view controller that is connected by a segue in interface builder (Transition1 in my screenshot).
instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier can be used to instantiate any view controller on a storyboard, regardless if it's connected by a segue or not (Transition2 in my screenshot).
Push, modal, or any other custom transition could be used for either scenario.
instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier can also be used to instantiate view controllers from separate storyboard files. A segue has to be within the same storyboard file.
The segue identifier used in performSegueWithIdentifier needs to be set in interface builder.
The view controller identifier used in instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier is the Storyboard ID field in interface builder.

Reuse UIViewController instances when using storyboard

I decided to give the use of storyboards a go in my current iPhone app. I am facing a bit of a problem. I really need to reuse my UIViewController instances.
What do I mean by that? Well, for example I have a table view controller. When I tap a cell, another view controller is loaded from the storyboard and pushed onto the navigation controller stack. This all works well, but it takes about half a second to a second each time this view controller is loaded. Before I was using story boards I simply solved this problem by caching the created instance so the second time you tap a cell the view controller can be immediately shown.
By caching the created instance I mean something like this:
if (!cachedInstance) {
cachedInstance = [MyViewController new];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:cachedInstance];
Does anyone know how to accomplish this using the storyboard? Thanks in advance.
If you are using segues, you will need to create custom segues in order to use a cached view controller like you did before. Otherwise, the typical "push" segue will create a new instance of the view controller for segue.destinationViewController. If you write a custom UIStoryboardSegue class and use custom segues you can override initWithIdentifier:source:destination: and put your cached view controller in for the destinationViewController, and then override perform to use the classic pushViewController call.
That is how you handle the segue if you are really intent on using them. I would just skip it though, unless you really want the fancy arrows to lay everything out on your storyboard. If you skip it you can just instantiate the view controllers into the cache and then push them on just like you did before.
If your question is more about locating a view controller inside a storyboard then you can use:
UIViewController *vc = [[UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"MainStoryboard" bundle:nil] instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"Some View Controller"];
Then you can save that to your cache and push it like you did in your example code.
Hope that helps.

Preventing the dismissal of a view controller in a segue

I am using StoryBoards and am trying to overlay a View Controller's view on top of another View Controller's view so that the two are visible (the top one has a couple of transparent areas).
If I connect the two together with a modal Segue and then call [self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"showTutorial" sender:nil]; the source view is removed and the destination one is shown. No joy.
If I connect them with a push Segue, calling [self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"showTutorial" sender:nil]; doesn't bring up the new view. Embedding the source view controller in a Navigation Controller brings up the destination view, but also removes the source view. No joy.
Any suggestions?
#Inafziger: I thought I would have been able to do that with a segue, but segues are not the way. Also, as I wanted to keep working with the Storyboard and avoid making a new nib file from scratch, here's what I did:
tutorialView = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"Tutorial"];
[self.view addSubview:tutorialView.view];
Then in the Storyboard, write "Tutorial" in the ViewController's Identifier field.

Add subview using storyboard without external xib

I'm learning Objective-C.
I have a problem with new storyboard feature. I would initialize a subview inside a main view with xib.
Without using storyboard, I could do it using:
controller = [[UIViewController alloc]initWithNibName:#"NibName" bundle:nil];
[self.view addSubview:controller.view];
Now, I wouldn't use an external xib, but I want manage a view in a class and use it like a subview in another class.
I know that is possible use a xib and use a similiar code to load it, but it must be out the storyboard.
First create the view in your storyboard and then instantiate it with the following code. Also make sure you give it an identifier via the Attributes Inspector.
controller = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"identifier"];
[self.view addSubview:controller.view];
First create subview with design in some viewcontroller xib after that copy that view and paste in sub of ur viewcontroller in story board and give connections. Hope it will work.

Changing rootviews view type in an iOS app

While creating a navigation based application, it automatically creates a root view controller which subclasses UITableViewController, but in MainWindow.xib as you know I can't see a UITableView is placed under root view controller but we drag and drop a table view there. Can we simply drag and drop a UIView instead of a UITableView and change the root view controller class to sublass a uiview instead of UITableView and change its methods?
Or I must drag a UITableView in IB for the root view controller? I am a beginner and I do not want to make complicated things so what is the simplest way of using a UIView as a root. If thats not simple I will stick with the table view.
Yes you can change. You just need to change some bindings in inteface builder and change rootViewController's superclass to UIViewController instead of UITableViewController.
First open the rootViewController.xib and delete the tableiew from there and drag-n-drop a UIView. Bind that View to view property in file-owner. Change superclass of rootViewController from UITableViewController to UIViewController. That's it.
Here are the screenshots.